Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 946 I will set you free

A digression, about the strength positioning of DC Lucifer and Yuga Khan.

Someone raised it yesterday. I said in the book that Yuka Khan is better than Lucifer. Some people put forward different opinions. I also read a lot of materials, including some popular science articles circulated on the Internet, combined with what I read before. Those comics, this kind of division that lists Lucifer as the second batch of DC, I really don't agree with it.

The current mainstream view is to regard Lucifer and Michael as the strongest under God, the giant beast and the main watcher, similar to the status of the molecules in Marvel.

I have been busy with this statement for a long time yesterday, but I have not found reliable evidence that I can produce.

First of all, taking the top-selling comic "Sandman" as an example, this comic shows the elegance of the endless family for the first time. The protagonist is the Sandman, the third child of the Endless family, the owner of the world of dreams and nightmares.

In this comic, the Sandman once entered hell and had a positive and unfriendly contact with Lucifer. As a result, Lucifer was persuaded, and finally said ruthlessly that the Sandman would be killed sooner or later.

A mere Sandman was in Lucifer's base camp, so suppressed that Lucifer didn't dare to move, he only dared to speak harshly, the boss, Destiny, and the second died, and he hasn't spoken yet.

Second, according to Baidu Encyclopedia, Lucifer has half the power of God.

Let’s not talk about how bad the stalk of “comparable to God” is in DC, and it is only half God. You must know that Jin Chao (or Yin Chao, forgot) can freely enter and exit God’s back garden, and some people call him “worthy of God”. "Comparable to God", when Thinking Super debuted and the multiverse was a comic book in the eyes of Thinking Super, everyone also called Thinking Super "comparable to God".

By the way, Lucifer, who is still ruling hell, can't do whatever he wants, because there are two guys who are slightly inferior to Lucifer to contain him, and the name of the Big Three of DC Hell comes from this. If Lucifer is really under God The first person, what are the other two giants who are known as Lucifer? One-third or two-fifths of God?

Where does this put DC's second strongest level ten god?

In the end, Lucifer simply lost control of Hell, and went to the underworld to become the boss, and Hell entered the era of endless family rule.

Even if he really has half the power of a tenth-level god, then the death of the second child of the endless family, for the setting of this lady, there is only one sentence in the entire DC comics: She is with God.

Another one comparable to God, this time it is not from the mouth of the readers, but the explicit setting in the comics.


Looking at all the DC comics, Lucifer and Michael's best display of strength is nothing more than leaving the DC world and creating a new world.

The DC world generally refers to the world within the entire origin wall.

This is awesome and bluffing, but after I thought about it carefully, it was still not right, it was nothing more than crossing the origin wall.

Golden Superman can easily do this. The two most prominent abilities of Jin Chao are, one is to share his own power, and the other is to cross the wall of origin.

If someone said that Jin Chao was able to hang and beat Darkseid, and tortured Yuga Khan to death with one hand, he would definitely be criticized by a bunch of people. He is only a five-dimensional life in essence.

In DC comics, as long as they have the power of God, they can pass through the wall of origin. Jin Chao can be said to be an exception, God’s wrath ghost can, Lucifer and Michael can, other God’s eyes, God’s hand, etc., Not to mention.

As for the creation of multiple universes, this is the basic operation of high-level gods. The latest DC comics have led to the omnipotent universe outside the wall. There are still a group of special people in the void world. They create multiple universes specifically for sacrificing themselves, similar to Marvel's first firmament, if one of them dies, a new multiverse will be born.

Could it be that this group of people can create a multiverse in batches that is no less than the DC world, so that each of them is the first person under God?

Fourth, about Lucifer and the endless family.

Lucifer once thought about life on the journey to meet God, and then witnessed death hunted and killed a Creator God-whether this Creator God belongs to the special group that created the multiverse, don’t ask me, I don’t I know, maybe even a bunch of DC editors don’t know. After all, so many comics are not drawn by one person, and it’s already great to be able to barely guarantee the same lineage.

To put it simply, where Lucifer can go, death can also go, and being with God is not a joke.

In the end, I really don’t know where the saying that Lucifer is the first person under God comes from. Unless it is officially admitted by DC, it proves that I am ignorant and have not read the official statement. Otherwise, judging from the existing performance, I really can’t bear it. Looking directly at it, this first person is like water to the sky.

At least in this book, I won't hold Lucifer so high. After reading so many comics, I can't draw a conclusion based on the comics to connect him with the number one powerhouse, so this so-called DC that circulates on the Internet The second batch of sayings does not exist in this book.

He's just a fallen angel, the Lord of the Underworld, nothing more.


About Yuga Khan.

Some people question that he is not so strong, because Yuga Khan has no record that can be achieved. This is true. There is no confrontation between Yuga Khan and other super gods in the comics. We have no way of knowing the specific strength.

That can only be said from the setting.

Yuga Khan is the strongest new god. He "raised the level of the entire new god group by his own power" and "there is no new god Yuga Khan's opponent".

If this is the case, it is more reasonable for Youjia Khan's strength to be counted at the super-cosmic level, but the key lies in the power he masters, the power of origin. This is the power from the wall of origin. Yuga Khan has the ability to control the origin because of his research on the wall of origin.

The origin, comes directly from the wall of origin.

According to the setting of DC comics, all those on the origin wall, except Yuga Khan, are abolished.

Those who can directly pass through the wall of origin, except Jin Chao who is unknown, and the ghost Lucifer Michael all rely on the power of God, but don’t forget that the monitor family who is the main monitor in the background can also pass through the wall of origin. When the Justice League appeared, the large army of the monitors noticed the DC world, and then ran in out of curiosity, and the origin wall couldn't stop them at all.

Can't it be said that all the monitors are stronger than Yuga Khan?

With the protection of the supreme power, the wall of origin is like paper, without the protection of the supreme power, the wall of origin is a veritable grave of the living dead.

But in the absence of supreme protection, but completed the feat of breaking free from the grave, only the third generation Yuga Khan has done it. Not only did he do it, he also understood some secrets of the origin wall, gained the power of origin, and was Called the God of Origin, named after the Wall of Origin.

The most important thing is that the Wall of Origin was created by the visitors of the Land of Origin (the place of origin, which is suspected to be the only origin of the omnipotent universe, the residence of judges and creators), and the level is scary from the very beginning Yuga Khan, an old guy, just gnawed a mouthful from the terrifying wall of origin, and gained the power of origin. It was a terrible mess. If it wasn't for the big waves in the end, he thought he had the ability to break through the wall, and he wouldn't be like this Miserable, the second time on the wall.

The origin owned by Yuga Khan may not be just the origin of the wall of origin. I think there is a very low probability that it is directly linked to the place of origin, which is even more terrifying. This is why I insist on improving the status of Yuga Khan in this book The reason is that there are too many articles that can be done in this area. Is there anything more reasonable than this that can lead to the big pit of the omnipotent universe in the later stage?

I didn't want to expose this pit right now, but considering the rationality, I simply explained it. After all, the horizontal and vertical comparison of combat power is the selling point of this book. I will explain why it is written so that everyone can accept it. I feel that writing like this is not all due to me closing my eyes and blindly writing J8, it is more important than anything else.

As for whether it is what I guessed, there is no trace of Yuga Khan in the latest comics, and it may take a few years before it will appear. We will wait and see, and we only hope that the slap in the face will not be too harsh.

To sum up, I set Yuga Khan as surpassing Lucifer. Of course, if DC officially said that Lucifer is the first person under God, then I am ignorant, please forgive me haha.

The following is the text - don't slap me in the face -

The reborn Darkseid brought extremely critical information to Downey.

The ghost who is the wrath of God is actually anxious. This is a dangerous signal. As far as Downey knows, there is only one person who can make the ghost feel restless.

So Downey was also a little anxious.

"Did you know something?"

Darkseid looked at Downey suspiciously.

"No, I don't know anything." Donnie vetoed it.

Darkseid snorted coldly, but didn't delve into it. He glanced at his heir coldly, and then looked away, as if he didn't care about it at all.

"Darkseid!! I will kill you sooner or later!!!"

The goddess of death growled, and Greer was going crazy, wanting to control this body and kill Darkseid.

"There are many people who want to kill me. My child, my enemies have never lacked you. When you have the ability to kill me, you will be the new king of Apocalypse."

Dakseid was very heartbroken, instead of being angry, he glanced at his daughter with appreciation.

Good ambition, very good, he likes it very much, this kind of person can live longer in the law of the jungle of Apocalypse.

It's just that no one can kill him, not even the Dark Walker. At most, he can only keep killing his body and clones, weakening him little by little.

"If your performance satisfies me, I will allow you to become my heir, replacing that idiot Kalibak."

Dakseid said with satisfaction.

Calibak is reasonable to say that he is not bad, although he is far worse than when he was young, whether it is ambition or means, he is far worse than when he was young.

On the contrary, Greer is more favored by Darkseid.

As for Orion... the tyrant's right to regard this son as abolished, hang out with the heavenly father, and then send him back to Apocalypse, is he sure he can survive?

With a mouth full of justice and benevolence, Darkseid would strangle him first without the mobs of Apocalypse.

"You're resurrected, why don't you leave? My planet has no plans to entertain you." Downey started to chase people away.

Dakseid was expressionless, instead of leaving, he sat down on the exquisite sofa, only to hear a bang, and his heavy body instantly crushed a good sofa.

Darkside said: "Soon, it will be the new hundred years of God's Domain, and Apocalypse and New Genesis will pass by each other. I would like to invite your planet to join this war."

"Impossible, I have no enmity with Heavenly Father."

Downey flatly refused.

He has had contact with Heavenly Father before, and this guy is also a very dangerous person.

In the era of Yuga Khan, this heavenly father was able to support the new creation star from being destroyed by Yuga Khan. This is not just talk.

Although, as the opposite of the two sides of the Apocalypse Star, the New Creation Star cannot be destroyed. If the New Creation Star is destroyed, the balance on the Apocalypse Star will be broken, and the loss is too great. In addition, Yujia Khan has nothing to do with the New Creation Star. interest in destruction.

But Heavenly Father himself is also a guy who hides deeply. Although his own strength is not strong, it is still unknown whether he can defeat the peak Darkseid, but he holds a terrifying artifact in his hand.

That's a scepter.

A power that can communicate with the wall of origin, and directly obtain huge power from the wall of origin.

This is the confidence of the heavenly father. He can't do it himself, but he can't stop the trench. He has such a weapon in his hand that looks like it's open.

Downey has a strong head, so he will take the initiative to rush up to help Darkseid face Apocalypse.

Darkseid raised his chin proudly: "If you participate in the war, we will completely destroy the new creation star, and you can completely replace the new creation star with your Cybertron star and become the companion planet of the Apocalypse star. Both you and I benefit."

Donnie frowned at him.

Darkseid showed an ugly smile: "Being a neighbor and ally with such an interesting guy like you is much more reliable than joining forces with that hypocritical old ghost. In this way, when we face some troubles, the joint efforts between you and me can still work together." Bigger."

As long as Darkseid is not stupid, he knows that he can't handle the trouble of making the ghost rush back to do things.

Even if there is no such crisis, his father Yuga Khan is still in big trouble, who knows when something will happen suddenly.

Dakseid's fear of Yuga Khan is deep in his bones.

Downey snorted secretly. He didn't believe a word of this kind of nonsense. Apocalypse and Xinchuangshi were two sides of one body. Even Yuga Khan, who was so cruel to that extent, didn't do anything to destroy Xinchuangshi.

Moreover, Darkseid has clearly prepared everything.

In the comics, the dark superman has completed the feat of destroying the new creation star.

It's true that the tyrant doesn't bother to lie, but that doesn't mean he's a muscular mallet that can only use the omega effect to bang around.

"I have more important things to do. To me, the multiverse is more important than a civil war between your two planets," Downey said.

Darkseid's face was cold, and he got up slowly: "I hope you won't regret it in the future."

After finishing speaking, Darkseid broke through the building directly and left Cybertron.

The Goddess of Death roared: "Why didn't you let me kill him just now? After killing his body, I can continue to hunt and kill many of his clones for you until he is completely unable to pose a threat to you. Why stop me? "

"Idiot, you don't know anything about your father!" Donnie snorted coldly, and said coldly, "After merging with the Dark Walker, your IQ was also lowered by the Dark Walker? The most terrifying thing about Darkseid The place is not him, but the one standing behind him, no matter how powerful you are, you can’t kill him! Do you really think that you are stronger than many ancient beings? They can’t kill Darkseid , let alone you?"

The goddess of death fell silent.

Donnie stared at Darkseid who was going away, and rubbed the space between his brows.

Still the same sentence, strength, there is everything with strength, if he has the power of the original transcendent and the giant beast, Yuga Khan, he can be killed with one finger.

Yuga Khan of Apocalypse and Xinchuangshi are suspected to be scepters made of materials left by the big bird who came from the original place of origin.

Downey didn't intend to provoke these two planets, everything was focused on improving himself.

"Let's go to war, I can't wait."

Downey looked in the direction of the multiverse and let out a long breath.

Strength, without strength, is nothing.

The multiverse level is still not enough, Downey doesn't have a backstage capable of suppressing all dissatisfaction.


Darkseid was in a bad mood.

Downey is too cunning, and it seems that he is hiding a lot of valuable information, and he doesn't know where this new god who has just risen got this information.


Dakseid's figure suddenly stopped, and he turned around suddenly, looking at him with cold eyes.

A vague figure is coming quickly, with a tyranny no less than that of Darkseid, and even more pure and straightforward.


Darkseid looked coldly, facing Doomsday, both sides were filled with extremely brutal blood-colored eyes, and a fierce information confrontation started in an instant.

What moved Darkseid was that the Doomsday King Kong at this time had already left him behind in terms of strength.

The quasi-ninth-level power slowly spread out, bringing strong pressure to Darkseid.

Doomsday King Kong's face was cold and cruel, his eye sockets turned red, and his hot eyes shot out, pointing directly at Darkseid.

Unscrupulous, bloodthirsty and easy to kill, coupled with old and unpleasant contacts.

Omega rays also blasted out from Darkseid's eyes. After several twists and turns, they confronted Doomsday's heat sight, and the powerful ripples collapsed, directly destroying a large number of streamers that had gathered, causing turmoil.

Darkseid's omega ray was blasted through, and Darkseid himself endured the hot gaze head-on, and flew out in an instant, tearing up a large area of ​​God's Domain, scarred, and the function of the only god was wantonly destroyed. Embarrassed.

Doomsday King Kong clearly showed deep disappointment.

Such Dakseid can no longer bring him an opportunity to evolve.

Since it's useless, then don't play, just kill it.

Doomsday King Kong showed a strong hostility on his face, without making a sound, his figure instantly appeared in front of the half-disabled Dakseid, and he punched out with the might of exterminating everything.

Even if Darkseid roared and exploded with all the power of the Omega effect, he couldn't stop the punch of Doomsday King Kong.

The current Darkseid is just an incomplete version that has just been reborn. His strength is not enough, and he has to face the Doomsday King Kong head-on.

In Dakseid's blood-colored eyes, Doomsday King Kong's fist magnified infinitely, and when he was completely covered, it was when he was killed.

The powerful force has already destroyed more than half of Dakseid's body, squeezing it into mud.

A violent white light suddenly appeared, and the sonic boom channel was fully opened, instantly enveloping Darkseid, barely teleporting Darkseid away.


Doomsday King Kong's punch hit the empty space, directly hitting a huge void of nothingness.

Standing on the spot in silence for a moment, Doomsday King Kong turned around and flew towards Cybertron. The calm cruelty was as easy as walking on the road and stepping on an ant to death.

Apocalypse, Darkseid stood there with a gloomy expression, and in his hands, the four mother boxes were emitting brilliance.

His body, which had been destroyed by more than half, had returned to its original state at this time, but the horror of Doomsday King Kong remained in his mind like a nail.

At the beginning, he witnessed the birth of this monster with his own eyes, and killed this guy countless times while still in the blood domain, allowing Doomsday King Kong to obtain its initial rapid evolution.

Now, this monster has left him far away, and Darkseid is not even qualified to be the opponent of Doomsday King Kong.

Only when all the avatars are gathered and a complete godhead is gathered, can one be able to fight.

"Anti-life equation..."

Dakseid was in a bad mood, and began to think about how to get the equation from Savitar. There is nothing in this world that is more suitable as a source of his growth strength than the equation.

No one wants to touch the things that I, Darkseid, fancy. If I move, I will spit out all my money and profits!

Darkseid sat on the throne, full of malice, thinking, with the Anti-Life Equation, is it possible to compete with his father?

"This is just the beginning..." Darkseid whispered.

The recent setbacks did not make this brutal ruler lose confidence. They were just some small setbacks. Xingzhe was killed once, his old den was copied by Jin Chao once, he was killed by a ghost once, and he was maimed once by King Kong of the Destroyer...

Thinking about it, Dakseid suddenly fell into a long silence.


Suddenly, as the sandbag-sized fist shattered the throne, Apocalypse shook suddenly, and countless residents raised their heads in fear, with grief and indignation in their hearts.

Come on again, who is here to trouble me for Apocalypse this time?


Donnie didn't bother to pay attention to Darkseid's irritability.

"You sent Hollenmeyer to the Origin Wall? Well done."

Downey looked at the Doomsday King Kong standing in front of him like a hill, and expressed his sincere admiration.

Unexpectedly, this guy was so capable, and he got rid of the scourge of Hollenmeyer so quickly. It was worse than death when he got on the wall.

"Now, according to our original agreement, I will give you back your freedom."

Downey nodded in satisfaction, and said slowly.

The gods of Cybertron, who sensed the arrival of Doomsday King Kong, rushed over one after another, and powerful figures appeared beside Downey, staring at Doomsday King Kong warily, with tense nerves.

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