Chapter 318 Deer, Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 318 Deer, Don't Be Afraid

The incident happened suddenly, and no one else was present at the time, and it was absolutely impossible for Su Xiaolu to poison Li Yuanwai to death.

In addition, in the end Li Yuanwai died with tears in his eyes, which is a guess and a fact.

Huang Xingliang slumped down in front of the desk. He wanted to get angry and sigh at the same time. The emotions in his heart were too complicated, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Yuanwai died of taking poison, he has no value, and the epidemic will become more difficult.

Without further ado, Huang Xingliang came back to his senses, and immediately rushed to meet Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi just fell asleep, Jin Wu Jin Qi didn't want to tell him, but the matter was urgent, they listened coldly to Huang Xingliang, and then went to wake Zhou Zhi up.

Huang Xingliang explained the matter to Zhou Zhi, then lowered his head and said, "Your Highness, the matter is like this."

Zhou Zhi's eyes were terribly cold, and it took him a while before he said: "I know about this, go down, take precautions, and don't let up on patrol in the city."

No one expected such a thing to happen, it was so unexpected.

Huang Xingliang retreated.

Zhou Zhi told Jin Wu, "Jin Wu, bring me the prosthesis, I want to go out."

Jin Wu frowned, defying the order and saying: "Master, Mr. Wu said that you can't go to the ground anymore, otherwise the wound will burst..."

"I know, but I'm going out, I know what's in my mind, go get it."

Zhou Zhi interrupted Jin Wu's words, he knew everything about his body, but he still wanted to go out, he thought where she should be, he told himself, just go, if she was not there, he would go back home.

Just take it, just take a look at God's will.

Zhou Zhi was determined, Jin Wu had no choice but to take out the prosthetic limb, and seeing Zhou Zhi putting it on with a pale face, Jin Wu bowed down, carried Zhou Zhi on his back and went out.

Before Zhou Zhi could leave the house, Mr. Wu came after him in a hurry. He was furious and gritted his teeth: "No, no, no, whoever dares to go out behind the back of the master will kill the master. If the master gets angry, you will just follow around."

Jin Qi also followed Mr. Wu, and he also wanted to persuade Zhou Zhi.

But Zhou Zhi ordered with firm eyes: "Jin Qi, send Mr. Wu back to his room to rest."

Jin Qiyan was worried, but had no choice but to stop Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu jumped angrily: "It's just a girl, what's so good about it, there are so many girls in Dazhou, why are they going to hang to death on a tree, okay--you let him go today, what happened? Let me see what you do!"

No matter how frustrated Mr. Wu was, Zhou Zhi still went out.

Even if he didn't walk, he was sweating from the pain. The wounds on his legs, any touch would make him feel painful, but he never cried out the pain. After sitting in the carriage, he coldly ordered: "Jin Wu, go That house, where should she go."

Jin Wu drove the carriage, the carriage shook, Zhou Zhi's face was pale, and he was breathing heavily.

The carriage arrived outside the house where Su Chong and the others lived, but there was no sign of Su Xiaolu.

Zhou Zhi lifted the curtain of the car and watched, he frowned, Su Xiaolu didn't come back.

Where else can she go?

After searching twice, Jin Wu said again, "Master, you can't do this anymore."

There was no blood on Zhou Zhi's face, he needed to rest, he had traveled too much in the days when he came to Furongzhou.

Zhou Zhi's eyes were deep and extremely dark, and he said coldly, "Look around the city."

God's shit, he doesn't believe in this thing, he must find Su Xiaolu, even if he doesn't have this fate, even if he forces him, he will force her to stand by his side.

If he believed in God's will, he would have died long ago.

Zhou Zhi refused to go back to the mansion, and Jin Wu had no choice but to search along the city.

Because of the epidemic, the whole city was closed under martial law, and the empty streets were filled with the sound of the wheels of the carriage.

When he saw Su Xiaolu walking aimlessly on the street, Jin Wu's eyes lit up, he was relieved, he finally found it.

Zhou Zhi also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Su Xiaolu.

Jin Wu drove the carriage to Su Xiaolu and stopped. Zhou Zhi got out of the carriage. He looked at the tears on Su Xiaolu's face. He swallowed his throat and said, "Xiaolu, come here."

Su Xiaolu was broken at the moment, her mind was in chaos, as if she didn't know anything, when she heard the voice, she walked over slowly.

Zhou Zhi reached out and stroked Su Xiaolu's hair: "Don't be afraid, Xiaolu, everything will be fine..."

Before Zhou Zhi could speak, Su Xiaolu fell into his arms and lost consciousness.

Zhou Zhi couldn't hold Su Xiaolu at all, he was crushed by her weight and fell to the ground, he subconsciously protected her.

Falling to the ground, Su Xiaolu was unscathed, Zhou Zhi gasped in pain, his voice was trembling: "Jin Wu, go back home."

Jin Wu had already come quickly, and under Zhou Zhi's instructions, he picked up Su Xiaolu and sent him to the carriage, and then sent him to the carriage with Zhou Zhi on his back.

When he returned to the mansion, Zhou Zhi was already unconscious.

As soon as Jin Wu came back, several people in the mansion immediately surrounded him. Mr. Wu cursed and cursed, but he still checked Zhou Zhi.

Looking at Su Xiaolu who was also on the bed, Mr. Wu still gritted his teeth: "Just because of this girl? I'm so mad... Which of the noble girls in Beijing is not more beautiful than her."

No one could answer Mr. Wu's question, so they all kept silent.

They are Zhou Zhi's entourage and guards, obeying his orders and serving him loyally. They will only obey orders for any decision Zhou Zhi makes.

It is impossible to have any feelings, so there is no way to say this question.

But with Zhou Zhi for many years, they have never seen him care so much about anyone, even disregarding his own life.

Looking at the unconscious Su Xiaolu, Jin Wu asked, "Mr. Wu, is she okay?"

Mr. Wu said angrily, "What can happen to her? She is in good health, as strong as an ox. It's just that she lost her mind because of a moment of grief."

Su Xiaolu's health is very good, she will be in a coma, it will be too sad.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wu was even more puzzled by Zhou Zhi's behavior. He was in such poor health that he was going to die, and thinking about worrying about a strong and healthy person would make him pissed off.

Mr. Wu is full of anger at the moment, and he doesn't like anyone.

Jin Wu and the others were silent, as long as Su Xiaolu was fine.

Mr. Wu left angrily.

Jin Qi looked at Su Xiaolu and Zhou Zhi who were sharing the same bed and said, "Should we just let her be like this with the master?"

Jin Wu pondered for a while and said: "Master cares about her, she is not three or five years old, she might be upset if she wakes up and sees this, so I will take her to bed outside, the distance is close, if the master wakes up and wants to see it, it will be close. "

Jin Wu carried Su Xiaolu to the bedroom outside to settle down, and sighed seeing Su Xiaolu with teary eyelashes, although Li Yuanwai died with regret, but he really hurt Su Xiaolu seriously.

After settling down, they exited the door.

Su Xiaolu was a little confused when she woke up. She lost her mind for a moment and then remembered that she owed Zhou Zhi a favor. She got up and got out of bed, opened the door and saw Jin Wu, she said: "I'll go first, wait for me to develop the disease The antidote is here, I will cure all the poison on your master."

?? ps: Happy Lantern Festival, the new year is over, continue to improve every day, love you all.



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