Chapter 303 What's Different

"Girl, you are crazy. You are not sure what the disease is. Aren't you afraid of getting sick?"

The old doctor was taken aback, and looked at Su Xiaolu in surprise.

He doubted Su Xiaolu's ability, and despised her ability, but Su Xiaolu's calm and calm attitude was not affected, and her attitude of steadfast self just proved that she was the apprentice of the genius doctor, and she had the shadow of old man Wu.

Even this crazy behavior seemed to be carved out of the same mold as old man Wu.

Zhu Zhu quickly frowned: "Doctor Su, this is too dangerous, you should think about it again."

All the doctors in Jishitang were shocked by Su Xiaolu. They didn't even dare to think about dissecting the dead body of the epidemic patient.

Ever since they knew it was an epidemic, they had taken precautions. They had to wash their clothes, food, and the inside out after seeing a doctor. The things they avoided, Su Xiaolu had to touch her hands. Why is she so so? Dare.

Su Xiaolu said without the slightest hesitation: "I've already made up my mind. I can't see anything after looking around and asking about it. An autopsy must be done."

As for fear, Su Xiaolu really didn't think about it.

"You girl, you are not very old, but you are impressive when you are crazy. You dissect it, and I will help you."

The old doctor stroked his beard, looked at Su Xiaolu and said.

As soon as the old doctor opened his mouth, Hong Zheng said immediately: "Master, how can this be done? For such a dangerous matter, let the apprentice do it."

"Master, I'll come, I'll come..."

"Master, I..."

All of a sudden, the other doctors also spoke out.

The old doctor is the backbone of Ji Shitang, how could he be allowed to do such a dangerous thing.

The old doctor laughed after hearing this: "Okay, okay, you don't need to do these things, don't get in the way, do what you need to do, I'm old, this little girl is a descendant of a genius doctor, and she is not afraid of death. No matter what the problem is, I'm fine."

If he really wants to get sick, Su Xiaolu, an old man who is a genius doctor, is by his side.

After the old doctor finished speaking, he looked at Su Xiaolu and asked, "Girl, what's the matter, do you want to go back on your word?"

Su Xiaolu shook her head: "I won't go back on my word."

The old doctor was a little appreciative, it is rare in the world to have such a bearing at such a young age.

The old doctor asked the others to leave, and he and Su Xiaolu went to see seriously ill patients.

The medicine boy didn't even want to set foot in the room where the seriously ill were placed, except to deliver the medicine. It was deserted outside, and inside the room was the cry of dying patients.

All kinds of cries for help are depressing to hear.

Walking to a room, it was very quiet inside, the old doctor opened the door, there were five patients in this room, but there was no sound at all, the old doctor went forward to feel the pulse.

"They're all dead."

This disease is fierce, a living person, in just a few days, it will disappear if it is gone.

"Little girl, there are ready-made ones now."

The old doctor said to Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu nodded, she went outside and washed her hands with lotion, then returned to the room, took out a knife and began to dissect. Every patient started with a fever and cough, and there must be something wrong with their throat.

The old doctor saw Su Xiaolu's swift strikes, and his eyes also changed.

All the resentment in his heart disappeared, at the same age, he thought he was far behind Su Xiaolu.

Detective Zhu followed Su Xiaolu all the time, watching this scene, he was also shocked.

For the autopsy, Su Xiaolu was busy from the afternoon until late at night before stopping.

The old doctor was already showing signs of fatigue: "This disease is terrible. There is no good meat in the whole throat, lungs and stomach are all broken. This disease cannot spread. Hurry up, Mr. Zhifu, go back and report it .”

Detective Zhu just looked at it, which was also shocking, and he went out with a slight forehead.

Furongzhou is going to be in trouble.

If the common people know that this epidemic is so terrible, I'm afraid it will cause chaos.

Furongzhou's military strength is tense, this matter is not a trivial matter.

Su Xiaolu's expression was also solemn, and he washed his hands with water and cleaned the knife.

Detective Zhu has already reported back to the magistrate, hoping that Huang Xingliang can deal with it carefully.

"Girl, how do you think this disease should be cured?"

The old doctor asked Su Xiaolu, if there was an epidemic in previous years, there must be a disaster first, but this year the weather is good, where does the root of the epidemic come from? Once infected, he died in less than ten days, which is too terrifying.

Su Xiaolu said: "This disease is very similar to the plague of the dead recorded in the file, but it is different in some places. The medicine given to them can be changed to see the effect. It would be great if we can find out the root cause of the disease."

She memorized medical books and poison books, and many strange diseases and plagues were recorded. She dissected several corpses, and some symptoms were comparable to the plague of the dead, but they were different.

Why is it different? If the root cause can be found, this mystery may be solved.

"The first few people who saw the doctor have already passed away. Now that the epidemic has just started and people are in panic, Zha can only ask their family members, but there is not much information available."

The old doctor said slowly, I'm afraid that the family members of those people have already thrown away what should be thrown away, and cleaned the house several times. It would be very difficult to find something useful.

Su Xiaolu looked at the old doctor and said, "Whether I can find it or not, I will check it again."

"It's getting late, you should go to bed earlier, I'm leaving first.


Su Xiaolu said to the old doctor that she still wanted to go and see Su Hua.

The old doctor nodded.

Su Xiaolu asked Yaotong to take her to see Su Hua. This yard is full of newly ill people. During the day, they also help with things, but now, coughing sounds can be heard from almost every room.

I can't control it even after taking medicine.

On the outside of each room, information is posted, how many people live there, their names, etc.

"Su Hua is here."

Yaotong looked at the name on the paper, and said to Su Xiaolu after confirming it.

Su Xiaolu nodded, raised her hand to knock on the door, and called out: "Second brother, come out."

Hearing Su Xiaolu's voice, Su Hua held back his extremely itchy throat and opened the door to go out. The people who lived with him were coughing non-stop. Su Hua closed the door, and took a few steps away from Su Xiaolu automatically, holding back the pain of coughing. Impulsively said: "Little Lu, let's go over there and talk."

"Doctor Su, then I won't bother you for now."

The drug boy said hello and left.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Hua worriedly. Just as she was about to feel Su Hua's pulse, Su Hua backed away. Su Hua said, "Xiaolu, I'm fine. I've taken the medicine. You don't have to worry."

And don't come so close to me, lest you also catch the disease.

Su Xiaolu looked at Su Hua, and she said directly: "Second brother, you don't have to do this. I will dissect the person who died of illness this afternoon, and let me take your pulse."

Su Hua looked at Su Xiaolu in a daze, moved the corners of his lips, and finally said nothing.

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