Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 950 Welcome

The other half of the observer's medal, under the use of this observer, exploded with full power, and the terrifying divine light rushed towards the talisman.

The face of the talisman was cold, and the green figure appeared in front of the old observer before he took a step. The power of destruction burst out, trying to resist the obliterating power of the medal.

"No one can stop me, I am the end of all worlds!"

The talisman roared, and the whole person had already collided with the divine light from the medal. In the loud roar, the face of the talisman twisted into a ball, feeling the horror of half a medal, and the greed in his heart swelled more and more.

Just half a medal can already cause such a lot of pressure on him, if the medals are pieced together...


A big hole was opened in the world. Some surviving observers fled in a spaceship in a hurry. Some wanted to stay and join hands with the patriarch to kill the amulet, but they were driven away by the old observers.

"If you can't even achieve the Observer Medal, you will die if you continue to stay!"

He looked at the rune that was in a stalemate with the medal, with hatred on his face.

The talisman advanced against the power of the ubiquitous medal, and the more powerful resistance he encountered, the more excited he was. The power of this half of the medal was beyond his imagination, which satisfied the talisman.

It could cause him trouble.

Very good, only such a medal is eligible to become an artifact owned by his talisman, helping him search for the whereabouts of every swallowing star.

When all the stars are killed, the talisman will possess the power of two of the five great gods in its own body, and the seal shackles that bind itself will also disappear completely. The god of destruction himself will stand at the same level as Annihilation superior.

At that time, I will have everything!

The complete observer medal is his own, the ultimate eraser is his own, and the entire Wantianyi world will tremble in his shadow.

Barbatos? Even if he doesn't want to fight, the talisman will force him to fight!

Donny? If he dares not to hand over the other half of the medal, then kill him!

Thinking of this, the expression of the talisman became more and more crazy.

This is not unreasonable fantasies,

It is the future that is about to come true.

"Even if you are an observer, don't try to kill me with the power of the medal in front of me! You observers are not worthy of this artifact!"

The talisman roared, and punched it down, forcing out an energy gap against the power of the medal, and moved forward little by little.

Every moment, the power of the medal poured into the talisman, and the power that obliterated everything had already caused damage to the talisman. The body of the golden ratio had already suffered extensive wear and death.

The old Observer stared at his bloodshot eyes, his complexion twisted into a ball. He poured everything into the Observer Medal, hoping to inflict heavy damage on the talisman.

Even if the talisman cannot be killed, at least it must be delayed.

But as time went by, his heart sank.

"Why didn't anyone come to help us? What are the other four creation gods doing, watching the talisman slaughter us?!"

The old watcher lamented.


The Observer has finally reached his limit, his whole body is dry, and he is still far behind the talisman. Even the Observer Medal, it is difficult to exert its full power in his hands.

A scarred palm violently tore open the powerful barrier built by the medal, revealing the white bones, and grabbed onto the medal viciously.


The old observer showed anxiety, and growled: "I can give you the medal, I hope you will let my people go..."

"It's late! If you could obediently hand over the artifact just now, I really have no interest in dealing with you ants, but now, I snatched it with my strength, and I still need you to give it?!"

The talisman was ashamed, revealing that it was almost destroyed by the light of the medal, and there was a creepy smile on that ugly face.

How could I be able to swallow this breath without slaughtering a group of observers after spending so much effort?

The talisman blasted the old guy with a grinning grin, and grabbed half of the medal in his hand.

The medals regained their silence, and occasionally a powerful divine light circulated quietly.

"The Observer Medal is mine."

The talisman quickly understood the use and function of the medal, and nodded with satisfaction. This medal is also a panacea-like thing. With this thing, the entire multiverse will be under his surveillance.

After all, it is the supreme artifact of the observer family, monitoring the multiverse, gaining insight into the mysteries that even the gods cannot detect, and modifying reality and illusion are only the most basic functions.

The talisman stepped away from here, his cold eyes swept over, and the fleeing observers could not hide under his gaze.

With a sneer, the talisman picked up the observer's medal, and with a movement in his heart, an obliterating force burst out immediately, roaring out, and under the will of the talisman, he killed all the observers who were fleeing in a hurry.

A series of desperate screams came out, and countless observers were tragically killed by their family's supreme artifact. Not only that, those observers distributed in the multiverse were also wiped out one by one by the talisman using the observer medal .

This day is the end of the whole family of observers. Whether it is the multiverse or the dark multiverse, all observers have been slaughtered by the talisman.

This ancient race that existed for countless years has completely disappeared now. With the sacrifice of the entire race, they have supported the rise of the God of Destruction.

"There is one left..."

The talisman looked coldly at the realm of gods, his eyes crossed the wall of speed and force, and he looked at Cybertron indifferently.

There, there was a guy named Watu who was in charge of the other half of the medal.

The talisman hesitated for a moment, then showed a dangerous smile, then sneered, picked up the medal, and aimed directly at the distant Cybertron star.

A burst of extreme power erupted from the medal and went straight to Cybertron.

If you succeed, you can get the other half of the medal. If you fail...failure is a failure. Could it be that the new god can come over and beat him to death?

Across the wall of speed and force, do you have the guts to come here? !

Downey, who was looking into the distance, suddenly raised his head slightly, seeing the destructive power coming from a distance, he immediately sneered.

This idiot really drifted away.

It's just a newborn clown who doesn't know who he is if he gets a little smoother.

In Zhang Zhang's hand, half of the medal on Watu's body had already fallen into Downey's hands. Almost the same power emerged from the medal. Without thinking, Downey casually raised the medal and aimed it in the direction of the multiverse.

The two forces from the same source collided precisely, and a loud explosion broke out on the wall of speed force, causing the wall of speed force to sway for a moment.

"The talisman... the value of this guy is not small."

Donnie handed the medal back to Frog, thinking about it.

"Donnie, the medal just told me that all my people were killed by that executioner."

Frog holding the medal dully, "I am the only one left of the entire Observer family."

Downey glanced at Frog Picture, fell silent for a moment, and patted Frog Picture on the shoulder lightly. At this time, all words of comfort are superfluous, not to mention the God who has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

"Avenge me!" Watu raised his head and shouted in a painful voice.

Downey glanced at him, and said calmly: "My body cannot enter the multiverse. As long as the wall of speed and force exists for a day, I will not be able to kill the rune."

"No, you can, you must be able to, right? You can always perform miracles, as long as you are willing to help me kill the rune, I will give you the Observer Medal... This is the only thing I have. "Frog Tu said.

"Are you willing, this is an artifact of your family."

"I'm the only one left. It's useless to keep the artifact in my hands. Help me kill the talisman, and I'll give it to you!" Watu yelled in pain.

Downey nodded slowly: "I see."

The Observer Medal is about to be obtained, and another piece of the puzzle is half completed.


Downey looked at the multiverse from a distance, and met the cold gaze of the talisman through the wall of speed and force. Both sides could see the other's undisguised murderous intent and chill.

The idiot of the talisman, his value is to harm the multiverse. Before everything is revealed, the talisman still needs to exist.

Downey suppressed the malice deeply in his heart, and watched the talisman die with a sneer.


The talisman withdrew his gaze. The new god was very strong, but at the same time, he had an unavoidable bluff.

Tsk tsk tsk, as long as it is not the only god that exists as the cornerstone, it will be restricted by the wall of speed and force. For the first time, the rune feels that the wall of speed and force is still necessary for the time being.

It's only for a while, when he kills all the swallowing stars and integrates the power of the two cornerstones into himself, everything will be different.

The super-cosmic class is already beckoning to him.

"Swallowing Star, here I come!!"

With deep resentment and hatred on the face of the talisman, he turned around and stood in the blood field, looking at the entire universe that came into his eyes, he sneered suddenly, holding the bright medal in his palm, and immediately burst out the power of the medal.

Invisible power sweeps across the multiverse, and countless hidden information is collected by the talisman. In front of the talisman in charge of the medal, the multiverse has no secrets at all—at least the traces of swallowing stars are all exposed, and some higher secrets are still slightly exposed. It was fuzzy, which required him to piece together a complete medal.

But half a dollar is enough.

Countless Devouring Stars are exposed within the line of sight of the Destroyer, the talisman. Some Devouring Stars are devouring planets, some are fighting superheroes, and some are seriously sowing the seeds of life on dead planets. Carefully modify the environment...

But no matter which swallowing star, they all raised their heads almost at the same time, and their majestic faces revealed coldness and calmness.

"Go to hell."

The talisman whispered, and pressed the Observer Medal hard, and the terrifying beams radiated immediately rushed to various universes. Countless universes were covered by the Observer Medal, and the swallowing stars were forcibly obliterated by powerful forces.

During the crash, the power of the talisman has been strengthened unprecedentedly. Every time a swallowing star dies, one of the sealed nodes will be destroyed, and the power of the talisman will be unlocked.

"You will pay for what you did!"

The last Tun Xing greeted his fate calmly, looked indifferently at the rapidly approaching light beam, and said something.


The last swallowing star also died.

The sealed nodes were completely destroyed, and the face of the talisman showed ecstasy. His divine power had reached its peak, and he had already stood at the top of the multiverse level.

"I just don't know where the Ultimate Eraser went..."

A trace of gloom flashed quietly on the ecstatic expression of the talisman. Compared with killing all the Devouring Stars, the Ultimate Eraser is more important.

I always feel that the bastard Tun Xing died too easily, and Tun Xing and the other three creator gods did not use the eraser to kill him.

Calmly a little abnormal.

"Am I thinking too much, or is it just because the Ultimate Eraser has too many restrictions?"

The talisman restrained his joyful emotions, pondered for a while, and then sneered, full of confidence.

It is true that the threshold for using the Ultimate Eraser is very low, but restrictions also exist, and only those within a certain range of the Ultimate Eraser will be wiped out.

And the talisman is struggling to find the Observer Medal and the Miracle Wishing Machine, in order to use special means to kill all the swallowing stars in advance, so as not to be included by the ultimate eraser, and the death is too low.

The talisman took back the Observer Medal and carefully pinned it on his clothes, making it an exquisite decoration.

His figure quietly disappeared in place and returned to the inner world.

"Hey hey, great, I like this guy!"

The Lord of Chaos poked his head out, took a look, and immediately retracted, laughing happily.

"Enough, chaos, this is not a reason for you to be happy, Tun Xing is the one who is on our side." The big head with a peaceful face said calmly.

"Shut up, you bastard is always telling me what to do, now the person I hate the most is not Donnie, but you, Order!"

The Lord of Chaos cursed angrily and shut up angrily.

The middle man who carried the power of both of them at the same time, his expression did not change at all, his two masters were like this, always quarreling.

Chaos and order always exist as opposites.

"What should we do now, continue to wait?" the middleman asked in a low voice.

"We have to take the initiative to attack and take out Barbatos's back!"

"We have to continue to wait, there is a more reliable plan to annihilate them."

The Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order spoke at the same time, and immediately looked at each other after speaking, and they both looked at each other with unfriendly eyes.

This guy always fights against me*2.

The man in the middle scratched his hair in distress and sighed long.


In the other world, the rune returned with a proud expression.

Annihilation, infinity, death, already stood in the unrecognizable inner world waiting for him.

Everyone was expressionless, and no one knew what they were thinking.

"From now on, there are no longer five creator gods in the world of Wantianyi, but four! If you can accept it, I will be one of you, if you don't accept it..." the talisman said proudly.

"Welcome to join, Rune of Destruction."

Annihilation opened his mouth slowly, and he, in the deep darkness, was more like a god of destruction than a talisman at this time.

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