Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 940 Winner

For a moment, Savitar felt that he was already a great god.

With the anti-life formula in hand, relying on the endless speed force as an energy source to keep itself from being swallowed, Savitar already has the ability to use the formula without injury.

As long as the Speed ​​Force exists in the world, the Anti-Life Equation will never be able to control itself!

"From now on, I am... God!" Savitar looked down at himself, feeling the stalwart power brought by the complex formula that almost completely conquered all life, and his heart was extremely excited.

Although not the speed god he dreamed of becoming.

The God of Anti-Life can also, with great strength, he can start the second battle with the Ultimate Flash and win, becoming the God of Speed ​​in the true sense.

He is in charge of all speed forces and controls everything related to speed in countless worlds.

Savitar raised his head, and under the watchful eyes of countless high gods, he let out a wanton laugh. The anti-life force swept everything, and the ocean of speed and force came whistling.

Everyone was looking at him, no one spoke, everyone fell into silence, and their minds were a little froze.

Some guys who started with the formula stopped suddenly in the middle of the rush and looked at Savitar dully.

"Die, trash."

Savitar looked over, grinned grinningly, and waved his hand, terrifying beams of energy gushed out in anti-life forms, engulfing them all.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mobius let out a low growl, and fled frantically into the distance. At the same time, he sent a message to his fellow clansmen for help.

The family of monitors in the world inside the wall is not only the main prisoner and the anti-supervisor, but also other monitors who act in a low-key manner.

"help me!!!"

Mobius let out an extreme roar, and his back suddenly tensed up. The cruel gaze cast by Savitar made the anti-supervisor's scalp tingle.

Mobius was not afraid of death,

Because even if he dies, he is sure to resurrect himself—whether it is his handwriting, or other monitors operating secretly, they will resurrect Mobius. Don’t forget, the monitors are in charge of the Terrifying scientific and technological strength, which is enough to shuttle freely in the void world outside the wall.

But now, Mobius's heart is really cold. As the first life in history to use the anti-life equation, Mobius is too aware of the horror of this equation.

Killed by the formula, he is really dead! Everything will be swallowed up by overbearing equation analysis, not even a scum is left!

With a ferocious and cruel face, Savitar grabbed the battle helmet on his head, squeezed it violently and roughly pulled it off, exposing the burned face. From now on, he no longer needs this set of battle armor.

He is the anti-life god who is so powerful that even the ancient gods tremble!

He will kill anyone who refuses to accept it!

"Dakseid and Downey are both dead, what are you still doing alive?" Savitar moved lightly, stood in front of Mobius in an instant, looked down, and said coldly.

Mobius was extremely annoyed.

What Darkseid died was the main body, and there are still a lot of clones alive!

Not to mention Downey, this bastard just created a negligible doppelgänger and abducted the Dark Walker!

But I... If I die, I will really die.

This gang of goddamn sole gods, a bunch of crooked ways, what are they doing? !


Savitar made a move, he grabbed Mobius's head, and in full view of everyone, he broke it brutally!

An energy beam containing the monitor's blood soared into the sky, Mobius's head was torn off by Savitar abruptly, and even his body and soul were destroyed by Savitar's punch.

Invisibly, a huge mourning sound came out, and the hidden information that belonged exclusively to the watchers came out, and some hidden existences were greatly shaken.

"This is... Mobius dead?" A watcher raised his head in astonishment, and stopped debugging the huge machine in front of him.

Mandrak, the watcher in an unknown area, suddenly stopped what he was doing, looked in a certain direction expressionlessly, and immediately lowered his head.

"Quantum Superman, I want Quantum Superman! If you want to live, you must become the second Doctor Manhattan! You know my purpose, either become what I want, or die!"

Mandrake ruthlessly experimented on something less than human.

At this moment, the watchers were all silent.

No one hastily came out to avenge the Watcher. Their clan did not have such a close relationship with each other, but those who left the Lord Watcher and entered the world inside the wall, after such a long time, the hatred between each other was far more than that of outsiders many.

Even the prisoner and the anti-prisoner, who are brothers, can't deal with each other and are equally ambitious.

Savitar laughed crazily, all the years of depression were swept away, the bloodshot pupils were already covered with thick hatred.

He is the biggest winner of this battle, he has obtained the most precious equation, and he can also use the equation to capture the Omega effect.

"Apocalypse is mine too."

Sa Weitar looked at Darkseid lying dead, nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand, the anti-life equation immediately extended, and rushed towards Darkseid crazily.

If it weren't for Savitar's horizontal shot, the equation would have swallowed the Omega effect long ago.

The moment the power of the formula touched Darkseid, a powerful force suddenly erupted from Darkseid's body. Before Savitar could react, he fell silent for some reason, and Omi The Ga effect is deeply dormant.

The four mother boxes converged, opened the explosion channel in the roar, and sent Darkseid back to Apocalypse.

Savitar froze in place.

"Is this guy dead or not?" Savitar was a little confused.

The Anti-Life Equation lost the omega effect that should have been at your fingertips, and was immediately irritated, turned around, and began to frantically counterattack Savitar. Savitar snorted coldly, and even more majestic speed force surged, trying to suppress the equation.

It was another wave of chaos that made the gods shudder, and Savitar once again used the Speed ​​Force and the equation to achieve a mutually consuming balance.

Savitar coldly swept across the entire blood area, sneered, his face trembled, and then disappeared in place, and no one knew where he went.

The entire blood domain has finally regained its calm. Looking around, it is devastated. More than 70% of the universe has been destroyed, and only a few universes are left intact. Following the rules of the multiverse, parallel universes are continuously being created.

It won't be long before countless universes will be born, but the damage caused by this war has forced the five great gods to join forces to reshape the order of the multiverse.

The five figures stand tall, and the powerful creation force roars, restoring the multiverse to its original state little by little.

"I'm dying."

Eternal said something calmly.

The other four gods looked at him quietly.

The eternal body has emerged from the shadows. It is a body filled with countless galaxies and galaxies, like a humanoid universe.

In the depths of countless galaxies, terrible things are absorbing everything in eternity as nutrients for growth, and eternity is helpless.


At the same time, the Super Queen who was sent away by Downey suddenly uttered a shrill scream. An unknown power erupted from her body, crazily extracting everything from her, and activated the resurrection ceremony unique to the Amazons.

The Super Queen's eyes were bloodshot, and the next second the eyeballs exploded, blood flowed profusely, and the whole person became dry, and the soul, flesh and blood became sacrifices for the ceremony.

"It's a pity...your plan didn't work out."

On Cybertron, Downey watched the tragic situation of the Super Queen with his hands behind his back, and remained indifferent, but until the baby in his arms, a new power emerged, and Downey was easily defeated.

The goddess of death stood beside him quietly, motionless.

Greer originally prepared all kinds of careful plans, but unfortunately due to various reasons, all of them failed, and she and herself became Downey's puppet.

"You have been thinking about how to resist me until now, and then look for opportunities to kill me. Unfortunately, you will never try to escape from me in this life."

Downey glanced at the goddess of death indifferently, and raised his eyebrows.

Greer will give everything to gain power, and when she gains power, she will not hesitate to kill the obstacles in front of her.

When Greer and the Dark Walker became one, Downey became an obstacle. Unfortunately, she far underestimated the power of the Fire Seed Source to control her soul. Even if she used the power of the Dark Walker, she still couldn't get freedom.

Moreover, the dark walker's conscious body has been making trouble for Greer. In order to survive, Greer had to fight against the dark walker in a body, maintaining an awkward balance.

"Using the baby's ability to extract the Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation is undoubtedly an extremely crazy move. You should have succeeded in the first place."

Downey shook his head. Unfortunately, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Downey stared in the direction of the main universe, looking at the safe and sound main universe.

The ability of the original transcendent was sheltering there, so that Mobius did not dare to set the battlefield on the earth, but directly fought in the blood field.

Babies cannot survive in the blood domain. If they enter the blood domain below the seventh level, they will die instantly. Even at the seventh level, they can barely survive in a short time, and they will overturn if they are not careful.

Greer could use her own strength to protect the baby for a while, but it was impossible to take the baby all the way to the center of the battlefield where the battle was most terrifying, holding the baby and shouting Zansha.

Darkseid's plan to be reborn on a baby also failed.

"I lost, I have to harvest a soul now."

The motionless female god of death finally spoke, and Greer's voice sounded.

"I need a soul."

The voice of the Dark Walker also sounded.

This is the rule of the god of death, as long as it is dispatched, a soul must be harvested, and the god of death can never go empty.

The dark walker may not care who he combines with, or who controls him, but no matter who he is, he must follow his rules: every time he takes action, he must harvest a soul.

The Goddess of Death is holding the scythe, just about to move, Greer wants to kill Donnie, and the dark walker also wants to kill the nearest Donnie.

No way, when Darkseid was killed, no soul was harvested, the essence of the only God is Godhead.

Downey's heart moved, and the imprint on Greer's soul from the fire source came into play again, tightly controlling Greer's words, deeds, and even thoughts.

"I'll send you to Gotham, there is a restless guy, kill him."

Downey waved his hand, teleporting the goddess of death to the main universe earth.

It's hard to say if you want a soul.

gotham city.

Night Owl, the villain from Earth III, almost destroyed the city. He subdued most of the prisoners in the Arkham Mental Hospital and let them out to fight against the Bat Family.

Without Batman, the Bat family's combat effectiveness can be imagined, and it was beaten to death by the terrible night owl. Whether it is wisdom, strength, or heart, the members of the Bat Family are all very different.

"Alfred is dead?"

In the pouring rain, Ye Xiao looked down at the war-torn city, and heard the muffled sound of his loyal butler being killed by the main universe Alfred.

Alfred from Earth 3 was sent to the main universe by Ye Xiao very early on, but unfortunately, he was actually killed one-on-one by Alfred from the main universe.

"Useless trash!"

Night Owl whispered quietly.

It was a complete loss.

Ever since Greer took away the Super Queen, Ye Xiao knew that things were out of control, and the hole cards they worked so hard to prepare were found and taken away.

It's all over.

"What should I do... Do I have to spend my whole life in this city playing house with those kids?"

Ye Xiao was a little melancholy.

Until a black figure suddenly appeared in front of him, with black pupils looking directly at him, and the distance between their noses was one centimeter.

who? !

Ye Xiao was startled, his face trembled violently, and his heart was calm, he immediately rolled back and kicked the black guy hard on the head.


The female Death God was kicked, and she remained motionless. She calmly pulled out her sickle, and the moment her figure disappeared, she slashed at Ye Xiao.

"A speedster?"

Ye Xiao's eyes were gloomy, the device on his body was activated, and a powerful messy vibration was emitted, trying to interfere with the opponent's rhythm.

For Ye Xiao, even the fastest ones can be defeated.

It's a pity that what he faced was a god of death who couldn't even be called a living creature. Even if it was fused with Greer, it was difficult for this god of death to describe him as a creature.


Ye Xiao was cut in two, and his soul was stripped.

"My soul has been harvested..."

The dark walker's consciousness said something in a stiff and vague voice, and then fell silent, as if he was satisfied.

Every time they are dispatched, one soul must be harvested. This is the rule of the god of death. Ye Xiao's soul is of high quality, which makes the god of death very satisfied.

The goddess of death disappeared in place and returned to Cybertron.

"For the next period of time, you stay here. If you don't want to die, don't go out... The furious Darkseid must be thinking about how to kill you."

Downey said lightly.

"Then I'll take advantage of the situation and kill him. Without the main body, Darkseid's strength will be weakened unprecedentedly." The female death goddess said in a low voice, eager to try.

"Wrong, Darkseid's strength is not because of his body, but because of the Omega effect."

Downey said: "If you dare to fight Darkseid, I bet you will be controlled by the Omega effect immediately, just like a puppet."

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