Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 947: The Third Powerful Day of Destruction

A dozen or so figures gathered, except for the bumblebee who was still in the multiverse, all the existences at the eighth level came.

They surrounded Doomsday King Kong exuding an uneasy atmosphere, their nerves tensed.

The current Doomsday King Kong can completely kill them all by himself, and the evolution speed is too fast.

Downey slowly raised his hand, and under the intense gaze, he stretched forward and patted Doomsday King Kong's palm hard.

He wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but Doomsday King Kong was too tall.

"According to our agreement, I will give you freedom." Downey looked up at the big guy he created, "Sending him to the wall of origin is worse than death for him."

King Kong Doomsday stared at him coldly, expressionless.


Old Shazam leaned over and gave a low warning.

Downey raised his hand, and a huge wave gushed out from the core of Cybertron. The information that went deep into the fire source instantly found Doomsday King Kong's initial fire that had been sealed up layer by layer by the fire source. .

Among the hundreds of millions of souls stored in the entire fire source, Doomsday King Kong's fire is stored in the deepest part of the fire source, and it is also subject to the strictest monitoring and blockade.

Now, under Downey's power, this blockade is gradually opened, accompanied by a feeling of oppression that is almost suffocating, the fire that has been sealed up with unprecedented strength has finally shed its shackles and welcomes the most precious freedom.

At this moment, the entire Cybertron planet was trembling, and the quasi-ninth-level breath emerged a little bit, directly overwhelming countless people out of breath.

This is a power over the multiverse.

"I'll give you back what's yours." Donnie slowly handed it over with a restless spark floating in his hand.

At this moment, Doomsday King Kong inevitably experienced some fluctuations. He looked down at the fire, and grabbed it with one hand.

But Donnie grabbed Tinder by the hind legs.

Doomsday made a move.

"Remember, when you take away the tinder, you have no connection with me. You are free to do whatever you want, but if one day you stand on the opposite side of me, I will stop at nothing to kill you." destroy,

I created you, and if you are my enemy, I am capable of destroying you as well. "

Downey's tone was low.

Doomsday King Kong stood in place, silently swept over everyone present, and met with different eyes.

Guard, vigilance, indifference, coldness, and... a little reluctance.

Having been together for such a long time, Doomsday King Kong has never done anything rebellious. This silent big guy has always been struggling to suppress his brutal instincts, venting all his tyranny on the enemy.

Doomsday King Kong firmly reached out, and took back his missing part from Downey.

The fire seed submerged into Doomsday King Kong's body and turned into a streamer.

Suddenly, King Kong's life form took a step closer. After getting back his own fire, Downey lost his control and evolutionary interference.

From now on, Doomsday King Kong will no longer be restricted by Downey and the source of fire, and everything about him will be independent, even life forms, and will not be limited to Transformers.

He can evolve as he pleases, choosing new life forms as he pleases.

Anyway, no matter how you change it, it won't have any big impact.

Doomsday King Kong stood silently in place, as if his blood-soaked eyes had seen everyone present one by one. At some point, the tyranny dissipated a little, and there was a little more tranquility.

Turning around, the black figure left and rushed into the realm of gods, disappearing.

Even Downey couldn't catch Doomsday King Kong at this time.

"Donnie, you're taking some risks." Old Shazam's tense body relaxed, and he whispered.

Donnie didn't respond, just looked at the Realm of God calmly, "This guy is different from the ancient Doomsday. When I created him, I didn't shape him into a cold machine. This guy can communicate. You should I know too."

The female death grinned: "I don't know."

No one paid attention to him, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The moment King Kong got the fire just now, they were all ready to go all out. Fortunately, this big guy didn't do the kind of thing that turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

"Isn't it a pity? He could have become one of us, maybe we can find a way to keep him from leaving."

Lao Sha sighed in admiration, feeling reluctant to give up. With such a big guy in charge, few gods on Cybertron would dare to provoke him, at least until they found a way to restrain Doomsday King Kong.

Downey was also very regretful, the feeling that he was supposed to belong to him but left in the end was really helpless.

"Of course I can continue to suppress him through the fire source, but who dares to bet on this kind of thing? Before the trouble gets out of hand, it's better to have a direct showdown. It's enough to exchange Hollenmeyer's life for his freedom." For the best."

If the delay continues, Doomsday King Kong will be pushed into a hurry, and no one will end well.

"The days to come are still long, and the most important thing we need is time... We will definitely have the opportunity to cooperate with him again. This guy will think seriously like a person, which is the most important thing."

It's not like the ancient Doomsday, which doesn't care about what should and shouldn't be, let alone the complicated relationship between closeness and estrangement, and only needs to continue to evolve.


Doomsday King Kong left, he rushed into the realm of gods, and left without looking back.

In the first half of his short life, he has been fighting for Downey and living for Downey's will. Now, he can finally be himself and do whatever he wants.

This is freedom.

Doomsday King Kong shuttled through the realm of the gods, and countless streamers flickered on him, as if celebrating the rebirth of this unsolvable monster.

He squinted his eyes and looked at this vast and magnificent world. For the first time, he really observed the world from his own perspective. Slowly, he opened his mouth and let out an extreme roar.


With a shocking roar, he unscrupulously announced his majesty to the whole world, and everything should be under his rule. This action was learned on Cybertron.

Well, he saw it on TV. It is said that there is a creature called a lion on the earth. It likes to stand on a high place and roar when it has nothing to do.

This monster began to think about itself with its own will, thinking that it should also enclose itself in this world of gods and spirits.

Because everyone is enclosing land, Downey is enclosing land, and other gods he has contacted are also enclosing land, dividing their territory, and denying others to enter.

King Kong Doomsday felt that he had found a new target.


Doomsday King Kong uttered a word, growled, and looked in all directions with satisfaction.

Everyone is occupying territory, and as a newly promoted super-cosmic level existence, it is necessary to occupy an even wider area.

Doomsday King Kong looked down at himself. On a special Doomsday, there should be subordinates on his territory...



Gao Tianzun has recently taken off.

He went around in the realm of the gods, not moist enough.

What happened to Doomsday? What happened to being disliked by the natives in the realm of gods? As long as you are strong, you can have everything.

Although Gao Tianzun knew that he, a multi-dimensional god who barely squeezed into the ranks of the multiverse from the heavenly father with the help of the doomsday serum, was actually nothing in the realm of gods where the ancient gods gathered. All dissatisfied with the suppression of the Almighty class.

But how many of those guys are there in total? Counting those who showed up and those who were sleeping, those who knew and those who didn't, are there dozens? Apart from these guys, Gao Tianzun is really not afraid of anyone.

"I am Gao Tianzun, I have stood at the top of all double bodies, and I am the greatest god."

Gao Tianzun looked intoxicated, indulging in his own greatness and unable to extricate himself.

As long as he is not unlucky enough to bump into a multiverse god in God's Domain, Gao Tianzun will not be afraid of anyone.

"Sure enough, the group of idiots who went to hell in a panic at the beginning are the real fools, and they are not as wise as I, Gao Tianzun." Whenever Gao Tianzun thinks of the group of guys who ran to hell to survive, a huge superiority suddenly arises in his heart feel.

Although they were all experimental products of Downey, and even though they were thrown into the realm of gods by Downey in the end, as far as Gao Tianzun knew, there was no Doomsday that he lived comfortably.

Ninety-nine percent were killed.

Originally in that collapsed universe, the other three Doomsday leaders who were hostile to him were all dead and there was not even a scum left! !

The rest are almost all living in dire straits in hell.

Especially recently, Gao Tianzun accidentally captured a broken information set from countless streamers in God's Domain, which recorded the news that Hollenmeyer was killed by the Doomsday of following the new god, which made Gao Tianzun more confident.

Who else dares to underestimate their Doomsday!

As the terrifying reputation of the ancient Doomsday and Doomsday King Kong spread, Gao Tianzun's original intention to defect to Downey immediately changed fundamentally.

"Sooner or later, I will open casinos all over God's Domain, so that the whole God's Domain will sing my name!"

Gao Tianzun was so ambitious that he had already started. He found several small areas that were easy to bully, and forcibly opened the gates to open the casino.

It is no secret in the multiverse that Gao Tianzun likes to gamble. No matter which universe Gao Tianzun is in, as long as he exists, there must be a casino.

The Elder of the Universe moves forward ambitiously, mulling over his grand plans.

Until he heard a faint roar with a violent breath, the touch of destruction hit Gao Tianzun instantly.

"A wild Doomsday?!"

Gao Tianzun's pondering face suddenly brightened, blooming like an old chrysanthemum.

Good luck hehehe, whatever is missing, my casino is short of thugs.

"Maybe it was the subordinate who followed me..."

Gao Tianzun was delighted, and immediately rushed towards the direction of the voice. As for the tyrannical emotion and majestic information contained in the voice, Gao Tianzun directly ignored it.

In the entire world inside the wall, except for the ancient Doomsday and the Doomsday King Kong, Gao Tianzun is the most powerful Doomsday, and Gao Tianzun is sure of this.

As for actually meeting those two monsters... Hehe, don't be ridiculous, the ancient Doomsday never yelled like this, and Doomsday King Kong was following Downey.

Gao Tianzun walked forward quickly, putting on a majestic and solemn appearance, and the powerful eighth-level power slowly radiated.

"No matter who you are, it is an honor in your life to serve for my third strongest Lord Gao Tianzun!"

Before Gao Tianzun approached, he roared in a low voice.

What responded to him was a fist that suddenly filled his entire face.


A fist as big as a rock slammed into his entire face, directly submerged into the first floor, hitting Gao Tianzun beyond recognition.

Pfft, a mouth full of teeth flew out, and more than half of his head collapsed in.

Gao Tianzun was stunned by this powerful fist.

Who is it that can actually challenge me to be the third strongest Gao Tianzun? ? ?

This terrifying punch, for a moment, turned Gao Tianzun into a fool - even though his IQ was not high in the first place.

Unrivaled energy roared out of his fist, destroying Gao Tianzun's defense like a rotten one, making this self-satisfied multi-dimensional god almost rush to the street on the spot.

Gao Tianzun's self-healing power, strong adaptability, and multiverse-level combat power that Gao Tianzun was proud of were completely destroyed in front of this fist.

Gao Tianzun roared instinctively, his voice was exhausted as if he was trying his best, and his instantly recovered face was distorted into a ball, his momentum was astonishing, while his figure frantically retreated, he broke out with all his strength and fled.

Damn, it's too deceiving, how can I, Gao Tianzun, be such a great existence, be knocked down by your fist? ?

Just wait, I will come back, who doesn't know that I, Gao Tianzun, hold grudges the most!

Gao Tianzun's eyes showed deep panic, and he ran away desperately.

One punch, almost kills him in all directions!

This kind of existence, only the two guys in front of him!

who is it? Ancient Doomsday or Doomsday King Kong?


A huge shadow struck, and a sea of ​​energy that covered the sky and the sun swept over everything. The huge palm spread out and grabbed Gao Tianzun fiercely.

"I'm Gao Tianzun, under the command of New God, you can't touch me!!" Gao Tianzun screamed hoarsely.

The figure paused and spit out two words.


He grabbed Gao Tianzun with his palm, and Gao Tianzun's body creaked when he squeezed it. Obviously, it only takes the owner of the palm to pinch him lightly, and he can be crushed to death.

Doomsday King Kong looked at this Doomsday, showing a satisfied expression, very good, an eighth-level Doomsday, very good.

This is a pillow delivered to your door.

Gao Tianzun looked at Destroyer King Kong in horror, wailed in his heart, and immediately shouted: "I am going to join the New God. It is the work of the New God that I can have the current strength! The two of us can work together to serve the New God. "

Doomsday King Kong looked at him coldly.

Do you think I'm stupid if I don't like to talk?

"Follow me, or die."

Doomsday King Kong slowly closed his palms, destroying all the signs of Gao Tianzun's existence, while showing a cruel smile.

"From now on, you are the steward who will destroy the country."

Doomsday King Kong said so.

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