Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 949 The Observers End

The talisman roared like crazy, and all the power he had just inherited from eternity was blasted out by him, and he tried his best to kill Swallowing Star.

Everyone knows that Tun Xing is a complete weakling!

Without the key heart of the Ultimate Eraser, Star Devourer is just a mere single universe level.

"Kill you, kill you!!!"

The talisman roared, and the blurry figure jumped hysterically towards Tun Xing, and the eyes that had just been shaped were already pitch black.


Before Tun Xing's bursting heart was fully revealed, the talisman had already appeared in front of Tun Xing, and a half-formed arm stabbed into Tun Xing's chest fiercely, and then tore it fiercely towards both sides!

Swallowing Star was torn in half by the talisman on the spot!

The huge destructive power poured down, and with a bang, it completely annihilated the swallowing star.

"The key is mine!"

The talisman laughed wildly, almost weeping with joy, and grabbed Tun Xing's heart.


The aftermath of the undissipated energy was crushed by the talisman, the light cluster dissipated as the afterglow disappeared, and the open palm of the talisman... was empty.

The amulet was stunned.

"Fake...? This bastard!"

The rune cursed under his breath in annoyance.

The ups and downs made the newly born talisman really uncomfortable.

Originally, he thought that he could get the key key and be completely free from then on.

"Swallowing stars, swallowing stars... I will kill you sooner or later!!"

The talisman roared, and looked up at the inner world that had been completely corrupted and assimilated by him. Everything here was filled with the power of his talisman. This new world, which had been in an unborn state all year round, ended before it even started.

Do you want to use the other world to create a castrated version of the multiverse as an opportunity to turn the tables when you encounter a major crisis in the future?

In front of my talisman, none of them exist.

It is ridiculous to ask for any multiverse, just destroy all of them.

What Eternal prefers is what his talisman hates, and what Eternal shelters is what his talisman must destroy if he wants to do everything.

This is the will of him, the only born god, the talisman!

Three obscure divine thoughts extended over, which were the will of annihilation, infinity and death. They were quietly observing this newborn third-generation "eternity" with a somewhat unstable temperament.

Or called the first generation of destruction.

"I will replace eternity and become one of you, except for swallowing stars! Whoever stops me from killing swallowing stars is my enemy!"

The talisman's eyes were fierce and full of hostility, warning the other three creator gods.

Infinity receded quietly, Death was expressionless, and Annihilation simply sneered.

The talisman snorted angrily, at this moment, his divine appearance finally took shape.

Curly hair.

Wearing a costume that exposes one shoulder and wraps the other shoulder, it resembles the appearance of the ancient Greeks on Earth.

The talisman punched out, and suddenly, a gap was pierced through the inner world, and the talisman left here in an instant, standing in the multiverse, looking at everything coldly.

Very well, this bustling and bustling scene was exactly what he wanted to do his best to destroy. After destroying these, the essence of his only god will be consolidated unprecedentedly, and even become stronger.

"Swallowing stars..." The rune cursed in a low voice with extreme venom.

Anyone can let it go, except Tun Xing, this bastard who has sealed him for countless years must die!

The ultimate eraser, only he is qualified to control, must not fall into the hands of other gods, this thing is an artifact that can absolutely restrain him.

With a sudden spread of will, countless universes fell within the perception range of the talisman for the first time, darkness and despair descended, and every life trembled, daring not to move.

The talisman searched a lot of swallowing stars, but still couldn't find the real swallowing star with a heart.


The terrifying will of the talisman was suppressed, countless lives died on the spot, and a large number of universes instantly became a dead world full of dead souls, and a large number of swallowing stars were obliterated by the talisman.

Every time a swallowing star is killed, the power of the rune will be partially enhanced.

The value of the existence of Tunxing, a god, is to seal him. Every Tunxing in the universe is a key node. Kill more Tunxing, and the talisman will gain stronger power.

"I can't find it, it's too inefficient... Besides, even if I really find the swallow star holding the key, I can't face him directly, otherwise it will be easy to be killed..."

The talisman frowned slightly.

At this moment, countless existences have already noticed the birth of the talisman, and thinking of the eternal fall before, the smart people have already guessed something.

blah blah...

A disaster that could be called destruction to countless existences, but to a certain guy, it was a rare carnival feast.

The bumblebee happily devoured a large number of universes whose lives had been wiped out by the talisman, and with just a few bites, a complete universe could be devoured.

The goblin god has become stronger, the more he eats, the happier he is, and he is smug.

It's easy to give people the illusion that it's a Erha wagging its tail happily.


The talisman looked over indifferently, and immediately looked away, showing contempt. As long as he didn't interfere with him, the talisman didn't bother to kill these boring guys.

"I need a powerful weapon, a weapon strong enough to encompass the entire multiverse."

The talisman pondered for a moment, the data calculated in the brain surpassed the sum of the multiverse, immediately determined the target, and left in a flash.

The shadow left, barely revealing a little gap, allowing the trembling beings to take a breath.

"Just watch him mess around like this? Although he has provided me with a lot of delicious souls, it's all a one-shot deal. After he succeeds, it will be difficult for me to absorb a large number of souls."

Death looked at the talisman that turned into a stream of light and went away, and whispered something to the two people outside.

"There's no need to worry about it, at least right now. Even if he is really killed, there will be a vacancy for our five great gods... No one knows whether eternity can be resurrected on his body after killing him, and we can't take risks."

The infinite tone is faint.

"Tsk, I thought you were a cold-blooded guy who didn't care about you at all... brother or brother?" Death laughed strangely.

Infinity sneered and looked at Death, exuding a dangerous chill.


The realm of the gods.


Downey stroked his chin, analyzing the information from the multiverse, thoughtful.

"Interesting, Barbatos didn't take advantage of this time to attack? What is he waiting for, wait for the talisman or Star Devourer to die first? That's right, who would know that Star Devourer is the biggest threat to his dark army... ..."

Flicking on a lighter means the fall of an eighth-level god, or an artifact that ordinary people can use casually, who the hell can bear it?

Even the ancient and powerful Barbatos would feel his scalp tingling, he was fighting in front of him, and when he suddenly looked back, all his dark legions were dead, and Tun Xing stood there crackling and lighting fire...

The loneliness of facing countless powerful enemies in a multiverse alone, tsk tsk tsk, sad.

If it weren't for the birth of the talisman, which exposed the support of swallowing stars to become one of the five great gods, it gave Barbatos great vigilance, and the war that broke out rashly would only be extremely tragic.

"However, the ultimate eraser..."

Donnie thought about it, this terrifyingly powerful artifact, which can be called a bug, if it is used properly...

Downey suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, and he had a set of detailed operation manuals.

"We have to wait, now is not the time."

Downey picked up his teacup, squinted his eyes and looked out the window. Countless steel buildings with a height of 10,000 meters rose from the ground, and many sci-fi aircraft shuttled back and forth, creating a prosperous scene.

According to the content in the manga, after the birth of the god talisman, a brainless guy, he will use all means to kill Tun Xing, persistently killing countless Tun Xing completely.

Originally, he could win, and snatched the Observer Medal from Frog Map, swept the entire multiverse directly, dragged countless swallowing stars out of their hiding places and killed them.

He almost succeeded.

As a result, it swelled up, and it was so hard to provoke God Stick Virtue.

Then he hung up, and Richard was forced to hang up by Marvel's first hanger holding a lighter, hit him, and rushed to the street.

He died in a terrible way, like a little chicken with no resistance. His death established Richard's status.

This is the story of a novice driver accidentally overturning his car on a small stone on the flat ground.

"Let me see, what would you do now, would you dare to trouble me..."

Donnie drank the tea in the teacup, and pouted his mouth. He felt that Emperor Weishan really didn't lie to him. It was tasteless.

The tea is getting less and less tasteful than before. It's not that the tea has changed, it's that Downey has changed.

Downey issued an order to all the gods of Cybertron.

Once a little bastard called a rune comes to Cybertron to make trouble, don't worry about it, let's go together and kill him completely.

"Donny! Donny! I'm in trouble!"

Just as Downey was looking down at his own planet, a guy with a big head and a small body flew over anxiously, shouting at Downey through the glass.

"There's a guy called God Talisman, he just contacted me and wanted to take away my medal! How could I agree to him, and then he threatened me..." Frog Tu shouted.

"What about others?"

"Run away, he knows the horror of Cybertron, and he doesn't dare to trouble me under your nose, but I'm worried that guy will attack my fellow clan..."

"Don't worry, Watu, as long as he dares to come, I will kill him immediately."

Donnie reassured.


The talisman flew back and forth in the realm of the gods, his face livid.

"Asshole! It's so difficult to find an artifact these days?!"

The rune is useless in his heart.

He secretly contacted the Observer Frog Map with a cryptic divine sense, but the request to borrow the Observer Medal was directly rejected-although the talisman was originally intended to be borrowed without repaying it, but my talisman doesn't want to lose face? !

You refused so simply and neatly?

Very good, I remember you!

The rune was annoyed.

A mere observer who dared to reject himself in other situations would have been crushed to death with a slap.

But the key point is that this guy named Watu is protected by Xinshen... The talisman is crazy, but he is not stupid. As long as he shows up to make trouble, Xinshen will definitely bring people around and beat him to death.

The talisman that inherited everything from eternity was very aware of Downey's horror.

I have no choice but to temporarily follow my heart and think of other ways.

"The artifacts I can think of are nothing more than the Observer Medal and the Miracle Wishing Machine. Half of the medals on Frog Map are useless. I'd better find the mysterious Wishing Machine, otherwise..."

Otherwise, they can only take the risk of attacking the base camp of the Observers, kill them all, and snatch the other half of the medal.

The New God didn't seem to have an idea for the full Observer Medal, which is why he gave the rune a chance.

When Downey hit the wall of speed and force and faced the Sangongmo, he went into battle with half of the observer's medal. This is no secret, and it has long been exposed to the sight of many gods.

"Miracle wishing machine, the devil knows where this thing is!"

The talisman wandered around in the realm of the gods, but there was no trace of the wishing machine, so he could only sigh helplessly.

The Miracle Wishing Machine, as you can tell by its name, is also a bug-level thing. Those who get this thing can make a wish, and even the step of "come out, Shenlong" is omitted.

The talisman doesn't know what a dragon is, he only knows that he is not special, and he can't meet the magic weapon of the wishing machine.

This artifact only exists in legends. Like the anti-life equation, it often exists as legends. Even some ancient gods doubt whether this thing exists in the world.

Then we can only attack the Observers...

A deep ferocity appeared on the face of the talisman, and his figure suddenly disappeared, returning to the multiverse.

He began a brutal massacre of all observers, forcibly destroying their lives and extracting their souls.

The observers of the entire multiverse were unlucky and brutally massacred by the newly born God of Destruction.

During this period, no one stood up to stop them. The high-level gods observed indifferently, quietly watching the tragic experience of the observers until the talisman found what he wanted.

The Observer family's stronghold in the multiverse was exposed to the eyes of the rune, which was the information he obtained after torturing the souls of hundreds of Observers.


After an unknown number of epochs, Observers have never been invaded by foreign enemies since they were born. They like to record major events one after another. exist.

But now, a greedy guy who came here for the Observer Medal directly came to kill him.

The blood is flowing, the innocent are howling, the souls of the sinful are roaring wildly, only the greedy bloody mouth is the only one lying across the sky.

In the quiet and peaceful world, the observers encountered a sudden attack.

"Run, you villain!! Do you know what you're doing!!!"

An extremely old observer resisted first, but fell powerlessly in a pool of blood, yelling in despair.

The amulet sneered and said, "The multiverse will be permanently destroyed by me, and the entire Wantianyi world will become eternal ruins. The existence value of your group will no longer exist, and there will be no major events for you to record."

With a pop, an observer was crushed by the talisman.

The old observer grumbled, and took out half of the medal from his pocket. With a fierce expression on his face, he held it up high and aimed at the talisman.

A ray of light rises from the medal.


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