Chapter 324 Conditioning Plan

Su Xiaolu went directly to Zhou Zhi's mansion after leaving Jishitang.

She remembered here, the door was closed, she knocked on the door, and then waited quietly.

Soon someone came out and opened the door, and it was Jin Si who opened the door.

Su Xiaolu said, "Is His Royal Highness the Second Prince there? I'm here to treat him."

"Miss Su, come in, I'll take you there to find the master."

Jin Si said coldly, then turned around and led Su Xiaolu over.

He led Su Xiaolu outside the door, and then said: "Master, Miss Su is here."

Jin Wu, who was waiting outside the house, clicked his tongue. This Jin Si was too bold, and even brought him here without notifying him first.

Zhou Zhi, who was leaning on the bed to read the notebooks in the room, lost his notebooks. He panicked for a moment, and he calmed down before he said, "Let her in."

Hearing the voice, Jin Si said to Su Xiaolu, "Miss Su, please."

With that said, Jin Si pushed open the door, and closed the door after Su Xiaolu went in.

After closing the door, Jin Wu lowered his voice: "You are too bold, if you don't report, the master will be angry."

Jin Si frowned and said in a low voice: "I'm all for the good of the master. Mr. Wu said that the master needs to rest and rest. He can't move around until the wound heals."

Zhou Zhi's legs were not in good condition, and he had to change his dressing every time he came back from the house. Every time Mr. Wu was in a fit of rage, he didn't dare to scold his master, but it was useless for him to scold them.

Zhou Zhi may like Su Xiaolu, he is upright and young, and it is normal for him to be in love at the beginning, he acts impulsively, they are guards, of course they must protect him, if they report first, needless to say, Zhou Zhi will definitely walk to see Su Xiaolu with his prosthetic limbs tied.

He is not given this opportunity now, at worst he will receive the punishment himself afterwards.

Jin Wu gave Jin Si a thumbs up: "Good job."

Jin Si didn't speak.

"Then you stay here and watch, I'll go out and have a look."

Jin Wu touched his head and said.

Jin Si nodded and stood quietly in front of the door.


in the room.

Su Xiaolu walked into the back room, she saw Zhou Zhi sitting on the bed, he was dressed simply, without a hair crown, only half of his black hair was tied with a jade hairpin, the rest was scattered in front of him.

There is no disease, no need to wear a mask, his handsome and profound facial features make him look good, Zhou Zhi is very good-looking, looking at him, Su Xiaolu came up with a sentence "Mo Shangren is like jade, the son is unparalleled in the world".

"Little Deer, you can sit down as you please."

Zhou Zhi spoke gently, with a little smile in his eyes.

Su Xiaolu felt that these words of modesty and elegance were also vividly reflected in Zhou Zhi.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, and she said directly: "I'm here to check your pulse. I said before that you will detoxify after the epidemic is over. You stretch out your hand, and I'll give you a needle to check your pulse."

Zhou Zhi nodded obediently, he pulled up his sleeve and stretched out his hand.

Su Xiaolu also took off the needle bag and opened it. She took the silver needle and pricked Zhou Zhi's arm a few times before giving Zhou Zhi his pulse.

Zhou Zhi's pulse condition was chaotic and irregular, and everything in his body was not good, even Su Xiaolu couldn't figure it out for a while.

His body originally had a balance, if the balance was broken, would Zhou Zhi be poisoned and die in an instant?

These have to be taken into consideration.

Su Xiaolu said: "Let me push you with my inner breath first, just relax and don't have the consciousness of resistance."

When the inner breath pushes, there can be no resistance, because if she resists, Su Xiaolu will be backlashed by the inner breath, but in the same way, if Su Xiaolu has bad intentions, she can directly destroy Zhou Zhi's heart when the inner breath is pushed to his heart .

This is something that both parties must trust each other to do.

Zhou Zhi nodded without thinking: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Su Xiaolu closed her eyes, concentrated her energy and pushed her inner breath into Zhou Zhi's body, slowly swimming along each of his meridians.

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, she was really not defensive at all.

Sometimes he couldn't help thinking, didn't the old man tell her about him?

Knowing so little, how could she be so unsuspecting.

Zhou Zhi closed his eyes, breathing steadily and long.

Su Xiaolu checked all the meridians in Zhou Zhi's body, and this process took her an hour.

She took her inner breath and opened her eyes. She looked at Zhou Zhi and said, "Your meridians are unobstructed. This is a good thing. There are hundreds of toxins accumulated in your body. I have written them down. Let’s sort it out first, so we can find an antidote that doesn’t hurt your body.”

Zhou Zhi smiled and nodded: "Okay, just take your time."

He behaved calmly and calmly, and he didn't look in any hurry.

Looking at each other, Su Xiaolu couldn't see clearly, his expression was so serious, for a moment Su Xiaolu didn't know if he was really not in a hurry.

Su Xiaolu smiled lightly and said: "Well, I've been disturbing you for the past few days. Before I go home, I will make medicinal food for you every day. I will make more. You can eat it according to the time. , the detoxification of the poison on your body is not a day or two, it will take at least six years, and in these six years, I will definitely try my best to detoxify you."

Now eat some medicinal food to take care of her body, and every year, she will spare at least three months to detoxify him.

Zhou Zhi smiled and nodded: "Okay."

"Then I'll go down first."

Su Xiaolu took the silver needle and put it away, picked up her needle bag and got up to go out.

When Su Xiaolu opened the door, she heard Zhou Zhi instructing Jin Si, "Jin Si, arrange for Xiao Lu to live in the South Courtyard, and ask Jin Jiu to go and listen to her arrangement."

Jin Si took the order: "Yes."

Jin Si made a gesture of invitation to Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu followed, and after staying, Su Xiaolu asked for a pen and paper to write down the prescription and handed it to Jin Si, while she wrote the plan in the room.

In Zhou Zhi's body, there are 160 kinds of toxins accumulated. The body is in a state of balance, and if the balance is disturbed, it may get out of control, so which toxins should be cleaned up first and how to clean up should be budgeted.

Su Xiaolu's calculations were meticulous, and by the time she calculated it, it was already night, she stretched herself, put away the pen and paper, and was about to go outside when a guard came in from outside.

He said to Su Xiaolu, "Miss Su, my subordinate Jin Jiu, please give me instructions."

Su Xiaolu said: "Then is there a small stove in the south courtyard? Have you got all the ingredients for the prescription I prescribed earlier?"

Jin Jiu nodded and said, "It's all ready. There is a separate kitchen in the south courtyard. Everything is ready. Miss Su, is she going there now?"

They have already inquired clearly about the style of the genius doctor. Su Xiaolu is different from old man Wu, but the behavior of not using other people's hands when making medicines should be similar.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Take me there now, I'll hurry up, and your master will be able to eat a medicinal meal tonight."


Jin Jiu respected Su Xiaolu a little, and immediately took Su Xiaolu there.



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