Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 928 Aftermath Shock

After staying on Cybertron for a while, Emperor Weishan left, and the huge phantom quietly left Cybertron, moving in the realm of the gods, while carefully erasing its own trajectory to prevent unknown There is a location that can be traced to Cybertron.

In the realm of gods, existences with insufficient strength must pay attention to this point. Now that Cybertron Star has just gained a firm foothold in the realm of gods, there are always complications.

Donnie looked at the distant figure of Emperor Weishan, pondered for a moment, then observed the transcendent in the main universe through the clone, got up, and went straight to a large hall.

Here, the powerful power of chaos is exuding stronger fluctuations than before, and the existence of manipulating the power of chaos is trying to adapt to the more stringent laws of the realm of gods.

Slightly adjusting one's own vital signs and energy template is the fastest way.

"What's the matter?" Downey walked in and asked with concern.

"It's basically fine. I have already understood the basic rules of the domain of gods. Although I still feel a little bored now, there is no problem in terms of immediate combat power."

Wanda slowly opened her eyes, and her whole body was filled with breath. After merging the rules of the domain of gods, her whole body ushered in a sublimation. Her ruby-like eyes looked at Downey, full of gentleness as always.

"What about the others, can they adapt?" Wanda asked.

"Eighth-level gods are definitely fine. Ordinary residents are not. It will take a lot of time, but the impact will not be great."

Donnie rubbed Wanda's hair, as he had been doing for so many years, and immediately took her into his arms, and let out a long breath.

The two hugged each other like this, feeling each other's heartbeat.

Standing in the realm of the gods is the goal of their joint efforts. Even after going through so many ups and downs, they finally succeeded. Downey's battle journey is enough to be engraved in the multiverse for countless years and praised by countless lives.

At this moment, the residents of the entire Cybertron star, while enjoying the joy of their dreams come true, are urgently adapting to the new living environment.

Those who are accustomed to living in the multiverse, if they directly enter the void of God's Domain, they will be easily destroyed by the heavy world pressure. If it is not for the Cybertron star to create a suitable environment for their survival, and at the same time carry the burden from the gods. With the power of the world in the domain, most of the ordinary residents will die.

Fortunately, they have time to deal with this change.

The whole planet is caught in an atmosphere of exhilaration and frenzy,

Countless people are working hard for a new life. It is true that this world is very dangerous, but don't forget that they are not weak at all. There are new gods in charge, Weishan Emperor who is quasi-level 9 as foreign aid, and more than a dozen level 8 gods who can destroy the multiverse.

They are strong enough, and they will not be born with inadequacies like those small and medium-sized realms. They are afraid all day long. They want to enjoy the benefits of living in the realm of gods, but they also have to face the powerful enemies who don't know when they will come to the door. They are trembling.

Cybertron is lucky enough and powerful enough!

Liana was holding the Book of Darkness, and she was covered in a black robe, although she, a magician, didn't like to use all kinds of gorgeous magic at all—that was the style of magicians in the sanctuary of Achalas.

As the queen of the border of hell, she prefers to take out the sword of the soul and rush up to shout haha, chopping the enemy into eighteen pieces.

"When will I be able to absorb the knowledge in this book..."

Liana's small face under the hood was wrinkled, bitter, and the ancient book exuding powerful magical energy in her hand seemed to be hot.

If given a choice, Liana would really not want to touch this thing.

But there is no way, as the younger sister of Colossus, she is also a mutant who has awakened the talent of magic. It is difficult to shake the upper limit of potential. She enjoys the advantage of leaping in strength in the early stage, but she will face the decline in the later stage.

Demigod, it's really not enough, but when she holds this book of darkness, she can confront the seventh-level existence head-on.

Liana had grown impatient for a long time, and only wanted to throw away the book early, holding it all day long, making him an academic mage.

"Have you heard that the sanctuary of Acharas has started recruiting magic apprentices!"

"Quick, I want to sign up!"

"What kind of magician? You have to chant spells politely from a long distance, like a magic stick, where can you feel comfortable with cannons... Cannons are a man's romance!"

The old mage marked a large piece of land on Cybertron and began to rebuild the sanctuary of Ajarath, and the news of recruiting apprentices from all of Cybertron spread throughout the entire Cybertron in just a few hours. Tan star.

In the 1,500 years of fighting in the wall of speed and force, too many new fighters were born, and Downey reawakened the souls of the dead and reconstructed their bodies. Residents have swelled to hundreds of billions.

But this is still too little, and it seems extremely sparse on a planet comparable to a universe, but even so, the news of the reconstruction of the Sanctuary of Acharas has successfully attracted the interest of countless residents.

"It's so boring..." Liana hugged the Book of Darkness tightly, with a look of disdain on her face.

Academic mages and hand-to-hand mages are born with two paths.

In the sky, two arrogant figures roared past.

They were two guys who looked exactly the same, the same blue battle suit, and the same red cape.

"Chaoba, if you fly at such a slow speed again, I will beat you to death, believe it or not?!"

Duzun stopped suddenly, and immediately triggered an energy storm at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Chaoba's face was dark, with a little bruise on his face, and he looked at Duzun with deep resentment and fear in his eyes.

During this time, he was so unlucky that Chaoba felt that he was the most pitiful person in the world.

Originally dominating Earth III, he managed to overthrow those disgusting superheroes, and then he only needs to kill the Dark Avenger, he is the king of the world.

It's a pity that Mobius, the evil star, has come.

After finally escaping to the main universe, Earth, and thinking about going to the main universe to be the boss, in the end, he was pressed to the ground repeatedly by the outrageously powerful superheroes and supervillains there.

Now he was caught on the planet Cybertron again, and was abused by the Domineering Master every day.

Chaoba almost looked around with tears in his eyes, the terrifying God's Domain completely eliminated the possibility of him escaping.

He had to face his anti-matter self every day, and was beaten up every day.

"Why do we have to learn that damn magic? Our resistance to magic is very low..." Chaoba clutched his swollen cheeks, and the swelling quickly disappeared under the sun, but it was useless, and it would soon be gone again. Beaten and swollen by the Sovereign.

"Stupid thing! Short-sighted, no wonder you have been a little brother all your life!" Duzun scolded, "In this world, life with a fatal weakness is extremely fragile, even if we are powerful Kryptonian life! We can only make progress if we overcome our flaws." Go higher!"

"The rebuilding of the Sanctuary of Achalas, even if it's our chance, do you want to be stuck on the threshold of a demigod for the rest of your life? It can be used in the single universe, but it can be used as cannon fodder in the realm of gods!"

Duzun yelled loudly, his eyes were malicious, he paused, and he said: "So, you will learn magic first in a while, don't worry, I promise to guarantee your life safety, can you still trust my strength?"

Duzun stroked Chaoba's big head, as if he was stroking his own son.

Chaoba almost exploded in anger, but he had to succumb to the absolute power, with a complex expression of misery and happiness on his face. If there was no Domineering for him, he might have died long ago. On the planet Cybertron There are so many monsters, there are countless existences that can kill him.

At least, without Sovereign's protection, he died when he crashed into the wall of speed force.

"Two idiots..." Liana mocked deeply.

Duzun's ears moved, his eyes looked down, and he looked at the rebellious little queen Liana, and suddenly smiled ferociously.

He led the Speedmaster to land like a positioned missile.

"Little mage, don't you want to learn more powerful magic? If you don't want to, you'd better keep your mouth shut, or I'll beat the shit out of you."

Duzun coldly glanced at the book of darkness in Liana's hand, the magic particles escaping from it made the cells in Duzun's body extremely uncomfortable, and said immediately: "You should be lucky, if it wasn't for that one who was nostalgic, just because of you Such a thing is also worthy of having the Book of Darkness? I don’t pay attention to mere demigod mages.”

"You can try. By the way, are you also so strong when facing Dormammu? I dare to threaten Dormammu, do you dare?" Liana's eyes showed a fierce look, and she sneered, "When you are still in the anti-matter universe When I was playing with mud, I have been fighting against Dormammu in the dark dimension for countless years in the main universe."

Duzun's expression froze, his face couldn't hold back, he snorted coldly, turned around and left with Chaoba.

"Damn guy..." Liana stared at Du Zun.

Because of his domineering personality, he has very few friends. Many people are not interested in him at all, and they are not interested in associating with this bad-tempered guy.

Although Liana didn't figure it out until now, since Donnie valued being alone so much, why didn't he give him a tube of Doomsday serum? Even the superman of the main universe was taken over by him, so there is no reason not to give it to Domineering and Superman.

Looking at the two figures going away, Liana stood there watching for a while, then started to walk slowly again, holding the Book of Darkness in her arms all the time, bathed in a powerful magic force field.

The old mage established the Sanctuary of Acharas, and this is just the beginning. I heard that the old Shazam plans to rebuild the Fort of Eternity, just like the ancient Egyptian era, to establish a magical holy place.

However, Black Adam, who followed Franklin to Cybertron, expressed that he wanted to fight for the dominion of the new Eternal Fort. The two Shazams fought hard for this, and they got their brains out, accumulating thousands of years of experience. All the old hatred broke out in one breath.

"It's an extremely lively new world." Liana narrowed her eyes happily, then looked at the Book of Darkness in her hand, sighed deeply, and wrinkled her whole face again.


The thriving Cybertron star is rapidly adapting to the realm of gods, and each individual becomes stronger after receiving everything in the realm of gods.

The news of New God and Cybertron has gradually been transmitted in the realm of God. Some existences assert that the planet of New God has the qualifications to keep pace with Apocalypse and New Creation. At least, can Darkseid be positive? It is still unknown to block the existence of Sangongmo, but Xinshen did it in full view.

After expelling Sangongmo and Hollenmeyer one after another, he also brutally ordered more than a dozen eighth-level gods under his command to carry out a bloody massacre against the malicious bystanders who refused to leave. , completely indifferent to the situation of angering the local forces in God's Domain.

This kind of strength, as well as the strength that is qualified enough to support it, are very appetizing to those who are used to the weak and the strong.

"Does anyone know where the new god is? I'm going to seek refuge with him and join his planet." said a hideous monster.

"Hey, everyone thinks that the planetary world is not an open world like hell. As long as you have the opportunity to join it, it is equivalent to having a strong backing, not to mention the new god who has just established a foothold in God's Domain... Wait, are you ...Doomsday?!"

The tall and mighty Doomsday exuding an aura of indifference snorted coldly. Not only did the eyes not have the tyranny and desire for destruction that are unique to other Doomsdays, but they were more absolutely calm.

A very rare type of doomsday that is actually rational.

The guy who spoke immediately fled far away. During this period of time, countless lives were killed by the ancient destruction day, and there is no one who is not afraid of the ancient destruction day.

"It's not the ancient Doomsday... I remembered that when the New Gods launched countless Doomsdays into the Domain of Gods, you were one of them?! Stay away from me!!"

The Doomsday snorted coldly, and glanced at the useless thing with disdain.

"I, Gao Tianzun, don't need to obey your orders, you are not worthy at all!" Doomsday, who called himself Gao Tianzun, sneered, did not do anything, but left proudly.

Seeing Gao Tianzun's disappearing figure, the God who spoke had lingering fears: "I remember the first batch of low-quality Doomsdays, there were four leaders. I thought they would have been slaughtered by the beings in the realm of Gods. Thinking that this Gao Tianzun is still alive... and has evolved to be so strong!"

Gao Tianzun was originally a veteran Heavenly Father-level powerhouse. After being infected by the Doomsday virus mixed with destruction spores released by Downey, Gao Tianzun was exiled to the Realm of God by Downey. His strength went further and he stood at the eighth level.

He was born cautiously when he heard the news of the arrival of the new god. Now Doomsday's reputation is really bad, and he is literally screaming and screaming in the realm of gods.

The treacherous and cunning Gao Tianzun intends to seek refuge with Downey, and only Downey, the instigator, has the confidence and ability to accommodate the wandering Doomsday!

At least he is much better than wandering by himself. Gao Tianzun originally wanted to go to hell, and many Doomsdays who survived have entered hell.

But hell is too far away, and the competition there is extremely fierce. Creatures from countless worlds gather in the chaotic and open hell, and the battle situation can be imagined.

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