Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 15 Eagle Sauce's Mysterious Department, District 7

Hearing Optimus Prime's inquiry, Arcee hesitated immediately.

This time, she hesitated and didn't speak.

As soon as Optimus Prime asked about Chen Mu's specific situation, Arcee's first reaction was to protect Chen Mu.

Although Autobots advocate pacifism.

Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, also strictly abides by the ideas in his heart.

But Arcie was still worried that after the Autobots got the details of Chen Mu, they would go back to trouble Chen Mu.

Arcie hesitated and didn't speak.

But Bumblebee, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't bear the loneliness in his heart, and exposed to Optimus Prime:

"Hey, you don't need to ask Arcee about this, I know about the situation of that Chinese human being."

"That Chinese human is called Chen Mu, who runs an auto repair shop."

"Well, the fee is not expensive."

"The green card number is YDS**."

When Tinhide heard what Bumblebee said, he quickly connected to Eagle Sauce's satellite network.

According to the green card number, they began to search Chen Mu's background information.

And Arcie stared at Bumblebee with wide eyes.

I can't wait to tear off the big metal mouth of the bumblebee completely.

A few minutes later, all information of Chen Mu was displayed on the iron sheet.

The Autobots Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Jazz, and Ambulance took a closer look.

Suddenly, he discovered that Chen Mu turned out to be an ordinary auto mechanic!

I haven't won any mechanical awards, not to mention, I haven't even published a paper!

It's just a person who traveled across the ocean from China, started from Fatty Ding Square, turned into a humanoid dishwasher all the way, and struggled for five or six years.

Only then worked hard to save money and opened an auto repair shop.

In the entire Eagle Country, there was no record of the other party's further studies.

The ambulance suddenly raised its head and said loudly:

"Is there something wrong with the academic system of the Eagle Kingdom?"

"This Chinese human being with such superb auto repair technology actually went to wash the dishes for so many years?"

"What cosmic joke?"

Tie Pi was also shocked by Chen Mu's mediocre resume.

After a while, he guessed:

"Is there a possibility that Huaxia's auto repair technical school is better than Harvard University and MIT in Eagle Country in terms of attainments in the field of car repair!"

"It's just that we are in the Eagle Country, so we can't appreciate the auto repair technology that is as powerful as that of Cybertron in the country on the other side of the planet!"

When the ambulance heard what Tie Pi said, it subconsciously nodded the big metal head up and down, and said:

"Well, there is such a possibility!"

"Presumably, the auto repair technical school is in the country of China."

"It's also the top school on the national pyramid..."

"Otherwise, there will be no humans like Chen Mu who are close to the God of Mechanics!"

After saying this, the two huge mechanical arms of the ambulance slammed together fiercely, and sighed:

"I really want to go to Huaxia's auto repair technical school and listen to their advanced auto repair knowledge!"

"Since China is too far away, Chen Mu is close to Los Angeles!"

"The other party has such superb auto repair skills, I will definitely communicate with him!"

Sighing here, the ambulance turned to the surrounding Autobots and suggested:

"I think this Chen Mu must be the key to our Autobots defeating the Decepticons!"

"I propose to contact Chen Mu, if he can stand on our side."

"With his advanced auto repair skills, we will be able to defeat the Decepticons sooner or later!"

The ambulance finished speaking.

All the Autobots are eager to try.

Arcee felt nervous for a while.

She deeply knows how dangerous the Decepticons are, and the group of mechanical life sent by the lunatics are all lunatics.

If Chen Mu, a human being, is involved in the war between the two sides, he may be in an extremely dangerous situation!

Behind Optimus Prime's pair of liquid crystal eyes, the light flickered for a while, stood up and said:

"This matter is impossible!"

"The source of fire... After all, it is a matter of our mechanical life on Cybertron. The battle between our Autobots and Decepticons should not involve ordinary humans."

"Besides, no matter how tightly we protect Chen Mu, with the lunatic character of the Decepticons, sooner or later they will make a suicide attack!"

"At that time, will human flesh and blood be able to survive the crazy attack of the Decepticons?"

Optimus Prime finished speaking.

All the Autobots nodded subconsciously.

The same is true for ambulances. He really admires Chen Mu's auto repair skills.

But because of this, he didn't want to see a genius like Chen Mu fall early.

If this kind of human beings who are close to the God of Mechanics died under the suicide attack of Decepticons.

That would be a huge loss for the entire universe!

After seeing the attitudes of her companions, Arcee quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

With regard to Chen Mu, after reaching a consensus.

Optimus Prime said to the Autobots again:

"In the future, we will be more careful to keep our identity secret, and we must not expose it to humans!"

"If humans find out that we Autobots exist, I'm afraid humans won't have a good attitude towards us Autobots..."

"After all, compared to this planet, we are outsiders after all."

"Moreover, it is an outsider who may bring war..."

As soon as Bumblebee heard Optimus Prime say, the identity must be kept strictly confidential.

He remembered Arcee's situation in the auto repair shop.

Arcie was in the auto repair shop, and Chen Mu wiped the oil out of the headlights.

Moreover, during the process of Chen Mu's modification of Alcie, Alcie leaked a large amount of engine oil several times.

Could this weird performance be a serious Ducati 848?

This is definitely a tendency to reveal their identity!

Bumblebee was just about to break the news about this situation, and asked all the fellow Autobots to remind Arcie to pay attention to avoid oil leakage next time.

But as soon as the words came to his lips, the bumblebee swallowed them all again!

Because, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Arcie was holding up that pulse rifle and aiming at him!

God! One shot from that pulse rifle can flatten a ten-storey mountain!

If it hit him, his mechanical body would also fall apart!

Bumblebee suddenly turned into a dumb Autobot as if his language system had broken down.

When Arcee saw that Bumblebee was about to speak, she knew immediately what he was going to say.

Simply, the threat of this pulse rifle is big enough.

At the same time, I was grateful to Chen Mu again.

It's just that Chen Mu upgraded her, Arcie is still a little shy when thinking about it...

I don't know if Chen Mu can replenish the oil if the engine oil leaks like this.

Seeing that the Autobots had no other information to add, Optimus Prime asked them to explain on the spot.


Under the dark night, the Autobots in the abandoned factory disappeared without a trace.

One hundred meters in front of the Abandonable Factory, where the pulse rifle attacks.

Suddenly, a group of agents from District 7 appeared!

These gathered agents all looked dignified looking at the disappearing hill here.

The broken rocks scattered everywhere in front of them made each of them feel a strong shock in their hearts!

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