Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 77 Killing The Decepticons, The Rewards Are Huge

In the lounge of the auto repair shop.

Chen Mu fell asleep comfortably on the bed.

Suddenly, the mechanical dog released by "Dizzy" outside was destroyed by the domain of the mechanical god.

The loud noise finally woke Chen Mu up.

Reluctantly, he opened his eyes, stroked his shattered hair, and slowly walked down from the soft bed.

"Fuck, make such a loud noise, is there a gun battle outside?"

"Yajiao is Yingjiao after all, the frequency of this gun battle can be viewed as a fireworks show.

"Fortunately, I still have the domain of the Mechanic God to protect me, so I don't need to be affected by gangsters who are worried about being rushed."

"Otherwise, the first thing to do when you earn money is to change to a safe neighborhood and open a new store.

"It really takes a lot of courage to do business in the not-so-rich neighborhood of Eagle Country..."

The moment Chen Mu broke free from his sleep, he heard the crackling sound like a gunfight outside the auto repair shop.

The sound that lasted for a while reminded him immediately that there were gangsters fighting outside his shop.

After all, the location of his auto repair shop is not considered a wealthy neighborhood in Los Angeles.

Just left Fatty Ding Plaza, this moist novice area.

No matter how high-end, it is not high-end.

On weekdays, violent incidents do not occur infrequently.

Fortunately, the business in Chen Mu's auto repair shop has not been very good before.

That's why it didn't become the target of customers who bought for 0 yuan.

Later, after Chen Mu had the domain of the Mechanic God to guard the auto repair shop, he was no longer worried about these violent incidents.

Chen Mu walked to the bathroom, turned on the tap, and some running water washed away the drowsiness on his face.

Speaking of the Mechanic God domain rewarded by this system, the most obvious help to Chen Mu is to ensure his personal safety.

As a Chinese, especially a Chinese with excellent looks, temperament and image.

Chen Mu is still very hostile to Brother Ni and Bai Pi in this area.

Especially, after recruiting Mikaela, a hot and beautiful beauty, as an apprentice in the auto repair shop.

Chen Mu can clearly feel that those idlers around the auto repair shop and Bai Pi are becoming more and more malicious towards his auto repair shop!

If it weren't for the muscles on Chen Mu's body, which revealed an extremely agile outline visible to the naked eye, I'm afraid someone would have come to find a place long ago.

After the system rewarded the Mechanic God's domain, Chen Mu was completely relieved.

Sometimes, Chen Mu really doesn't understand those Runners.

Those who traveled across the ocean came to the Eagle Country to open a store, what exactly are they planning?

All the loans that can be borrowed are exhausted, like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge, they have narrowly escaped death and came to the dream of "free" country, and there is not even a way out.

You have to be discriminated against.

If he didn't give a damn, he would have been beaten into a grandson by Bai Pi and Brother Ni.

With such ruthlessness, which city in China cannot make a fortune?

I want to come to the Eagle Country, I really think there is gold on the ground.

Chen Mu wiped off the water on his face, and all the drowsiness from his body was dispelled.

Just about to walk out of the auto repair shop to see the excitement.

But what Chen Mu didn't expect was that a large pit, which was nearly the size of a room, appeared in the auto repair shop!

On the edge of the big pit, mottled concrete was exposed.

In the pit, there is more blue explosion energy remaining!

This scene only made Chen Mu stare wide-eyed!

"What the hell! I just woke up to watch the excitement of gang fights!"

"This..... is eating melons coming to my own home!?"

"Emotions... this group of gangsters, are they here to attack my auto repair shop at night?"

The sudden appearance of this big hole in the auto repair shop only made Chen Mu feel angry and bloody.

No matter how simple the decoration of my auto repair shop is, this sudden big hole will still make Chen Mu feel a little bit lost.

The manual service of the Eagle Kingdom is so expensive, and the cost of asking craftsmen to fill this big hole is not a small amount!

What made Chen Mu even more depressed was that the domain of the Mechanic God was too aggressive.

The assembled pulse rifle is directly a cross-civilization strike!

The attacker was directly melted into energy liquid by the attack of the pulse rifle, not even leaving a corpse.

As a result, Chen Mu couldn't even lick the bag and touch the corpse to make up for the loss.

Chen Mu looked again at the warehouse where the pulse rifle was stored.

Sure enough, the outer wall of the entire warehouse also melted.

The pulse rifles displayed inside all showed their true colors.

The shape of those pulse rifles is very similar to the laser weapons in "Star Trek".

If it is seen by others, it will only be regarded as an exquisitely crafted peripheral figure.

Chen Mu is not worried about being suspected of these cross-civilization weapons.

After all, as long as there is no hostility towards him, these pulse rifles will not activate by themselves at all.

The unactivated pulse rifle is essentially not much different from the exquisitely shaped peripheral figures.

What made him depressed was the melted warehouse wall and the big pit that appeared on the ground!

It allows the weapons in the realm of the Mechanic God to launch attacks autonomously.

There is no doubt that someone has hostility or killing intent towards him!

Moreover, the person who was hostile or murderous toward him entered the realm of the Mechanic God and took action!

If it weren't for the protection of the Mechanic God's domain, he, the owner of the auto repair shop, might be killed today!

"Did the house get burglarized! Or is my auto repair shop being targeted by gangsters?"

"What the hell, this business has only been good for a few days, and it has been regarded as a target so quickly!"

"The law and order of the Eagle Kingdom is really amazing..."

Chen Mu stared at the big crater in front of him, wondering if he should go to Fatty Ding Square tomorrow, grab a fellow Runren, and ask him to fix it.

After all, they are still of the same bloodline, so if they can take care of them, Chen Mu can still afford a few hundred dollars.

As for the person who invaded his auto repair shop and did something wrong.

Chen Mu didn't take it to heart at all.

After all, the opponent's evil thoughts can trigger the domain of the Mechanic God to launch an attack on its own, so it must be a real attack on Chen Mu.

This kind of person is completely melted by the attack of the pulse rifle, which can be regarded as his best destination.

"Pure deserves it!"

"What the hell is creating a big hole for labor and management!"

"Bah! Scum of the world!"

Chen Mu spat in the big hole in front of him by the way.

He wasn't worried at all that Fobole would find fault with someone killed in his auto repair shop.

Not to mention the intruder, under the attack of the pulse rifle, it was completely turned into a puddle of liquid.

Even if someone finds out a complete chain of evidence, proving that a gangster died in his auto repair shop.

That's a proper self-defense!

In the Eagle Kingdom, if someone of unknown origin invades his territory, he can just "biubiu" it, and there is no legal responsibility at all.

Just when Chen Mu was thinking about the aftermath.


A system notification sounded in my mind.

[Ding! The defense system successfully killed the enemy x5, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the reward]

[Reward 1: Mechanic God's Domain Self-Repair System. 】

[Reward 2: Mechanic God Domain Mimicry System. 】

[Reward 3: A comprehensive mechanized transformation system in the realm of the Mechanic God. 】

[Reward 4: The domain of the Mechanic God fully shields the detection of signals such as electromagnetic pulses. 】

[Reward 5: Automatic dismantling system in the realm of the Mechanic God. 】

These five rewards came out in a row, which directly confused Chen Mu!

He was just thinking about whether he should go back to catch up on the sleepiness. Once he saw these five rewards, he would immediately feel relieved.

Stare at the statement popping up on the system.

It was only then that Chen Mu discovered that it wasn't just a small thief who invaded his auto repair shop, but a gang of five people!

"Um, it's ok! My auto repair shop, what kind of tyrants have I messed with?"

"There are five people teaming up to steal things. Is my auto repair shop worth the trouble?"

"Fuck, what are these people looking for?"

"Could it be my three Ducati 848s?"

Chen Mu was surprised for a while, and saw three Ducati 848s of various colors placed in a row at the corner.

The three motorcycles picked up here are cool enough, but they are also quite hated.

Thinking of my shop, apart from these three Ducati 848s, there are no other valuable things.

Chen Mu decided that the disaster must have been caused by these three cool motorcycles.

"Hey, sometimes you are so good at repairing cars that you will be envied by others!"

"Michaela made a name for my little shop in the rally."

"Others see that there are three Ducati 848s of the same grade in my shop, so it's normal to be careful!"

"Good guy! Five people form a gang, what the hell are you looking for death!"

After staying in the Eagle Kingdom for so long, no matter how good Chen Mu's personality is, he will not be a kind Madonna of White Lotus.

If it weren't for his own store, there would be the domain of the Mechanic God, an existence beyond the protection of earth civilization.

Chen Mu didn't believe that the gang of five thieves wouldn't beat him up after stealing the motorcycle.

This kind of evil force deserves to be beaten into scum!

Besides, isn't the Eagle Kingdom advocating freedom?

If you are within the legal limits, you can be more free if you can!

Gun in hand, follow me!

Anyone who dares to come to his own auto repair shop to make trouble will be killed and served as scum!

He didn't think about the five intruders who turned gray.

Chen Mu focused his mind on the rewards of the system.

As long as his mind is focused on which reward, which reward will immediately reveal a detailed situation!

...asking for flowers...

[Reward 1: Mechanic God's Domain Self-Repair System. 】

Chen Mu looked over carefully and found a string of notes unfolding under this reward.

[All damage received in the domain of the Mechanic God can be repaired by itself. 】

"Hiss! It can repair itself!"

"Isn't this saying that I have completely become a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death!"

"As long as the strength of the attacker does not exceed the limit of the domain of the Mechanic God, I can forcefully consume all opponents!"

Seeing this reward, Chen Mu only felt that he had the legendary immortal body!

Endurance is almost infinite!

As long as it is not the Ministry of National Defense of the Eagle Country, it will directly use strategic nuclear weapons to attack him.

He can almost run amok in this country!

After reading the first reward, Chen Mu immediately focused on the next one.

[Reward 2: Mechanic God Domain Mimicry System. 】

[All things in the domain can be mimicked into the familiar appearance of the host, and will not be recognized by any detection means. 】


Seeing this reward, Chen Mu was moved again!

"This is simply a disguise!"

"Any detection method can't identify it...... This is equivalent to an illusion!

"Well, this function has saved a lot of decoration costs..."

At this moment, in Chen Mu's mind, he thought of the ancient Greek Balthenon Temple, the Vatican Cathedral, and the Chinese Bauhinia City!

As long as Chen Mu is willing, he can manifest all the most brilliant art palaces in human civilization in his mechanical god domain at any time!


Damn it, who wants to sleep in this dilapidated car factory!

I will sleep in the palace today!

After pondering for a while, what kind of living environment should I present in the future.

Chen Mu's mind turned to the third reward.

[Reward 3: A comprehensive mechanized transformation system in the realm of the Mechanic God. 】

[In the domain of the Mechanic God, everything except life has become a mechanized system, and is bound to the host's mind. 】

Compared with the previous two rewards, this reward is somewhat difficult to understand.

Chen Mu was frowning, thinking for a long time, and finally realized it!

Doesn't this reward mean that he has completely become a god in the domain?

"Manipulate everything! Let everything obey my will!"

"Tsk tsk! The meaning of this system is to push me to the god position!"

"As long as I am within my domain, am I completely invincible and can do whatever I want..."

At this moment, Chen Mu panicked.

Suddenly grasping such a great power, a mortal possesses the power of a god in an instant.

Chen Mu couldn't change his mentality.

I'm afraid that I will get lost in this force that suddenly swells up like a god.

Finally, completely become a slave to desire.


After several deep breaths in a row, Chen Mu managed to calm down from his excitement.

"Even if I suddenly possess the power of a god, I still have to keep my heart!"

"If you wantonly vent your inner desires, what's the difference between that and an unconscious natural disaster?"

" the human world, it's good to be the sword god of Shilipo."

"If you can't control your desires, you can only become a false god in the West! Only by keeping your true heart can you become a true immortal in China!"

After strengthening his inner thoughts, Chen Mu looked at the fourth reward.

[Reward 4: The domain of the Mechanic God fully shields the detection of signals such as electromagnetic pulses. 】

[As long as the host is willing, the radar and other detection systems will completely fail to detect the protagonist's territory on the map. 】

" a true god in the world, when I want to disappear, people can't find me."

"This is what it should be like!"

When he saw the details of the fifth reward, Chen Mu's eyes lit up again!

[Reward 5: Automatic dismantling system in the realm of the Mechanic God. 】

[Mechanical items that have not been approved by the host will be automatically disassembled after entering the domain. 】

It's not because of how bad the fifth reward is.

Instead, only the fifth reward is related to his profession!

Although it already has the ability to be almost like a god.

But after all, Chen Mu studied in Huaxia Auto Repair Academy for three full years!

I still haven't forgotten my identity, I am a glorious auto mechanic!

Dismantling mechanical items by yourself is simply a magic skill for auto mechanics!

Looking at the five rewards from the system, Chen Mu was filled with satisfaction, and he was not sleepy at all.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to fall asleep when I return to the cage..."

"The five abilities that are too awesome, you must try eight immediately!".

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