Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 81: Starscream Doesn't Listen To Command, Ends The Game...

Royal Enemy and Megatron have agreed on how to deal with Chen Mu.

Megatron's ability to solve problems calmly and comprehensively also allows Royal Enemy to see the future of Cybertron.

The Autobots didn't know anything about it.

How could they have imagined that Royal Enemy had negotiated a cooperation with Megatron?

However, the abnormality of Yu Natural Enemy still attracted the attention of some Autobots.

After Yu Natural Enemy left the Autobot base, all the Autobots also left one after another.

The three Alcie sisters carefully wrote down Optimus Prime's instructions, and prepared to go back to the warehouse of the auto repair shop to continue to observe Chen Mu.

The rest of the Autobots also had their own affairs, so they left after a brief word.

But Ironhide and the ambulance stayed where they were and did nothing.

Even the two of them silently stopped Optimus Prime who was about to leave, as if they wanted to say something to him.

After noticing the movement of the iron sheet and the ambulance, Zui Tianzhu stopped his actions clearly.

After all the other Autobots left, Optimus Prime looked curiously at the iron sheet and the ambulance beside him.

"Do you two need me for something?"

"Let's talk, what's so embarrassing about what you've been hesitating to say today?"

Tin Hide cast a hesitant glance at the ambulance beside him, and then spoke first.

"Although you won't believe it when you say it, I still think you have the right to know what we think.

"Optimus Prime, I feel that the Royal Enemy may be somewhat disapproving of your plan, or even opposed. 11

"I know that he is the former leader of the Autobots, and he has devoted a lot of effort to the Autobots."

"But people always change."

"He hasn't spoken to an Autobot in a long time."

"After returning to the Autobot base, he never said what he thought.

"We all know that time is running out for Cybertron."

"In this case, we should understand more whether he is fighting for Cybertron or fighting for peace."

"If he was fighting for Cybertron, he might have other choices."

Royal Enemy is the former leader of the Autobots, and he is now in charge of all the Autobots.

But in their hearts, Zui Tianzhu is more suitable for the position of leader.

It is not a good thing to question Yu Natural Enemy, but he couldn't help it.

Do you want to watch Yu Tiandi lead the Autobots to the opposite side of the original intention?

He had already said these words euphemistically enough.

After hearing Ironhide's words, Optimus Prime subconsciously froze.

It never occurred to him that Ironhide would tell him such a thing.

But before Optimus Prime could fully digest what Ironhide had just said, the silent ambulance also spoke.

"I mean the same as Ironhide."

"When Yu Tiandi came back, he asked what your current plan is."

"You may not have noticed, but I can see clearly when I stand by."

"When he heard that you wanted to coexist with human beings, Yu Tiandi's face was not very good-looking, and he became silent.

"We know what Cybertron has become right now."

"Natural Enemy doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​co-existing with humans."

"The Autobots love peace and are willing to dedicate everything to peace."

"That's why we followed you and the Decepticons to do the right thing."

"But in the final analysis, we have indeed given up on Xiangyuan."

"The attitude of Yu Natural Enemy is too ambiguous, making it hard to figure out what he wants to do."

"Optimus Prime, you should watch out for him."

"The knife that hurts the deepest often comes from the closest people."

"So I suggest that you better be wary of natural enemies.

"Otherwise, all Autobots will be in danger.

The rounds of persuasion by the ambulance and Tin Hide made Optimus Prime silent.

He didn't understand why they would have such an idea.

In Optimus Prime's view, anyone can betray the enemy, but the natural enemy does not.

His trust in Yu Natural Enemy has been slowly accumulated over the years.

After a long silence, Optimus Prime seriously refuted Ironhide and the Rescue Army.

"No, absolutely impossible!"

"The Autobots love peace, so they want to coexist peacefully with humans on Earth."

"How could Yu Natural Enemy think differently?"

"He is my big brother, the leader I have respected since I joined the Autobots!"

"It's also him who selected me from among the Autobots as the new leader."

"Before I became the leader of the Autobots, he was the one who led the Autobots and the Decepticons to fight hard!"

"He and the Decepticons are incompatible, so how could he choose the Decepticons?"

"It is absolutely impossible for Royal Enemy to betray the Autobots!"

Optimus Prime has great trust in Royal Enemy.

He has fought side by side with Yu Tiandi countless times, and witnessed the scene where Yu Tiandi and Decepticons never die.

Whether public or private, he doesn't believe that Yu Tiandi will do something to betray the Autobots.

Seeing Optimus Prime's insistence, Ironhide and the ambulance exchanged glances and said nothing more.

They have reservations about defending against natural enemies.

They can also understand Optimus Prime's thoughts, after all, Royal Enemy is his most trusted leader.

If someone stood in front of the iron sheet and the ambulance and said that Optimus Prime surrendered to the enemy, they would never believe it.

Understandable is understanding, they will still be wary of natural enemies.

It was the performance of Yu Natural Enemy after returning to the Autobots that made them feel uneasy.

If Royal Enemy really betrayed the Autobots, they should also be prepared and not be easily defeated because of this incident.

As for Optimus Prime's persistence, time will tell everything!

At the same time, the three sisters of Arcie also returned to Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

When they sneaked into the warehouse, they inadvertently saw Chen Mu's state.

Since Chen Mu received the rewards from the system, he has directly lived a life of reaching out for clothes and opening his mouth for food.

No matter what he wants to do (cbaj), as long as he moves his mind, there will be automatic machines in the field to serve him.

Whether eating, drinking or going to bed, Chen Mu doesn't need to worry about it all.

Such a life is so pleasant!

Chen Mu feels that if this continues, he will definitely become a waste.

But he cannot deny that technology changes life.

The system's rewards have greatly improved his quality of life.

Who can deny such a life?

The three Alcie sisters were shocked when they noticed Chen Mu's state.

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Didn't we just go back to the base? Why has Chen Mu become so powerful again?"

"How sophisticated is the automation machinery that can achieve this level?"

"What else does he have that we don't know?"

Alita looked at Chen Mu and couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

When did humans have such technology?

How does she not know that human beings have advanced to this point?

Arcee glanced at Chen Mu's room, feeling a little numb in addition to being shocked.

"Used to it."

"Chen Mu's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary humans."

"What he has doesn't mean that humans have developed the same thing.

"As powerful as Chen Mu, I feel normal to take out any kind of things."

"Did I have some deviations and misunderstandings in my thinking?"

Just as the three sisters were expressing emotion over Chen Mu's strength, the people in the auto repair shop suddenly made the sound of being pushed.

After hearing the sound, the three Alcie sisters hurried back into the warehouse, for fear that others would find them.

And the person who pushed open the door of the auto repair shop was Mikaela who came to work.

As soon as she stepped into the auto repair shop, she noticed the scene of Chen Mu being served by automated machinery.

After seeing this scene, Mikaela was extremely shocked.

She had never seen such a magical scene in real life.

In her impression, only heroes like steel-wielding raccoons in sci-fi movies can do this.

The development of human science and technology is far from advancing to the point where automated machines are so intelligent and sophisticated.

In order to satisfy human fantasy, these technologies can only be placed in film and television.

Who would have thought that scenes from sci-fi movies would actually appear in real life?

Mikaela watched Chen Mu raise his hand slightly, and a cup of tea slowly floated into his hand from the kitchen.

Such a scene shocked her.

This is too cool!

With these high-tech automated machines, wouldn't Chen Mu completely free his hands?

Where the hell did Chen Mu get these things?

A technological civilization like this probably doesn't even have many scientists, right?

It's amazing that her boss can do it so easily!

Mikaela admired Chen Mu more in her heart.

I have to say that Chen Mu can really do anything.

Who wouldn't be confused by such a man?

At this time, Chen Mu and Mikaela didn't realize that someone outside the auto repair shop had already come to stare at them.

Starscream transformed into an F-22 supersonic fighter and hovered in the air not far from the auto repair shop.

He was ordered to come to investigate the situation in the auto repair shop and the mysterious auto mechanic.

Even without Megatron's orders, Starscream wanted to come and see.

What kind of human being is it that can attract the attention of both Autobots and Decepticons.

The ability that this auto mechanic has shown for the time being is already strong enough to be an enemy of the Decepticons.

Starscream wanted to see if this auto mechanic was really as strong as the rumors said.

He cautiously hovered in the sky not far away, connected to the satellite and wanted to investigate the auto repair shop.

Satellite detection is the safest way.

At least it will not arouse the alert of the ground weapon system.

Starscream didn't want to be blown to pieces before he even got close to the auto repair shop.

But when he used satellites to scan Chen Mu's auto repair shop, he got no results.

The image fed back by the satellite was pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Looking at the pitch-black image in front of him, Starscream couldn't help feeling a little itchy.

Can't see anything?

What kind of secrets are hidden in this auto repair shop?

Even the satellites have no way to spy on the contents inside.

Starscream looked down at Chen Mu's auto repair shop not far away, thinking whether he should go in and explore.

From the current point of view, it seems that the only way to find out the secrets hidden in the auto repair shop is to explore it yourself!.

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