Chapter 305

Chapter 305

Jin Wu stepped back with the tray and closed the door.

Zhou Zhi gently raised his hand, and the flickering candle was instantly extinguished by the strong wind.

Zhou Zhi lay down and fell asleep peacefully.


After a night's sleep, Su Xiaolu was full of energy. After she got up, she ate something casually and began to diagnose the patient's pulse.

In just one night, more than a dozen people died, and dozens more people were newly infected.

She took the pulse of the patients admitted yesterday to see if they got better after taking the new medicine.

Yesterday, the symptoms of deadly plague were detected, and the medicine was changed to several different medicines. From midnight to dawn, the infected person had already taken it twice. If the medicine was correct, the symptoms would be relieved.

Su Xiaolu was feeling Su Hua's pulse. Su Hua's condition has improved a lot. He said to Su Xiaolu, "Maybe the medicine at night is effective. I don't feel like coughing so much anymore, and my throat doesn't hurt so much anymore."

Su Hua wants Su Xiaolu not to worry too much, his condition is getting better.

Su Xiaolu smiled and said, "The symptoms have eased a little, remember to take the medicine on time."

The symptoms were relieved a little, but the root cause of the disease could not be eliminated, it was only temporarily relieved, but this, she knew in her heart, she would not say it.

The two brothers and sisters are using their own ways to make each other not worry so much.

After Su Xiaolu took Su Hua's pulse, he showed the other patients. After taking the new medicine last night, the symptoms were all relieved.

At this time someone came to invite Su Xiaolu and the old doctor over.

The old doctor washed his hands with water and looked at Su Xiaolu: "Little Lu girl, let's go."

The two went to the front hall together.

"Little deer girl, do you see anything?"

On the way, the old doctor asked Su Xiaolu.

"Old Sun, I changed the medicine last night, and the symptoms have all been relieved, which means that there are also components of dead people's plague, but there are other things, not just dead people's plague."

Su Xiaolu's heart is heavy. Plague viruses are inherently complicated. What kind of pathological changes are there are often unexpected. Every increase in bacteria will cause the virus to mutate.

Elder Sun sighed: "It's so difficult to explain, I'm afraid we have to find out the source of the disease."

How to find the source of this disease is also a headache.

When the two arrived at the front hall, Su Xiaolu saw Zhou Zhi at a glance, and she knew that this guy hadn't left yet!

A suspicious and calculating person is not so easy to deceive.

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu with gentle eyes, and he said, "Hello Miss Su."

Huang Xingliang looked at Su Xiaolu, he didn't expect that Zhou Zhi already knew Su Xiaolu, he was a little curious, but this was not something he could ask, he said to Su Xiaolu and Sun Lao: "Miraculous Doctor Su, Dr. Sun, you are all A doctor with profound medical skills, the second prince is the person sent by Beijing to take charge of this matter, please talk to the second prince about the epidemic."

After Huang Xingliang finished speaking, he stopped talking. Zhou Zhi was in charge, so he just waited for orders.

Elder Sun bowed his hands to Zhou Zhi and said: "I have seen the second prince, and my medical skills are helpless for this epidemic. Now we can only place our hopes on the miracle doctor."

After several rounds of autopsies on the corpses, Su Xiaolu found out that there was a dead person. Her accomplishments and courage were beyond his reach. In this regard, Elder Sun had already conceded defeat.

In private, he could still call Su Xiaolu a "little deer girl" because of his age.

In fact, his medical skills are far behind Su Xiaolu.

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu, and said seriously: "Miss Su, if you have any good ideas, just tell me, I will do my best to cooperate with you."

Zhou Zhi's seriousness should not be underestimated, with a kind of courage, Su Xiaolu looked at him and said, "First seal the city and close the door, and investigate from the source."

There was a smile in Zhou Zhi's eyes: "It seems that we have the same idea. I ordered the closure of the city last night. As for the investigation of the source, you can just say it, and I will fully cooperate."

Su Xiaolu said: "I don't have any good way to find out the source, just check one by one, let's look at each one."

Investigating the source is like solving a case. If you investigate thoroughly one by one, and then find the connection between several people, you will be able to find it out by following the clues.

In this world, as long as it is something that has been done, it is impossible for it to be without traces.

Su Xiaolu's eyes are determined, she must investigate clearly.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Okay, let's check one by one."

Zhou Zhi looked at Huang Xingliang, and Huang Xingliang immediately said: "There were three people who got sick at first, and they all died on the same day, and the time of seeing a doctor was about the same. The only difference is that they were in different clinics."

"Those three people, one named Zhang Yimin mainly delivered firewood, one named Wang Dongzi delivered vegetables to rich families every day, and one named Wu Pingan was in the live poultry business. These three are dead. But there are still people in the family, and several close relatives have been infected and left in the district."

Huang Xingliang immediately told the information of the first three people who died, and immediately separated these people from the suspicion of the epidemic, but these three people had already died two days ago.

The things these three people do are too different. They all belong to different households and run from house to house. They have contacted many people, and there is no connection between them.

For example, Zhang Yimin, who delivered firewood, and Wu Pingan, who raised poultry, did not know each other at all.

No one knows why they contracted the blight.

"I want to visit their home and ask their family members."

Su Xiaolu said.

Huang Xingliang was about to say that there was no need for this, he had checked it long ago, but he hadn't opened it yet.

Mouth, Zhou Zhi has already opened his mouth.

"Then let's go now."

Zhou Zhi said, he looked at Su Xiaolu.

Huang Xingliang swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and immediately set about making arrangements.

Elder Sun thought for a while and said, "Then I will stay and keep an eye on the situation of the sick people."

Zhou Zhi nodded lightly, he looked at Su Xiaolu and made a gesture of please.

He set off with Su Xiaolu.

Huang Xingliang said to Sun Lao: "Doctor Sun, I will trouble you."

Elder Sun waved his hand, he can't help much if he goes, if he stays, he still has things to do.

I don't know the real source of the disease, but the medicine to kill people's plague is useful, so we should start from this aspect first, stabilize the condition first, and it is a good thing that the patient can live a few more days.

Su Xiaolu walked smoothly, keeping the same pace as Zhou Zhi.

After leaving Jishitang, Jin Wu, who was waiting with the carriage, stepped forward.

Zhou Zhi turned to Huang Xingliang and said, "Master Huang, please show me the way."

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu and said, "Miss Su, please."

Su Xiaolu got into the carriage, Zhou Zhi also got up, and Huang Xingliang got up last.

Huang Xingliang gave Jin Wu an address, and then closed his eyes to rest.

Su Xiaolu also closed her eyes and rested her mind, but she could sense that Zhou Zhi was looking at her, so she didn't bother to be suspicious and let him go.

Solve the epidemic first.

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu and saw that she closed her eyes with a calm face, anyway, she didn't open them anyway, instead it gave him more chances to look at her.

Su Xiaolu's eyes are beautiful, her mouth is also beautiful, her nose and eyebrows are beautiful.

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