Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 935 The Superman Alliance is in Action

Numerous existences looked over, showing doubts.

"Could it be that New God doesn't care about his hometown at all?" Death asked in surprise.

Terrible aftermaths of energy quickly flooded into the main universe. When other universes were destroyed in sevens and eighties, the main universe, surrounded or protected by many universes, finally inevitably faced the terrible disaster.

Seeing it, it will be completely destroyed.

"I can't just watch here!"

In the realm of gods, the superman of the main universe who was following Jin Chao's actions suddenly raised his head and shouted: "I want to go back and save my world!"

"Now you know how to be anxious?" King Hyperion said in a strange manner, "When my universe was destroyed just now, I didn't see you so anxious."

The dark superman looked at the main universe superman coldly, with deep disdain flashing in his eyes.

When the hell are you still worrying about this?

Jin Chao didn't look back, his noble golden body exuded like an unshakable mountain, and a steady voice sounded: "Donnie's clone is watching the battle in the multiverse. Based on his past performance, he will not give up the main universe."

"That's because you don't know him!!"

The superman of the main universe said impatiently: "At most, he only cares about those subordinates he left in the main universe, and he only saves his people! Even if the entire main universe is destroyed, he won't let him raise his eyes!"

King Hyperion became more and more disdainful: "I don't think his approach is wrong, and, with your current ability, you can rebuild the main universe after the event, and you can resurrect all dead lives. What are you afraid of? It's useless s things!"

King Hyperion is not a good person in essence, but he was easily persuaded by Jin Chao before he had time to do something.

As the most powerful individual among the countless Hyperion, the ferocious Hyperion King completely despises the foresight of the superman in the main universe.

The golden Superman finally stopped, turned around, and said seriously: "Sometimes you have to have confidence in other people. You are a superhero, but you are not the savior every time. Do you understand what I mean? Think carefully, you There is a terrible guy on the planet, that guy seems to like the earth? He will protect the earth and even the main universe safe and sound."

"You know?" the superman of the main universe asked in surprise.

Jin Chao hummed: "I heard from the troublemaker that he is a guy who seems to be a ten-dimensional person, but Downey insisted that he is not the legendary ten-dimensional person..."

"But I don't trust him, no one trusts him." The superman of the main universe was anxious, and he still tended to rush back in person,

Jin Chao directly opened an image, looked at the multiverse from a long distance, and Downey's avatar appeared in the image.

"Look, this guy is not in a hurry." Jin Chao pointed at Downey.

Downey in the image suddenly raised his head and sneered, "Get lost!"

Image crashes.

Jin Chao stopped talking, and started to act again with all the supermen.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The power of Apocalypse is unprecedentedly weak, and only Steppenwolf and Darkseid's sons can take it.

A perfect match for their Superman alliance, this is their chance for revenge.

Among the many existences chasing and killing Krypton,

Apart from the destroyed Kryptonian god system, Steppenwolf is the most active one.

The Bronze Superman who was expected to become the next Silver Superman or even the next Jin Chao died at the hands of Steppenwolf.

A group of supermen fell silent one after another, with solemn expressions, staring at the Apocalypse that gradually came into view.

In their line of sight, this is an ominous planet with flames that reach the sky and exudes blood red as a whole. They don't need to get close, just take a look, and a sense of irritability from the heart has already come, a huge sense of depression in mind.

The resentment and despair of countless beings are trying to distort their will.

This is the Apocalypse, the legendary star of hell, where kindness and other things are absolutely not allowed to exist.

"Are we going to destroy this planet?" King Hyperion was eager to try, with cruelty in his eyes.

"We can't do it."

The Golden Superman said indifferently: "As far as I know, Apocalypse is protected by a very powerful force and cannot be completely destroyed."

King Hyperion showed a regretful expression.

The golden Superman said: "We have two goals. The first is the Steppenwolf. Find him and kill his body! The second is to retrieve the bronze Superman's head and bury it properly."

A group of supermen followed Jin Chao and quickly approached Apocalypse.

Countless demons have also spotted them, screaming piercingly, and frantically rushing towards this group of superhumans.

The superman of the main universe looked at these familiar things, his face was a little ugly, obviously remembering the tragic battle that the main universe Earth encountered back then.

The war begins.

A group of superhumans with weak eighth-level strength possessed terrifying power in every gesture, and a random heat line of sight could clean up countless demon-like armies.

A long passage was abruptly blasted out.

"who is it!!!"

With a roar, Steppenwolf had already walked out of the planet, his whole body was cold and his eyes were cruel.

He looked at these supermen, especially the leader Jin Chao, paused, and immediately showed a cold expression: "You want to start a war with Apocalypse?"

"I don't want to." Jin Chao replied, "But we have no choice. We are here to collect debts from you."

Steppenwolf was furious.

Just being despised by Dakseid as an idiot, now there are these hateful bastards coming to make trouble.

Is Qixing really easy to bully? !

"Kalibak! You will lead the demon-like army, and you must not let any trash fish go! I will chop off the heads of these guys and put them side by side with Bronze Superman!"

On the face of the Steppenwolf, there was a piercing laugh and monstrous anger.

He looked at the golden superman and many other supermen who had been instilled with Jin Chao's power, and the grin on the corner of his mouth became more and more terrifying.

"Dakseid is not here, so I let you float, you are just a lowly five-dimensional creature."

Holding a big axe, Steppenwolf mobilized his body and fiercely killed Jin Chao. To be honest, he really didn't pay attention to Jin Chao, an acquired transformed five-dimensional person who had half-way to the fifth dimension.

Not to mention Jin Chao after sharing a lot of power!

"I'm here to kill Steppenwolf, you go to attack Apocalypse and snatch Bronze Chao's head back!" Jin Chao ordered majestically, and fought directly with Steppenwolf.

Darkseid's eldest son, Calibak, led an army of demons, surrounded and killed these superhumans.

But the most intense battlefield is still on Steppenwolf and Jin Chao's side, both of which are the existing top combat forces in their respective camps.

boom! boom! Ding! Ka Ka Ka! !

After a fierce battle, Jin Chao's expression was stable and calm, his golden eyes exuded convincing wisdom and strength, and his thick palm firmly pressed Steppenwolf's head, repeatedly rubbing on the ground.


Steppenwolf: "??!!!"


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