Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 16 The Shock In District 7, This Must Be Alien Technology!

Not long after Optimus Prime left.

Four or five black-painted secret service administrative vehicles quickly stopped here.

Leaving behind a harsh sound of sudden braking.

In the distant sky, there was also the sound of gusts of wind.

A reconnaissance, military helicopter.


A car door opens.

A man with a sharp face and a sharp suit, walked down.

Afterwards, dozens of agents and soldiers surrounded him.

"Agent Simon, according to the discovery, the nuclear energy just appeared here."

The person who came was Agent Recky Simon, one of the important members of the "Seventh District", a government secret unit responsible for researching the source of fire and freezing Megatron.

When everyone was inside the military base, they detected the nuclear energy fluctuations here, and guessed that alien robots appeared here.

"Okay, let me search carefully and find out the location of those alien planets!"


Simmons gave an order, and everyone started to act.

In a team of two, take out a professional nuclear energy detection device in the car.

One puts on headphones and listens to the sound of energy flowing through the instrument.

One person held the detector in his hand, searching step by step.

A team quickly dispersed, looking for traces.

Beep beep! ! !

Within a minute of searching, everyone stood everywhere, almost instantly.

All nuclear energy detectors alarmed with red lights at the same time.

Under the dark night, the eye-catching red is reflected on everyone's faces.

The agents and soldiers were all stunned in place at this moment.

Sudden movement, so many alarms.

Goodbye on the detector, the nuclear energy force pointed by the pointer has reached the top.

Immediately, the scene was a little panicked.

"what happened?"

Simmons opened his mouth to remind, obtaining information can also calm people's hearts.

"Agent Simon, the nuclear energy index here is beyond the detection range."

"It's the same on my side, also exceeding the standard."

"It's the same here..."

All the people in the company reported their own detectors, and the index reached the peak.

These words made everyone's hearts tighten.

Obviously, this is not the value released by the nuclear energy, but the detector has reached the highest index.

Everyone was shocked in place and kept patrolling around.

Such a powerful nuclear energy index is enough to be equivalent to a nuclear warship!

How terrifying.

Do these unknown alien technologies from the universe have such a huge gap in strength beyond human beings?

There was a slight cold sweat on Simmons' forehead.

At this time, suddenly a technician on the scene spoke out, breaking the silence.

"Report to Agent Simon, although the nuclear power in this area is very powerful, it is comparable to the energy of an atomic bomb."

"But it has unreasonable data."

"What data?"

Simmons asked in surprise, and the other party replied immediately.

"Such a strong nuclear energy fluctuation remains, but the nuclear radiation produced is very low. This radiation is so small that it is even less than a banana!"

"What did you say?"

Simmons couldn't believe it.

The fission degree of nuclear energy directly affects the radiation released by nuclear energy.

This is like a law that exists in the world.

When Simmons heard that such a powerful nuclear energy residue left a radiation energy less than the size of a banana, he was more worried than happy.

With such a strong perception of nuclear energy, according to common sense, Simmons and others will all be subject to strong nuclear radiation.

Once nuclear radiation enters the human body, human beings will soon have disordered body functions and mutations in the digestive, reproductive, and blood systems.

Within two to three years, humans affected by nuclear radiation will lose their immunity and die.

It stands to reason that Simmons should be thankful that he escaped unharmed.

But after thinking about it, Simmons was in a cold sweat.

It can turn nuclear energy into a weapon and at the same time turn radiation into

Compression is so small.

This technology is definitely beyond the reach of human technology!

Once there is a conflict with this kind of cosmic species, the situation facing the earth will be precarious!

This is exactly what Simmons is worried about!

"There is no doubt that it must be alien technology!"

Simmons firmly deduced that all the agents were taken aback.

Once such alien technology becomes a threat to the earth, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster for human beings.

As far as the technology currently possessed by human beings is concerned, the price of confronting such alien technology is extremely huge.

As for the outcome, there is no way to know.

But everyone understands that once the war starts, the chances of winning are very bad!

"These alien technologies are really powerful."

"With the current military strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

"Yeah, I really don't know, what are the plans of these alien technologies..."

"It's really frustrating."

A group of agents were also very surprised by this discovery and fell into discussion.

When the scene was a little anxious, Simmons was the first to recover.

Pointing at the technician with one hand, he hurriedly shouted: "Quick, get all the surveillance videos within a kilometer radius."

"We must find out the true colors of these aliens."

Thinking of the previous military strategic deployment, Simmons felt a burst of anger that could not be calmed down.

That one is located in the west of the United States, a special military strategic deployment base hidden deep in the desert.

The base, which was once the Seventh Sector with Simmons, took over the mission of finding the source of fire off Earth and freezing Megatron.

That's why some information about this matter is stored in this base.

Not long ago, the base was suddenly attacked.

Allegedly, the mastermind behind the scenes is really a technological life from outer space.

These outer space creatures are extremely cruel.

Destroy the entire military strategic deployment and try to find some information

The general in charge of this place, at the last moment, guarded the data and information, and died in the hands of the enemy.

At this time, it has aroused the great attention of the United States.

Even the Seventh District was in a state of tension at this time.

Simmons is well aware of the opponent's ruthless methods.

How cruel to kill, so bold and reckless, it is simply an enemy of the earth, openly provoking!

With such behavior, Simmons is determined to find out his opponents, find out their true colors, and know what purpose these guys are hiding!


Suddenly, the technician's computer continued to call for monitoring.

A striking red font came from the mailbox.

The red font represents the highest emergency.

"Agent Simon!"

The technician noticed it, called the other party immediately, and then opened the email.

"What's wrong?"

Before Simmons could respond, he hurried forward and checked the mailbox with the technicians.

At that time, a line of subtitles will appear in front of you.

"Urgent notice, the military base satellite was attacked by alien technology ten minutes ago!"

Seeing this, Simmons was shocked.

The satellite of the military base was also attacked!

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