Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 82 Eagle Sauce's Plan, The Alliance Between The Eagle Kingdom And The Decepticons

Starscream stared at the auto repair shop not far away, curious.

This auto repair shop looks ordinary, as if there is nothing unusual.

Who would have thought that it could escape the detection of satellites?

The pitch-black image just now is enough to show the strength of the auto mechanic inside, capable of shielding satellites.

Fortunately, he didn't rashly appear near the auto repair shop just now, otherwise he would definitely attract the tracking attack of the weapon system.

Since the satellite has no way to detect the situation of the case, he can only use the naked eye to check the situation in the auto repair shop!

Starscream slowly landed in the open space far away from the auto repair shop.

Immediately, he transformed into a human body and stood in the distance to check the situation in the auto repair shop.

Now he doesn't know what's in the auto repair shop!

Not to mention anything else, just the weapon system equipped in the auto repair shop is enough for Starscream to drink.

He didn't want to try it lightly, after all, the last Decepticon who was so aggressive had already completely melted here.

Vertigo is also stupid enough to bring four robot dogs and all of them can be wiped out.

Isn't it enough for the Decepticons to pay so much attention to a mechanic?

Starscream didn't want to leave his life here like Dizzy.

He has to be more careful.

Starscream tried to hide his figure, for fear of being detected and locked by the system in the auto repair shop.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

He has no idea what kind of weapons are equipped in the auto repair shop, and how many weapons of mass destruction are there.

So I can only carefully zoom in and check the situation in the auto repair shop.

After zooming in countless times, Starscream finally saw the mechanic in the auto repair shop.

However, the appearance of this auto mechanic is slightly different from Starscream's imagination.

It's not like he hasn't seen a car mechanic on Earth.

All of them were dirty and full of engine oil.

Wearing baggy clothes, which are stuffed with tools at hand.

Most people still have a cigarette in their mouths to pass the time.

Even when they are not repairing cars, they either sleep late or check other cars for problems.

But the life of the auto mechanic in front of him is really too comfortable!

The brewed tea was aired to a suitable temperature before it was delivered to Chen Mu's mouth by an automated machine.

Snacks are also looking for opportunities to be delivered to Chen Mu's mouth.

There are even a few automated machines holding fruits and fanning them.

There is no problem in describing this kind of life with clothes to stretch out hands and food to open mouths!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Starscream froze in place for an instant.

No? Did he read it right?

Now the Autobots and Decepticons are fighting hard outside.

The planet where human beings live will soon become the nutrient and tool of cyberspace.

For human beings, isn't this a critical moment of survival?

How can someone hide here and live such a leisurely and comfortable life?

And while still living like this, he seemingly inadvertently stepped in the middle of the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons.

What the hell was the mechanic thinking?

He's not really as powerful as the rumors say, is he?

After thinking about the strength of the auto mechanic, Starscream managed to regain his senses, and carefully checked the automated machinery around Chen Mu.

If he remembers correctly, humans have not yet mastered too much automated mechanical technology.

They have no way to control the automated machinery to perform precise and agile operations.

But looking at the automated machines in the auto repair shop, they don't have the clumsiness of human beings' current technological civilization.

Those automated machines seem to have their own lives, earnestly completing every instruction of Chen Mu.

After realizing that something was wrong with these automated machines, Starscream temporarily focused all his attention on the bodies of those machines.

He looked intently and found that these automated machines were all nano machines.

The entire auto repair shop has become the domain of that mechanic.

In this field, countless nanomachines serve Chen Mu like loyal and obedient servants.

After realizing this point, Starscream was naturally shocked.

When did humans master such technology?

Is it that all humans have mastered such technology?

Or, only this mysterious auto mechanic can control all this and make the auto repair shop his domain?

Starscream, as the second in command of the Decepticons for a thousand years, knows most of the ins and outs of humans and Autobots.

Humans living on the earth belong to low-level civilizations in their view.

Low-level civilizations are rude, barbaric and weak, and it is impossible to have such a technological civilization.

The only thing that can explain this situation is that Chen Mu himself has such ability.

But he's just a mechanic!

How is it possible to do this?

What's going on here?

What kind of unknown secret is hidden in Chen Mu?

Countless questions flooded Starscream's mind in an instant, but he couldn't find any suitable answers.

At first he thought it was an exaggerated talk of Autobots and Decepticons, who would have thought that a human being could be so powerful!

No wonder he was able to do so many outrageous things.

With such strength by his side, he can walk sideways here!

No! Not only here, he can even win a place in Cybertron!

After Starscream realized this, he looked at Chen Mu in the distance in horror.

It has to be said that due to the appearance of nanomachines, Chen Mu's performance is almost like a creator.

No matter what he wants to have, those nanomachines will give him what he wants in the next second.

No, such a scene must be sent back to the open-air tiger!

He wants Megatron to see what kind of human beings are threatening the Decepticons!

Although Starscream always wants to replace Megatron as the leader of the Decepticons, he can still distinguish the priority of the matter.

Such important news, he must pass it back as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Starscream directly sent what he saw to Megatron.

After Megatron and Yu Tiandi discussed about Chen Mu, they returned to the Decepticon base.

He waited patiently for the latest news from Starscream.

Either Starscream was strangled by the mechanic, or the mechanic died at Starscream's hands.

Megatron just needs to sit back and enjoy his achievements in the base.

While he was patiently waiting for news from Starscream, Guolai came across the video that Starscream sent him.

Watching the video clip about the auto repair shop, Megatron was overjoyed.

I thought Starscream just killed the damn mechanic.

But when he clicked to view this video, he found that things were contrary to his wishes.

Not only that, but Megatron was also shocked by the scene in this video clip.

He watched Chen Mu enjoying the service of nanomachines in the auto repair shop, and he couldn't help muttering.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"He is just an auto mechanic among human beings. How can he have such a technological civilization?"

ask for flowers

"Nanomachines, this is something that even the human military cannot do!"

"And these nanomachines are so flexible and agile!"

"How on earth does he do these things?"

"Damn it! Is he really as powerful as the Autobots say?"

After Megatron came to the earth, he has never seen such a human being.

He is obviously just a car mechanic, yet he can be so powerful!

Today, the three forces on the earth, the human Autobots and the Decepticons, have no way to defeat him!

Seeing Chen Mu's relaxed and comfortable appearance, Megatron couldn't help but think of the fact that he melted the dizziness with a gun.

And the appearance of Arcie, who has been transformed and strengthened by this auto mechanic, killing all directions in the Decepticons.

Could this human really be the threat the Decepticons were planning?

Megatron's ears recalled what Yu Tiandi said when he was looking for him.

It is true that the Autobots have natural enemies to help appease them, but this human is different.

There is simply no way for the Decepticons to deal with or limit this human being.

If this human was made aware of the Decepticons' plans, he would surely fight for Earth!


It's like the Decepticons fighting for Cybertron.

This was a bit beyond Megatron's plans.

It seems that he has to find a way to solve this threat as soon as possible!

After reviewing the video clip, Megatron called out to Soundwave and sent a copy of the video to Soundwave.

Soundwave was a little confused at first, not knowing what Megatron wanted to do.

But after he saw this video, he was shocked.

"Master Megatron, where did you get this video from?"

"Is there a human in here?"

"But when did humans have such a powerful technological civilization?"

"It's impossible!"

"If they really have such nanomachines, they will definitely use them on the battlefield!"

Soundwave asked Megatron in disbelief.

Facing his shock and inquiry, Megatron explained in a deep voice.

"This is the picture that Starscream sent back."

"You read that right, these scenes all happened in that auto repair shop."

"I'm also shocked why this mechanic can have nanomachines that humans have never developed.

"And the maturity of this nanomachine is very high."

"Coupled with the weapon system outside the auto repair shop, I suspect that his strength is far from what he showed."

"You can take this video and analyze it carefully."

"See if you can analyze any important information from this video clip."

"We have to get rid of this human being, otherwise he will definitely become a threat to the Decepticons.

After watching this video clip, Sonic naturally understood the importance of the matter.

The Decepticons must not allow any accidents to occur on Earth.

Otherwise, Cybertron will really be completely destroyed!

Sonic took the video with a solemn expression and made Ling leave.

He wants to analyze this video accurately and in detail to find out the important information hidden in it.

Looking at the back of the sound wave leaving, Megatron Genius reluctantly felt relieved.

He believes in the analysis ability of Sonic, and Gu Bo will definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

And at this moment, Megatron suddenly received a series of messages from the human technology band.

He looked intently, but found that the message actually came from the human military!.

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