Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 944: The Distant Supreme

The ghost has been silently watching the little girl.

On this huge Apocalypse, she is special.

In an ugly world where extreme darkness and sin are intertwined, only she is the only bit of light and hope left.

The ghost looked at her, watched her help others like a fool again and again, and gave others what she only had time and time again.

Again and again, the ghost helped her avoid deadly threats again and again. The greedy and cruel actions of the countless villains were all secretly blocked by the ghosts.

The little girl believed that she was protected by gods.

"Why not stop? Aren't you suffering unfairly enough?"

The ghost finally couldn't bear it anymore, appeared to stop her, and questioned her.

"I just think it's the right thing to do." The little girl smiled at her.

The ghost was silent for a moment, stepped aside, and let the little girl go.

In this way, more and more residents of Apocalypse noticed her, and more and more people survived because of the little girl's kindness.

Although most of them were wolf-hearted, there were always some guys who still kept their consciences and gradually gathered around the little girl.

She is like a faint spark in the endless darkness, which will be extinguished at any time, but she is extremely tenacious, not corroded by darkness and sin.

This is a miracle on Apocalypse.

This should have been a miracle that shouldn't have happened on Apocalypse.

With the passage of time, this flame blooms brighter and brighter!

Finally, the ruler of Apocalypse was angered by this dazzling light.

On the Apocalypse where villains are everywhere, the little girl is extremely conspicuous.

Darkseid descended with a bang, even though he was licking his wounds, he still dispatched himself.

A powerful omega ray strikes, trying to completely annihilate the little girl, but is stopped by a tall figure.

"Daxseid, you can't kill this child!"

The ghost was extremely indifferent, its eyes were icy cold, and its sight was like a sharp sword, stabbing fiercely at the tyrant.

"This is Apocalypse. As a spirit of revenge, you know the meaning of this planet better than anyone else. No light is allowed on Apocalypse!"

Darkseid did not hesitate to fight against the ghost, his blood-colored eyes shot out rays from time to time, trying to completely destroy the little girl.

The ghosts stopped them all.

The ghost shook Darkseid with a punch, and the soaring combat power forced a fierce battle with Darkseid's body, suppressing the tyrant to death.


Daxed, who was blocked by a strong enemy, stepped back and stared at the ant-like little girl coldly.

"Little thing, why are you doing this? The breath you reveal all over your body makes me feel sick and sick to my stomach."

Darkseid said indifferently.

"There is no reason, I just want to help these suffering people." The little girl replied.

Darkseid looked directly at her, analyzed all the information of the little girl in an instant, and did not speak for a long time.

He doesn't even know what to say, a fool? Since the establishment of Apocalypse, there has never been such a pure fool, kindness, justice, benevolence...

Destroying her is the bounden duty of the ruler of the star of hell.

The ghost stood in front of the little girl and looked at Darkseid coldly.

Darkseid's murderous intent skyrocketed.

In the end, he turned around slowly, and said in a cold voice: "Get out, get out, you are so naive and stupid that you are not worthy of Apocalypse."

This time it was Ghost's turn to be stunned, looking up at Darkseid in astonishment.

Darkseid has gone far.

"The tyrant's mercy...the bastard actually has pity in his heart..." the ghost whispered, then turned to look at the little girl.

The little girl is ignorant.

The ghost pondered for a while, and said: "I will take you to a place like heaven, that is your home, and you will like it there."

The ghost picked up the little girl, left the Apocalypse in an instant, and moved towards the vast God Realm in front of it. Every moment, a distance as far as the sky was crossed, until a planet that was very different from the Apocalypse appeared in front of him.

New Genesis Star.

The ghost reached a communication and agreement with the heavenly father in an instant. In the small town of Xinchuangshixing, the ghost put the little girl on it, and said lightly: "Here, it is called the star of heaven by the people of God's Domain. The best... home for you."

The little girl was ignorant and ignorant, staring wide-eyed at this picture she had never seen before. The flowers all over the place were full of fragrance, the birds were singing constantly, all kinds of strange beasts galloped at will, and countless people with happiness and laughter on their faces suddenly became confused. Said: "Is this heaven?"

"No, this is not heaven, and heaven may not have the freedom here... Children, this is a world more beautiful than heaven, and you belong here."

The ghost didn't say much, just left.

The little girl walked forward ignorantly, and walked into the town. The local residents immediately noticed this ragged, yellow-faced and muscular child, and they were shocked. They couldn't believe that there would be such an unfortunate person on Xinchuangshi children?

A group of people gathered around, booing and asking for warmth.

The little girl froze for a moment, showing a happy smile.



The ghost let out a deep roar, roared back, awe-inspiring killing intent erupted, and the powerful power of judgment covered the entire Apocalypse.

Countless sins are trembling, countless sinful souls are howling crazily.

Darkseid was already sitting on his throne, looking at the sky expressionlessly.

"You were right to take that alien away, otherwise she would definitely not survive the next day."

Dakseid got up slowly and said coldly.

The ghost sneered, and a terrifying figure descended in an instant, fighting Darkseid.

The main body, which had just been hunted down by the Dark Walker, was far from being as powerful as it used to be. As soon as the battle started, Darkseid was already at a disadvantage and was suppressed by waves of judgment.

The storm that shattered the world hit Darkseid, taking away a large amount of defeated energy, and soon, scars appeared on Darkseid's body.

Countless villains on Apocalypse suddenly wailed.

"What's the matter with Apocalypse? Why do such scary guys keep calling me recently?"

"It's all the fault of the New God. It all started when he threw the ancient Doomsday on Apocalypse!"

Many residents thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized that it seemed to be the case. Ever since Downey stuffed some weird things into Apocalypse, Apocalypse has become full of disasters.

It was unimaginable that the Apocalypse, which was originally a hell for the weak, could not even feel safe for the superiors.

With the shelter of a tyrant, when have these advocates of the law of the jungle encountered such a situation? !

Look, even Darkseid in the Megatron God's Domain was pressed and rubbed against the ground by countless powerful enemies during this period, and his majesty was swept away. This has never happened in the past!

Some terrific and ruthless characters don't know why, but they suddenly have a special liking for Tianqixing, which brings them bad luck.

The battle between Darkseid and the ghostly Darkseid is still going on, and the more you beat Darkseid, the weaker he becomes, until he is full of scars, and the wounds are all over his body.

"You went outside the wall, and the only thing you figured out is that you want to kill me?"

Dakseid suddenly smiled sarcastically, and hit the ghost's head with a punch. The moment the ghost leaned back, a spear formed by the light of judgment was instantly formed on the palm of his hand. There was a sound, and a huge penetrating wound was produced.

The spear of judgment emitting white light pierced Darkseid.

At the other end of the wound, a world-shattering energy poured out of the wound, and blasted directly onto the Apocalypse. In an instant, the Apocalypse vibrated and let out a painful cry that resounded throughout the world. The ground collapsed and the magma erupted in all directions. Overwhelmed with countless villains.

"No, you have also figured out one more thing, and that is that you no longer care about hurting other people during the trial."

Darkseid looked down, grabbed the spear with a slap, and pulled it hard, the omega rays shot out from his eyes, smashing the spear of judgment.

"My kindness will always only be given to those who are worthy of saving, and these on Apocalypse... are all a group of hopeless guys now."

The ghost tore away the originally irrational kindness and became even more unscrupulous.

The wound healed quickly, but the further weakening of Darkseid's strength was inevitable.

"Tell me, what did you talk to God about?" Darkseid said slowly.

The ghost said indifferently: "You don't deserve to know."

"Is it also your god's instruction to ask you to kill me? I originally thought that the higher gods in the world outside the wall would be different from those inside the wall, but the result is the same."

Darkseid sneered.

The ghost's expression finally changed slightly, this kind of contemptuous attitude, very well, this is very Darkseid.

But this idiot has no idea what God is!

In the world inside the wall, even if all the monsters of three generations have gathered, it is difficult to understand what level ten is.

In the world inside the wall, the Almighty Cosmic Level is already at the top, and there has never been an existence that can surpass the Almighty before.

Including Dakseid, I don't know what position God is in. It may be much stronger than Almighty?

The ghost who can travel through the wall of origin at will sneered.

As far as the world inside the wall is concerned, there are countless multiverses in the void that can rival the world inside the wall. The so-called omnipotent universe is intended to stand at the pinnacle of countless multiverses, the sum of countless multiverses, and the omnipotent multiverse above the multiverse.

The ghost said slowly: "I went out this time and chatted with some amazing guys. I want to verify an idea. You are the most suitable guy."

In the world outside the wall, there are many guys who are dedicated to urging the construction of multiverses.

And the world inside the wall is so special. Not only does it have the Wall of Origin, something that other worlds don't have at all, but it also has the presence of the Watchers and years of research.

I don't know if the monitors have researched it.

If the ghost tells everyone that the essence of the entire world inside the walls is just a trivial "flaw" on a certain stalwart existence, which can be described as an overestimated "flaw" by bacteria...

Even those guys at the almighty universe level will probably be crazy.

The countless unbelievably powerful beings that have emerged from the three generations, and the vast world inside the wall that provides them with galloping, are nothing but small blemishes on that stalwart being that floats lazily in nothingness...

Dakseid looked at the ghost indifferently, even though his body was covered with scars, the tyranny in his eyes remained unchanged. At this time, there was a little more greed.

The ghosts who came back from the world outside the wall, who would not want to ask for something? Although I know that there seems to be a strong background behind this guy, it is still unknown how strong it is. After all, that God has never appeared before, and it is still unclear whether it exists or not.

Even if it exists, the ruthless characters in the world inside the wall may not necessarily be invincible. Many guys at the ninth level think that they can fight and even defeat God.

This is not surprising, because the tenth level is too far away, whether it is Marvel or DC, those guys who have existed for a long time have a serious lack of understanding of the tenth level.

Before OAA made a move, and a single thought knocked down all the Marvel gods, before the giant monster woke up and almost killed all the DC gods with a random claw, many almighty guys at level nine didn't even know that the top of their heads And such a scary guy.

Those guys who have exhausted all the mysteries of the world inside the wall and devoted themselves to studying the wall of origin will never understand how great and unsolvable the tenth level is.

All meaning and nonsense converge into one body, and all knowable and unknowable merge into itself, which is the tenth level.

Even if the ninth level is omnipotent, so what, the omnipotence itself is already a bit of a component of the tenth level beings.

The ghost stared at Darkseid as if he were looking at a dead man.

"I will kill you, use evil as a medium to end your countless clones, and let you die completely...I want to see with my own eyes, who is the one standing behind you, and what step will he do for you. "

The ghost's tone was flat, but he felt a sense of murder. His voice resounded throughout the Apocalypse, and he sentenced Darkseid to death in front of hundreds of millions of species.

Daxede paused for a moment, showing a ferocious and mocking smile, a little shaken flashed in his heart for a moment, but he still made a move.

Darkseid firmly believes that he will live forever!

The two figures are like two incomparable universes, colliding with each other brazenly, the roar and roar that shattered time and space came up one after another, and the top combat power enough to destroy the multiverse broke out completely.

Darkseid is very strong, but the ghost that is no longer considered at this time is even more terrifying!

The power of judgment turned into a thunderbolt that punished everything, and the white light beam surged forward, turning into countless blades of judgment, screaming and piercing Darkseid, piercing him thoroughly.

Rumble! ! !

Darkseid's body was completely shattered, and the already damaged godhead fell into the hands of the ghost, and was pinched by the ghost, completely bursting open.

The Apocalypse star swayed and seemed to be furious, and the red blood-like color became even more tragic, as if it was going to dye the realm of gods into the color of blood.

But what is a little strange is that Darkseid is dead, and the ghost is following Darkseid's power to destroy his countless clones, but the Apocalypse, which is close at hand, has never been broken.

The battle between the two should have completely destroyed the planet, but Apocalypse was unimaginably tenacious, no matter how serious the damage was, it could not completely collapse it.

"let me see……"

The ghost whispered and stared.

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