Chapter 302

Chapter 302

When Su Xiaolu arrived, Detective Zhu quickly found a table for her to put down, and then shouted: "Come here and line up some people."

Some people pretended not to hear when they saw it, so young, who are you fooling?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like someone who can cure serious illnesses.

Su Chong saw Su Xiaolu and heard Zhu Kuai's call, but no one moved, so he walked towards Su Xiaolu.

Detective Zhu has already taken the roster and is ready to register.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Hua and asked, "Name, how do you feel now?"

"Su Hua, I just feel a sore and itchy throat for the time being, and I really want to cough."

When Su Hua said this, he swallowed his throat several times before he could hold back his cough.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Hua worriedly. She asked Su Hua to sit down and stretched out her hand.

Su Hua sat down and stretched out his hand according to the words, Su Xiaolu stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, Su Xiaolu focused on sensing Su Hua's body carefully, there was always a strange smell lingering at the tip of his nose, which made Su Xiaolu very uncomfortable.

Her sense of smell is naturally different from ordinary people, and ordinary illnesses will not make her feel so uncomfortable.

Su Hua's spirit is much better than others, but he is also infected with the disease, and he also has that smell on his body.

Perhaps because he drank a lot of spiritual spring water since he was a child, his symptoms were slower than others.

Symptoms manifest more slowly.

Su Xiaolu kept her hand on Su Hua's pulse, and she said after a while: "The initial symptoms are very similar to wind and cold, with sore throat, white tongue coating, cold sweat and other symptoms, and the pulse condition is only slightly weak."

Detective Zhu quickly wrote it down.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Hua with worry in his eyes.

Su Hua smiled slightly and said gently: "Xiaolu, I felt a little unwell last night, and I have this symptom today. I will take some medicine and it will be fine. Don't worry, I will be fine."

Su Hua is now glad that he didn't let Su Chong and the others approach him. It's an epidemic, so it's enough to infect him alone.

"I won't let you have trouble. Mom and Dad are still waiting for you at home."

Su Xiaolu's eyes were firm. She pinched Su Hua's pulse and pushed her inner strength into Su Hua's body.

Su Hua withdrew his hand.

Captain Zhu was a little surprised: "Doctor Su, do you know each other?"

Su Xiaolu nodded: "This is my second brother."

Detective Zhu quickly looked at Su Hua, thinking that it's no wonder Su Xiaolu would recommend himself, all because of her second brother.

The person who was first infected with the disease had already died, and the disease was coming fiercely. Presumably the genius doctor was not for others, but also for her own brother.

Detective Zhu quickly recorded Su Hua's situation, and didn't ask any more questions.

After registering, Su Hua can go down to drink medicine.

Because all the symptoms are the same as the wind and cold, the medicines boiled are mostly for the wind and cold, and they are also lined up, one bowl per person.

People who are newly infected are no different from ordinary people, so many people have taken the medicine and then helped in turn, and Su Hua is no exception.

The doctors didn't stop until they had finished seeing all the people newly sent to the district.

There are more than a dozen doctors in Jishitang, and they are going to go back for a consultation after the consultation.

Detective Zhu quickly took Su Xiaolu there.

On the way, Su Xiaolu heard their discussion.

"The symptoms still haven't changed at all. Those who are newly infected with the epidemic have the same symptoms. There is nothing we can do. Let's control it and wait for the court to come."

"'s fine, and there are no signs. How did the epidemic happen? It's really puzzling. It's completely confusing. I don't know the root cause, and I can't figure out where to start."

"Yeah, yeah... the medicines for the diseases of the past years didn't work, alas..."

Every doctor frowned, unable to find a solution, and they could only prescribe medicine for diseases such as wind and cold.

Detective Zhu quickly looked at Su Xiaolu, she is the descendant of a genius doctor, didn't she see anything?

They went back to the main hall together, and people noticed Su Xiaolu.

Hong Zheng looked at Catcher Zhu suspiciously and asked, "Quick Zhu, who is this girl?"

Detective Zhu said seriously: "Doctor Su is the descendant of the genius doctor of Minggu, and he came here to participate in the epidemic. He only hopes to find out the cause as soon as possible and save the common people."

This time, not only Hong Zheng was surprised, but everyone was also surprised.

The elderly old doctor looked Su Xiaolu up and down: "She is the heir of Minggu's medicine? It seems that she is not much smarter than me. Why did the old man choose her?"

After the old doctor finished speaking, he stroked his beard and said to Su Xiaolu: "Just now you also saw some patients, so tell me, what is the cause of this epidemic?"

"I don't know either. People who are newly infected with the epidemic, apart from having symptoms of wind and cold, their bodies gradually become weak."

Su Xiaolu told the truth, she was also thinking, the symptoms of the epidemic were similar to wind and cold, what caused it.

Generally speaking, the occurrence of plagues is mostly due to floods or severe droughts. Epidemics are caused by extreme weather that leads to too many deaths and corpses floating in the fields without anyone to bury them.

This year in Furongzhou, the weather is good, the people are rich, there are no corpses floating in the fields, and the disease, how did it cause it?

"Aren't you a miraculous doctor? You don't know, little girl, a miraculous doctor can cure any disease. You are really a miraculous doctor. Show us your ID card for us to see."

The old doctor was somewhat contemptuous and skeptical. In the early years, he wanted to be a teacher of a genius doctor, but the old man said that his qualifications were mediocre, but he knew

Ming is outstanding.

Old man Wu had already informed the world that he had an apprentice. As for who his apprentice was, he would know just by looking at the plaque.

The old doctor stared at Su Xiaolu sharply.

Su Xiaolu took out the name card unhurriedly, the old doctor took it over, and looked closely at it.

After reading it, he returned it to Su Xiaolu. He moved his mouth: "You really can't see anything?"

There is no problem with her identity, but what is problematic is Su Xiaolu's medical skills.

The other doctors also looked at Su Xiaolu with suspicion.

Hong Zheng frowned, and said to the old doctor, "Master, is she really the descendant of a genius doctor?"

Hong Zheng asked the question in his heart. The most qualified doctor in Jishitang is the old man in front of him. The whole Jishitang knows that the old doctor respects the most respected doctor Minggu. Everyone often heard him say that the doctor Minggu is a Legend has it that he wanted to be a teacher but was rejected miserably, but he still had the cheek to learn some superficial lessons, which are already amazing.

Miracle doctors are people who are eager to be touched in the hearts of all medical students. Su Xiaolu, as the successor of the miraculous doctor, is not as amazing as imagined, as if his dream was suddenly shattered.

The old doctor looked at Su Xiaolu suspiciously, and said to Hong Zheng: "Of course her status is fine, but whether she can be a miracle doctor or not is hard to say."

Su Xiaolu smiled lightly, and said calmly: "I don't need to explain and prove, as long as the old man believes that I am the sole heir, that's enough."

As for the epidemic, she will do her best. Su Xiaolu looked at Detective Zhu and said, "Quick Zhu, if someone dies, don't incinerate them. I will dissect their bodies."

??ps: I've been busy recently, and updates will be around ten o'clock in the evening.



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