Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 78 The Shock Of The Three Sisters Of Arcee, Is Chen Mu Really A Mechanical God? !

In the auto repair shop.

When Chen Mu thought of the sudden addition of five amazing abilities in his field, he immediately couldn't help but try it out!

With a thought, first, the reward 1, the self-repair system of the Mechanic God Domain was activated.

In an instant, a strange energy spread to the entire auto repair shop.

In the big pit in front of Chen Mu, blue mosaic modules appeared one after another.

Seeing the blue mosaic module, this big hole was directly filled.

This blue mosaic module reminds Chen Mu of the game he has been playing for the longest time————“My World”.

And the repair method is similar to the construction method in "My World".

The blue mosaic module, after completely filling the entire pit, is still absorbing the surrounding substances.

Then, gradually, these blue mosaic modules all turned into the same concrete as the surrounding area!

The big pit just now disappeared completely!

As if it had never been seen before, in front of Chen Mu was a completely flat land.

Chen Mu stood at the repaired place again, stepping on two feet.

Sure enough, the tactile feeling transmitted to the soles of the feet through the flip-flops is no different from other surrounding grounds.

"This restoration effect... is restored one to one!"

"Come on, save hundreds of dollars!""

After testing the ability of the first reward, Chen Mu is very satisfied with the restoration effect.

Immediately, the second reward ability, the mimic system in the realm of the Mechanic God, will be launched.

In an instant, another invisible energy spread throughout the entire auto repair shop.

Chen Mu suddenly discovered that he can manipulate the shape of objects in the field at will!

With a thought, Chen Mu changed the forms of those pulse rifles and buried mines!

In the blink of an eye, these sci-fi weapons, which are far beyond human civilization, have all turned into something common to people in appearance.

The pulse rifle directly becomes a water pipe, or a green plant planted in a sprinkler, or simply becomes a fire pump and hangs on the wall.

As for those landmines that are ready to explode, it is even simpler.

One by one or become a socket, or become a quiet fire-fighting equipment for identity protection.

Coincidentally, turning into these things can save a batch of firefighting report construction fees in Chen Mu's shop.

In Chen Mu's auto repair shop, it is naturally impossible for there to be a fire.

But if you can't stand it, people from the government will come to find fault!

Finding any reason why the firefighting failed to pass the inspection would be enough to knock off a large sum of Chen Mu's firefighting construction fee.

In the country of Eagle Country, when firefighters put out fires, they have to pay for it!

These costs are not subsidized by the local government.

Therefore, the requirements for operators' fire protection facilities are much stricter than those of other countries.

Now, look at the fire extinguishers everywhere in the store.

Chen Mu thinks that those administrators who are not full should have no reason to find fault with the fire department.

Chen Mu is quite satisfied with the abilities of the first two rewards.

But among all the rewards, Chen Mu is most looking forward to the third one!

Without him, the description of the third reward only makes Chen Mu feel that he is really going to become a god!

The realm of the Mechanic God, the comprehensive mechanized transformation system, is now open!

Another invisible energy, transmitted to every corner of Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

In an instant, Chen Mu had another unbelievable feeling!

At this moment, Chen Mu only felt that all the objects in the entire domain could be manipulated and combined at will!

Chen Mu's eyes lit up, and with a thought, a vast multi-nanometer light structure suddenly appeared behind the nothingness!

Those tiny nanostructures, under the rapid combination, a golden nanmu sofa appeared in an instant!

It is still a beautiful style.

Exquisite peony flower carvings, engraved in golden silk nanmu, hundreds of flowers correspond, brilliant atmosphere!

A taste of ancient Chinese culture came from the front.

Chen Mu sat on the sofa that suddenly appeared behind him, resting his hand casually on the golden nanmu armrest, feeling the solid touch on it.

"Hiss~~~ This is almost a creation of the void..."

"However, it seems that this is not a wooden structure, it just looks like golden nanmu.

"Actually, it should still be within the category of machinery..."

"Well, I'm here for tea."

Chen Mu felt a little thirsty, and snapped his fingers in the air with his right hand.

The tea maker in the living room seems to have received an order.

A mechanical arm was outlined from the void.

Boil water, add tea leaves, and filter out the first wisp of water.

A cup of bright green Longjing green tea was taken out by the water temperature of 85 degrees.

Then, the mechanical arm in the void respectfully held the cup of Longjing green tea and handed it to Chen Mu.

After taking it casually, looking at the steaming and steaming Longjing green tea, Chen Mu felt refreshed.

"Convenient! This is simply too convenient!"

"Equivalent to this field, I can completely control all inanimate things!"

"This life is the life that human beings should enjoy..."

"In the future, there will be no need to do housework at all."

After the Longjing green tea in his hand cooled down, Chen Mu took a sip.

Feeling the fresh and warm breath, as it slipped through the throat, Chen Mu felt refreshed all over his body.

All along, he was not used to drinking western coffee.

That kind of pure bitter taste, if you don't add some sugar cubes and milk, Chen Mu can't taste it at all.

But I heard that those who taste high-end coffee drink the freshest coffee beans ground by hand, and then extract the coffee liquid on the spot.

But Chen Mu still couldn't drink it.

In his opinion, the natural bitterness extracted from the coffee bean powder cannot be compared with the freshness and sweetness of tea leaves.

But there is one thing to say, hand-ground coffee with a higher concentration, the substances in it are indeed more exciting.

Perhaps it is because it is exciting enough that coffee is so popular throughout Western civilization....

Leaning on the sofa, after slowly drinking this cup of Longjing green tea.

Chen Mu started experimenting with the last two rewards again.

But when Chen Mu will reward 4, the function of fully shielding electromagnetic pulse signals will be launched.

Chen Mu found that he didn't feel anything.

Once the previous three functions were launched, [Chen Mu felt that he could manipulate something at will.

But this fourth reward is different.

What Chen Mu felt seemed to be just a switch.

This switch corresponds to the ability to shield pulse signals.

"Well, once this skill is deployed, it becomes a purely passive skill."

"It saves me the trouble."

In Chen Mu's heart, he defined this reward 4 as a passive skill.

He looked at the last reward, which was the only reward related to his profession.

The automatic disassembly system in the field of mechanical gods!

It was still an invisible energy that spread throughout the auto repair shop.

At the corner, the three Ducati 848s with different colors naturally enveloped them together.

However, after the ability of this automatic disassembly system is deployed...

Chen Mu Ren Jiu found that he still didn't seem to feel anything...

Frowning, Chen Mu thought about it carefully, only to find the problem!

"The key point should be, with my permission..."

"This auto repair shop is originally mine! The mechanical items here are naturally allowed to appear in my domain with my subconscious permission.

"Hiss!? Is there something serious wrong with this broken ability?"

"Can there be any machinery that can enter my auto repair shop without my permission?"

"What the hell, it's impossible for a machine to have an autonomous life? Can it sneak into my shop like a thief?"

"This reward is five, so it won't be a waste..."

Chen Mu continued to think about this aspect.

He always felt that no matter how unscrupulous the system was, it would not be so mentally retarded as to reward a completely useless ability.

Since the abilities of the first four rewards are all incomparably explosive.

This fifth, the only ability related to his own profession, shouldn't be so brain-dead that he can't use it at all.

Chen Mu's tiger's mouth was scrubbed on his chin, and he leaned on the back of the sofa, thinking carefully about the mystery of the automatic disassembly function.

"Exactly, under what circumstances can a machine appear in my shop without my permission?"

Think in this direction.


Chen Mu's eyes are bright!

The whole body leaned forward, and the right hand clenched a fist and knocked on the left hand.

After thinking about it just now, he finally thought of a possibility!

"I remember that an excavator was used during the forced demolition."

"If someone wants to demolish my auto repair shop in the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to find an excavator that can come in!"

"Hiss~~~ Think about it more deeply, can pistols, submachine guns and so on be counted in the machinery?"

"If there are gangsters rushing into my shop with guns, even if I'm sleeping, they probably don't have weapons to make trouble!"

"Wait, what if the Eagle Nation's Ministry of Defense suddenly had a brain twitch and fired a Minuteman ICBM into my auto repair shop.

"That Minuteman 3 intercontinental missile, shouldn't it also be counted in the category of machinery!"

"From this point of view, this ability is indeed the most powerful existence!" 2.6

"Isn't this a passive absolute defense?"

"Two words! Invincible!"

Chen Mu stood up excitedly.

After figuring out the beauty of the fifth reward, Chen Mu only felt that he was almost invincible in the world!

"However, it shouldn't be too rambunctious! Although the missile directly hit my auto repair shop, it didn't have any effect.

"But if those lunatics detonate a nuclear weapon next to my auto repair shop, I won't be able to dismantle the burst of energy..."

"Hmm... It's useless to think about it, anyway, I'm not going to be a demon king."

After experimenting with the newly obtained five rewards, Chen Mu stretched his waist greatly.

With a thought, the golden nanmu sofa behind him slowly turned into nano-structured lines, quickly disappearing into nothingness.

Chen Mu went back to his room again, ready to catch up on a return sleep.

The surrounding lights were naturally turned off the moment Chen Mu went to bed.

It took half an hour for Chen Mu to fall asleep again.

In the dark and silent auto repair shop, Dongguang is bright!

All from the corner, three Ducati 848s in different colors!

In the scene where Chen Mu showed his ability just now, the three sisters Alcie watched the whole process.

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