Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 83 Simmons's Strong Dissuasion, Decepticons Form An Alliance With Eagle Sauce


The military of the entire Eagle Kingdom was frequently attacked.

The two military bases were completely destroyed.

Military defense weapons, technicians, special forces. Everything in these two bases was completely wiped out.

The satellites of the Eagle Kingdom are often invaded and attacked by people.

The country spent tens of billions in order to build the world's most powerful military satellite. But in the end, it seems like it has become someone else's toy, you can play with it when you want, and use it when you want to use it.

Even the Hoover Dam, the Super Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which has been kept as a secret by the state for nearly a hundred years, was taken away today, and died under the king of the world.

Looking at the dilapidated Hoover Dam, the military looked helpless.

The country's military executives had a faint thought in their hearts.

Like Simmons, they also agreed that only by developing more powerful weapons and alien technology robots can they better protect themselves from enemy attacks.

Eagle Nation, Ministry of Defense.

Today, from top to bottom of the Ministry of Defense, all executives gathered together and are holding a secret meeting.

Sitting inside the conference hall, the chubby middle-aged man at the top is an important figure in this parliament, Minister of Defense John Keller,

"Mr. Minister, the current technological level of Transformers has reached a previous level that humans cannot touch.

"If we want to manufacture such a weapon, we must have corresponding samples of "820" for reference and research."

Pete, the chief deputy of the Ministry of Defense, is discussing this matter with the minister.

The minister nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

"Simmons in District 7 once negotiated with Transformers about the request for an alliance. What was the result?"

"Mr. Minister, it is understood that when Agent Simon made this request, the Autobot Optimus Prime rejected him in person.

"I see………"

Hearing this news, Minister John's face was a little ugly.

Through the Hoover Dam incident, the human military had close contact with Transformers for the first time.

Optimus Prime even allowed humans to obtain more useful information during Simmons' conversations.

The source and power of the Rubik's Cube in the universe, the planets and families of Transformers, and the powerful strength of Transformers.

It is obvious that such powerful aliens guarded by justice exist in front of them, but they cannot make such technology succeed.

Whoever it is, the heart is also very anxious.

Optimus Prime rejected the alliance with the Eagle Kingdom, which not only made the Seventh District scratch its head.

The Ministry of National Defense is equally unacceptable, with a hundred claws scratching its heart.

Seeing that Minister John fell silent, all the executives also looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to speak.

In this problem, everyone wants to find a better solution.

At this time, Pete, the chief adjutant who was silent, struggled for a moment before speaking again.

"Mr. Minister..."

In a word, let Minister John take notice.

Seeing the other party's expression of hesitation, he immediately apologized.

"Lieutenant Pete, don't hesitate to speak your mind!"

After hearing this, Lieutenant Pete took a deep breath before continuing to speak.

"Mr. Minister, I suggest that since the Autobots sent by Optimus Prime cannot be contacted, why not try to contact the Decepticons?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience began to discuss.

"What? Did I hear you right, the adjutant said to contact the Decepticons?"

"Those guys snatching the Rubik's Cube can make all silicon-based creatures become his legion and compete for the earth..."

"Yes, yes! How can this be done?"

"Master Adjutant, you should know. In this Hoover Dam incident, the Decepticon's goal is to destroy life on Earth!"

When everyone in the audience was arguing, an air force general cleared his throat and asked.

At that time, Minister John also thought for a moment and asked the other party.

"Adjutant, do you understand the danger of this?"

The adjutant nodded, scanned the crowd again, and spoke again.

"The Decepticons are indeed very dangerous."

"But now, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has been destroyed, and their ultimate intention cannot be achieved.

"These guys are the last threat to us removed."

"As for Megatron and the Rubik's Cube, we have been researching in secret for decades, and they are always within control."

"Then study Decepticons, we also have such strength, we can grasp it!"

"Even if there is a danger in the process, and the alien technology is powerful, we also have the ultimate nuclear weapon to resist and even destroy each other!"

"So I think, as long as the balance between the two parties is handled carefully, this is undoubtedly the best way."

The words of Pete's chief aide silenced everyone present.

This statement is very well-founded, even if everyone does not want to admit it in their hearts, most of them are subtly persuaded by it.

After a moment of silence, everyone looked at Chief Yuegan.

The Minister of Defense has one vote to execute any matters concerning the Ministry of Defense.

In addition, Minister John, who has been in office for so many years, has been honored all his life, and can make the most reasonable and effective judgments at the first time when things happen.

All executives have already identified this reliable backbone.

"Okay, does anyone have a different opinion on this matter?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Minister John also made a final consultation.

The minister watched the scene, and there was no objection after a few seconds.

Immediately clap the table and announce to everyone.

"The cooperation with the Decepticons to study the incident of the Autobots in the Eagle Kingdom is finalized.

"Adjutant Pete will take full charge of this matter and execute it immediately!"


As this voice came.

Lieutenant Pete successfully served as executive officer on the matter.

All the executives took the news and started preparing for it.

However, not long after this meeting had just ended.

The well-informed Agent Simon rushed to the headquarters from the Hoover Dam.

"Mr. Minister, Agent Simon said he was looking for you!"

Outside the door, a guard reports to the minister.

After Minister John heard this, he nodded immediately and motioned for the other party to come in.


"Hello, Mr. Minister."

I heard that you are now planning to cooperate with the Decepticon Autobots?"

When the two met, Simmons went straight to the point without hiding anything.

"Yes, that's right!"

Hearing Simmons' inquiry, Minister John also directly admitted.

After seeing the other party's confirmation, Simmons' face became obviously ugly.

After a moment of silence, Simmons suppressed his anger and spoke again to Minister John.

"Secretary John, as the executor of the Seventh District, the secret deployment directly under Mr. President, I apply to you to reject this operation.

"Mr. Minister, I understand your desire to improve the defense of the country."

"However, cooperating with dangerous people like the Decepticons will definitely make us fall into a deeper and deeper danger!"

Secretary John was a little surprised when Agent Simon came up.

He didn't expect that Simmons, a special factory specializing in robotics, would want to stop this operation.

"Simmons, you also hope to get the help of the Autobots...Since Optimus Prime didn't promise us, we just change the object!"

"Mr. Minister, but the object of cooperation is the Decepticons!"

"This group of guys wanted to seize the fire source not long ago, turn all silicon-based objects on the earth into robots, and slaughter the entire earth!"

"Cooperating with such evil villains, we will definitely not get what we want..."

"I have already sent people to search for information on the manufacture of human robots. Without the cooperation of those Decepticons, I believe that I will be able to make my own robots in the future!"

Hearing this, Minister John smiled lightly.

"Simmons, Megatron has been in the Seventh District for decades, and I haven't seen you research any robots..."

"Don't worry. There is no fire source on the earth now, and their goal will not be achieved."

"The Decepticons are not Megatron, and they have no ambitions. As long as you give them some benefits, they will definitely obey us!"

"If Simmons, you are worried that the other party is plotting something wrong, then wait until you have thoroughly researched the technology of the Decepticons, and then kill all the Decepticons, wouldn't it be fine?"

"Don't be so nervous..."

Minister John drank coffee while talking.

Obviously, Minister John didn't think the Decepticons were too scary.

He also didn't know how many evil hearts these bloodthirsty and killing guys possessed in the war.

But for Simmons, he knows all this too well.

For so many times, Simmons has personally experienced the battle between Decepticons and Optimus Prime and others.

Those brutal guys have no humanity at all.

Cooperating with such a guy, Simmons can directly see that human beings are played by the Decepticons!

Optimus Prime refuses to cooperate, saying that there are better candidates.

Although Simmons is a pity, he is not worried or regretful.

After all, for Simmons, he knew that Optimus Prime's goal was to protect the peace of the earth.

But when it comes to Decepticon cooperation, even if someone else finds him, he will never agree to this kind of thing.

Today, Simmons came here after hearing the news, just to stop this farce.

"Minister John, please be sure to cancel this operation."

"This irrational attempt at 3.2 will definitely lead to failure!"

"Simmons, that's enough."

Hearing the word "failure", Minister John immediately became angry.

The opponent tore his face, and at this time Simmons was not covering up, and directly showed his anger.

"You guys are clearly playing with fire..."

"This is betting the life of the entire planet!"

"I will never allow you to do this!"

At this moment, Minister John's face was flushed with anger.

"We are the most powerful country, the most powerful power zone on this planet.

"We have the qualifications!"

Simmons was astonished in every way, he never thought that such a dignified minister could say such words.


"In any case, I want to stop the military's actions."

With that said, Simmons walked out.

Suddenly, a few soldiers came and set Simmons up with one hand.

Several people were very fast, and took out all the documents of Simmons and handed them to the minister.

Simmons found that something was wrong and asked immediately.

"Minister John, what are you doing?"

At this time, only minister John's cold voice was heard.

"I don't allow anyone to mess with this matter.

"Simmons, you are now relieved of all duties."

"Stay obediently and shut it tightly...".

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