Chapter 319

Chapter 319

Jin Wu showed joy: "This, thank you so much."

There are so many poisons in Zhou Zhi's body, although he is invulnerable to all poisons, every additional poison will damage his body more. If Su Xiaolu can cure his poison, Zhou Zhi will be safe even though his body is incomplete. The old man, only by being alive can he have a chance to realize his ambition.

And in this world, the only one who can detoxify Zhou Zhi is the genius doctor of Minggu.

Su Xiaolu made a promise, she must have kept it in mind, and Jin Wu was of course happy.

"Miss Su, Li Yuanwai and Mrs. Li are both ashes, what are you going to do with their ashes?"

Jin Wu asked Su Xiaolu what he planned.

Su Xiaolu swallowed: "Bury them one by one, separated by mountains."

She hated Li Yuanwai, but there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't do anything to raise people's ashes, but she buried them separately, separated by mountains, and metaphysically speaking, they couldn't meet each other.

Su Xiaolu left after finishing speaking.

It was already night when Zhou Zhi woke up. Before he could ask, Jin Wu reported: "Master, Miss Su woke up and left two hours ago. She said that in order to thank Master, after this epidemic, she can send Master The poison on my body has been released."

This is good news, the poison on Zhou Zhi's body can no longer be delayed, the old genius doctor refused to treat him, but the little genius doctor agreed.

Zhou Zhi's expression was flat, and he said lightly: "Let's talk about this later."

Zhou Zhi lowered his eyes and hid all the darkness in his eyes. If he thought about it in the future, Su Xiaolu would not be able to escape from his grasp, but before that, he still hoped that Su Xiaolu would believe that he was a kind person.

"Master, what should we do with Li Yuanwai's ashes? Miss Su said that one person is buried in the east and the other in the west, and the east and west will never meet."

Jin Wu told what Su Xiaolu said, everyone believed in ghosts and gods, and Li Yuanwai was also a lover of his beloved wife, who could never see each other after death. This was indeed the most painful punishment for Li Yuanwai, so he died with regret .

Zhou Zhi didn't raise his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "The ashes of those two people were thrown away directly."

Su Xiaolu is a bit ruthless, but compared to him, it is still far behind.

A person like Li Yuanwai is not worthy of a grave, and his selfishness has caused several people to die and their families to be destroyed. Not to mention the cremation and the ashes, even if he is dead, he should be pulled out to set aside the ashes.


Jin Wu took the lead and went down.


When Su Xiaolu returned to Jishitang, the room had been cleaned up. When the people in Jishitang saw her, they were all worried and wanted to ask but dared not.

When Old Sun came over, he sighed and asked, "Girl, what are your plans now?"

Even with strict precautions, dozens of people are infected with the disease every day.

It is a big difficulty to supply medicine to these patients every day.

People are panicking. If the epidemic does not disappear, I dare not imagine what will happen.

Su Xiaolu looked dazed, and she didn't know what to do, the smell of the disease in Jishi Hall was too strong, even if she found some of the right medicines, she couldn't cure the disease, she just lived a few more days.

Elder Sun looked at Su Xiaolu sadly, sighed and went out.

Maybe Su Xiaolu will be able to figure out a solution after a while.

After Elder Sun left, Su Xiaolu sat on the chair and was lost in thought. She didn't blink until it was dark and the food was already cold, and she started to eat the cold food.

Today is August 19th, and her second brother's disease has been onset for four days. If she can't figure out a way, no matter how good the medicine is, it won't save Su Hua's life for a few days.

She remembered the records in the poison book that the seventh generation heir of Minggu was a madman who respected poison. He said that all diseases in the world are poison, and if one wants to develop an antidote, one must test the poison himself.

In his fanatical life, he recorded many poisonous techniques, and he wrote the poisonous books.

In his life, he was infected with many kinds of plagues and passed through many gates of hell, such as the plague of the dead, the plague, and the plague of snakes. He has recorded the process of curing diseases.

He is the well-deserved ancestor of Minggu medicine in poison art.

This epidemic has exceeded the records. If she wants to develop an antidote, she has to think of other ways. She could have studied Li Yuanwai's flesh and blood.

After Su Xiaolu had dinner, he went to see Su Hua. Su Hua started to have a high fever, and his symptoms were slower than others. Some of the students who were diagnosed with the disease on the same day as him had developed a lot of herpes and could not move. up.

Su Hua's face was flushed, he fell asleep drowsily, and felt that someone was sitting beside him, he opened his eyes, saw Su Xiaolu, and said weakly: "Xiaolu, don't worry... I'm fine..."

"Second brother, I know you will be fine, I just came to see you."

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly and said.

Su Hua also smiled gently. He wanted to talk to Su Xiaolu more, but his throat really hurt.

Su Xiaolu poured out a pill and stuffed it into Su Hua's mouth. Su Hua chewed it and swallowed it. He wanted to comfort Su Xiaolu not to worry, so Su Xiaolu spoke first: "Second brother, take a good rest. To study the antidote, you must wait for me."

After Su Xiaolu finished speaking, he got up and was about to leave. Su Hua's weak voice came from behind: "Xiaolu."

Su Hua called to Su Xiaolu to stop, and Su Xiaolu stopped.

Su Hua swallowed his dry and sore throat and said, "Xiaolu, no matter what, the second brother hopes that you put yourself first and can be your brother in this life. The second brother is very happy and happy. The second brother

I know, even if the second brother leaves, you will still honor your parents, so don't be miserable, the second brother really has no regrets. "

After saying this, Su Hua only felt that all the strength in his body was exhausted, his body was hot like a fire, and his throat hurt badly.

Su Xiaolu stood still, with tears all over her face.

She doesn't want life and death, she wants her second brother to live, live healthy, marry a wife and have children and grandchildren!

Su Xiaolu didn't speak, she left firmly.

Su Hua also closed his eyes tiredly.

When Su Xiaolu returned to the room, he had some corpses collected. Su Xiaolu lit a candle and closed the door.

Old Sun came to knock on the door: "Girl, open the door, and I'll give you a hand."

Su Xiaolu coldly rebuffed: "No need, I can only do this by myself."

Su Xiaolu cut open the clothes of the deceased, she also took off the mask, there was a bad smell in the air.

She took a pill, and then dissected a corpse. After doing all of this, Su Xiaolu asked someone to take the corpse away, while she began to study the antidote and closed the door without seeing anyone.

It takes two to three days for the average person to infect the disease from infection to onset. From the beginning of having a cough and sore throat, the disease has the ability to infect.

The medicine that Su Xiaolu took could advance the course of the disease, that is, it took ten days for others to go from infection to death, but it only took five days for her, so she only had five days.

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