Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 30 Shocked By The Iron Sheet, The Self-Repairing Car Cover Can Also Block The Tracking Signa

Los Angeles border.

In an abandoned old town.

Optimus Prime and the others couldn't help being shocked by Arcee's modified pulse rifle.

After some discussion, Arcee decided to go back to the auto repair shop first to avoid being discovered by Chen Mu.

Ironhide, the weapon master, greeted Optimus Prime, followed him, turned into an old truck, and drove towards the city.


The roar of the car drove away.

Since Arcie installed the powertrain, at this moment, her body seems to have inexhaustible strength.

In the blink of an eye, he ran a hundred meters away.

The iron skin behind him had just changed his body, and Arcie had already disappeared.

"This girl, I am in a hurry to go back to see my master..."

"Tinhide, don't talk nonsense."

In Tin Pi's mouth, he was just muttering.

In an instant, Arcee's retort came to her ears.

The conversation between the two was the latest intercom system developed by Tiepi, which uses a unique signal to communicate in the electromagnetic frequency band.

But he didn't want to, Iron Skin didn't close the conversation and was heard by the other party.

After a while of embarrassment, Tin Pi stopped making a sound, activated the power, and rushed to the auto repair shop.

This way, Arcee's speed is very fast.

In the urban area, under the condition of speed limit, still avoid all camera systems and move forward at high speed.

Arcee didn't want the fact that she was a robot to be exposed in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's identity has too many mysteries.

Although, at that time, Arcee didn't believe that Chen Mu was a bad person.

But right now, it's too early to draw conclusions.


At this moment, a burst of electricity sounded in Arcie's ear.

"Arcie, there is an electromagnetic wave in a frequency band that has been tracking you."

"It should be that you are in battle, receiving human attention, and the satellite is locking your position."

On the other end of the phone was the voice of Iron Skin.

Not long after setting off from Arcee, an inexplicable frequency came from the iron intercom from time to time.

Ironhide didn't make a sound at first, but after a while the frequency was always there.

At this moment, Tie Hide concluded that Arcee was being followed, and specially reminded her.

"I see."

On the other side of the intercom, Arcee replied.

Not long after, Arcee began to circle the city center from the inside of the city.

Walking east and west, drilling everywhere in the streets and alleys.

Arcee didn't want to expose herself, let alone cause trouble for Chen Mu.

But I don't know what to do, so I can only wander around in the streets of the city.

I hope that after a few more laps, I can get rid of the positioning of the satellite.

For about ten minutes, the positioning of Arcie's body was never lost.


At that time, the satellite was broadcasting the images of the seventh district all the time.

Looking at the Ducati in the picture, which is constantly going around in circles, Simmons smiled.

"It's not that easy to get rid of the Eagle Kingdom's satellite pursuit."

Simmons looked determined to win, and suddenly a piece of news sounded in his mind.

"The whole world is shocked, the owner of a 500 yards per hour Ducati 848!"

"This car broke the world record and became the first fast racing car comparable to an airplane in the history of human technology!"

Two impressive titles came to Simmons' mind.

Look in front of you again, this conspicuous red Ducati.

Simmons concluded that the Ducati that flew 500 yards in the city that night was precisely this female robot.

"It's amazing, a locomotive robot can run at a speed of 500 yards."

"I'm getting more and more curious, what are you guys planning..."

In the picture, Ducati is still like a headless chicken, trying to get rid of the tracking of the satellite.

At the moment, in the seventh district, a number of investigation police cars have been dispatched to follow Ducati.

After waiting for Ducati to start again, proceed to the next step of tracking.

"What to do? Ironhide."

"I can't get rid of these satellite channels."

"What can you do?"

After some attempts, Arcie, who still couldn't get rid of it, felt a little anxious.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Chen Mu in the auto repair shop should have taken the shower gel from the garage and sent it to Mikaela.

After the two of them simply washed and changed their clothes, if they found that they were not in the store, how should they explain it.

At that time, won't Arcee be exposed?

The more Arcee thought about it, the more anxious she became.

At this time, on the other end of the phone, Tie Pi was silent for a moment without any reply.

"Tinhide, can you hack into the satellite system and stop the satellite from tracking me?"

Feeling desperate, Arcee asked again.

At this time, Iron Skin felt a little helpless.

"Arcee, I don't have a human computer program around me right now."

"If you invade the other party rashly, more satellites will pay attention."

"The only way now is to find a way to escape temporarily."

"Or you wait for me where you are, in about twenty minutes, I can arrive!"

"I'll figure it out then."

"twenty minutes?"

"It's been too long!"

Arcee was immediately surprised when she heard the estimated time from Tin Hide.

It's too long.

Once it is delayed for a long time, maybe the human agents around will follow them quietly.

On the contrary, Arcee will become more and more passive.

"no solution anymore."

Arcee felt helpless in her heart, and she drove again, wanting to try to get rid of it.

After going around a few times in a row, Arcie's emotions became more and more squeezed, and she muttered in her heart.

"If only I had the ability to conceal all electromagnetic signals..."


At this moment.

Suddenly, Arcee's body changed.

Arcee's self-repairing car clothes all over her body suddenly flickered.

Bursts of light blue streamer continuously surged on this streamlined body.

Immediately afterwards, when she was exposed to the sun again, Arcee listened carefully to the intercom, and the strange frequency current disappeared.

"Get rid of it!"

Arcie was surprised.

At the same time in the seventh district.

At almost the same time in the screen, a burst of light appeared, and there was no Ducati car anymore.

After a series of satellite debugging several times, Ducati was still unable to be found.

In every section of the road, surveillance has never been seen.

After a few minutes, there was no movement on the screen.

"Report to Agent Simon, the satellite said it was lost!"

Assistant David's reminder made the other party's face darken instantly.

"Damn it, why can you lose it like this!"

Inside the commander, Simmons roared.


"Arcie, the self-repairing car jacket on your body actually has the ability to shield electromagnetic signals?"

On the other side of the walkie-talkie, after Iron Skin felt a strange ability, he immediately asked the other party.

But after waiting for a while, the news came.

"I don't know, maybe so!"

Apparently, Arcee was also in a blinded state.

She didn't understand at all why she just whispered in her heart.

The self-repairing car cover can actually respond to shield the electromagnetic signal of the satellite.

At this moment, Arcie was also extremely surprised.

"Chen Mu's modification is amazing."

After a burst of amazement, Arcee rushed back to the auto repair shop as fast as a sword shadow.

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