Chapter 307

Chapter 307

"Do you all eat the same food?"

Su Xiaolu asked again, she also knew that the old woman was very sad now, and every time she asked, she would expose her scars, but she had to do this, and she could only save more people if she found out.

The old woman took a deep breath, calmed down and nodded, and answered Su Xiaolu's words, she said: "Yes, our family eats a pot of rice. In those few days, my eldest son's family also came to eat together. They The whole family is fine, but my youngest son..."

The old woman said, tears streaming out again.

There is no problem with what I eat, but my life has been lost in vain.

Huang Xingliang sighed lightly, as long as there is an epidemic, such things will happen everywhere.

Su Xiaolu looked at the old woman and asked again: "Think about it again, there is nothing wrong with the things at home, but what about the things outside, have you gone to restaurants for dinner, have you invited friends to dinner, have you ever eaten anything given by others?"

Su Xiaolu asked several possibilities in succession.

The old woman wiped away her tears, she shook her head and replied subconsciously: "Nothing at all..."

But she stopped suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she looked at Su Xiaolu and said, "It seems that there was, a few days ago, he brought firewood to Li Yuanwai's house, he came back and said that he ate two buns from Li Yuanwai's house. "

The old woman looked a little excited: "Yes, I remembered, my son had eaten two steamed buns from Li Yuanwai's family, and when he came back, he said that Li Yuanwai was very nice, he worked for his family, and he could take care of a meal, sometimes steamed stuffed buns Sometimes it's steamed buns."

"Mr. Li?"

Huang Xingliang murmured suspiciously, he didn't expect that this time when he came to investigate, he really found something, at least there was a breakthrough.

The old woman nodded: "Yes, it's Li Yuan's family. My son has always provided the firewood for his family. He also gives a lot of money and is very straightforward."

Thinking about it, the old woman was a little sad.

Could it be a bun problem? The old woman looked at Huang Xingliang, as if she wanted an answer.

Huang Xingliang couldn't give her an answer, so he looked elsewhere in the room.

Zhou Zhi and Su Xiaolu checked around the house, Su Xiaolu didn't ask any more questions, she checked the house again.

Nothing was found, and all the records were the same as those first found by the government.

After checking, Su Xiaolu said, "Let's go to the next one."

Zhou Zhi nodded his head lightly.

Huang Xingliang said to the old woman: "Ma'am, you can't go out during this time, so just stay at home."

The old woman seemed to want to ask, but she didn't seem to dare to ask.

Huang Xingliang said: "Ma'am, the imperial court will definitely investigate this epidemic."

The old woman nodded and sent a few people out. For her, her son's family of three is gone, and all of this is irreparable. If she knows what the disease is, it is just to give her an answer in her heart.


Several people got into the carriage and went to the next Wu Ping'an's house. Huang Xingliang closed his eyes and meditated as soon as he sat down.

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi, and Zhou Zhi also closed his eyes to rest.

Su Xiaolu also closed her eyes and circulated her internal energy in her body, but as soon as she activated her internal energy, she felt that Zhou Zhi was looking at her again.


Su Xiaolu didn't bother to pay attention, and circulated her inner breath in her body over and over again. When the carriage stopped, she just collected her breath and opened her eyes. Zhou Zhi looked at her all the way, and his eyes met. Said: "We have arrived at Wu Ping'an's house."

Wu Ping'an's family breeds live poultry. He lives a little far away from his home, where his wife, three children, and parents are at home.

In Wu Ping'an's house, it was Wu Ping'an and his son who died.

Jin Wu stepped forward to knock on the door, and soon there was an inquiring voice from inside: "Who is it?"

Huang Xingliang opened his mouth and shouted into the room: "The government is investigating the case, open the door to assist in the investigation."

After Huang Xingliang spoke, the door opened quickly, and the person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman with a tired expression and a small white flower in her hair.

She looked at Su Xiaolu and the others, and saluted with blessings: "Mr. Qin, the folk woman, has met some adults."

Qin's side turned away, and invited Su Xiaolu and others into the courtyard gate.

Wu Ping'an's wife passed away, and there was no way to recover his bones, and he couldn't even hold a funeral. He had to hang white sails and wear white flowers at home to pay homage.

The deserted and quiet yard has lost its freshness and is only cold. This is another family that will take a long time to heal.

Huang Xingliang shook his head lightly and sighed.

Qin said softly: "My lord, please forgive me. The father-in-law and mother-in-law at home are all distressed, and the child is still young, so it's inconvenient to come out to meet people. If you have any questions, just ask me."

Su Xiaolu said: "Then think about it, did they eat anything else in those few days, given by friends, invited, etc."

As the first few people, not all of their family members were exposed to heat transmission, which shows that certain conditions are required for the transmission of disease heat.

All the investigation testimony is clear and there is nothing suspicious, that is, just now Zhang Yimin's old mother said that Zhang Yimin had eaten the buns given by Li Yuanwai. At present, this point can be used as a breakthrough.

Regardless of whether these families can be connected by something in common, they all have to go to Li Yuanwai's house in the end.

Su Xiaolu was thinking.

After listening to Su Xiaolu's question, Mrs. Qin also thought about it carefully. After thinking about it, tears flowed out unconsciously. She quickly wiped it away, and said in a choked voice: "I didn't eat anything else. During that time, I just gave it to Li Yuanwai's family. Send some chickens and ducks, Li Yuanwai sent two steamed buns, he ate one and kept one

Come home one by one... My older son saw that he wanted to eat it, so I let him eat it..."

"Steamed buns from Yuan Li's family?"

Huang Xingliang asked excitedly.

Qin didn't know why, so she nodded nervously: "Yes, yes, other than that, there is nothing else. He never went out to eat, and I brought him the food."

"Doesn't he live at home?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Qin and asked.

Mrs. Qin nodded: "My family raises chickens, ducks and live poultry. Those things are dirty and smelly, so they are kept in an enclosure outside the city, and they bring him meals every day. That day my eldest son ate steamed stuffed buns and said they were very good. Eat, he is going to help his father raise chickens and ducks, so he went..."

Qin could not continue, she burst into tears, covering her face and weeping.

It was steamed stuffed buns again. Everyone who ate steamed stuffed buns fell ill and died. Zhang Yimin’s wife and children lived with him, so the disease was the easiest to contagious.

There was something wrong with Li Yuan's buns, Huang Xingliang looked heavy.

He looked at Zhou Zhi, Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu, Su Xiaolu pondered for a while and said, "Go to Wang Dongzi's house and have a look."

Su Xiaolu and Zhou Zhi turned and went out.

Qin wiped away her tears and sent them off.

She said weakly: "My lord, if you find out, can you tell the woman."

Huang Xingliang nodded: "I will tell you."

Huang Xingliang agreed to come down, and told Qin Shi not to go out during this period, to take precautions and obey the government's arrangements.

After finishing speaking, Huang Xingliang followed Su Xiaolu and Zhou Zhi, and after getting into the carriage, Huang Xingliang closed his eyes and rested his mind.

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