Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 948 Eternal Death

When Gao Tianzun in the realm of gods was almost strangled to death by King Kong of the Doomsday.

At the same time, Eternity, the most central multiverse, is sitting on a floating rock, and the rare galaxies in it are tenaciously exuding their final brilliance.

But compared to the past, the prosperous scenes in his body have long since disappeared, and the few remaining galaxies are being extinguished one after another at an astonishing speed, as if there is a greedy monster in his body that is quickly devouring everything.

Every time a galaxy goes out, the power of eternity weakens a little.

The aura of the Creator God was rapidly weakening, but Eternal did not make any movements, just sitting in the inner world, observing everything quietly.

He is dying.

With the passage of time, the existence of destruction conceived in the eternal body is growing rapidly, drawing his power even harder, transforming eternity into destruction.

Eternal life becomes souls of the dead, eternal existence becomes ruined, including eternity itself, which is also gradually dissipating, changing towards the extreme opposite.

Eternity just sat so quietly, without words, without asking for help, calmer than ever before.

Until, the indigenous life in the entire multiverse gradually realized that something was wrong.

"What's this?"

Richard stared in horror at what he observed.

He saw that countless eternities that should have spread throughout the multiverse are falling one after another.

An eternity standing in every universe is calmly facing its demise. Everything in itself has completely dissipated, and everything that has collapsed has been extracted one after another by unknown forces.

Eternity is dying.

The news of this explosion shook the multiverse. When many low-level beings were still ignorant, some high-level gods had already noticed this for the first time.

Most of them showed panic.

Regardless of how they usually curse eternity, regardless of whether there is hatred or no hatred, everyone knows what eternity means to the multiverse.

The five creator gods are the five cornerstones that stabilize the multiverse.


One of the five cornerstones seems to be breaking down. I don't know what happened, but if there are only four left... what will the multiverse be like?

"Eternity is dying? Who killed him?"

"I didn't notice the smell of war, the multiverse is very peaceful... Who can kill Eternity silently?"

"My chance has come, I will replace eternity and become the new God of Creation!"



Eternals died one after another, and more and more people felt uneasy.

The calmness of the other four creator gods made them even more dangerous.

It seems that the shadow of the doomsday is slowly approaching, opened his eyes in the darkness, and looked at them greedily.

At this time, in the inner world, one after another figure descended.

"How long is it?" A big head with a peaceful expression asked immediately after arriving in the other world.

Eternity said slowly: "I may die at any time."

"Whether you die or not, we actually don't care." Another big head with a twisted and hideous expression floated over and roared, "I just care, what will you do after you die!"

"Lord of Chaos, pay attention to your tone, at least maintain the most basic respect."

Annihilation spoke indifferently.

The Lord of Chaos with a distorted face immediately flinched.

To say that among the five great gods, what he fears the most is annihilation, not just a matter of strength, but also some kind of innate suppression.

The Lord of Chaos was originally an independent clone of Annihilation, and later made his fortune in the main universe, almost swallowing up all the major gods in the main universe, growing little by little.

Finally, a humanoid creature came in. He looked at the tense atmosphere at the scene, but did not speak.

"Middleman, have you found out what I asked you to investigate?" The Lord of Chaos shouted immediately.

"It's a bit of a look." The middleman said with a slight bow to show respect.

The Lord of Chaos hummed twice, but did not speak again.

Among those present, there are five great gods, chaos, order, and middlemen, all of whom are reliable people.

They gathered around Eternity, each with serious expressions.

The breath of eternity became weaker and weaker, and the darkness bred in his body almost burst out.

Death regretted: "You are dead, but I can't get your power."

Eternity is dead, and Death is still thinking about whether he can get some eternal power, what if he can also become a super-level existence?

Eternal calmly said: "When I die, you can try it with the guy I conceived, maybe you will succeed."

"Even if you can succeed, you can't do this." The Lord of Order said in a low tone, "None of the five creation gods can die. If eternity dies, the thing in his body will replace the eternal responsibility as the cornerstone, and we can't move it." he."

All the gods are silent.

At other times, it would be a big deal to tear it up, but now at this juncture...

Tun Xing said in a deep voice: "I will find a way to solve this matter. It was originally the problem caused by me. Even if I can't resurrect eternity, I will never let this thing destroy everything."

Tun Xing was also ruthless, a big hand had already grabbed his heart. His duty is to help Eternity suppress the birth of extreme opposition forever, but unfortunately it still fails, and the "key" of swallowing stars is not qualified.

Everyone turned their heads to look at him with weird expressions. Only at this point did they know what Tun Xing was responsible for.

Originally, only Eternity knew the meaning of Tun Xing's existence, and the other gods didn't understand it, let alone understand why Tun Xing, a guy who is too watery, became one of the five creation gods.

Now I finally understand.

"Since this is the case, then I won't get involved in the messy things inside your Chuangshishen. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. In fact, compared to you, the guy who is born forever is more to my liking. How good it is to destroy everything, hehehe ..."

The Lord of Chaos hummed twice, and looked at Eternal's stomach with a little deep meaning.

He could feel that, there, there was a cold gaze watching them, listening to their every communication.

Destroying the multiverse is not repulsed by chaos. He really likes to do this kind of thing. If it weren't for the annihilation and order that oppressed him, he would have secretly destroyed more worlds.

The Lord of Chaos is gone, the Lord of Order is gone, and the Middleman leaves after them.

The five gods fell into a long silence.

"I'm a little worried that on the side of the dark multiverse, Barbatos may not miss this good opportunity." Unlimited said.

"If he really started the civil war in Wantianyi World at this time, I would be even happier. The thing that eternity is gestating may not be worse than eternity. If he can destroy the multiverse, the power he gains will push him further. "

Death said lightly, "Eternal death will have great negative consequences for the multiverse and the internal balance of our Creator God, but it is a good thing for the overall situation."

"Even if this good thing is at the cost of the permanent demise of the multiverse?" Swallowing Star growled.

Eternity is dead, and the gods responsible for maintaining the fixed existence of the multiverse are gone, replaced by the Creator God who wants to destroy the multiverse. As long as this guy is alive, the multiverse will never recover.

In the world of Wantianyi, the bright side is eternal silence and nothingness.

Death speaks no more.

Infinite's figure quietly disappeared, and he directly withdrew from the dispute, showing his attitude with actions.

Before leaving, Annihilation only said one last sentence: "I will not interfere, as the creator god, I am not interested in interfering, so no matter what the final result is, it is all up to you."

Whether it is eternity or the newly born Destruction God, no matter how it changes, it is still one of them.

Death looked at eternity anciently, giggled, and left.

Tunxing smashed a meteorite with an angry fist, and growled: "I called them here to pull them to our side and deal with that thing together!"

Unfortunately, no one supports them.

"It's normal, you've been mentally prepared, haven't you?" Eternal stared into the distance, with countless stars shining in his eyes.

Even the God of Creation is not eternal, let alone him, eternal.

Among the five great gods, the position of eternity is very delicate. He is the only one who single-handedly killed the real eternity and stepped on the second generation of eternity who stepped on the eternal corpse.

A generation of eternity, called the first firmament, the body after death has become the framework of the multiverse they manipulate.

This is undoubtedly a bad start, providing a better choice for latecomers.

Annihilation, Infinity, Death, and Star Swallowing, no matter how you say it, they are the first generation of creation gods. Only he is eternal, and he is the successor who killed the first generation.

Now, his second generation of eternity is about to die, to be replaced by something that he personally conceived.

The third generation of "eternal" is about to absorb all of him, stepping on his corpse to start a new journey, just like what he did to the first generation of eternity back then.

It's like a reincarnation, everything is back to the original point.

Tun Xing said: "The only one who is willing to help us now is Yi Ge."

"As for the Cosmic God Group, I thought they would find a way to intervene in this war and delay the start of the war between the two multiverses as much as possible." Eternal asked.

"Sleeping God came to me." Tun Xing was silent for a while, and whispered, "He said they have more important things to do, and they will not pay attention to the battle between light and darkness."

Eternity did not speak, like a dying old man.

The two gods stayed so quietly until there was a soft sound.


A clear crack appeared on Eternity's body. Every minute and every second, the cracks are spreading rapidly, as if he has become a piece of glass and is collapsing from the inside out.

"I'm dying, remember, Swallow Star, don't do worthless things for meaningless things."

Eternal warned in a calm tone, and then, under the staring eyes of Tun Xing, Eternal's body completely collapsed.

There was a bang, like a glass bottle smashed by a ferocious force.

At the moment when the bottle was shattered, there was no light emitted, no bit of information revealed, and no energy produced.

Only condensed to a terrible darkness.

A blurry figure just stood on the corpse of Eternity, the eyes of venom were exposed, staring at Tun Xing, and devouring the remnants of Eternity bit by bit in front of Tun Xing.

"I gave myself a nice name, the talisman."

The blurry figure did not restrain the darkness that flowed from him, and a huge dark shadow erupted. In an instant, the entire world was infected and eroded by a terrible force. Countless planets in the process of formation collapsed, and the entire world became a withered gray.

The inner world originally existed as the headquarters of the five great gods, and it is a new world that has not yet been formed. Once an irreversible problem occurs in the multiverse that constitutes an important element of the only god, they can rebuild a multiverse in the inner world .

At least he can linger on and prepare for a comeback.

But now, this guy who called himself a talisman snatched the control of the inner world as soon as he appeared on the stage, and spread the power of destruction to completely destroy this place.

"You cheap thing!"

Tun Xing's eyeballs were red at that time, roaring loudly, he thrust his palm into his chest, clutched it hard on his heart, and then yanked it hard!

A mass of matter mixed with energy and flesh was wriggling, and a trace of sternness flashed across Tun Xing's face, and it was about to be pinched down.

The vague figure swayed for a while, the hatred and resentment in his eyes became more and more obvious, and at the same time, deep fear arose.

"You sealed me with your heart for countless years, isn't that enough!!!"

"Originally, I could have been born long ago!!"

"Originally, I could be one of you!!"

"But you bastard, you have been helping Eternal seal me, hypocrisy, insidious!"

"You did this just to maintain the friendship with eternity?! Isn't it because you have countless planets to spread the seeds of life, and there are countless life planets for you to eat?!"

The talisman was furious, and when he saw Tun Xing's heart, he was completely irritated.

Devourer has two forms, one is the most well-known planet devourer, who is always hungry and devours planets crazily. The other is the life messenger, that is, in a state of being full, who specially goes to various uninhabited planets to sow the seeds of life, and transforms the bad planet into a livable planet.

The two states switch back and forth.

Tun Xing showed a sinister smile: "Whatever you say, whether I am selfish or for the sake of the overall situation, as the only god at the end of the ultimate destruction, you should not be born! Your birth will cause the permanent destruction of countless lives and the universe. The price, isn’t it good to stay in your father’s stomach forever?”

Swallowing Xing squeezed hard, and the heart burst immediately, and a terrifying beam of light suddenly gushed out, as if joyful for the present world after countless years.

The talisman let out a scream, and the blurry figure immediately burst out with all its strength, revealing extreme madness in its eyes.

In this world, no one understands the horror of swallowing stars better than him, and the horror of that damned heart!

If Tun Xing is the one who holds the key, then Tun Xing's heart is the "key" to seal the talisman!

This key also has a nice name.

The ultimate eraser.

This is a thing that looks like a lighter, and it can be used by ordinary people easily. With a single blow, it can kill a single god in an instant.

It is not to obliterate the main body or the clone, but a terrifying weapon that can completely kill the only god, including the main body and the clone.

One strike would mean the fall of the only god.

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