Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 942: Fool

How on earth can one really beat a near-perfect Doomsday?

Many ancient gods have thought about this question.

During the period of being hunted down, Hollenmeyer was also thinking. Under the reality that he could not fight and escape, he did not want to come up with an effective method, and what awaited him in the end was his demise.

Holomayer's eyes were red, feeling the cold and murderous aura coming from behind, he became more and more crazy.

This is what you forced me to do! ! !

I have given in to you, and I have decided that I will never fight against your Cybertron star in the future, but you are still so entangled! !

It's not that I want to do this, but you forced me, don't regret it! ! !

Hollenmeyer roared in grief and indignation, and rushed to the edge of the realm of the gods.

A huge wall stands in front of it, covering everything in the world, locking everything firmly, and cutting off the possibility of communicating with the outside world.

Even if the distance is far away, one can clearly feel the deep silence emanating from that wall, with the cruelty and coldness that shatters all hopes. It is the gods who have swept a generation of gods with countless amazing talents for countless years. After challenging the origin wall one after another, the despair emanating from being wiped out.

Once you get on the wall, don't even think about getting off, no matter how powerful or smart you are, without exception.

Hollenmeyer was speeding through, while looking at the origin wall that cut off all the vastness and endlessness in front of him, subconsciously, he trembled violently.

For Almighty God, it is a graveyard, let alone for him, a little shrimp.

The closer you get to the edge of the realm of gods, the thinner and thinner the time-space dimension superimposed by the countless time-spaces, the ubiquitous high-latitude energy index also drops sharply. It seems that the wall of origin is an all-encompassing behemoth , swallowing everything that approaches in silence.

On the endless wall, some gods of different sizes were startled. Most of them have huge bodies, exaggeratedly as large as many universes, which allows them to store more energy and persist on the wall for a longer period of time.

Even if this kind of persistence is meaningless, they can't even commit suicide, they can only sleep year after year, saving as much energy as possible.

The weaker guy has become like a mummy, motionless, probably sucked out by the wall of origin, and killed alive.

"somebody is coming……"

"A little ant.


Lines of sight poked out, rarely indifference, more insane, with excitement showing on ferocious faces, and finally there was a new thing for them to continue discussing for hundreds of millions of years.

"That guy gave us something to talk about last time, and here's another one!"

"He's mine, get the hell out of here! I'm the overlord of the second generation, you rubbish, whoever dares to fight with me, will destroy his clan when I get out!"

A god with a withered and dilapidated body exuding grayish white suddenly opened his eyes and howled excitedly.

The other gods were taken aback immediately!

"Fuck, why aren't you dead yet?!"

"Fuck! Fuck! You old ghost is still alive?"

"Aren't you dead? You lied to me! Last time you clearly said that you were going to burp! You still want to give me the secret you have been hiding for a long time!"

Some of the dead guys stopped pretending to be dead to save energy, and woke up one after another, startled.

"Bah! A bunch of brats, you deserve to be on the wall! With this little brains, you won't be able to get down even if you survive another ten generations!"

The powerful god sneered again and again, despising all the gods around him, full of superiority.

"Who is that, what secret did this old thing tell you?"

"I also want to know, you didn't tell us about such an important matter! Don't forget, we are together!"

Some gods are angry.

The wall of origin is too huge, and there are countless layers of great beings stuck on it. After a long time, a group of almost desperate and crazy old guys, in order to relieve endless loneliness and depression, circled the territory according to their strength—— In fact, it is a general way of playing. After all, the most powerful god can't move, and at most it's just talking.

On their side, there is one who has persisted from the second generation to the present. Depending on the situation, it can continue to persist, which makes a group of gods at the end of the second generation and the third generation very "awe"-this cunning old dog must be pretending to be Good stuff, find a way to trick it out.

A series of majestic and suspicious eyes looked over, making the existence of the leaker feel a lot of pressure, and he closed his eyes in pain.

This is also a new way of playing that they have developed over a long period of time. In the case of being unable to exert their combat power, and even the information set cannot be leaked before being swallowed up by the origin wall, the way of confrontation between everyone except Talking about talking is just fighting with eyes.

Commonly known as eye killing.

Whoever has bigger eyes, more eyeballs, and more emotions brewing in his eyes is the winner, and will be honored as the strongest by other existences willingly.

The god was on the verge of falling, and under the gaze of many beings, he closed his eyes in pain, his eyelids trembling constantly, as if he was under terrible pressure, struggling hard, and insisted on his final integrity.

"Say it! You've already lost everything!" Another god said braggingly, "You only have three eyes, but I have thirty! It's ten times as many as yours!!!"

"Enough, multi-eyed monster, do you really want to fight to the death with me?!"

Finally, the three eyes couldn't take it anymore, and opened them abruptly, the three eyes were filled with terrible bloodshot eyes, pain, unwillingness, despair, hysteria... all kinds of noble wills that still have perseverance and unyielding in the desperate situation arise spontaneously.

In an instant, the wall fell into silence, and all the gods were shocked by this look, and they were horrified at each other, never expecting that the three eyes, which are not worth mentioning, are so powerful.

"I lost."

After a long time, the multi-eyed monster said slowly, "But I won't give up, I will dig out the secret from your mouth!"

The third eye took a deep look at him—don't care how he watched without moving—seriously said: "I'm waiting for you."

The second generation of ancient gods watched the excitement happily and laughed loudly: "If you want to know, you can come and ask me!"

"Bah! You are a bad old man, very bad!"

"I believe in your evil! You can't believe a single word that comes out of your anus!"

"Wait, how can we be sure that the secret known by the third eye is true? What if it is false?"

"Who's going to take care of that? Ask first before talking!"

"If it's false, I'll stare at him to death!"

The multi-eyed monster was full of confidence and yelled.

Anyway, he has many eyes. On this wall, except for the old immortal who was on the wall in the early days of the second generation, he is the most powerful.

At this time, Hollenmeier, who was in despair, approached.

The guys who had been on the wall for an unknown amount of time suddenly became excited.

"Here, run this way! With my strongest eyes on you, you can walk sideways on our side of the wall!"

The multi-eyed monster screamed hoarsely.

They were yelling, jeering and laughing, and the guys in the other areas were yelling too.

Hollenmeyer was almost stunned. In his sight, countless giants were roaring at him. The hoarse roars were extremely intimidating.

Hollenmeyer turned his head suddenly, looking at Doomsday King Kong who had killed him without the slightest hesitation, despairing in his heart, his eyes were red: "Even if I die, I can't make it easier for you!! Come here!!!"

Hollenmeier went all out, and stopped in front of the origin wall, keeping a safe distance.

If he got closer, the terrifying suction force of the wall of origin would forcibly pull him up the wall. The closer he got, the more dangerous it would be, until the suction force completely exceeded the upper limit of Hollenmeyer's escape.

The wall of origin is similar to an infinitely enhanced version of a super black hole.

Doomsday King Kong looked indifferent, and the impassable wall didn't even make people raise their eyelids. The whole thing was a cold killing machine.

Hollenmeier roared, with a ferocious expression on his face, and suddenly disappeared in place, and a battle broke out with the Doomsday King Kong who was killing him quickly.

"Hit! Hit hard!"

"It's so exciting, let's dig out his vitals!! Don't tell me you don't know the opponent's racial vitals! You don't even know how to inflict huge psychological trauma on the opponent at any time during a fierce battle, and you are still fighting!"

The gods on the wall all had hideous faces, shouting hoarsely and howling desperately, as if they were watching a wonderful fight between trapped beasts.

But in fact, in the eyes of many of them, the battle process of the quasi-ninth level is almost like a child's play house.

But, don't forget, even the strongest and mightiest adults are happy to spend time watching two children fight hard! Especially when they are all almost suffocated! !

Hollenmeyer roared again and again, drenched in blood, extremely brave, but this astonishing momentum further demonstrated Doomsday King Kong's stability and indifference.

Doomsday King Kong has maintained a high-intensity attack frequency from beginning to end, but there is no tendency to weaken at all.

Every time Doomsday King Kong strikes, it can take away a large body part of Hollenmeyer.

The broken body of the quasi-ninth level continued to collapse, and although it returned to its original shape in an instant, it was crushed again in the next instant.

Hollenmeier's eyeballs became more and more red, spreading crazily, constantly pulling the battlefield, and moving closer to the wall of origin.

Every time you get closer, the suction force emitted by the origin wall will increase exponentially. You may be able to do it with ease one second, but the next second you will overturn, and you will be dragged to the wall by the origin wall as a living dead, and your life's accumulation will be drained.

Doomsday King Kong didn't hesitate at all from the beginning to the end, with cold eyes, chasing Hollenmeyer.

Every time he got closer to the wall of origin, the craziness in Hollenmeier's eyes became more and more.

Until, the critical point was reached.

"Let's go up the wall together!! You forced me to do this!!"

Hollenmeyer let out a roar, and with the pleasure of revenge, he rushed towards Doomsday King Kong crazily, and burst out with all the power he hit, trying to pull Doomsday King Kong up the wall of origin together.

What's more, Hollenmeyer was still lucky, if he could blast Doomsday to the wall, but he could take the opportunity to escape?

Hollenmeyer's eyes showed madness and anticipation,

But King Kong Doomsday, who was originally cold and silent, suddenly stopped attacking, raised his head suddenly, and showed a weird smile.

It was a sly smile with sarcasm.

Hollenmeier was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Fool, do you really think I don't know what the Wall of Origin is?"

King Kong Doomsday spoke, which was the second sentence he uttered in his life.

Hollenmeyer was dumbfounded, a bone-chilling chill hit his heart, and the moment his face was distorted, Doomsday King Kong had already made a bold move and hugged Hollenmeyer, with an ugly smile that penetrated people, this is Hollenmeyer The last picture I saw.


Doomsday King Kong crushed Hollenmeyer on the spot, and Hollenmeyer's strongest blow was directly received by Doomsday King Kong. Together with his own blow, it exploded completely!

Doomsday King Kong looked cruelly at the still-dead Hollenmeyer, ignored the pleadings on the faces of the other party, and threw him fiercely towards the wall of origin!


Screaming with strong resentment and panic, Hollenmeyer's body and soul, which had not had time to take shape, were roughly grabbed by the wall of origin, and the exponentially increasing suction force completely cut off all escape opportunities for Hollenmeyer. possibility.

"Just one newcomer?"

Some gods complained, stared viciously at Doomsday King Kong, and cursed loudly.

But the knowledgeable existence in ancient times stared straight at Doomsday King Kong.

"This thing..."

"It's very similar to the ancient Doom Day, and it's very similar to the thing that claims to be the most perfect life in the third generation."

"I heard a man named Yuga Khan say that the Ancient Doom Day would be a nightmare-level monster in any generation."

"What kind of bullshit nightmare? This is when I accidentally climbed onto the wall. If I were here, I would be able to press down on the ancient Doomsday with one hand!"

The multi-eyed monster sneered again and again.

A group of gods started to complain immediately, one by one was more aggressive than the other, anyway, bragging doesn't need to pay taxes on the origin wall.

What are you looking at, don't you agree? There is a kind of you to hit me on the wall!

One after another stared at Doomsday King Kong with malicious intent, wondering whether a creature capable of infinite evolution could give them an opportunity to break away from the wall of origin.

"I know what you are thinking, don't think about it, the wall of origin is not so easy to crack."

The second-generation old guy unceremoniously interrupted the fantasies of these gods, and said coldly: "The ability of infinite evolution is really good, and combined with the ability of eternal immortality, this guy is indeed worthy of a perfect creature, but don't Forget, none of those who went to the origin wall were directly killed by the origin wall."

"Continuously extract everything from you, this creature will evolve a way to resist the energy being extracted, and then fall into a stalemate where the two sides can't help each other, but this creature can't break free from the wall even if it is in full bloom, otherwise it won't be on the wall at all, This is an unsolvable dead end. I believe this creature can live forever and persist on the wall until we gods are all dead, but he still can't get down!"

"Whether it can grow into an almighty creature is still unknown. Immortality after being on the wall is already the limit!"

One way can't kill Doomsday twice, and the Wall of Origin doesn't even have a chance to kill Doomsday King Kong.

Perpetual stalemate.

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