Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 933 Darkseid War

Savitar glanced at the clown like a fool.

"Want to know? You are also suitable for this trash fish?!"

Savitar sneered again and again.

The secret at the end of time is something that even countless unique gods want to know.

The concept of "time" mentioned here is not the time in the multiverse that can be played and modified at will, but involves the things left by the entire world at a known moment, and that is the real end of time , is a field that countless gods have never touched.

That era has long since disappeared, and there is no way to explore it.

And there is only one and a half people in this world who have truly witnessed the secret of the end of time-the Flash who created the wall of speed and force is one.

Savitar, who fought fiercely with The Flash at the end of time, is half of them. His ability can only allow him to see extremely vague scenes, and he doesn't know the specific inside story and follow-up situation.

Therefore, theoretically, there is only The Flash who really knows the secret of the end.

"I know, I know, isn't it possible to help those old immortals break through the wall of origin..."

The clown wasn't angry at all, and talked eloquently: "At least I'm also the emperor of the multiverse, and I know what you guys want..."

"That's what other people want, I don't want that kind of thing at all!" Savitar interrupted the clown with a look of disdain.

"What? You don't want it? Are you serious? You don't want it now, and you don't want it when you stand at the top?! You're probably a fool!"

The clown has a big mouth and an exaggerated expression.

Savitar didn't bother to talk to the idiot.

It's just a clown, it's not bad to use it for fun, but to discuss things... Let's forget it.

The clown can completely overcome those superheroes who have a bottom line and integrity. The bottom line and integrity make human beings extremely vulnerable in certain situations and can be easily defeated. This is what the clown is good at.

But for Savitar, a villain who killed even his relatives and friends... Hehehe, it's ridiculous.

The clown's verbal provocations cannot shake his firm will to transform from a hero to a villain. He understands the process of degeneration better than the clown.

The Joker's machinations are even more of a joke.

When the two weapons of speech and human heart lose their effect, the clown loses most of his combat power, no different from the fish on the board, not to mention Savitar, even a group of elite soldiers who are proficient in coordinating and fearing death, If you rush up with a knife, you can chop the clown into a pulp.

"What if I can take you out?" The clown suddenly lowered his voice, "I mean, I'll take you out of this damn world, and let's go back to the multiverse."

Savitar's expression remained unchanged: "What is your plan?"

"No, no, this is not fair, you must at least reveal a little information to me..." The clown bewitched.

Now the Joker has seized on Savitar's desire: to get out, and he's done it.

Savitar frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "I saw... a light."

The clown's eyes sparkled, and he interrupted quickly: "Okay, I get it, don't talk too much, or it won't be interesting,

Let me think about it, what is the use of this information~ Yes, it can be exchanged for your freedom! ! You made big money man! ! ! "

Savitar looked at him indifferently, half of his burned face trembled faintly, carefully hiding his murderous intentions.

Once out of trouble, it would be better to kill this jumping circus member casually.

"What's your plan?" Savitar asked calmly.

The clown suddenly fell silent, sitting on the ground in a daze, muttering to himself from time to time.

This annoyed Savitar, and when he was about to speak, the clown suddenly made a silent gesture.

"Hush—he's coming!"


"Our helper." The clown grinned.

At this time, a loud roar came: "Clown! The troublemaker is here again, and he brought his little brother, what do you want to do this time? I advise you to give up, you can't have a higher IQ than me—— Let's see how the troublemaker can overwhelm you in terms of IQ!"

Hearing this voice, for some reason, Savitar's restless heart suddenly calmed down.

Very good, is it a troublemaker? This wave has stabilized, and I don't know why, as soon as Savitar knew that he was going to play tricks on the troublemaker, he was determined and began to calculate what to do after he got out of trouble.

"Someone moved my weapon, it's too hateful, I want to take it back! Could it be Donnie?" Savitar was thinking about his plan after the escape.


The two prisoners in the fifth dimension were planning to escape from prison, but this caused no waves. All the high-level gods turned their attention to the multiverse.

The huge sonic boom channel pierced through the channel of God's Domain and Wantianyi World. Its powerful penetrating power made the Wall of Speed ​​and Force powerless, and it could only let Darkseid enter the multiverse calmly.

In fact, it is not easy to talk about calmness. In order to support the movement of Darkseid's main body, even if he used all his strength, the sonic boom channel became shaky.

This is also the first time in history that Darkseid entered the multiverse with his body.

The five gods noticed Darkseid's invasion, stood in the inner world and looked at the outside world, watching Darkseid's movements indifferently, but did not do anything.

Even the strongest Annihilation just watched quietly, without the slightest intention of doing anything.

"That guy is here to find his opponent. It seems that he has found the anti-life equation... Tsk tsk, Mobius is in trouble."

Infinity is wrapped in a cloud of fog, gloating.

"The duel between Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor has nothing to do with us, so don't participate."

Annihilation left a sentence, turned around and left.

It's fine for them to toss as much as they want, anyway, it's a big deal to restart the multiverse.

It's best to get rid of the anti-monitor guy and go to the realm of God, because the anti-monitor is an exquisite egoist and will never stand on the side of the multiverse.


Darkseid shuttled through the blood domain, setting off a turbulent wave, disrupting the entire blood domain, countless universes trembled, and some new and old fragile universes were blasted on the spot and turned into dust.


There was a cold light in Dakseid's eyes.

In front of him, Mobius stood up straight without saying a word, and looked at this destined formidable enemy expressionlessly.

"You came sooner than I thought."

Mobius no longer suppressed his own power, and the strong anti-life force gradually spread. Wherever he passed, the suffocation that almost wiped out all living creatures turned countless areas into jedi.

It's just that his face is a little unhappy, looking at the menacing Darkseid, he seems a little absent-minded.

He kept cursing inwardly.

He originally wanted to set up the battlefield in the main universe, Earth, and destroy the hometown of the new gods, and the villains from the past on Earth 3 were all imprisoned there.

But Mobius just ran to the side of the main universe and took a look before being discouraged.

On the earth, a f**king thing, who didn't know if it was a human being or something else, actually made him fear from the bottom of his heart.

Can't see through, can't perceive, there is no escape of the slightest information set, but it is real, and all wishes come true, no solution.

Mobius immediately changed his mind and decided to stay away from the main universe.

Damn, that damn place mass-produces freaks.

Darkseid has been killed.

The Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation quickly approached, and a terrible induction erupted instantly. The two terrifying energy artifacts immediately produced a strange and even specious attraction.

It seems that only by killing the other party and taking away the other party's things can one complete oneself.

The red light in Dakseid's eyes became more and more terrifying, the throbbing from the soul made him uncontrollably reveal his longing.

Everyone knows that Darkseid spent most of his life searching for the whereabouts of the Anti-Life Equation, but when he faced the equation directly, he had to confront the equation head-on.

Obtaining the equation and completing the Omega effect is Darkseid's obsession and dream.

No nonsense, Darkseid slammed into Mobius fiercely like a meteor falling from the sky,

With a loud bang, hundreds of nearby universes were destroyed by clearly detectable energy ripples, and the shining lights illuminated part of the blood field, but quickly dimmed again.

The red light of blood is the eternal hue in the blood field, and everything else will be eclipsed.

The two gods with similar body shape and similar thick and dark bodies like rocks started a brazen battle like this. Every punch they punched brought a sense of destruction that could explode countless universes.

The two powerful gods clashed desperately, engaged in a cruel confrontation, countless worlds were affected, the foundation of the entire multiverse and even the world of Wan Tianyi was being destroyed, and it was in jeopardy.

No one took action to stop them, those who were incapable could only pray, and those who were capable did not want to intervene at all.

Everyone knows this is just the beginning.

"You can only use the Anti-Life Equation like this?" Darkseid challenged Mobius again, and the two figures were knocked back by the terrifying burst of energy.

Hearing this, Mobius tore off the shattered battle armor on his body, exposing the rough skin of the rock, and sneered again and again.

"You will see it, and die at my hands."

"You are a piece of rubbish, bearing the name of a watcher. If you hadn't gotten the Anti-Life Equation by chance, you would just be shivering in a corner. There are many existences in this world who can kill me, but I am sure What’s more, it definitely doesn’t include you.”

Dakseid grinned grinningly, but at the same time he was determined.

An incompetent thing that is anti-supervisory, sitting on an anti-life equation is actually capable of this... Hmph, it's about the same as him.

Mobius stared at the tyrant indifferently.

Rubbish? inability?

How long has it been since I got the equation, and I am on the same level as you who got the Omega effect very early. Who is more rubbish and incompetent?

Anyway, Darkseid thinks Mobius is rubbish, and Mobius thinks Darkseid is rubbish.

Then hit it.

The war broke out again, and the intensity was astonishingly terrifying. With the full force of the two beings standing at the top of the eighth level, they showed the combat power of the top of the eighth level pyramid for the first time.


Mobius held Darkseid's omega ray, sneered, and a white ray shot out from his eyes, blasting Darkseid.

The extreme opposing forces that wiped out life immediately wiped out Dakseid's existence to the maximum, including energy, cells, and even various information, meanings, and concepts of existence.

At this level, the confrontation between high-level gods is not limited to the superficial level of time and space. Information collection is also an important link. Various combat methods that are equivalent to the philosophical weapons pursued in scientific and technological civilization have become conventional forces. .

The entire multiverse was messed up by these two powerful and unreasonable guys. More and more areas were destroyed, timelines collapsed, spaces distorted, dimensions collapsed, and the universe shattered.

Like a domino falling down sharply, the entire multiverse suffered a terrible blow in a very short period of time.

None of the many gods care about this, the multiverse, it's like this, the hunting ground of the gods.

The wall of speed force was enraged, roaring down, and the terrifying barrier covering the sky and the sun was pressed down horizontally, trying to imprison Darkseid and the anti-monitor at the same time.

But, can't do it.

For the first time, Omega and Equation exploded with the power of the current limit, shaking the wall of speed force, so that the wall of speed force could not imprison the two villains for a while.

The wall of speed and force left slowly. It is not omnipotent, otherwise it would not allow the multiverse to be repeatedly restarted by powerful gods.

Mobius took Darkseid's attack hard, his body was covered with scars, he took the opportunity to hold Darkseid's head with both hands, and pulled fiercely with a growl.

With a cluck, an obvious crack appeared on Dakseid's head, which seemed to burst completely in the next second and be torn apart by Mobius.

"Daxseid is not weaker than Mobius, but his Omega effect is not as good as the anti-life equation."

Death watched the battle, covered his mouth and chuckled, stretched out his arms, but only received very few souls, and these souls merged into its body and disappeared.

Death clearly watched countless souls being shattered by the anti-life force, turned into a part of a certain system formula, and poured into Mobius continuously.

Every time these two monsters collide, a terrifying chain reaction is set off. Originally, the two were evenly matched, but as more universes were affected and collapsed, and countless lives died out, a large amount of life force was absorbed by the equation.

As long as the multiverse is still there, Mobius can explode without any scruples and get massive replenishment at any time.

Darkseid can't, it's not that the body is not strong, it's that Mobius is cheating.

Darkseid's eyes were filled with blood, and he went mad. With a roar, he grabbed Mobius's hands with both hands, and severed them from his head. The omega rays converged again, and he did not hesitate to squeeze them to usher in this attack. break out.

Mobius also shot anti-life rays from his eyes, and the red and white thermal sights collided with each other, and the collapse of the multiverse was greatly accelerated.


Mobius won again, the white light overwhelmed the red light, and Darkseid was knocked out.


There was a low growl.

Not Darkseid's roar.

It was the growl of Mobius.

He keeps getting stronger, white light emerges, countless life forces are absorbed by him, and the anti-life equation feeds back even more terrifying power for him.

But at this moment, Mobius had no joy in his heart, only deep fear and irritability.


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