Chapter 306 Checking Together 2

Chapter 306 Checking Together 2

She was smart, lively, beautiful, and more attractive than any woman he had ever seen.

Zhou Zhi couldn't help thinking, Zhou Heng and her met each other day and night, they grew up together, they had childhood sweethearts, Su Chong and Su Hua also protected him so much, would he like Su Xiaolu?

Will Su Xiaolu like Zhou Heng?

No matter how well they cooperated and how realistic the acting was, he just took one look at Zhou Heng, and he knew that it was Zhou Heng and not Su Heng.

He didn't even need to check, that feeling couldn't be wrong.

He didn't explain, because he really didn't intend to kill Zhou Heng.

But the crazy jealousy in his heart is also true. Zhou Heng is very healthy. In order to avoid being chased and killed, his bone appearance has even changed a little, so that Zhou Heng's appearance has no similarity with his appearance, but all of this , are all based on him.

Many kinds of emotions were growing crazily in his heart, which made him feel very painful.

Zhou Zhi's eyes were deep, he watched Su Xiaolu's eyelashes tremble, the turbulent emotions in his heart disappeared, he slightly curled his lips, and when Su Xiaolu couldn't bear it, he closed his eyes.

Su Xiaolu frowned, she opened her eyes, and looked at Zhou Zhi, who closed his eyes and meditated, pursed his lips, this man——

Su Xiaolu also looked at Zhou Zhi. Although Zhou Zhi was thin, he had good bones and was very good-looking.

Maybe it's because of his thin body, which gave him a little sickness and made him look very humble. When treating him, he can't help but treat him tenderly.

If she didn't know that he was proficient in calculation and deep in thought, she would really feel that Zhou Zhi was a modest, gentle and polite man, and she would definitely be gentle towards him naturally.

But in fact, she can only be cautious, afraid of his ways.

The carriage stopped, Zhou Zhi opened his eyes, met Su Xiaolu's gaze, smiled and said, "Miss Su, we're here."

Su Xiaolu nodded: "I know."

Zhou Zhi got up first and went down.

Su Xiaolu looked at Huang Xingliang who was still resting with her eyes closed, she stood up, patted Huang Xingliang lightly and said, "Master Huang, we're here."

Huang Xingliang opened his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Oh, it's all here, I fell asleep just now."

As for whether he really fell asleep, only he himself knows.

Su Xiaolu got out of the carriage, and the carriage stopped outside a courtyard.

Jin Wu has already stepped forward to knock on the door.

A vigilant old man's voice came from the door: "Who is it?"

Jin Wu said coldly: "The government randomly checks and opens the door."

Hearing that it was the government office, the yard door opened soon, and an old woman looked at them timidly.

Huang Xingliang was wearing an official uniform, and the old woman was ready to kneel when she saw it.

Huang Xingliang quickly said: "Auntie, please, we are here for the epidemic. Your son Zhang Yimin was the first to be infected, so let's check again. This is the second prince and the doctor."

The old woman looked sad, she was about to kneel down and salute when she looked at Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi said lightly: "No need to salute, just get up and answer."

The old woman said tremblingly: "My lord, the second prince, doctor, please go ahead and talk about it."

Everyone wears a mask to cover their mouth and nose, so there is nothing to worry about.

Several people entered the courtyard, Zhou Zhi and Huang Xingliang waited for Su Xiaolu to speak.

Su Xiaolu looked at the firewood piled up in the yard, and she asked the old woman, "Tell me what happened to your son ten days ago, including that period of time, which house he sent firewood to, and what he ate. In a few days, tell me everything you can remember."

Zhang Yimin saw a doctor on the eighth day of August, and it would take a day or two before he got sick, so the trajectory of his life during those few days was particularly important.

But after so many years, and now that the epidemic is severe, I may not be able to remember many things.

Zhang Yimin's wife and a child also got sick and died yesterday.

The patients in the district were burned by the government when they died, and their bones will not be recovered in the future. In the place where the corpses were burned, after the epidemic, the survivors will build an ancestral hall in that place for future generations to worship .

There was pain in the old woman's eyes. She fell into deep thought and tried to think back. After a while, she said: "My son mainly sent firewood to Li Yuanwai's home in the past few days. Li Yuanwai needs to use more firewood this year. Yuanwai's house is Wang Yuanwai's house, as for the's all commonplace food, it's the vegetables at home, the meat you buy..."

The old woman was a little choked up. At first, when her son was not quite right, the family only thought it was a cold, so the daughter-in-law took care of her, and went to see the doctor after taking the medicine.

But who knows, in just a few days, the person is gone.

The old woman sighed and said, "The doctor I was looking for at that time was still the doctor of Ji Shitang. At that time, my son was already a little serious. That's all. I've said it many times."

The old woman was very distressed. Talking about it again and again was equivalent to uncovering old scars again and again, which made her extremely painful.

There were tears in the old woman's eyes.

Huang Xingliang said to Zhou Zhi and Su Xiaolu: "That's right. At that time, Zhang Yimin invited Doctor Hong Zheng from Jishitang. Because the wind and cold were afraid of spreading the heat, Doctor Hong covered his mouth and nose when he was seeing a doctor. Doctor Hong did this to avoid Get sick."

Speaking of which, Hong Zheng was also lucky and fateful, so he just covered his mouth and nose at that time.

The number of people coming to see a doctor has suddenly increased, and the doctors have become more cautious. Needless to say, they will take protection.

Su Xiaolu looks old

The woman asked, "Which house does he live in?"

The old woman frowned slightly: "Since he knew that it might be an epidemic, his house has been cleaned up, and it is also for the children in the family, so he lives in that house."

The old woman pointed, and Su Xiaolu walked towards a room in the corner of the courtyard.

Huang Xingliang didn't want to go to a house that might have an epidemic.

But seeing that Zhou Zhi had already followed, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and keep up.

The door is closed, the Zhang family has lost three members.

Su Xiaolu pushed open the door and walked in to have a look.

Although some things have been cleaned, the traces of life in the house are still there. Su Xiaolu saw a small rattle, and she asked, "Do they have children?"

Huang Xingliang replied: "There is a three-year-old child who also contracted the disease and has passed away."

The old woman outside the door couldn't help crying, heartbroken for her lost son, daughter-in-law and grandson.

Su Xiaolu frowned: "The first person to get sick must be Zhang Yimin. The epidemic will last for a day or two, and it will only spread after the onset."

Su Xiaolu turned to look at the old woman outside the door and asked, "Has his wife been taking care of him? Has this three-year-old child been living in the same room with them?"

The old woman wiped her tears and nodded: "Yes, Mrs. Niu has been taking care of my son. My little grandson has not been weaned yet, so he lives in the same room with them."

The youngest grandson loves her very much, so she has not been weaned at the age of three. The old woman thought about it, and she shed tears again. She couldn't figure it out. It should be a cold, and it will be fine after taking medicine. It became an epidemic and killed people.

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