Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 952: Demon Out

The Laughing Bat summoned the entire Nightmare Knights and told them what the Ravager thought.

"Our Ravager has a great idea and needs our help~ As comrades-in-arms, we have no reason to let him down."

The laughing bat's smile was even more ferocious, no matter how you looked at it, it had malicious intentions.

The other five Batmen watched and laughed wildly in awe, obeying his orders extremely.

The six finally looked at Bruce.

Drowning Resentful Soul looked at it with a sneer, and said coldly, "I believe you won't let us down, and you can't afford the price of disappointment."

Bruce remained indifferent and calm: "You will know when the time comes, remember not to put your own life first."

Drowning Resentful Soul clenched his fists, ready to move, but in the end he didn't make a move, forced an ugly smile on Sen Ran's face, looked fearfully at the indifferent laughing bat, and barely restrained his killing intent.

As the counterpart of Aquaman, she killed the female Aquaman with her own hands. At the same time, in order to deal with the Atlantis army, she even created a group of terrifying monsters, which bloodbathed the entire underwater world.

She loves to sit on the throne and watch the wailing of countless drowned souls.

Now, this lady very much hopes to drag Batman from the main universe into the water and drown, so that her army of dead souls can have one more good member.

"Put away your little thoughts. This time, our Knights will cooperate sincerely to help Mr. Bruce realize his wish, a great wish that is said to be able to change the situation of the war."

The laughing bat monster backed away with a smile, giving way to the passage.

A gigantic lab was revealed, and now, under the authority of the Laughing Bat, he belonged to Bruce.

Through the bloody eyes through the blindfold, he was staring at Bruce all the time, laughing wildly, and he knew better than anyone else how terrible this guy was, and the deepest darkness hidden in this guy's heart.

A darkness that even this blindfold can't see through.

"Interesting, let me see what you want to do, and some vague ghost things... Tsk."

His blindfold can see through the cosmic membrane, and he can clearly see the light multiverse from the dark multiverse. In many cases, even though he is a weak chicken, he can see farther than anyone else.

But he still couldn't see through Bruce.

This second-generation ravager from the main universe is simply too much like himself, the type that he doesn't trust himself.

Facing the strange eyes of the group of evil knights, Bruce walked into the laboratory calmly.

With a heavy body, every step on the ground can cause small tremors.

Bruce took out the designed drawings and showed them to everyone, and said in a deep voice, "I'm planning to build a powerful armor."


The killing machine whispered indifferently, armor? He himself is the strongest armor.

The other Batmen also picked up the blueprints with different expressions and looked at them, focusing on the large number of conversion formulas listed above.

Killing Machine didn't take it seriously at first. After seeing the blueprint, it immediately raised the priority of the blueprint to the highest in its own program system.

As the counterpart of the steel frame, the killing machine is a cyborg combined with the infinitely proliferating Alfred program, without human emotions, only the coldest machine logic.

"It's really an amazing masterpiece. If it succeeds, we will be able to wrestle with the ancient gods head-on. It was carefully crafted for me. Bruce, you prepared this for me, right? You are so powerful, you don't need this at all. Plant something."

The Laughing Bat exclaimed loudly while staring at Bruce.

"Of course, you are our leader, but you are so easy to die. I can only tailor a suit of armor for you. As for whether you are worthy or not, that is not something I can decide."

Bruce said in a low voice.

The other Batmen threw the drawings aside, looking a little unfriendly.

The Laughing Bat's laughter became more and more crazy, and he liked this guy more and more.

"Let's do it, I want to see this set of armor as quickly as possible!" Kuan Xiao ordered.

The entire Nightmare Knights moved.

The Laughing Bat started to study this armor from the beginning to the end, and instinctively felt that this thing is really good, and their nightmare knights should build this thing.

The other five knights felt the same way, instinctively feeling that they should do their best, as if that was what they should do.

The more the laughing bat looked at it, the more he sneered, until he finished reading 80% of the research given by Bruce, and slowly put the drawings away.

"Someone is influencing my mind, who is it... There are many gods who can do this..."

The laughing bat glanced at the other knights who were in full swing, and cursed at the idiots secretly.

These guys have been calculated from the very beginning without knowing it.

"So, is the last 20% of the blank space specially reserved for me to perfect, so that I can fall into a trap that I can't get out of? No, it may be intentional, so that I can use this to push the armor to Bruce's experiment ...Hehehe, it's getting more and more interesting, what kind of possibility is it?"

The Laughing Bat leaned comfortably against the wall, looking at Bruce who was forging iron in the scorching lava.

The Devastator clanged the iron, tamping every piece of metal in the battle armor, giving it the toughness to resist the attacks of the top gods.

The Red Death is responsible for connecting the speed force to the armor and charging the armor, so that the armor has a speed beyond the speed of light like a speedster.

The Drowned Wraith penetrates to the deepest level of the Dark Multiverse, dedicated to quenching, providing the flame that contains the power of the world's melting pot.

The Daybreak Lantern makes a cloak, using the power of spectrum as a raw material, and transfers the power of the lamp ring to the cloak.

The ruthless god of war enchanted, engraving all the magic accumulation of the Amazon family and all the magic power he collected into every nanometer of the battle armor.

Killing Machine is responsible for manufacturing a powerful operating system, which is directly connected to the human brain, so that ordinary people have the ability to control all these. Speed ​​Force is the energy that accelerates the operation of the brain, and Spectral Power is the nourishment that is responsible for maintaining the stability of consciousness.

Every Nightmare Knight performed their duties and were responsible for the components of this unprecedented set of super armor.

The Laughing Bat perfected the last 20%, and then instructed them to modify the armor according to their own ideas-the first 80% could not be all done according to Bruce, and he was not stupid.

The Laughing Bat is confident that he can see further than the main universe Batman.

Even, the Laughing Bat opened the World Furnace, directly extracted a few drops of X energy from it, and stuffed it into the battle armor.

After working for a long time, a big man was built.

This is a set of terrifying armor that can be felt from far away.

The whole body is dominated by black tones. On the eyes and chest of the helmet, there are small and large blood-colored bat patterns, emitting a disturbing and weird red light.

The large black cloak behind him slowly spread out, and spectrums full of resentment moved slowly on it, as if countless undead were howling.

"Superman-like super strength, Flash-like super speed, steel bone-like super calculation and reflection ability, Wonder Woman-like super magic blessing, cloak and battle armor shell have the same ability to change shape and make weapons like a lamp ring Ability...Bruce, you are a genius, a set of powerful armor assembled by the Justice League."

The laughing bat looked at this big guy and let out a cry of exclamation.

"It's nothing, I've seen more powerful armor." Bruce remained motionless, observing his design.

"I know, I know, Godslayer, that is the pinnacle creation of the ancient civilization, something that can forcibly overwhelm the Celestial God Group, I have seen the power of that thing with my own eyes."

The laughing bat pointed to his eyes.

He saw with his own eyes that Tony drove the Godslayer to confront the Clown Emperor. Although he staggered and almost got hanged, he could see that Tony couldn't control that thing perfectly.

"But the work we jointly created is not only not inferior to the Godslayer, it may even be stronger!" The Laughing Bat gave a sinister smile, obviously very satisfied.

Bruce remained calm: "Now, as a leader, shouldn't you experience it for yourself? This is specially designed for you."

Suddenly, the atmosphere became subtle.

The five knights looked at the two guys who were facing each other faintly, and fell silent for a while. Everyone is Batman, and they have a number of b numbers in their minds about what each other is.

The Laughing Bat crossed his arms, leaned against the wall motionless, and looked at Bruce.

After less than a second, the laughing bat suddenly said: "This armor is not for me, it is for you."

"It makes no difference, as long as you can use it too, now, tell me, do you want to be the first to drive it? Do you want to be a god?"

Bruce was finally no longer indifferent, and the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a weird and ugly smile.

The Laughing Bat didn't answer, and quickly thought about all the drawings in his brain, trying to find loopholes.

The only loophole seems to be the unreasonable loss of vitality. Others, including the operating system, the guy from the main universe didn't take over at all.

Trust became a key thing.

He doesn't trust the main universe Batman.


He doesn't trust other Batmen, not even himself.

The atmosphere became more and more strange.

Everyone looked at each other, staring at each other in this messy and empty laboratory.

"You did it, Bruce, you made yourself a great suit of armor."

The Laughing Bat suddenly laughed out loud, pointing to the dark and mighty armor: "It's yours now, you are really a cousin, but you really can't say you won, and it may not be suitable for you."

Bruce turned around directly, climbed onto the battle armor with a burly body as thick as a hill, and thumped his chest hard, with a loud bang, the battle armor was unscathed.

"It doesn't suit me, I just adapt to it, and that's what I'm best at."

Bruce ordered the armor to open, sat in, activated the device directly, and connected the armor with his own brain.

The calculation pressure beyond the speed of light was all on Bruce. Even if there was a cloak to share it and the Speed ​​Force to provide energy for him, it still made Bruce feel uncomfortable.

But this is not a problem at all. Talking about adapting to Doomsday is a joke.

In an instant, Bruce evolved the ability to control superluminal computing, and fully utilized the characteristics of his own super brain.

The battle armor was activated, and the huge shadow moved slowly. The red light in his eyes could almost penetrate the dark multiverse, and the bloody bat pattern on his chest exuded a strange sense of foreboding.

At this moment, a vague pressure rushed over, making the few people present frown.

The five nightmare knights naturally stood in front of the Laughing Bat, looking at Bruce warily.

The laughing bat also slowly restrained its smile. The power of this set of armor was still slightly beyond his expectation. It would only be more terrifying if the Ravager completely exploded with all his strength to control the armor.

"I thought this thing could barely match the multiverse-level gods at most, but I didn't expect it to be stronger. Maybe it can stably possess multiverse-level combat power."

The Laughing Bat analyzed this thing through the blindfold. With the activation of the battle armor, he couldn't even see its internal structure clearly, which surprised and excited him.

If you consider that its activation will consume a lot of the driver's vitality... As the main universe Batman of Doomsday, the most indispensable thing is vitality!

A creature like Doomsday can unreasonably create a steady stream of vitality by itself!

It is the perfect fit for the Ravager to pilot the Hellbat Armor.

"Unfortunately, the more powerful this thing is, the more disadvantages it will have."

The Laughing Bat didn't panic at all, instead the corners of its mouth opened, revealing all its terrifying teeth.

The green light energy on the cloak, and the speed force used as an energy reserve, can only be recharged regularly by the Daybreak Lantern and the Red Death.

With the sound of heavy steps, a huge shadow pressed down, like a demon walking out of hell, has come to them, looking down, as if observing a few ants that can be trampled to death at will.

"Satisfied, Bruce?" The Laughing Bat roughly pushed away a few guys in front of him, and chuckled.

"I am very satisfied, but now I want to know your thoughts even more."

The black metal arm is raised, and the X energy is shining in it. The palm is extended, and the black sharp claws are slowly stretched out. The ear-piercing metal sound is inadvertently sounded, and one after another obscure magic fluctuations are spreading.

Bruce sat in the battle armor, receiving endless knowledge and information every moment. For the first time in his life, Batman felt that he was a supreme god.

He listened attentively, listening to the tense heartbeats of the guys in front of him, and looking at the tense muscles of these invincible villains.

He can also calculate the strength of any of the guys present based on the condition of these muscles.

For the first time, he became a god.

With a stretch of his hand, he could kill this group of guys who he regarded as difficult enemies.

"It turns out that this is the feeling of God, omniscient, omnipotent..."

With a strong will like Bruce, he is inevitably sinking in a little bit. This is not from external interference, but his own obsession with this power beyond his imagination.

He is a little immersed in his willingness, or sinking.

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