Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 934 Demolition Brigade

The bloody battle between two powerful gods almost destroyed the fragile multiverse.

Darkseid and Mobius, any one of them, as long as they don't hide their power, they can easily destroy the multiverse by themselves. This is the power of the eighth-level peak.

Not to mention the situation of fighting now.

Dissipated energy carries immeasurable lethality. Wherever an insignificant energy particle passes, countless worlds are pierced, and many constant parameters of the universe are destroyed at the most fundamental level, and countless planets are shattered. Life howled.

But at this moment, just dying like this seems extremely happy, and it's so far away.

The anti-life equation exploded at full strength, and its radiation range easily covered the entire multiverse. All living life is the hunting target of the equation, and will be the energy and nutrition for the equation to continuously strengthen itself.

The souls are floating one by one, they can't even return to the reward of death, they are directly shrouded, broken, and absorbed by the ubiquitous anti-life force that governs everything.

Feedback to the host Mobius.

Evenly matched from the very beginning, Dakseid was gradually suppressed by the naked eye, and the power of the anti-life equation became stronger and stronger. The sense of depressive desolation weighed on the hearts of every creature.

Even the goddess of death no longer had the calmness and composure she had at the beginning, and slowly frowned.

The souls that entered her body became even rarer. Against the background of the collapse of the multiverse in all directions, and the reality of the death of countless lives, no one could figure out how much power the anti-life equation had absorbed.

"It's too strong..." Death whispered, and a little light flickered on the skull.

The anti-life force moved greedily, and death backed away.

At this moment, even death, the god that symbolized the end of the multiverse, was targeted by the equation and included in the scope of the recipe.

At this moment, Mobius is like a mass of extinguished light shining on everything, as long as there is something approaching, it will be swallowed up.

However, this not only did not make Mobius happy, but made him feel great fear.

"No - stop!"

Mobius roared again, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his body swelled again. Terrible energy surged in every cell in his body, and the huge pressure made Mobius overwhelmed.

Mobius can grow to the level of directly facing Darkseid's body, but he has perfectly absorbed the sum of more than a thousand universes, and he has reached the peak of what he can carry.

But now, the ghost knows how many remaining powers of the universe he has continuously absorbed.

The anti-life equation frantically collected life force for Mobius, almost bursting Mobius!

"I told you to stop!" Mobius panted heavily, his blood-red eyes were like a wild beast, and he roared loudly.

While roaring, he punched forward, and Dakseid raised his hand to block it, but was directly thrown into the air, and there were clearly visible shatters on his arm.

The anti-life light was desperately suppressed by Mobius, and after a moment of stalemate, it slowly restrained itself.

"Uncontrollable ability... you will die on it sooner or later."

Darkseid grinned,

He lowered his head and glanced at the arm that was almost completely destroyed. It was dry and dead. The energy and flesh and blood of the only god in the arm were plundered by the anti-life equation. During the swing, new power gushed out and the arm returned to its original state.

But he was not in a hurry, even if he suffered a loss, even under the attention of countless gods, his body was suppressed by the unknown anti-monitor for the first time when he left Apocalypse.

Mobius stared at Darkseid frantically, roared loudly, and rushed forward again.

But this time, Darkseid withdrew.

"Beasts should be dealt with by beasts."

After saying this, Dakseid retreated instantly, from one end of the blood field to the other in an instant. The spreading ruins of the universe were crushed by him, making him irresistible.

Darkseid released four mother boxes, and in the crashing collision, the explosion channel was fully opened again, and a slender black figure came out, with indifference and ruthlessness.

As soon as the black figure appeared, he stared at Dakseid, tilted his head and waited for a moment, then looked at Mobius who was rushing fiercely, and immediately stepped on the invisible force, raised his arm like a sharp sword, and stabbed fiercely at Mobius.

"This thing is not..."

"Dark Walker! The culprit who made Darkseid incomplete a long time ago!"

"The god of death wandering in countless worlds, there are legends about this thing in the multiverse and the realm of gods..."

"But why does this thing obey Darkseid's orders?"

"He was captured by the Omega effect and turned into a weapon."

Waves of divine thoughts fluctuated instantly, and consciousness of astonishment came out. Even the high-level gods changed their expressions the moment they saw the dark walker.

The strongest assassin in the world, the ultimate god of death who walks in countless worlds, refers to the dark walker.

In the early years, Darkseid was at his peak, with a complete godhead, the Omega effect in hand, sitting on the Apocalypse, overlooking the realm of God, ambitious, and countless worlds trembling under the gaze of Darkseid.

That was the most glorious era of Dakseid, and it was also the origin of his name as a tyrant. It was considered possible to chase after Yuga Khan's outstanding heir.

Then a mad guy brazenly assassinated him, shattering the godhead of the peak Dakseid, shocking countless existences.

Yes, this crazy guy is the dark walker, a guy with mysterious and unknown origins, but he is so powerful and outrageous.

Even many gods don't know whether to use the word "creature" to describe the dark walker.

The Dark Walker appeared many times, spreading terror, but did not show the slightest emotional fluctuations. Although he was in human form, he did not have any signs of life related to humans or gods.

Like, living ghosts that are active in all worlds.

It's like a program virus that exists on the Internet, everywhere.

There are no specific guidelines for hunting.

There is no standard for evaluating strength.

Do whatever you want.

It is the god of death who is most like the god of death.

But now, the guy who made the ancient gods fearful has become a weapon in Darkseid's hands!

As soon as the Dark Walker appeared, he obeyed the tyrant's order and pointed at Mobius! !

Floating like a ghost, no matter whether it is time, space or blood domain energy, this seemingly non-existent concept cannot be touched. As the dark shadow moves, the arm is raised, and it is aimed at Mobius' head.

"Go away!"

Mobius roared, the white light flickered wildly, and the equation immediately activated a complex calculation mechanism, trying to restore the life form of the dark walker.

Then the equations are all calculated, it seems that the dark walker doesn't apply the complex formula system of anti-life at all.

Mobius didn't show any surprise, just snorted coldly, pinched the dark walker's arm with a ferocious expression, and was about to use all his strength to cut off the arm, but the dark walker's movements were smooth and flowing without the slightest stagnation, and there was a smile on his dull face. Numb and hollow.


Arm broken.

The Dark Walker picked up his arm and stabbed it hard into Mobius' chest.


The anti-life equation, which was enough to destroy the multiverse, failed to withstand the attack of the Dark Walker. A terrifying penetrating wound appeared instantly, and the arm that penetrated Mobius' body actually melted at the same time, turning into something like a shadow, and quickly returned to the darkness on the walker.

"The power against life, use the God of Death to destroy it, Mobius, you are going to die soon." Dakseid grinned.

He is very satisfied with the performance of the dark walker. Although it is worthwhile to restrain this thing that does not know how to form it, and it always involves a lot of power of the Omega effect.

This thing is a monster that can shatter his godhead at his peak!

Mobius was expressionless, but his eyes were redder.

Part of the strength was poured into the wound, but it was found that the healing speed of the wound was extremely slow.

Mobius just looked down and didn't care anymore, he didn't have the energy to speak anymore.

The ever-increasing anti-life equation has been constantly collapsing the upper limit of Mobius' carrying capacity. Mobius is very clear that if this continues, he will either break the barrier and promote super-level life in one fell swoop without Darkseid. Layers, or explode on the spot and become blood dust, completely dead.

The latter is more likely. It is almost impossible to hit the quasi-ninth level in a desperate way, and Mobius, who knows his own limit clearly, absolutely refuses this idea.

No one in the Overseer family has ever been promoted to the super-large class, never, even if they are noble, even if their background is amazing, but when they entered the world inside the wall, some essential things have changed.

At least, the indigenous sole gods in the world inside the wall can suppress these degenerate foreign monitors and beat them violently.

The Dark Walker began to assassinate silently again. He was like a programmed robot, launching continuous and precise attacks on Mobius.

Darkseid watched quietly, constantly evaluating the potential of the Anti-Life Equation in his heart.

Gradually, some doubts arose in the tyrant's heart, and the more he watched, the more suspicious he became.

Mobius is not controlling the equation, but is controlled by the equation, and even, to some extent, becomes a slave of the equation.

"Then my Omega effect..." Dakseid pondered, cautious in his heart.

Darkseid is sincerely eager to deal with the anti-life equation. At the same time, he is also really cautious because of his unfamiliarity with the mysterious unknown, coupled with the vague connection from the Omega effect...

Darkseid started again.

Even if he loses his body this time, as long as he can figure out whether the Anti-Life Equation has the possibility of being controlled by him, everything is worth it.

Anyway, his so-called main body is just a temporary patchwork of most of the fragments of the godhead that was shattered back then, which is enough to make countless beings feel afraid.

A new round of war broke out again, wantonly destroying the dilapidated multiverse.


"It's really miserable."

Downey's avatar was watching from a distance, just like other gods, expressing emotion from time to time.

Especially those guys with the mentality of having nothing to do with themselves, watching the excitement happily.

A spectacular battle between the God of Apocalypse and the Anti-Monitor is the most eye-catching battle, even more exciting than the previous fierce battle of Barbatos and Annihilation.

Anyone who is a little older knows that the monitors are outsiders from the world outside the wall, and Darkseid is a local god.

Both of them are not very law-abiding guys. If you kill one, it counts as one. It is better to die together.

Compared with other gods with different thoughts, Downey thinks more.

"Anti-life equation..." Downey pondered this over and over again.

No intention of taking it.

Whether it was Darkseid, or Mobius, who had a noble background and a tough background, they all ended badly after getting the anti-life equation.

Not to mention Mobius, in order to get rid of the control of the equation, he did not hesitate to die once before breaking away.

Darkseid was even worse. In the comics, it was fine if the main body died, but he still didn't give up. A certain avatar wanted to get involved, and was directly infected with an unsolvable virus, and the hiccups were extremely neat.

It seems that the anti-life equation is just like its name, opposing all life, even all the existences that control it, must also be targeted.

Die at least once.

Downey remembered that the only one who got the Anti-Life Equation and ended well was Darkseid's parent and son, and Heavenly Father's adopted son Olean.

Olean's skeleton is very strange, not only did he not die when he got the formula, but he managed it the most smoothly. First, he ran to the Apocalypse and had a fight with his father. Then there are all kinds of mysterious operations to ensure that he will not die.

In the end, Olean was so angry that he took this weapon that stood on the opposite side of all life and ran to the earth to create a beautiful world.

He used the anti-life equation to build an ideal world suitable for all living beings to live happily.

This almost blows up Darkseid.

I don't know why the Anti-Life Equation didn't kill this guy with a strange brain circuit...

Downey even wondered, is this the correct way to open the equation?

But this is too flamboyant, isn't it, a weapon of destruction that stands in opposition to all life, and the correct operating manual is to build a perfect world?

Or, if this thing kills enough life forms and enters a staged or even semi-permanent stable and controllable state, this operation is relatively reliable.

Downey watched the tragic struggle between the two multiverse demolition team captains, then rolled his eyes, looked at the multiverse that was almost maimed, and said nothing.

No matter how promoted he is, he can't overestimate the Anti-Life Equation, and for the time being, he can't see the power that can make Downey advance to the quasi-ninth level, so there's no need to take that risk.

"The main universe is also affected?" Donnie watched the terrifying energy disperse into the main universe.

Looking over, many gods were looking at Downey, wondering if he would do anything to protect the main universe.

Downey had no expression on his face, and watched the excitement quietly, without moving.


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