Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 945 rebirth, worry

Apocalypse fell into an unprecedented riot, as if suddenly alive.

With Darkseid's death in battle, the existence standing behind Darkseid finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The ghost stared at Apocalypse.

In the realm of gods, anyone who is a little older knows that the Apocalypse cannot be destroyed, and there are high-level gods protecting it, maintaining the existence of the Apocalypse.

A terrifying force surged from the edge of the remote God's Domain, and it stabilized the restless Apocalypse almost instantly. All natural disasters fell into silence, and were easily wiped out by this terrifying force.

Darkseid, who was originally killed by the ghost, was revived suddenly with a power containing a higher origin.

The shattered godhead returned to its original state in an instant, and the results of the ghost's painstaking efforts to kill Darkseid were gone in an instant.

The invisible roar and the dark stare unscrupulously reveal the meaning of warning.

"Yuka Khan... he can actually break free from the shackles of the origin wall for a short time with his own strength and will..."

Ghost's face was moved, and deep astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Nothing like this has ever happened since the Wall of Origins was created!

As long as any guy on the wall, no matter how great it is, the moment he is absorbed into the wall as a mascot, he can no longer extend his own power at all.

Even the most fragmented information and energy particles will be swallowed up by the greedy wall of origin!

There has never been, no one has ever been able to extend their own power and break through the limitations of the wall of origin when they are still stuck to the wall!

The thick power of origin lingered over the sky of Apocalypse, and the moment it exploded, the ghost's power of judgment was easily swept away.

Even Darkseid was resurrected under the power of origin.

"You can't kill me."

Dakseid's smile was a bit piercing, but there was no surprise on his face. He had known this would be the result.

In this world, no one can really kill him.

As long as his father is still alive, he can use the power of origin to protect Apocalypse and wipe out all powerful enemies with malicious intentions.

I won't die either.

"He only has me as his son, and the only pawn he can use is me. He won't watch me die."

Darkseid's deep voice sounded, and he looked at the ghost.

When the power of origin extended from the origin wall to Apocalypse, the ghost must have known some shocking facts.

His father has faintly demonstrated the power to break free from the wall of origin, which is a feat that countless gods have failed to achieve.

"This is why you deliberately killed your brother back then? So Yuga Khan had to choose you?" Ghost's murderous intent remained undiminished,

"It can only be said that it is part of the reason, the most important thing is because of the Omega effect... Without the experiment of my idiot brother, I would not be able to confirm whether the Omega effect is safe and controllable. Being protected by my father is an accident. surprise."

Dakseid's smile was extremely cruel, looking at the ghost with a frosty face, he seemed extremely happy.

But no one knew how restless and terrified this tyrant was at this moment.

My own dead ghost father actually did it! He really found an opportunity to break free from the wall of origin!

For Dakseid, this is definitely not something worth celebrating. The stronger Yuga Khan, the most frightening thing is not those enemies, but Dakseid!

No one is more aware of the brutality of Yuga Khan than Darkseid. Back then, Yuga Khan almost conquered the entire realm of gods by himself. Countless worlds were destroyed and hundreds of millions of lives were killed. All these disasters resulted Just because Yuga Khan was bored and wanted to have some fun.

What Michael, what Lucifer, what endless family, what five great gods, as well as the life court, the universe god group, etc., tied together are not Yuga Khan's opponents.

Whoever stands in the way dies. In the era when Gakhan ruled everything, this is the real hell.

Until Yuga Khan got tired of all this,

Self-hanging origin wall.

"That guy's escape will be a disaster for the entire Divine Realm, including you!" The ghost's face was ugly, and this was the last result he wanted to see.

He was outside the wall, overlooking the world inside the wall that existed as a flaw from a distance. The bustle of the past has disappeared, and the ghost can only feel the endless chilling atmosphere.

He wanted to communicate with the great existence that supported the existence of the world inside the wall, but no matter how hard he tried, the great existence did not respond to him.

This is also normal, just like a human being, would he take the time to care about the so-called "big event" that happened in a cell of his body?

Moreover, describing the world inside the wall as a cell is really exaggerating the world inside the wall.

It's just a blemish that appeared inexplicably, smaller than a cell, subtler, and insignificant.

Yuga Khan may escape, which is the worst possible outcome.

"What does this have to do with me? This is something you should care about. Use your power of judgment to judge him. Don't you want to judge all evil?"

Darkseid's rocky face trembled violently, and sneered.

The ghost snorted coldly.

The power of origin warned the ghost and dissipated slowly, but the invisible terrifying pressure was always pressing on my heart and could not be dispelled for a long time. It felt like a pair of ruthless eyes were staring at it all the time.

"Go to the wall of origin, find him, and judge him before he escapes, this is what you should do, don't thank me."

Dakseid encouraged, grinning grinningly, the omega rays shot out from his eyes, and he, who had recovered from the perfect victory period, started again.

The ghost snorted coldly, and glanced at the wall of origin fearfully. To be honest, if he really had the ability to run up to the wall to kill Yuga Khan, he would have done it long ago.

Let alone whether it can be found or not, the wall of origin is too huge, and there are countless layers of ancient gods stacked on it. In the case of the wall of origin crazily extracting everything, unless it is actively exposed by Jia Khan, it will be regarded as a ghost because it cannot be found. Yuga Khan.

Without the power of origin, without a special set of information, it would be a ghost if he could find it.


The war broke out again.

The two gods who stood at the limit of the eighth level fought fiercely, which was more tragic than the battle between Darkseid and Mobius.

Darkseid's body is the eighth-level limit, standing at the top of the multiverse level.

As for the ghost, the combat power that can be displayed now is the limit of the eighth level, relying on the powerful lethality of the power of judgment against Darkseid, it has a slight upper hand.

Everyone knows that the ghost is the most powerful existence, and its combat power is erratic.

In the fierce battle, both of them deliberately avoided the destruction of Apocalypse. Out of fear of Yuga Khan, neither of them wanted to deal with the power of origin.

That was a terrifying force that the entire God Realm could not hold back, and it contained mysterious origin secrets.

The battlefield between the two figures grew bigger and bigger. After countless confrontations broke out, Darkseid lost again.

The ghost exploded, and a ray of light tore up Darkseid, shattering his godhead again.

"I will lose, but I will never die! Ghost, you know what I'm talking about, your birth is God's failure!!"

Darkseid laughed, the Omega effect rioted in all directions, gushing out crazily, with the power of Darkseid blooming the final brilliance, attacking the ghost.

"Shut up, you don't deserve to mention God!!!"

The ghost's eyes were tearing apart, and he insulted the God who created him in front of him, which is unforgivable!


The ghost rushed into the ocean formed by the Omega effect, roared loudly, and forcibly tore a path. During the movement, a judgment spear took shape, and threw it fiercely with the power to smash everything.

With a pop, Darkseid's body was shattered, and the godhead scattered and fluttered, mixed into the Omega effect.

The ghost snorted angrily, and the divine light of judgment scattered and killed, annihilating most of the power of the godhead, but a very small part escaped with the omega effect.

The ghost stood in place, looking up at the realm of gods, and the streamers that could be seen everywhere entwined around him. These bizarre streamers were the basis of the only time and space in the realm of gods, containing rules, high-quality energy, and extremely complex and difficult-to-decipher information .

"I will not surrender, even Yuka Khan will never allow me to surrender. The meaning of my existence is to judge those evils within my power, and carefully protect the growing justice and hope. This is the entire value of my existence since I was born! "

The ghost looked at the realm of the gods, and focused on the Apocalypse, which still existed stably. The ominous red light that was constantly radiating out was stinging the ghost's nerves all the time.

Quietly, the ghost has disappeared in place, and its whereabouts are unknown.

The Realm of God is always quiet, and bright streamers of light pass by, like beautiful meteors in the night sky.



Downey was sitting on the sofa, opposite him was a crying baby.

The child born by Zansha and Super Queen was being placed in front of Downey, howling like a wolf.

Hungry perhaps? Still cold? Or was he instinctively greedy for Downey's powerful divine power but couldn't get it?

None of it matters.

Donnie just sat there quietly, expressionless, and had no intention of coaxing the child at all.

Anyway, it was not his own, but the offspring of the villains of the evil alliance, which contained an instinctive evil character and a terrifying carrying capacity.

"You just watched him die like this?"

The female Death God stood behind Downey like a loyal guard.

The goddess of death is much more reliable than Doomsday, who is ready to attack you at any time, and now she is the most reassuring guard and top thug for Donnie.

It wasn't the dark walker who asked the question. This god of death usually doesn't even bother to fart, and he is not interested in competing with Greer for control of his body and strength.

Only when it's time to draw a knife and cut someone, will the Dark Walker be as excited as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

Donnie glanced at the crying baby casually, and said calmly, "I'm waiting for someone."


The Goddess of Death looked confused, and then her expression changed: "Dakseid?"

"It seems that you are not as stupid as I imagined. Your little plan can hardly be hidden in front of your father."

"He doesn't deserve to be my father!" the female Death God growled.

Donnie didn't bother to respond. Donnie wasn't interested in participating in the story of his father and his wife and daughter's turmoil and abandonment.

Continue to wait, unconsciously, the baby's crying became louder and louder, it seemed a little anxious.

Suddenly, Downey's expression changed.

An Omega effect drifted over, appearing within Downey's sensing range with a trace of Darkseid's defeated will.

Donnie stood up abruptly, took a step forward and picked up the baby, and yelled at the Realm of God, which was far away from Cybertron.



As if some kind of dormant magic was activated, there was an astonishing absorption force from the baby immediately, and his eyes looked at the realm of gods, staring closely at a wisp of omega effect.

Immediately, a trace of Darkseid's will was pulled by the powerful power of Zansha, and he quickly came to Cybertron, and went straight into the baby's body.

Suddenly, the baby completed the transformation from a mortal to a god in an instant, and even a little bit of the broken Omega effect was enough to create a god.

Considerable power surged in the baby's body, and Donnie put the baby on the ground.

"I thought it would be miserable to be hunted and killed twice by the Dark Walker. Now it seems that you have provoked an even more difficult opponent."

Downey laughed.

A scythe appeared in the female Death's hand, and she was about to move, but Downey was always trying to suppress her killing desire.

The baby slowly raised its head, a frightening red light circulated in his eye sockets, a brutal breath emerged, and the strange will had completed the transformation of doves occupying magpies' nests.

"This is just the beginning."

The baby said the smell of blood came to his face.

With a burst of powerful energy, the baby grew rapidly in the energy, and in an instant, a figure like a hill stepped out slowly.

Darkseid is back!

There is no joy of new life, but a bloody peace.

The continuous Omega effect was absorbed by Darkseid's new body. In just a few seconds, Darkseid had returned to the peak. Virtue, the strength is not as good as the main body, but it is much stronger than the average clone.

"How did you find out?" Darkseid ignored the female Death God and looked at Downey.

Downey said: "It's just a guess, I didn't expect that rebirth with the help of Zansha's power is really part of your plan."

Darkseid's face was expressionless, and he didn't know whether he believed Donnie's nonsense.

"By the way, who beat you up like this?" Downey was very interested.

"Ghost, he came back from outside the wall. He seems to have a special mission. That troublesome soul body is exuding extreme anxiety all the time, which is disgusting."

Dakseid lowered his head and saw a pot of tea on the table. He stretched out his hand, his big and ridiculous palm was like holding a ping-pong ball, and threw the pot and tea into his mouth to chew.

"Things that don't have any edible value, don't contain special information sets, don't have high-level energy and soul... I don't know what you spend your time drinking this stuff for."

Darkseid snorted coldly.

Donnie didn't respond, just frowned and thought.

"Phantom anxiety...God's wrath...hope it's not what I think it is, or I'll be in trouble."

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