Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 943 Survive

Hollenmeyer even exported his underpants.

This well-known god in the realm of gods, just aggrieved on the wall of origin,

Hearing the comments and ridicule of many ancient gods in his ears, Hollenmeyer was filled with grief and despair.

"How did this happen, why did this happen?!"

Hollenmeyer struggled frantically, but to no avail. The wall behind him engulfed his body like a giant beast, firmly blocking all his escape possibilities.

Terrible power poured out, continuously extracting Hollenmeyer's information, energy, and flesh and blood. Every moment, Hollenmeyer was being weakened, and his life's accumulation was forcibly deprived by the wall of origin.

What's more, Hollenmeyer was not at his peak when he was on the wall, but went straight to the wall after being severely injured by Doomsday King Kong, which greatly reduced the survival time of Hollenmeyer.

"Don't struggle, idiot, you are about to die. The more you struggle, the more energy you consume, and the faster you die. Why don't you have more time to chat with us, let us have fun, your value is only That's all that's left."

An unknown god kindly reminded me.

Hollenmeyer swore, all the while staring hatefully at his Doomsday.

"I'll escape from this damn place, and kill you ten thousand times with my own hands!!" Hollenmeyer's spirit almost collapsed, and he screamed hoarsely, like a madman.

"Another crazy one." The multi-eyed monster sighed, gloating.

Doomsday King Kong was expressionless, staring at this stalwart wall that contained everything, especially with the countless ancient gods on it, paused for a while, turned and left.

No one knows what this monster is thinking.

Hollenmeyer kept roaring, attracting the attention of countless gods, with great interest, and some gods did not hesitate to waste their little power to stimulate Hollenmeyer to curse harder.

It took a long time before Hollenmeyer stopped, lost his mind, and looked down at the realm of gods in confusion.

Sticking to the wall of origin and looking at God's Domain, this experience has never been experienced before.

"I wanted to send him to the wall, but why was I on the wall?"

Hollenmeyer murmured dully.

A group of gods became more and more excited, and every word Hollenmeyer said could arouse their excitement and excitement.

Every time a newcomer goes to the wall, it is one of the few times when they are lively, until they lose their freshness.

What's more, a perfect creature like Doomsday was pitted on the wall, which is even rarer.

Gradually, more gods fell into a deep sleep again, suffering bitterly, living hopelessly, it was worse than death. All they can do is to sleep deeply, relying on long sleep to survive more time.

Until a loud noise startled them.

This is not a small fight in the past, but a loud noise that almost shook the entire wall of origin.

A ray of light is slowly passing through the wall of origin, the barrier that cuts across everything, and there is almost nothing in front of this ray of light.

The entire Origin Wall was startled, and countless ancient gods were all awakened. As long as they were still breathing, they all opened their eyes in amazement, revealing excitement and madness.

"somebody is coming!"

"Something is coming from the world outside the wall, and he is passing through the wall of origin!!"

"Who? Who the hell?! Tell me what's beyond the wall, I'm willing to give my all!"

"Tell me! Tell me!!"

"Take me out of this ghost place, I will offer my loyalty to you, save me, my life is yours!!!"

Countless gods are crazy, and each of them reveals an obsession and persistence comparable to a pilgrimage. Some guys are willing to die in order to know a little bit of information about the world outside the wall.

They live a life on the wall of origin that is worse than death, for what?

Do they really want to die?

No, don't want to! Those who are qualified to explore the wall of origin are not monsters with terrible origins. Their wisdom, strength, and will are all at the top of the whole god domain. Then there is a slight chance to look outside the wall.

Now, there is!

Something is coming from the nothingness outside the wall!

The entire wall of origin was boiling, and even some Almighty Gods standing at the top of the pyramids in the domain of the gods cast faintly concerned eyes, trying to pry into the mystery of the wall of origin, although most of the divine thoughts were instantly suppressed by the origin The wall absorbs and swallows up.

The light slowly crossed the wall that spanned hundreds of millions of years, revealing its real body.

Green robes, illusory body.

"Ghost! He's back?!"

Suddenly there was an uproar.

How long has it been? How long has it been since the ghost left the realm of the gods under their watchful eyes, and it's back?

"Ghost, tell me, what's beyond the wall?!"

"Is there nothing?"

"Or a residence for a higher god?"

"What are we, what is the world inside the wall to the creatures outside the wall?"

"Tell me, tell me!!!"

The ghost just raised its head indifferently, and looked at these ancient gods who were famous in the realm of gods with a blank expression.

With just a casual glance, one can feel many existences that transcend him in essence.

"Since you're on the wall, you have to be honest."

The ghost left a sentence, turned around suddenly, and entered the realm of gods.

Suddenly there was a lot of cursing. Countless gods were scolding him, and countless voices were intertwined and noisy, so that it was impossible to hear who was saying what.

"Isn't it just relying on having a good father?! He is such a trash, that is, I am on the wall. If I get off the wall, I can stare at him to death with one eye!"

"Who doesn't know how to brag, why don't you come down first?"

"If I can go down, I will be the first to pull you down, and then throw you against the wall again!"

A new round of scolding wars started, venting their dissatisfaction.

While cursing loudly, some gods still exhausted their reserves, couldn't hold on, and completely perished, and were turned into mummies by the wall of origin.

Countless venomous gazes watched the ghost go away, and the hatred and unwillingness in their hearts could drown God's Domain.

They are stronger and better than ghosts, but they have to wait to die here, but ghosts, this waste, can enter and exit the wall of origin at will...

The difference is huge.


"I'm back."

The ghost walked in the familiar realm of the gods and let out a long sigh.

Some time ago, due to some accidents, Specter had deep doubts and doubts about the meaning and value of his own existence. In the end, he chose to leave God's Domain in the collapse, and stepped outside the wall to find his creator for answers.

He was born as a punisher of sins, but some sins cannot be punished.

God gave him the answer.

"I am who I am, and I will not change the judgment because of other people's opinions." Ghost slowly raised his head, let out a sigh of relief, and announced his return to the world inside the wall.

When many Almighty Gods saw that it was a ghost, they were disappointed and cursed secretly.

Everyone knows that the ghost is a dead-hearted thing, admits death, and will not compromise with you at all. Even if you torture him or kill him, it will be useless. It is impossible for the ghost to reveal what he does not want to reveal.

When he came back this time, Phantom was planning to do something.

As the incarnation of God's wrath, as God's own son, if you don't do something, how can you be right as the other evil judge?

The ghost lingered in the realm of gods for a long time, pondered, pondered, and finally made a decision.

We must do things, big things.

Let's do Apocalypse first.

"Daxseid, here I come!!"

The ghost looked up, there were no pupils in the eye sockets, only two frightening lights, with a penetrating coldness and iciness.

The whole person turned into a torrent capable of overturning the world, and the frightening energy surging was undisguised, and he was even stronger than before! The current him is enough to rival the top eighth-level gods!

Darkseid is the one that ghosts most want to kill, and the evil Apocalypse is the world that ghosts most want to destroy!

Those who haven't seen the Apocalypse with their own eyes have no idea how many crimes are hidden on this planet, let alone how many worlds are being devastated by the Apocalypse.

The terrifying demon-like army is increasing its number exponentially all the time, and at the same time, it is invading countless universes, slaughtering all kinds of life crazily.

A deep murderous intent and coldness flashed in the ghost's eyes, and it swept towards the Apocalypse like a storm.

The devastated residents of Apocalypse, who were still licking the wounds created by Jin Chao and the others, suddenly felt a terrible breath coming, but suddenly disappeared.

Many people raised their heads in bewilderment, and immediately ignored it, thinking that they felt wrong.

At this moment, the top-level instruments on Apocalypse did not capture any trace of the ghost.

Bloody sky, harsh living environment, lack of food, dirty air... These are the daily life that the residents at the bottom of Apocalypse have to face.

On the Apocalypse, where the crimes are magnified to the extreme, the weak and the strong have brought about an almost insurmountable gap. The superiors have everything, and the inferiors find it extremely difficult to survive.

The ghost is like a local pariah, walking on this magnificent planet, personally touching the lowest and deepest evils.

Black dilapidated buildings stood tall and crumbling.

Countless ragged people are hiding in the building, living a precarious life.

Hearing the sound, many people stretched out their heads and looked at the ghost with greedy eyes. In this world where food is scarce, nothing is not worth being abandoned.

"A strange creature, never seen before."

"Kill him, sell him..."

Lots of people are whispering.

Some ruthless people who are not afraid of death have already rushed out, took out their weapons and attacked the ghost fiercely. The ghost didn't even look back, and all the guys who did it were dead.

The sight of prying eyes disappeared in an instant, and the residents of Apocalypse knew how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages best, because those who didn't understand this either became superior by virtue of their great strength or wisdom, or died.

"Dirty planet, filthy hearts, no hope, no kindness, no mercy, only endless slaughter and possession."

As the ghost walked, he observed the hearts of these guys with his judging eyes. They were all black, and the heavy sin almost obliterated all the light.

"I'm starving to death, give me some food, just a little, please..."

A dying voice came.

The ghost suddenly stopped, turned his head suddenly, and looked at the place hundreds of millions of miles away in astonishment.

A beggar in ragged clothes, facing the pouring rain of blood, pitifully stretched out his hand to another curled up figure.

"Please, just give me a little, I don't want to die!" begged the beggar.

The huddled figure paused for a moment, raised his head in confusion, his lips groaned, and his hands tightly grasped the so-called "food" that had long been moldy, black and dusty.

The beggar stared at him, so hungry that he didn't even have the strength to crawl.

Will I become another person who starved to death?

The beggar is desperate.

A piece of food was handed over.

"Here, eat."

A crouched figure crouched in front of him, her voice hoarse, and she shared her food with a dying man.

The beggar broke out with his last strength, bit the food frantically, and swallowed it.


Feeling the food entering his stomach, the beggar breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, child." The beggar squeezed out a ferocious smile, and said in a low voice, "You are so kind, I really don't know how you have survived until now..."

"Since you are so kind, you should give me the other half in your hand."

The beggar estimated the comparison between his own strength and the strength of the little girl in front of him, and he was so determined that he said something malicious.

The other party was stunned, looked down at half of the food in his hand, and then handed it over.

"for you."

This time it was the beggar's turn to be stunned, he was confused for a moment, and he reacted immediately, grabbed the other half of the food, and wolfed it down.

However, he was still not full, the food was too little and too unpalatable, and his stomach was still protesting to him.

He needs to eat, to eat more, and to eat something tastier.

"You must taste good. I haven't eaten a creature like you." The beggar said in a low voice.

On this planet, there are countless intelligent species living, killing each other in order to survive.

There is no right or wrong, no complicated exchange of interests, everything revolves around survival.

This little girl, who looks like a person on Earth, was targeted by this beggar.

Even if the beggar just got help, even if it was a life-saving favor.

But so what? This is the normal state of Apocalypse, isn't it? Drawing a knife to a benefactor, and then drinking the benefactor's blood and eating the benefactor's flesh to supply oneself, isn't it the most low-end operation in Apocalypse's law of the jungle?

If you don't do this, you will be looked down upon by others, and you will die the fastest if you are looked down upon.

The figure curled up into a ball again, hiding in the corner of the wall and shivering, but she didn't escape, and she didn't have the strength to escape.


Just as the curled figure was waiting to die, there was a soft sound, and the beggar fell to the ground and died.

She opened her eyes in confusion and looked around. There was nothing, except for the beggar who fell to the ground inexplicably, and the brand new food that suddenly appeared beside the beggar.

"He fell to his death by himself. He lied to me after hiding so much food. It's disgusting."

The little girl finally came to this conclusion, grabbed the food and swallowed it, then staggered to her feet and continued walking in numbness and confusion.

She doesn't know the meaning of life, and she doesn't understand these things, she just knows to live, and since she has memory, the so-called life has been like this.

Live on Apocalypse.

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