Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 119 Let The Human Military Go To Mine!

After receiving the news from Arcee, Optimus Prime immediately took the Autobots to Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

After learning from Arcee that Cybertron was rescued by Chen Mu, Optimus Prime was very excited.

This shows that Optimus Prime is not the eternal sinner of Cybertron.

Perhaps, he still has any chance of redemption, so that he can bring Cybertron back to the original place.

Most importantly, Optimus Prime has a faint intuition that Chen Mu has a way to completely save Cybertron.

That not simple human can make Cybertron exist in the universe forever.

Such thoughts urged Optimus Prime to rush to Chen Mu's auto repair shop, he couldn't wait to confirm the existence of Cybertron.

Not only Optimus Prime, but other Autobots were also filled with excitement.

They can't wait to show up in Chen Mu's auto repair shop immediately to confirm whether the news brought back by the three sisters of Arcee is true.

Although they are very sure, the three Alcie sisters are by no means easy liars.

But such shocking news is really too appalling, and one must see it with one's own eyes to be at ease.

Bumblebee and Tin Hide have seen Chen Mu's strength, and they have already believed a lot in the news brought back by the three sisters Arcee.

They looked dignified and walked towards Chen Mu's auto repair shop in silence.

If this is true, then they would like to give thanks to Chen Mu.

More importantly, they are also very curious about what Chen Mu's identity is.

Is it really the same as what Optimus Prime guessed, is it the descendants of those existences?

Whatever the reason, they must now go to Chen Mu's auto repair shop and learn all about it from Chen Mu.

Optimus Prime and the others were very fast, and they rushed to the auto repair shop immediately after learning about the incident from the three sisters of Arcie.

When they arrived outside Chen Mu's auto repair shop, other forces had not yet arrived.

Looking at the auto repair shop close at hand, Optimus Prime didn't hesitate at all, he raised his legs and wanted to walk towards the shop.

Bumblebee and others following behind him were even more anxious.

The truth of everything is right in front of them, they just need to go in and ask Chen Mu, is there any urgency there?

They immediately planned to step into Chen Mu's auto repair shop to find out.

But when Optimus Prime just took a step, Iron Skin subconsciously stopped Optimus Prime.

"Wait, Optimus Prime, I sense danger here.

"The auto repair shop is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. We'd better be careful."

Tin Pi keenly sensed the difference in the auto repair shop, it was much more dangerous than the last time he came here.

While excited, he did not forget to check the degree of danger here.

Even though Chen Mu didn't have any ill intentions towards the Autobots, and even helped the Autobots many times, it's better to be careful.

After all, no one knows what modifications Chen Mu made to his auto repair shop.

You know, the defensive measures of Chen Mu's auto repair shop were enough to easily strangle the Decepticons.

I don't know what kind of upgrade has been done yet, but it must be more powerful than before anyway.

He didn't want the Autobot to die outside Chen Mu's auto repair shop for no reason.

Facing the obstruction of the iron sheet, how could the impatient Optimus Prime wait patiently.

He looked at Tin Hide with some puzzlement, and asked softly.

"Tinhide, what's the matter?"

"Is there something wrong here?"

"There shouldn't be anything too dangerous, right? After all, this is a place where humans frequently appear."

"No matter how powerful Chen Mu is, he won't cause trouble in places where humans frequently appear, right?"

Looking at Optimus Prime in front of him, Ironhide naturally understood what he was anxious about.

The death of the natural enemy and the collapse of Cybertron made the burden on Optimus Prime's shoulders a lot more in an instant.

In just one day, Optimus Prime was hit really hard.

He wants to confirm the existence of Cybertron and the identity of Chen Mu as soon as possible.

But this does not mean that Optimus Prime messed up because of these things.

Iron Skin patted Optimus Prime's shoulder helplessly, and then explained seriously.

"I know you're in a hurry to go to the auto repair shop, but there's no rush for this."

"The strength of Chen Mu is obvious to all. Everyone knows that he is very powerful, even far surpassing Cybertron technology.

"Not to mention that Arcie and the others found a suspected Cybertron area in the basement of this auto repair shop."

"Judging from the news they brought back, the auto repair shop must be on guard.

"It is absolutely impossible for Chen Mu to place such an important place casually. There must be some powerful weapons around here."

"Even if the number of people here is not small, the necessary defense is still necessary."

"So we'd better be careful."

"And Lenovo Chen Mu made all kinds of amazing moves before, it can be seen that he will not be lenient in some aspects."

"If the area in the basement is really our Cybertron, then the security in this situation will only be tighter.

"He just devoured Cybertron, isn't he worried that it will be accidentally leaked?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the defense he set up in the auto repair shop will definitely have an extremely terrifying lethality."

"Let's not be too rash."

Iron Sheet analyzed the fortification outside the auto repair point in detail.

He is very sensitive to the threat posed by weapons, and there is certainly nothing wrong in this regard.

After hearing what Tin Hide said, Optimus Prime also felt that he was indeed a little reckless.

If you come to the auto repair shop so aggressively, it's hard to guarantee that Chen Mu won't treat him as an unkind enemy.

After all, there isn't much to tell the difference between an Autobot and a Decepticon from the outside.

If it is confirmed by Chen Mu that the Decepticons fired, that is the real tricky thing.

After realizing this, Optimus Prime seriously thought about what Ironhide said just now.

Perhaps, they should find a different way to get into Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

While Optimus Prime was thinking about it, Bumblebee standing beside him questioned it.

"Tinhide, your worries are so unnecessary!"

"Haven't you been to Chen Mu's auto repair shop?"

"What? It's too unreasonable to be on guard even here, isn't it?"

"It's not that I didn't go in and out of auto repair shops freely before, and I didn't have anything at that time.

"His place is no different from an ordinary shop."

"Maybe he knows we are good people, so he won't attack us because of that."

"Besides, the fact that the three sisters of Arcee can leave here and go back to the Autobot base, isn't it the best example?"

"You, you are too sensitive, there must be nothing here!"

With that said, Bumblebee began to carefully scan the auto repair shop in front of him, trying to find out if there were any lethal weapons here.

But after scanning a large circle, the results are all within the normal value range.

Chen Mu's auto repair shop will not pose any threat to them at all.

After getting the result, Bumblebee glanced at Ironhide and said.

"Look, isn't the scan result a little threatening?"

"This place will definitely not have any negative impact on us, you are too sensitive!"

"Don't worry, just go in, what are you thinking about so much?"

After the bumblebee finished speaking, he ignored the obstruction of the iron sheet, raised his feet and walked towards the auto repair shop.

He really doesn't believe this evil, he wants to see if there are any lethal weapons in the auto repair shop!

In Bumblebee's eyes, Ironhide was just being too careful.

As long as you are bold, there will not be so many troubles in the world.

But as soon as Bumblebee stepped into the area of ​​the auto repair shop, he noticed something was wrong.

Even when his feet hadn't completely landed on the ground, he felt countless terrifying existences locked on his body.

These locks are all from the defensive weapon system of Chen Mu Auto Repair Shop.

Every shot can make Bumblebee disappear from this world completely.

After feeling the terrifying existence locked on his body, Bumblebee's back immediately felt chills, as if being stared at by the god of death.

Bumblebee has never felt such a strong threat of death.

Even when fighting against the Decepticons, he never felt like this.

As if he dared to step into the auto repair shop again, the weapons in the auto repair shop would crush him to pieces.

The threat of death was too strong, because Hornet Dang even staggered back a few steps in fright.

After passing through the area of ​​the auto repair shop thoroughly, the bumblebee can barely breathe.

What was that horrible lock just now?

Is it really the extremely lethal defense installed by Chen Mu in the auto repair shop?

This is too scary! Fortunately, he didn't really step into the auto repair shop, otherwise he would have to give his life here today.

No wonder Tiepi is so cautious, Chen Mu's strength is really amazing!

Bumblebee stared blankly at the auto repair shop in front of him, feeling a sense of survival after a catastrophe.

But even so, the bumblebee was still a little weak from the fright.

Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots focused on Bumblebee.

They also want to know whether Chen Mu's auto repair shop has no lethal weapons, as Ironhide said.

It's just that they didn't expect that Bumblebee couldn't even step into the auto repair shop, so he went back directly.

Optimus Prime stepped forward to help Bumblebee, and asked with concern.

"Bumblebee, what's the matter?"

"It didn't look like anything happened just now, what's wrong with you?"

Listening to Optimus Prime's inquiry, Bumblebee took a long time to fully recover and explained the situation to Optimus Prime and the other Autobots.

"Damn it, it's true."

"I dare to question Tie Hide's feelings at will, I really want to die!"

"Just now I just wanted to step into the area of ​​the auto repair shop to try, who would have thought that I would feel threatened before my feet landed.

"In Chen Mu's auto repair shop, there are indeed quite a few extremely lethal terrorist weapons."

"All weapons are automatically locked on me, regardless of my identity."

"It seems that I am directly identified as the enemy who broke into the auto repair shop without authorization."

"A random weapon may make me completely disappear from this world."

"This auto repair shop really can't just break into it."

Bumblebee talked about his feelings with lingering fear, but he was still terrified.

Why should he doubt Ironhide?

In this regard, Iron Skin is a keenness that no one else can replace.

Fortunately, there was an iron sheet, otherwise the Autobots would have suffered a lot of damage.

It's okay to lose it, but I'm afraid that Chen Mu will completely turn against him.

They still want to get along with Chen Mu!

Bumblebee's explanation also shocked everyone present.

Who would have thought that there are so many lethal weapons in Chen Mu's auto repair shop?

It can make the bumblebee feel the threat of death, which shows the power of those weapons.

It seems that they are still too careless!

Everyone present couldn't help but think of the weapons on the three sisters of Alcie.

These weapons far exceed

Cybertron's technological civilization made Arcee a leader.

If these weapons were installed outside the auto repair shop, they would definitely die!

While Optimus Prime was shocked, he looked carefully at the auto repair shop in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional in his heart.

How many secrets are hidden in Chen Mu?

Is he really human?

If he wasn't a human being, how could he be willing to stay in a humble auto repair shop on the earth?

What is hidden behind this?

Just when everyone was amazed, Bumblebee seemed to feel something suddenly, and subconsciously looked into the distance.

After carefully looking into the distance for a moment, he said to Optimus Prime beside him with a solemn expression.

"Optimus Prime, Megatron and Nan Tianhu are here."

"It looks like he came here with us, what should we do?"

"Are you going to fight the Decepticons here?"

Bumblebee was particularly sensitive to the presence of the Decepticons, and immediately noticed their approach.

After hearing the news, Optimus Prime immediately had a thought, and he already had an idea.

"No, not here to fight them."

"The Decepticons don't know what's in the auto repair shop, they just want to follow along and take a look.

"If we stop it more, Megatron will realize that there is something very important in it."

"So absolutely 010 can't have any conflicts with them."

"However, since they are here, let's help us solve the problem in front of us!"

"Didn't they want to follow along to see what's in the auto repair shop?"

"Let them have a good taste of the strict security in the auto repair shop!"

Optimus Prime smiled and expressed his thoughts, and took the Decepticons as their bait in a few words.

After hearing Optimus Prime's plan, the Autobots' eyes lit up, and they felt that the plan was really good.

"All Autobots, temporarily retreat and hide around the auto repair shop!"

After making a decision, Optimus Prime gave an order, and the Autobots quickly left their places and hid around.

After they all left, Megatron came here with the Decepticons.

Megatron glanced around, but did not see Optimus Prime and the other Autobots.

"Looks like we're a step late, Tian and the Autobots have already entered the auto repair shop.

"We have to go into the auto repair shop now."

"I'd like to see what unknown things are hidden in this auto repair shop!"

As he said that, Megatron planned to walk towards the auto repair shop, but just as he raised his legs, he stopped again as if thinking of something.

"No, it's very dangerous here, and you must not act rashly."

"Although the auto mechanic is just a human being, he is by no means an ordinary human being."

"This is his base, he must have installed a lot of dangerous weapons here.

"We have to be careful!"

Megatron is not stupid, Chen Mu's strength is obvious to all, and they are not something they can offend at will.

The Arcee transformed by Chen Mu alone is enough to make Megatron vigilant.

Let alone Chen Mu.

He looked heavily at the auto repair shop in front of him, thinking seriously about how to get in.

After all, their identities are relatively sensitive, and Chen Mu doesn't seem like someone who would make friends with Batianhui.

What if it gets suppressed by artillery fire?

They don't want to evaporate here right now.

Seeing Megatron's cautious appearance, Starscream couldn't help himself.

Chen Mu's strength is indeed strong, but they can't stand here just because of Chen Mu's strength, right?

Otherwise, this trip would be too bad, right?

Starscream asked Megatron in bewilderment, wondering what his plan was.

"Master Megatron, we have already arrived outside the door of this auto repair shop."

"Is it so hard to wait?"

"Just leave Optimus Prime plotting with that mechanic?"

After Megatron heard Starscream's question, he glanced at him before speaking.

"How can it be?"

"The defensive ability of this auto repair shop is really strong. If we don't charge hard, it doesn't mean the plan is cancelled."

"Use your brain well!"

"Go, take our people to hide, and let humans be cannon fodder for us.

"Thinking about it, they will definitely be happy to be this cannon fodder."

After seeing the posture of the person coming, everyone's heart trembled.

Sure enough, as Megatron expected, the military of the Eagle Kingdom really came!.

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