Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 939 Anti-Life God

Whoever owns the anti-life equation will have the ability to control all life—even in theory.

The wise Savitar has already seen through everything.

He saw with his own eyes the strength of the equation, which literally snatched control of the Dark Walker from the Omega Effect.

What is the dark walker, what is the super black flash made by the dark walker, if you have the anti-life equation, you have everything!

Savitar, like a wolf that had been dormant for a long time, suddenly jumped out at the most critical moment and rushed towards the anti-life equation!

"This idiot..."

"He is dead, even if he is The Flash, he must die cleanly."

"Tsk tsk, New God has become the biggest winner again? How many times is this the first time? What a cunning guy."

"Dakseid is dead, Mobius is abolished, the equation and Omega effect will usher in an unprecedented combination, and the new god is eyeing..."

"The last person who terrified me so much was the guy named Yuga Khan who went to the Wall of Origin a long time ago."

Spiritual thoughts rolled in one after another, carefully observing the battlefield, and sneered at the greedy Savitar.

Even the anti-monitor with terrible origins can't control the anti-life equation, let alone you, a double body of the Flash?

Savitar is about to hit the equation.

Mobius showed suppressed excitement that he would gain precious freedom.

Darkseid was lying on the ground, his godhead shattered, the Omega effect was disintegrating, and was summoned away by other Darkseid.

The Dark Walker sharpened his knife, ready to kill Mobius who controlled him first.

At this moment, Downey finally moved.


The mother box weapon suddenly blasted a pale beam of light, hitting Savitar ferociously in the lightning and flint. No matter how fast Savitar is, with absolute power, he cannot dodge it!

What's more, this is an attack made by merging the four mother boxes!

With a loud bang,

The white light exploded, and Savitar at the core let out an unwilling roar, and the burnt face under the helmet was twisted into a ball, staring at Downey with hatred.

"Don't blame me, I really need this thing."

The detonation channel exploded, and Savitar was directly teleported away by Downey forcefully, and was thrown directly...on Apocalypse.

The endless distance spans in an instant. This is the horror of the mother box. Even Darkseid itself can be teleported, not to mention the mere Savitar.

With a sizzling sound, Savitar staggered to the end, the armor exuding white luster all over his body had become dim, dazzling arcs struck, and thunder and lightning flashed.

Crown Prince Calibak had just crawled out of Apocalypse, and looked at Savitar who appeared inexplicably with a dazed expression: "Who the hell are you?"


The enraged Savitar directly blasted Calibak with a punch, screaming crazily, his eyes were red, and he ran like crazy, separated from Apocalypse in an instant, and turned into a terrifying sea of ​​white arcs, like a surging world , rushing towards the Wantianyi world.


The Steppenwolf who rushed over didn't even see the people from Savitar, and immediately gathered Kalibak's broken godhead, and asked with an ugly face, "Jin Chao is back?"

Calibak's gloomy and frightening face didn't even bother to show Steppenwolf any face, and left grimly.

Apocalypse, something is really wrong, any cat or dog can come back to make trouble, as the crown prince, he has the obligation to restore the prestige of Apocalypse.


The white light beam, which symbolizes the anti-life equation, is constantly pouring out of Mobius's body with a set of information that even the sole god would feel scalp tingling.

The power obtained by Mobius through the equation is stripped away by the equation.

"The formula is mine!"

Downey walked out majesticly, with a calm voice, and looked up at the completely exposed equation. Just this one glance made Downey frowned.

It's too complicated, it's just too complicated.

This set of formulas contains the total amount of information far exceeding the multiverse, and its incomparably complicated formula system will give even the sole god a headache.

It's easy to recall the fear of being dominated by high numbers and big things back then...

However, this thing is what Downey needs right now!

This risk must be taken!

Downey reached out and grabbed the Anti-Life Equation, the black figure was like a ghost in a sea of ​​blood.

Mobius looked at Downey in amazement, deep sarcasm and longing flashed in his eyes.

die! go to hell! Even me, as a monitor, must be controlled by the formula, let alone someone like you? Be greedy and die! Take away the equation and I'll be free! !

Mobius' eyes were red, panting heavily, staring at Downey cruelly, even hysterical.

The hatred for Downey, together with the resignation and helplessness of being countered and controlled by the anti-life equation, came to my heart.

Downey really touched the anti-life equation. Under the gaze of countless strange eyes, Downey directly ignored the tragedy of the anti-monitor and directly came into contact with the anti-life equation.

call out!

The moment Downey blocked the Anti-Life Equation, the Dark Walker, who had been silent before, suddenly exploded, and two scythes suddenly appeared in his hands, and they slashed at Downey frantically as they crossed!

Instead of killing the vengeful Mobius, he chose to hunt down the more dangerous Downey!

Although the Dark Walker is a god of death, like a cold machine, don't forget that the machine also has the logic of the machine.

Whoever has the anti-life equation has the possibility to control him! Damn it!

The Dark Walker slashed at Downey coldly. On his black suit, which resembled the speedster's suit, the pale light left an unsightly trajectory in the existing high-latitude time and space.

Downey paused at the same time, turned his head abruptly, and smiled.

"Compared to the speedsters I have come into contact with, your speed is really far behind. Leaving aside the super speed and strength, you are all weak chickens."

Donnie calmly watched the dark walker who suddenly assassinated him, without any surprise in his eyes, and calmly touched the anti-life equation.

In an instant, countless sets of information roared wildly like an unstoppable storm, surging into Downey's body. Almost instantly, Downey's strength began to grow wildly, but the price was that his body and will were being terribly destroyed. replaced by the equation.

Even with the fire seed source as the central hub for analysis and calculation, Downey was in a trance for a short time, and the complex anti-life formula immediately settled in everything Downey, and Downey himself was also limited by the equation.

Don't forget, Downey is also alive, alive, and theoretically within the control range of the equation.

Even the only god cannot escape this rule!

The Dark Walker has arrived, and the two sickles were brutally cut down.


The mother box armament was damaged, and the sharp point of the sickle pierced Downey's body deeply. The terrifying power of death was crazily cutting down all the vitality of Downey, and the godhead showed signs of collapse.

The Anti-Life Equation immediately pulled Downey back from the clutches of death, and his injuries returned to their original state.

"It's too late, you are just the god of death, not the supreme god."

Downey's face twisted, and there was a terrifying energy index wriggling in it, just like a living thing,

"From now on, you will be mine!"

Downey let out a low growl, and before his life was about to be destroyed by the Anti-Life Equation, he raised his hand, and under Mobius's laughing and expectant gaze, he drove the Anti-Life Equation to a big explosion at the cost of his own life.

The terrifying power did not attack Mobius, but blasted towards the Dark Walker!

The Dark Walker was immediately surrounded by anti-life forces. For a moment, Downey barely understood the structure of the Dark Walker. This is a soul-body creature, and there is no difference between the body and the soul.

"Welcome to Cybertron, the dark death."

Downey showed a piercing smile, and his whole body was shrinking rapidly. All vitality and strength were sucked away by the anti-life equation, ushered in an explosion, and quickly understood and modified the essence of the dark walker!

Downey transformed the dark walker into what he wanted. At present, it can only be done with the help of the anti-life equation!

Downey raised his hand again, and Greer, who was lying dead on the spot, suddenly moved. This worthless daughter of Darkseid, who was supposed to die, moved.

From the palm of Downey, an illusory soul emerged, transmitted through the fire source in the realm of gods, with the power of the fire, and under the control of Downey's will, it re-entered Greer's body.

The power of the only god erupted, all the scars on Greer's body recovered, and the soul modified and controlled by the fire source was also cast into it.

Greer revived.

The anti-life force radiated, engulfing Greer and Darkwalker. Amidst the terrifying shaking, a new figure was taking shape, and a very different aura suddenly appeared, possessing the aura and power of Greer and the Dark Walker at the same time.

"This is your purpose?! You lunatic!" Mobius's wild laughter froze at some point, and he stared blankly at the newly born terrifying god, and he understood everything in an instant.

The new god is not here to fight against the life equation, but to get a new weapon of war!

This weapon of war can completely make up for the vacancy left by Doomsday King Kong, and at the same time it is more perfect and controllable!

Greer is the medium chosen by the New God to control the Dark Walker. Even before Greer's appearance, his soul has been extracted and transformed by Downey, and thrown into the source of fire to live forever.

This was beyond the expectations of all the gods.

No one would have thought that Downey's target was not the powerful anti-life equation and the Omega effect, but the dark walker who should not have been the target.

Everyone knows that with the equation or the Omega effect, the dark walker can be controlled. The hidden connection between the equation and Omega has been noticed by the gods who have been observing for a long time, and at best it cannot be determined.

But Downey just did this, turning a blind eye to the equation and Omega that were likely to make him go further. He did not hesitate to abandon these two artifacts and chose a dark walker with constant strength.

"What on earth is he thinking? Is the value of the Dark Walker so great? Or is Downey sure to cultivate it into an artifact that surpasses the multiverse level? Otherwise, choosing the Dark Walker is simply the worst result!" Someone asked in confusion.

The new existence walked out slowly. It was a guy covered in a black battle suit. From his figure, it could be seen that he was a woman. The blood-colored eyes under the eyepatch shone brightly in the darkness.

"It's done!"

Feeling the close connection in his heart, Downey finally breathed a sigh of relief, everything in him began to collapse, and he was absorbed by the anti-life equation.

From now on, the new female Death will become Downey's number one weapon, safer and more reliable than Doomsday King Kong, and easier to use!

"Leave here, go to my world, and you will find your place."

Downey has already burst, his body surface is covered with cracks, he used his last strength to open the explosion channel, and sent the goddess of death back to Cybertron.


Savitar roared wildly, he ran all the way from Apocalypse, broke through the wall of speed and force, and returned to the multiverse.

In sight, Downey just turned his head to look at him, twitched the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to him.

The hideous sheen of the anti-life equation is stirring.


In the next second, Mobius made a bold move and punched Downey.


Savitar bumped into Mobius who was in a weak stage, roared loudly and grabbed the Anti-Life Equation.

Don't care about anything else, his competitors are also dying, and before the other gods do anything, he must grab the anti-life equation!

Some existences are throbbing, showing struggles, and some have already taken action, rushing towards the anti-life equation like Savitar.

But even a god is not as fast as Savitar!

Savitar finally merged with the Anti-Life Equation, and the Speed ​​Force exploded with all its strength, desperately maintaining Savitar's life—the Speed ​​Force was what Savitar used to fight against and even control the equation!

The Speed ​​Force is a near-omnipotent thing that allows Speedsters to have super speed, strength, self-healing, create lightning weapons, and more.

The anti-life equation's control and destruction of Savitar were crazily offset by Savitar's endless mobilization of the Speed ​​Force!

If he survives, Savitar will become a terrifying anti-life god, but if he cannot survive, he will die!

What Savitar is most afraid of is death!


"How could it be this guy..."

Savitar is something that cannot die. If a Savitar dies, countless Flashes are waiting to succeed him and inherit the name of Savitar!

An extremely terrifying conflict erupted between the Speed ​​Force Storm and the Anti-Life Equation, and some weak gods who approached were sucked in and destroyed on the spot, leaving no scum left.

The aura of terror that was so terrifying that the ancient gods trembled, surged from Savitar, and the endless stream of supernatural speed force was always using Savitar itself as the battlefield, stalemate with the anti-life equation.

Savita laughed wildly!

He won the bet!

Speed ​​Force? He has this kind of power as much as he wants. The Flash is the discoverer and creator of the Speed ​​Force, and other speedsters use the Speed ​​Force to recharge the Speed ​​Force in turn!

Only the Flash is the one with the highest authority among all the Speed ​​Force, not to mention Savitar who can confront the Ultimate Flash!

The endless speed force is mobilized by Savitar crazily and absorbed into himself at all times. Countless speedsters exist for Savitar to fight against the formula! The strength replenished by each of their runs has become the nourishment of Savitar.

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