Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 120 Eagle Sauce's Great Defeat!

The military of the Eagle Kingdom rushed to Chen Mu's auto repair shop aggressively.

Secretary John of the Ministry of Defense is very distraught by the recent mess.

So in this campaign to encircle Chen Mu's auto repair shop, he also followed the large army to the outside of the auto repair shop.

It's just that he only needs to sit in the rear and make timely combat decisions.

Minister John stared at the military camp with a cold face, thinking about what was about to happen.

The Black Hawk and Tombwind Special Forces had rushed back to Los Angeles in time to join the assault camp.

The members here are all blade-like existences in the Eagle Kingdom army.

With them here, Minister John doesn't believe he can't conquer this damn auto repair shop.

Twenty armored tanks lined up in two rows to take the lead, and 20 F35 fighters that were transferred were hovering in the air.

Fifty soldiers from the Special Operations Battalion and members of the Black Hawk and Tombwind Special Operations Teams had already quietly surrounded the auto repair shop.

They will not allow anyone to escape from the garage today!

The military is bound to get rid of the hidden scourge of auto repair shops!

After looking at the soldiers and armaments around him, Minister John was barely relieved.

This time, he must see the damn Chen Mu go to God with his own eyes.

He should have known long ago that people from other countries must never be involved in this kind of war.

Even if these people live in the Eagle Country and enjoy everything in the Eagle Country, their hearts will not be completely biased towards this place.

Especially the damn Chinese people, who like to sing against the people of the Eagle Kingdom no matter where they are.

Don't the people of the two countries have a chance to live in harmony?

As a native of Huaxia, Chen Mu has already caused too much trouble for the Eagle Kingdom.

Minister John didn't want to put up with it any longer, he had had enough.

Dare to wipe out the Silver Fox Squad, he wants to see how strong the Huaxia people are and how tough their bones are!

Under the absolute cover of firepower, he doesn't believe that Chen Mu won't give in!

Minister John's eyes flashed fiercely, and Chen Mu and his auto repair shop must be completely eradicated.

He doesn't believe in evil anymore, with such strong fire suppression, is it possible that Chen Mu can still escape?

Thinking of this, Minister John began to arrange the military forces.

"The snipers from the Black Hawk and Tombwind Special Forces went to occupy the dominant position at the highest point, and kept an eye on the situation in the auto repair shop."

"No one is allowed to leave the auto repair shop today."

"Once the target appears, aim at it immediately, and kill it immediately after I give the order!"

"The rest, together with the remaining 50 soldiers from the Special Operations Battalion, surrounded the auto repair shop."

"Under the cover of armored tanks and F35 fighter jets, they broke into the auto repair shop and captured the people inside.

"Remember, try to save the life of the person inside as much as possible during the scuffle.

"If you can, be sure to keep the damage to the garage to a minimum."

"This humble auto repair shop, the technological civilization hidden in it may bring the Eagle Kingdom to a higher level.

"Armored tanks and F35 fighter jets cover their tracks and provide fire coverage.

"The attack in the auto repair shop has to be suppressed."

After arranging all this, Minister John began to stare intently at the direction of the auto repair shop.

He also knew that the task this time was relatively difficult, and it would be very difficult to complete it perfectly.

But how do you know if you don't try it?

Chen Mu's nationality alone has already given Minister John a headache.

When he catches Chen Mu today, he must drain all the use value from Chen Mu.

Whether it's the high technology that appeared in the auto repair shop, or China's current technology research, Minister John wants to know.

How popular is the extremely lethal weapon owned by Chen Mu in China?

This is the news that the Ministry of Defense of the Eagle Kingdom has dreamed of.

After knowing this news, they can further judge the relationship between the Eagle Kingdom and Huaxia.

If China's technological civilization has quietly surpassed the Eagle Kingdom, then don't blame them for being rude!

As for Chen Mu, he must also stay in Eagle Country to help them continue to develop technological civilization.

For the strength of the country, all means will be legal.

At least in the eyes of everyone in Eagle Country, the plenum is legal.

Thinking that with the help of Chen Mu, the Eagle Kingdom can completely achieve one superpower and many strengths, Minister John can wake up from his dream with laughter.

Of course, the prerequisite for all this to happen is that today's plan to encircle and suppress the auto repair shop can be completely successful.

As long as this plan is successful, the Eagle Kingdom will lose a great threat and gain a powerful boost.

But Minister John would never have imagined that his plan was doomed to fail.

Under the arrangement of Minister John, the military of Eagle Country moved in an orderly manner.

The snipers were in place, as were the elites of the Black Hawk and Tombwind Special Operations Team with fifty special operations battalion soldiers.

Everyone's eyes fell on the auto repair shop right in front of them, holding their breath and concentrating on planning to complete this appointment as a doctor.

The Black Hawk and Tombwind special teams who were urgently recalled to Los Angeles were very curious about the auto repair shop in front of them.

This auto repair shop looks ordinary, no different from other auto repair shops in Eagle Country.

How could it cause the Ministry of Defense to be so vigilant?

They don't believe that this auto repair shop has the ability to deal with aircraft cannons.

The reason why the Silver Fox team was wiped out here must be because of their negligence and carelessness.

Since many years ago, Granville has been a lot higher than the previous ones.

This task is really a bit of a big deal.

With this in mind, many soldiers from the Eagle Kingdom drove their armored tanks into the area of ​​the auto repair shop.

As soon as they stepped into the area of ​​the auto repair shop, red alerts popped up on the screens of the leading armored tanks.

"Alert alert々~!"

"There are lethal weapons locked on the tank, please leave here as soon as possible!"

"ALERT ALERT! Get out of here ASAP!"

The sharp whistle pierced the oppressive battlefield and officially kicked off the war.

Seeing the red alert that popped up on the screen, all the people driving the armored tank were subconsciously stunned.

They never imagined that such an urgent alarm would be triggered just as soon as they stepped into the area of ​​the auto repair shop.

Are there really a lot of lethal weapons installed here?

But the current situation does not allow them to continue to think carefully.

The body's instincts are faster than their decision-making, the man driving the tank is frantically operating, wanting to take the tank out of here.

But how could they be let go so easily?

These tanks were in a hurry to retreat, but they were blocked by the tanks behind them.

The tanks following them didn't know what was going on ahead, and they were still moving forward.

Soon, the several locked tanks in front were completely blocked, and there was no room for them to leave here.

The soldiers driving these tanks looked anxious and frustrated, and didn't know how to deal with this matter.

All I could do was scold loudly on the pager for my teammates who didn't back down.

"Damn it, why don't you back off?"

"How can we go up in the situation in front? Isn't blocking in the back just wanting our lives?"

"Should send those people to God!"

"This auto repair shop is really evil, how could it lock us?"

"What the hell is in there?"

But no matter how loudly they cursed, Zhong Shi couldn't change it.

After being locked by the weapon of the auto repair shop, he did not evacuate in time, which completely activated Chen Mu'an's defense system outside the auto repair shop.

The next moment, an extremely powerful light erupted from the pulse rifle, directly hitting the armored tank headed by it.

The people sitting in this armored tank could only see an extremely strong light, and then completely lost consciousness.

The people around watched helplessly as the tank completely disappeared into the attack.

The strength of the pulse rifle is extremely powerful, after completely melting the armored tank in the lead, it continued to charge backwards.

All the armored tanks that stepped into the area of ​​the auto repair shop were almost wiped out by this blow.

Only the last tank was a little farther away, and half of its body was still outside the area of ​​the auto repair shop, so it didn't completely disappear.

But even so, that tank has been scrapped.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone in the Eagle Kingdom's military was dumbfounded.

Never thought that things would develop like this.

This was the first wave of attacks, and five of the twenty armored tanks were damaged.

If it goes on like this, the Eagle National Army will be wiped out right here!

Minister John, who was sitting in the back, watched the scene on the battlefield, and was so angry that he couldn't sit still.

He stood up directly, stared at the direction of the auto repair shop and gave a dead order.

"Forget about fucking tactics."

"Play tactics again, and we'll all be sent to see God!"

"This damn auto repair shop is really capable!"

"Everyone get ready to attack that damn auto repair shop!

"Regardless of any cost, we must win here in the shortest possible time!"

When Minister John gave an order, the military people naturally did not dare to resist.

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of them, they still have to fight.

What's more, such a powerful attack is really beyond the standard.

Maybe this can only be used once, and there will be a long cooling time after use.

They must seize the cooling time of this large weapon and take down this evil auto repair shop as soon as possible!

Now all the military dare not take it lightly, and launched an attack on the auto repair shop with all their attention.

But the strength and the development level of scientific and technological civilization are here, even if the military of the Eagle Kingdom reported the determination to die, it would be useless.

Compared with the defensive equipment installed by Chen Mu, they should lose or not.

Twenty F35 fighter planes were immediately ordered to enter the area of ​​the auto repair shop, circling in the sky looking for an opportunity to fight.

The remaining 15 armored tanks also entered the auto repair shop in turn.

But what the Eagle Nation's military did not expect was that they were attacked violently as soon as they stepped into the front of the auto repair shop.

The electromagnetic mine that Chen Mu buried near the auto repair shop was crushed by the armored tank.

The next moment, all the five surrounding mines were detonated.

The armored tank was instantly blown away by the strong impact.

The f35 fighters in the air have not been let go, and the pulse rifle and unlimited heat melter have locked them.

These fighters were not given any chance to escape at all.

Most importantly, both tanks and fighters lost contact after entering the area of ​​the auto repair shop.

It was clear that they were performing tasks right in front of them, but the Eagle Nation's military couldn't contact them no matter what.

Seems like something has been installed in this auto repair shop to cut off communication.

Soon, under the suppression of the firepower of the auto repair shop, the military of the Eagle Kingdom fell into a complete disadvantage and suffered heavy losses.

All the people and equipment that broke into the range of the auto repair shop disappeared without a trace.

Only those who hadn't had time to enter the auto repair shop looked at each other.

In this battle, the military of the Eagle Kingdom was brutally abused.

Looking at the scene on the battlefield in front of him, Minister John was about to crush his back molars.

He never imagined that this damn auto repair shop would have such a strong strength!

Those who followed him here today are all the elite of the Eagle Kingdom military, how could they be so easily damaged?

Is this auto repair shop really just an ordinary auto repair shop?

Damn it!

The Chinese who opened this auto repair shop must be hiding some kind of conspiracy!

Otherwise, how could there be such a strong force to fight against the Eagle Kingdom military?

Maybe he is the undercover agent sent here by Huaxia!

Are the defense systems and weapon systems outside the auto repair shop all Chinese technologies?

When did Huaxia become so strong behind the back of the Eagle Kingdom?

After seeing electromagnetic mines, pulse rifles and unlimited melta guns outside the auto repair shop, the Autobots were completely confused.

These weapons are all installed outside the auto repair shop, Chen Mu is too aggressive, right?

Fortunately, with the reminder of the iron sheet, they did not rush into the auto repair shop recklessly.

Otherwise, the end will definitely be as miserable as the military of the Eagle Kingdom in front of us.

Although they didn't know why the Eagle Nation's military attacked the auto repair shop, they felt relieved seeing Chen Mu's ability to deal with it.

But also, why should a powerful existence like Chen Mu be afraid of any human beings?

He's the one who can melt a Decepticon with one shot!

But even though they were relieved, Tianzhu and the others were still a little surprised.

Now it can be regarded as once again intuitively feeling the power of Chen Mu.

After seeing each other for a few days, Chen Mu's strength has increased a lot, and it is definitely not something they can easily compare with.

From this point of view, it seems that only such a strong and motivated person can save Yao Botan.

Such a human being is truly astonishing!

Optimus Prime and the Autobots who knew Chen Mu's strength were amazed, not to mention Megatron and Decepticons.

Starscream stared dumbfounded at the weapons outside the auto repair shop that dealt with the attacking Eagle Kingdom military.

Then he turned his head to look at Megatron and said.

"Master Megatron, isn't this human being too strong?"

"How on earth did he (good) do it? How did he have so many high-tech civilizations?"

"This pulse rifle and melta gun are the ones on Arcee's body?"

Megatron stared intently at the battlefield not far away, and nodded slightly.

"A human being can do this very well."

"The three Alcie sisters became what they are now because of Chen Mu's transformation. What's there to be curious about?"

"Fortunately, I thought about using these humans as cannon fodder, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

"The auto mechanic is really capable of transforming a dilapidated auto repair shop into this kind of appearance.

"Keep an eye on what's going on in the auto repair shop."

"The commotion outside is so loud, I don't believe the inside won't notice it."

Megatron's eyes never left the auto repair shop and the battlefield outside the auto repair shop.

The strength of the military of the Eagle Kingdom can represent the strongest combat power of the military on the entire earth.

Although they especially like the simple and crude combat method of fire coverage, but their strength is indeed strong.

How could it be impossible to win by smashing down with firepower?

However, the military of the Eagle Kingdom repeatedly encountered obstacles in this auto repair shop.

From the situation on the battlefield, we can see how strong the auto mechanic is.

Megatron was even more certain in his heart that Chen Mu was by no means an ordinary human being.

When Optimus Prime and the others came to find Chen Mu, there must be some unknown news!

When everyone present was shocked by the auto repair shop, they didn't realize how big the movement of the war was.

The roar of armored tanks and F35 fighters is accompanied by the movement of various weapons launching bombing.

Even though Chen Mu's auto repair shop is not located in a busy area, and there are not many people living around it, it still arouses the attention of others.

Especially the media of the Eagle Country, they were the first to notice what was going on here.

Immediately, the reporters rushed here, wanting to see what kind of event happened here.

The movement outside the auto repair shop could not be concealed completely. .

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