Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 953: The War Begins!

Batman is an extremely complex creature.

They have an unimaginable pursuit of certain ideas, but sometimes they sink into them because of these ethereal ideas.

In the comics, when Batman, who has always been rational and cold, sat on the Mobius chair for the first time, he actually shouted "I am a god" in front of the entire Justice League.

This is a mortal who doesn't even believe in God, and even God can kill for you to see.

In the end, the entire Justice League was dispatched and almost turned Gotham City upside down, before forcibly pulling down the Batman who was sitting on the chair, who almost regarded himself as a god.

The preference for knowledge and the obsession with preventing crime constitute Batman's deepest desire.

This was the case when he was sitting on the Mobius chair, and it was even more so now when he was driving the Hell Armor.

And the Hell Armor is more powerful than the Mobius Chair.

The terrifying battle armor gave him the power to shake the gods, the speed force gave him unlimited time to study and think, the lamp ring cloak allowed him to easily obtain the knowledge of the whole universe, and the powerful and perfect operating system allowed him to perfect Navigate it all.

The most important thing is that he himself is Doomsday, possesses extremely terrifying adaptability, and can have the qualifications to have all these in the shortest time.

The laughing bat violently pushed away the guys in front of him, walked slowly to the Hell Armor, and laughed in a low voice: "Tell me, Bruce, do you want to kill me? It's easy for you, All it takes is one trivial thought to take care of us all... tell me, do you want to do that?"

There is a strong sense of guidance in the voice of the laughing bat.

The other knights were a little uneasy. Not every nightmare bat was as calm and crazy as laughing, and dared to bet their own lives.


Bruce's eyes were bloodshot, looking at these villains through the armor, ready to move.

These guys are very weak... Killing them will solve the problem the fastest, but they have no room to fight back... Killing all these guys, they can immediately escape back to the main universe in their battle armor...

The soaring power is guiding his heart to change little by little.

Similarly, the sanity of the past is also collapsing a little bit,

He has never experienced this feeling of omnipotence, knowledge, power, almost endless.

The Laughing Bat grinned grinningly, and confronted Bruce through the armor.

"Kill... No, no! I just want to prevent more terrible things from happening..."

Bruce gritted his teeth, the ferocious veins on his face popped out, almost protruding, he panted heavily, every time he breathed on the earth, it could trigger an ice age.

In the end, he didn't make a move. With a bang, the battle armor took off, and the terrible sense of coercion was suppressed.

Bruce looked down at these guys, and at some point, his eyes became clear again.

He's Batman, the dark knight who deep down wants to stop crime of any kind, not a demented executioner.

The Laughing Bat suddenly let out a piercing laugh, louder than ever before. After laughing for a while, he couldn't help clapping hard.

"You're a genius, Bruce, and equally, naive and terrifying!" the Laughing Bat praised.

In the grand hall, the Hell Armor took off with a bang, about to break through the top and leave here.

But at this moment, a dark world that covered the sky and the sun seemed to come suddenly, and a shadow covering all the light descended, and a black claw with a bone-chilling cold suddenly grabbed it. He grabbed the Hell Armor.


The extremely powerful Hell Armor was like a small toy in Barbatos' hands. When he grabbed it, he grabbed it with some strength, and sparks appeared on the surface of the armor, accompanied by ear-piercing roars. .

At some point, the red light emitted from the battle armor became more and more frightening.

"Not bad, is this the weapon you researched for yourself? I'm very satisfied."

In the endless darkness, in the disgusting turbidity, two star-like light spots lit up, extremely frightening, with undisguised hatred and extreme malice.

Barbatos spread his wings, causing a super storm that swept across the dark multiverse. Countless broken universes shook, and some of them simply fell into the melting pot of the world forever, completely destroyed.

Here, no one cares about these humble worlds. There are no superheroes going forward to save the world. The dead are like dust, insignificant.


Bruce made a low sound.


Barbatos let go of his hand, letting Bruce fall to the ground, and at the same time grabbed it with his claws, pushing Bruce hard into the ground.

"I just didn't pay attention, you guys made such a big commotion...Laughing wildly, you let me down."

Barbatos turned his head slowly and looked at the knight he relied on the most. On the austere face, the malice became more intense, and the sinful power gushed out.

Kuangxiao restrained his smile a little, leaned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Don't you think this is more interesting? He personally developed a set of armor for us, and the ravager can use his brain hahaha~~"

Barbatos stretched out a finger with long nails, sharper than a divine weapon, and stabbed at the Hell Armor.

There was only a bang, and the nails pierced the surface of the battle armor. Barbatos used a little force, leaving a clear crack on it.

Barbatos lost interest in an instant.

"This thing belongs to you. I don't want to see my think tank being easily dismembered by the enemy."

Barbatos pierced a little with his nails, and then threw the Hell Armor in front of the Laughing Bat.

Accompanied by a bang, Bruce crawled out of the battle armor in a slightly embarrassing manner. A large area of ​​his body was necrotic, and his eyes revealed deep heaviness.

Too strong.

Just a trace of aftermath of power almost completely killed him, not even a single cell was spared.

"Welcome home, Bruce~"

The Laughing Bat opened his arms, made an exaggerated gesture towards Bruce, and laughed loudly.

The other five nightmare knights also laughed mockingly.

The huge figure of Barbatos moved slowly like a mountain. On the way, he kicked the hell armor away, and kicked the black armor into the wall. Immediately, his huge body moved forward, and finally sat there On the huge throne, overlooking everything.

"The war is about to begin, my children, and this is the best opportunity."

Barbatos withdrew his own wings, pressed them tightly against his back, and said in a deep voice.

The Nightmare Knight below immediately paused and fell silent for a while.

Bruce got up, and the wound on his body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he didn't say anything, just stood quietly behind the Nightmare Knight, listening to Barbatos' orders silently.

"A lot of overzealous idiots are on the side of the light, but likewise, there are a lot of guys on our side, it's going to be a crazy feast, only the craziest get the biggest cake, other good babes It’s all just part of the cake.”

"Do it, we will annex them and pull everything into the melting pot of the dying world!"

Barbatos opened his mouth, and the extreme malice came to his face.

If the power of the two multiverses can be integrated, maybe it will allow him to spy on a higher level, which is why Barbatos is chasing all of this.

"I am willing to serve you. At the same time, I sincerely recommend our most loyal warrior, the Devastator, to help us invade the multiverse more smoothly." The laughing bat bowed gracefully.

Bruce said in a deep voice: "I don't like your actions, even if you have many dark fighters to help... There are a lot of troublesome guys in the multiverse."

"for example?"

Laugh wildly and ask a question.

Bruce shut his mouth.

Barbatos sneered and didn't pay much attention to Bruce. If this guy wasn't useful, he would have killed him long ago.

As the will of the World Dragon spread throughout the Dark Multiverse, the entire Dark Multiverse took action immediately. Countless villains who were killed in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood formed a powerful army and sent out an attack against the Multiverse. salivating gaze.

The most frightening thing is that among these dark legions, there are many avatars of the only god among them.

From this, one can imagine how terrifying these legions are.

The almost inestimable huge number of swarms spread out, enough to easily fill countless galaxies, and powerful beings filled it, shadowy and insane.

Strange creatures that only existed in mythology crawled out one after another. They respected Barbatos' will and greedily looked at the multiverse.

"This will be a war destined to be etched forever on the world within its walls."

Barbatos watched all this with satisfaction.


The restlessness of the dark multiverse was immediately noticed by countless caring people, and more information was sent in all directions at a crazy speed.

A series of strange eyes with different gazes looked at the world of Wan Tianyi maliciously, pondering what they could get in it.

Somewhere in the dark multiverse.

A gloomy godstick German slowly stopped what he was doing, and looked coldly at the rampant dark army, with a sharp arc on the corner of his mouth.

"A bunch of idiots, I look forward to seeing your desperate expressions..."

After finishing speaking, he continued to immerse himself in something, with a serious and solemn expression.


somewhere in the multiverse.

Accompanied by a ray of blue light, a big blue eagle without clothes suddenly appeared, standing naked in the universe like this, with the atomic symbol on his forehead extremely eye-catching when he looked up.

"It's war again, destruction..."

Dr. Manhattan just stood in the universe thinking about life in such an angry way, and he did not shy away from being observed by beings from all over the universe.


The mysterious and unknown area is on the watcher's spaceship.

Mandrake walked out of the laboratory with a satisfied face, and behind him, the fleeting light quickly disappeared.

"My idea is feasible. This kind of creature is more terrifying than I imagined. If I could master one of this kind of creature back then, I wouldn't be in such a mess today."

Mandrake walked to the control room and began to input extremely complicated instructions.

The spaceship he controls is a super spaceship from the world outside the wall, and it is the top spaceship of their Overseer Clan—of course, this spaceship is not his, but he snatched it from other clans .

If you snatch it, it will always be yours, it's a very simple reason.

"Now, I have the ability to rewrite everything!" Mandrak stared at the screen resentfully, screaming in his heart.


The realm of the gods.

Some ordinary gods don't know much about the war in Wan Tianyi's world, and they look at the problem purely from the perspective of curiosity and running away.

But the higher gods care more about deeper things.

Can this bastard Barbatos take advantage of the opportunity of annexing the entire Wantianyi world to become a new Almighty God? If possible, it is best to encourage this guy to crack the wall of origin.

An ancient creature that can be traced back to the creation of the Origin Wall, must know more about the Origin Wall, right?

Everyone else was waiting for the outbreak of war, but Downey was lying comfortably in the swimming pool basking in the sun.


Downey's eyes flickered, and his gaze had already jumped out of Cybertron to the world of Wantianyi.

The war is imminent, this will be an unprecedented war, and it is destined to be very exciting.

The only question is how many times the multiverse will be restarted.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" Wanda was wearing a swimsuit, showing her curvy figure perfectly. She jumped into the swimming pool, turned over and lay on Donny's body. She leaned over and blew into Donny's ear.

"I wouldn't have watched it like this if it was any other time, but this time it's different." Downey said.

It is indeed different. He knows how terrifying the primordial transcendents are in the main universe and the earth. He has no doubt that if Barbatos or the five great gods annoy this great god, they will all be killed in minutes.

Donnie won't go up and make trouble at this time, he has to wait.

When the two sides have a real fight, it's time for Downey to intervene.

The ending of everything is revealed in the second half of the war. Donnie doesn't care who wins or loses at all. He has never cared about the outcome of the war from the very beginning.

As long as the war breaks out, the outcome itself is not important, what matters is who can get what they want from it, and who will lose completely.

The defeated party is not necessarily a loser, and the winning party may not necessarily win everything.

"Wait a minute, it's not the time for us to do it yet."

Donnie stroked Wanda's smooth hair, thinking deeply.

With the help of this war, some weird guys will jump out. This is the best opportunity. Maybe after this time, the whole world of Wantianyi will be gone...

Downey was inevitably a little excited. Some crazy ideas in his head had to use this battlefield as a starting point to realize them step by step.

"Let's fight, fight quickly, kill one counts as one..."

Downey muttered in a low voice.

Downey is definitely not the only one who is looking forward to the outbreak of war. More careerists and conspirators are even more anxious.

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