Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 29 The Small Shock From The Auto Mechanic Stunned District 7

Seventh District, Command.

At this time, the big screen is playing today's video of the city's robot battle from various satellites.

After a simple play, Simmons was obviously not satisfied.

It seemed that there was nothing he wanted in it.

"Assistant David, help me transfer the video tape to the screen."


Simmons gave an order, and the support behind him immediately set off.

After screening layer by layer, Simmons was not satisfied with the videos transmitted by these satellites.

Only by recording myself on the spot, I can see more clearly what happened at that time.


A short electric current passed by, and an extremely clear picture appeared in everyone's eyes.

At this time, inside the screen, three giant-shaped robots appeared and were engaged in a fierce battle.

At the same time, there is also a petite robot, making a feint.

Suddenly, Simmons pressed the remote control in his hand, and the screen paused.

He stepped forward and pointed to all the agents behind him.

"In this video, it can be concluded that this robot is the guy who attacked the military base twice and invaded the satellite system."

The guy Simmons pointed to was the Decepticon member, Barricade.

Then, in the picture, everyone saw this amazing fight with their own eyes.

Because of the special angle, it belongs to the live shooting of Simmons.

Everyone can feel it as if they were there in person.

In the huge duel, flying up from the video angle from time to time, a car flying out, and a powerful energy cannon can scare people for a while.

It is obviously two huge robots, besieging another robot, and adding a little guy.

But the other party didn't take advantage of it.

Two fists rival four hands.

With the small robot's feint attack, the opponent's two robots with light yellow bodies made frequent mistakes and were attacked.

After some staggering, the yellow hornet finally stood on the upper body of the Decepticon roadblock.

He picked up a car and kept throwing it at the head of the barricade.

At this moment, behind the bumblebee, there was a little robot confused.

A huge energy cannon protrudes from the back of his upper body.

Aim at the back of the hornet's head, ready to bombard it.

If you hit it, you will die here.

At this moment, a bright red motorcycle can be clearly seen on the screen.

The picture pauses again, and Simmons points to the motorcycle.

"Attention everyone, keep an eye on this car!"

Simmons gave a look, and the assistant David immediately operated on the computer.

In an instant, on the huge screen, pictures from different perspectives appeared in quarters.

Both are special shots of the red motorcycle.

This is a Ducati 848 series motorcycle that travels fast and enters the field like lightning.

At the moment the little robot is confused, since it kills the bumblebee.

In the screen, it can be clearly seen.

In the transparent air, a fantastic light suddenly formed on the front of Ducati's predecessor.

Quickly condensed into the appearance of a rifle, with camouflage-like patterns all over the body, and other light blue blooms.

Aiming at the little robot in the distance, confused, a mass of pulse energy in front of the muzzle condenses instantly.


The screen stops again.

On the big screen, Assistant David is using the system's detection mode to conduct detection.

Soon, a huge set of red data appeared in front of everyone.

Simmons smiled slightly, pointed at this set of data, and faced everyone.

"Can someone tell me what set of data this is?"

A moment of silence.

Everyone in the audience, no one dared to answer.

Obviously, everyone is not ignorant, but is waiting for Agent Simon to answer everyone personally, what he wants to say.

With a glance, it is clear in my heart.

Simmons spoke.

"This set of data is the nuclear energy detection data for this female robot."

"In the past two days, the powerful nuclear energy we have been looking for came from here!"


"It's actually a female robot? With such a powerful force..."

"It's incredible."

Simmons' data caused heated discussions among the agents in the audience.

Everyone did not expect that after working so hard for a few days, the instigator of the powerful nuclear energy they were looking for was actually a petite female robot.

As everyone is still suspicious, the screen is played again.

In the picture, the powerful pulse energy is condensed in the rifle of the Ducati female robot.

There was a bang.

The pulse energy is like a long rainbow, shooting towards the confused robot.

In an instant, half of the robot's body was swallowed up.

He fell down on the spot and couldn't respond.

Then, the scene turned.

Everyone is shocked to find out the arrival of the female robot.

As the enemy's roadblock, aware of the opponent's strength, ready to escape.

At this time, a burst of pulse energy condensed and bombarded again.

In the end, although the enemy escaped by chance, he was blown off an arm by the pulse energy on the spot!

Then, in the picture, several robots took a high school student and left.

The screen then refers to the high school students, and Simmons introduces them.

"This high school student is named Sam. His grandfather used to be an explorer. He once found a frozen giant in the glaciers of the North Pole!"

"From here, we can see that the relationship between Sam and these robots is extraordinary."

Then, the screen ends.

The last stop was on a red Ducati female robot, Arcee.

"Judging from the battle at the scene, it can be judged that there are two groups of robots."

"The purpose is still unknown, but what is certain is that this female robot is the most powerful among them!"

"So from now on, keep an eye on this robot's whereabouts."

With that said, all the agents got effective information and began to work step by step.

At that time, Simmons took another look at Assistant David.

The other party immediately understood and said, "The satellite has been tracking."

"It shows on the satellite map that the female robot and her party disappeared after passing through an abandoned old city!"

"In that area, a lot of electromagnetic interference was detected."

"Satellites are currently uncapturable."

Upon hearing the news, Simmons smiled.

"It seems that there is their base!"

"Let the satellite keep a firm lock on the old factory area, and follow up immediately if there is any movement."




"There is news from the satellite that the Ducati female robot has appeared again!"

As soon as he received the news, David helped to speak out again.

In one sentence, everyone's eyes were tightly focused.

Then, David helped to open the screen.

On the big screen, a beautiful red Ducati locomotive appeared in the satellite image.

Galloping on the road, passing through the vehicles impressively, it is very conspicuous!

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