Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 941 You forced me to do this!

A great battle came to an end, and finally many existences quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

No one expected that the biggest winner was Savitar. Darkseid himself died in battle, but it was suspected that there was a backhand. The anti-monitor who had stood in the world for hundreds of millions of years was killed. He took a grab and ran away, not as strong as in the past, let alone intending to intervene further.

But many people overlooked that apart from the few guys who showed up to participate in the battle, there was also a guy who was dragged from the realm of gods to get huge benefits.

Bumblebee is happy to take off.

He is like some kind of mythical beast that can only get in and out. Wherever he goes, he eats up all the material. Countless collapsed worlds become the rations of bumblebees, providing him with nutrition.

The power of the goblin is not happy enough, and neither is Bumblebee.

The power of this goblin god is expanding crazily, using the multiverse as a ration, which is unprecedented.

Since the birth of Fairy Power, it has never been so enjoyable to eat.

The combat power of the eighth level is crazily jumping every moment. Bumblebee is confident that as long as he is given time, he can eat up the entire multiverse!


The five gods finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they showed up together to stop the greedy bumblebee.

"You almost swallowed most of the multiverse, stop here!"

"The multiverse can be restarted, but it must not be completely eaten up by you!"

Bumblebee looked at the five gods who stopped him, scratched his head, feeling a little guilty.

Looking around, in the vast blood field, the original chaos and collapse have almost disappeared, because as long as there are damaged and hopeless universes, they will all be eaten by the bumblebees.

The power of the goblin was restless, eager to try, and encouraged the bumblebee to kill the five gods in one go.

An existence of the five great gods, the taste is definitely more delicious than the multiverse, and the improvement it brings is also more terrifying.

Bumblebee turned around without hesitation and walked away, staggering away, completely ignoring the instigation of the power of the goblin.

He is not stupid.


realm of the gods,



Streams of magma shot up into the sky, carrying the wailing of countless dead souls.

The earth is cracked, and any crack can span hundreds of millions of light years, easily devouring countless residents of Apocalypse.

This overlord-level planet that has stood in God's Domain for a long time, looks so powerless, scarred and dilapidated when facing the Superman Alliance.

Looking towards Tianqi Star from God's Domain, the flame that had been burning for a long time now became more vivid and frightening, with the color of blood, unprecedentedly bright, adding a bit of creepiness.

At this moment, a huge sonic boom channel opened, and a tall, silent figure stepped out slightly staggeringly.

Darkseid's main body, to be precise, is a severely weakened main body, and has returned with many scars.

The tyrant's face was covered with terrible scars, the entire skull was almost shattered, relying on the huge divine power to barely suture and maintain it, the battle armor on his body was torn apart, revealing a miserable body.

The residents of Apocalypse dare to swear that this is the first time they have seen such a embarrassed tyrant.

One after another looked at them, and then lowered their heads, lowering their eyebrows in a pleasing manner, but no one knew what they were thinking.

"Dakseid lost..."

A young man's eyes lit up, he thought quickly, and finally did nothing.

As the son of the heavenly father, Scott feels that he still needs to stay on Apocalypse. At least, Darkseid is still his adoptive father in name, isn't he?

Just be an indifferent bystander, wait patiently, and watch with cold eyes. Whether it is Apocalypse going out to the outside world or a powerful enemy coming, Scott will never participate, he just patiently be a bystander.

Darkseid stepped on the ground of Apocalypse, and looked at his unrecognizable planet with a calm expression. Even the worst environment is not as good as the situation of Apocalypse at this time.

The severely damaged ecological environment caused the death of countless humble residents on Apocalypse.

But no one cares, death means that their fate should be like this, the law of the Apocalypse is the law of the jungle, and only those who survive as the strong have value.


Steppenwolf walked over with a stiff expression and tense muscles. Looking at the tyrant who had never been so calm, like a deep pool that could not be peeped and figured out, Steppenwolf's scalp exploded.

He is a little cowardly!

Such a Darkseid, such a calm tyrant, is simply... too scary, okay? ! !

Steppenwolf bit the bullet and came to Darkseid's side, whispering: "After you left, the golden superman led his team to attack us..."

Dakseid stopped abruptly, turned around abruptly, stepped on the freely flowing magma, and looked down at his uncle from a height, his blood-colored eyes... were peaceful.

"I'm neither blind nor stupid."

Darkseid said.

Steppenwolf trembled subconsciously, even if it was very slight.

Kalibak followed behind the Steppenwolf, lying flat on the ground, trembling like a frightened quail.

"I ordered you to garrison Apocalypse, you gave me a terrible gift, my uncle, you are becoming more and more incompetent, you lost your body, I don't know how long it will take you to return to your prime... "

Dakseid twisted his neck, with a contemplative expression on his piercing broken head, and then slowly stretched out his hand.

Steppenwolf looked bitter.


Darkseid caressed Steppenwolf's head, and then pinched it casually, and the Steppenwolf exploded directly, and the godhead was annihilated into ashes.

"Restore the appearance of Apocalypse." Dakseid dropped a sentence.

Kalibak buried his head in the ground, sweating profusely. Hearing this, he was relieved and left in a panic.

Such a father is really terrible. To be honest, seeing his father so calm made Kalibak feel terrified. The act of killing the Steppenwolf just now made Kalibak feel at ease.

This is my father, the previous one was fake.

Darkseid walked up to the high platform step by step, sat on his throne, and looked down on the world as before.

Quietly, the injuries all over his body slowly recovered, but the godhead of the main body could no longer be recovered. The so-called main body had suffered terrible trauma.

It was comparable to the time when he was assassinated by the Dark Walker many years ago.

"Anti-life equation..."

For a long time, Dakseid whispered alone, and frowned slightly.

Although it suffered a huge failure, it is not unacceptable to Darkseid, because the anti-life equation is really strong.

At least on the level, it is much higher than his own Omega effect, and can forcibly snatch control of the Dark Walker from himself.

From this point of view, it is right not to touch the equation rashly.

According to Darkseid's plan, his daughter Greer will prepare everything for him, and Darkseid will also be reborn on that baby, occupying the Omega effect and the anti-life equation at the same time.

As long as the Omega effect is in hand, the Anti-Life Equation will not run anyway, this is Darkseid's opportunity.

The death of the main body will attract the Anti-Life Equation to leave Mobius, relying on the characteristics of the Son of Zansha to absorb all abilities, Darkseid uses the baby to absorb both at the same time, combining Omega and Equation together like never before.

Even if they can't combine, at least they can figure out the connection between Omega and the equation.

Unfortunately, all failed.

Darkseid tapped on the throne, meditating silently.

Under the watchful eye of this tyrant, all the residents on Apocalypse are committing crimes more and more frantically, looting, crime, massacre, and all the ugly phenomena are staged everywhere.

These residents know that the crazier and crueler they are, the more they can satisfy Darkseid, and those kind and upright people are the most hated by Darkseid.

A tyrant hates residents, even death is a luxury.

A holy light came from afar.


Dakseid spoke out a word lightly, and kept a posture motionless.

Heavenly Father looked at his old opponent, his benevolent and compassionate eyes flickered slightly, analyzed the pros and cons for a moment, and cautiously gained the upper hand, then said gently: "You have already lost."

"It's enough to kill you." Dakseid stood up and punched the ball of light.

He doesn't like repetition.

Even if you are facing the Father.

A sigh came, which was ignored by Dakseid.

"Hypocritical guy." Dakseid snorted coldly, and immediately began to plan the possibility of snatching the equation again.

The most basic temptation is almost done, and the danger and uncontrollability displayed by the equation have been well known by Darkseid.

At this moment, an obscure but extremely suppressed wave spread wildly, with the hysterical roar of a god, and the last madness in his long life.

"I won't die, how could I die?!"

This is the last unwilling roar of an ancient god who is being targeted by a terrible hunter.

Darkseid raised his eyelids slightly, and directly suppressed the destructive impact of the aftermath on Apocalypse, ignoring it.

Hollenmeyer, dying, when Darkseid knew that Doomsday King Kong was eyeing Hollenmeyer, Darkseid had already sentenced Hollenmeyer to death in his heart.

Darkseid is the only existence in this world who has fought against the ancient Doomsday and Doomsday King Kong. He knows the horror of these two creatures better than anyone else.


Somewhere in the realm of the gods.

A series of eyes tried to spy, but most of the levels were too low to check the quasi-ninth-level combat level. Just a little burst of energy could easily destroy them.

Hollenmeyer, the god of Mars, was cornered by King Kong Doomsday.

"You damn thing, why are you chasing me!!"

Hollenmeyer's divine body collapsed, his soul was damaged, and he shot out with quasi-level nine power, viciously blasting on the opposite monster.

But Doomsday King Kong didn't even hide, his ugly face was indifferent.


Doomsday King Kong was hit hard, and in an instant, half of his body was terribly damaged, and it exploded on the spot, exposing his internal organs, and his whole body was blown away, and the rigorous information was completely disintegrated.

But Hollenmeyer had no intention of entanglement at all. Without hesitation, he turned around and ran, using his speed to the extreme, and even went straight into all unlucky small and medium realms.

Countless weak gods exploded in anger on the spot, their eyes were red and bloodshot, and they yelled crazily: "Hollenmeier, you bastard, scum!! Why did you get us involved?!"

If it were any other time, Hollenmeyer would have wiped out their entire world with a single slap, but now he has no such thoughts, the panic in his heart occupies everything, and he runs for his life crazily.

Behind him, there was an extremely brutal and chilling aura, which deeply stimulated Hollenmeyer, who had been severely injured in fierce battles.

There is no need to look back.

That Doomsday has long since recovered from the trauma it suffered, chasing and killing like a madman. Hollenmeyer's terrifying attack had been instantly learned by Doomsday King Kong and evolved in a targeted manner, and the life factor ushered in another leap.

A more terrifying energy level, a more perfect cell shape, a more active gene chain, a more efficient energy conversion system...

Doomsday King Kong roared forward, brutally chasing Hollenmeyer.


The world collapsed, and countless lives fell into the higher world of the domain of gods. The harsh environment killed their vitality in an instant.

The eyes of many gods were about to burst, but they didn't dare to resist, they just fled in a further direction.

Two terrifying figures almost ran through the entire God's Domain, and the footprints of their desperate confrontation made countless worlds tremble.

Hollenmeier blasted a backhand, but desperately found that the same attack as before, but this time, was already ineffective.

Doomsday shook this attack hard, but it was slightly damaged, and its figure was only slightly shaken, which was completely different from just now.

The same method cannot kill Doomsday twice, and the second time, it will be ineffective, and will be adapted, countered, and finally immune by the infinitely evolved Doomsday.

This is the characteristic of the ancient Doomsday.

Doomsday King Kong's evolution ability is slightly poor, and it takes a few more adaptations to the same attack to become immune, but its advantage is that it has a stronger resurrection ability, and it doesn't need any destruction spores as a medium. alive and kicking.

This is a reality that makes the mighty Hollenmeier feel collapsed. Every time he engages in a battle, he is feeding Doomsday King Kong with experience. One bite, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will only make Doomsday further evolve and become more powerful. Stronger and more perfect.

This creature is simply incomprehensible!

What's even more incomprehensible is that Doomsday King Kong is still frankly controllable, obeying the order of the new god to kill him completely! ! !

Hollenmeyer is going crazy! !

Step by step, he was forced into the abyss of despair!

"I shouldn't have shown up, and I shouldn't have wasted my time fighting this monster!"

The haughty Hollenmeyer was green with regret.

Originally, he could hide directly. Although he was a little scared, he could at least protect himself and avoid this monster. There were not many gods in the entire God's Domain who were his opponents.

But now, with his appearance to stimulate the Doomsday, King Kong finally evolved a shuttle ability no less than his...

You can't even run, you can only kill.

Killed, resurrected in the next second, continued to kill, and then resurrected, the same trick was already unkillable, so I had to use other methods to kill, and then I was immune...

"You forced me to do this!!"

With red eyes, Hollenmeyer rushed to the far edge of the realm of gods with a roar, burning his inner core.

There, a terrifying barrier that cannot be described in words is standing.

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