Chapter 325 Conditioning Plan 2

Chapter 325 Conditioning Plan 2

Su Xiaolu went to the stove and cleaned out the medicinal materials. The stove was cleaned, so she could use it directly by lighting the fire.

Jin Jiu watched and recorded everything Su Xiaolu did.

But Su Xiaolu said: "I will write down the recipes for these medicinal meals when the time comes. When I'm not around, you can make them for him."

"Well, it's not too difficult anyway, let me teach you."

Su Xiaolu looked at Jin Jiu's eagerness to remember, she didn't wait for Jin Jiu to open her mouth, she took the initiative to say it.

Jin Jiu was slightly surprised. He didn't know if the genius doctor was really so generous, and he didn't care at all if she was stealing her prescription, but this benefit was in front of him, no matter whether she was real or fake, he couldn't refuse it.

"Then Miss Lausu will have to worry about it."

Jin Jiu said humbly.

Su Xiaolu smiled, and taught while doing it.

Jin Jiu studied very seriously. He watched with his own eyes a pot of snow-white porridge turn yellow, then purple and finally black.

Jin Jiu was looking forward to it from the beginning, then he was dubious, but in the end he was thoughtful.

He watched Su Xiaolu rubbing the balls and flattening them seriously. Although she didn't seem to have much appetite, she really put her heart into it.

After it was done, Su Xiaolu smelled it herself, then nodded with satisfaction: "Perfect, the medicinal properties are preserved very well."

Su Xiaolu put a piece of herbal pancake in a bowl, and then melted it with hot water, and it became a bowl of mushy porridge. Su Xiaolu said to Jin Jiu, "Okay, now you can serve it to the second prince. , After it’s dry and put it away, you can eat it like this, or you can melt it in hot water and drink it.”

"Okay, thank you Miss Su."

Jin Jiu put the bowl of medicinal food into the food box, turned around and went to the main courtyard.

Not long after, Jin Jiu came back, and he said to Su Xiaolu, "Miss Su, my master invites you to have dinner together."

Su Xiaolu was packing up the herbs, she stopped and nodded.

It happened that Zhou Zhi was going to have an injection at night.

When Su Xiaolu arrived, Zhou Zhi was drinking the herbal porridge that Su Xiaolu sent. He behaved elegantly, and when he saw Su Xiaolu coming, he showed a gentle smile: "Come and eat, and see if it suits your appetite."

The food was already set, Su Xiaolu just glanced at it and said with a smile: "Thank you, it looks delicious."

Su Xiaolu sat down and began to eat.

Zhou Zhi finished his medicinal diet and started to eat too.

After eating, Zhou Zhi asked Su Xiaolu, "Xiaolu, do you want to go for a walk?"

Su Xiaolu shook her head, and she said seriously to Zhou Zhi: "From now on, you are my patient. Your legs are in serious condition. From now on, you should not walk, at least until the wounds are completely healed."

She took Zhou Zhi's pulse so carefully, she knew the condition of Zhou Zhi's legs very well, she was not worth how he endured it, but she decided to save him, so he had to follow her request.

Su Xiaolu was afraid that Zhou Zhi would fight if he was disobedient, but Zhou Zhi just smiled and said, "Okay, I will sit on the wooden wheel chair."

Extraordinarily obedient, doesn't look rebellious at all.

Su Xiaolu swallowed the rest of the words, and she said, "Okay, if you want to take a walk, I'll push you around the mansion to digest your food, and then I'll give you acupuncture, and you'll be recuperating this month. Regarding the condition of your body, I will come to Beijing in the next year, and then I will detoxify you."


Zhou Zhi smiled slightly, and he told Jin Si who was outside the door: "Jin Si, push the wooden wheel chair."

Jin Si pushed him quickly, and Zhou Zhi sat on it with his hands propped up. He smiled politely at Su Xiaolu: "Xiaolu, I'm sorry."

Su Xiaolu looked at him with a gentle expression and waved her hands. She walked behind the wooden wheelchair and pushed Zhou Zhi out, walking slowly in the mansion.

The thresholds in this mansion have been sawed off, so there is no hindrance to pushing a wooden wheelchair.

The scenery in this mansion is nice.

After wandering around for a while, Zhou Zhi suddenly said, "Xiao Lu, you are outstanding in martial arts, do you want to fight Jin Si and the others?"

Su Xiaolu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Is it possible?"

The guards around Zhou Zhi are all masters.

Their martial arts are not inferior to hers, they have never fought against each other, and Su Xiaolu doesn't know what level they are.

A person who practices martial arts has a fanatical heart for the competition.

Su Xiaolu is already a little eager to try.

Zhou Zhi told Jin Si who was not far away: "Jin Si, call everyone in the mansion to practice with Xiaolu."

It's been a long time since I practiced sword, and Su Xiaolu's hands were itchy, and the yard in this mansion is spacious, so she can use it freely, Su Xiaolu pushed Zhou Zhi down to the porch, and she said: "Then you should look here, this location is very good."

Just enough to have a panoramic view of the yard.

Zhou Zhi nodded, and he smiled slightly: "Jin Si's moves may be tricky, you have to be prepared."

Su Xiaolu smiled sweetly: "Really? That just happens to be more tricky than whose moves."

Her moves are not all gentlemen's moves, there are many villain's moves.

Jin Si called Jin Qi and Jin Jiu who were currently in the mansion, and took the sword.

Jin Jiu threw the sword to Su Xiaolu, seeing Su Xiaolu catch it steadily, he became serious, and said to Su Xiaolu, "Miss Su, please."

Su Xiaolu smiled: "Okay."

As soon as the words fell, Su Xiaolu smashed the hilt of the sword, Jin Jiu sideways to avoid, Su

Xiaolu's second sword has already come.

Jin Jiu raised his sword to block it, and the two swords drew sparks.

In just one breath, Su Xiaolu followed up with the third move and the fourth move.

Jin Jiumei was cold and sarcastic. At first he thought he was playing with Su Xiaolu, but once he made the move, he knew that his idea was wrong, and Su Xiaolu's skill was not inferior to him.

Accepting moves, making moves, she changed with ease, with such moves, Jin Jiu couldn't tell what kind of sword technique she was using.

Swinging, stabbing, slashing, picking, Su Xiaolu's moves have no rules at all, but if she doesn't pay attention, her slashing and slashing may open a hole in his body.

After the initial trial, Jin Jiu became more and more surprised.

In the end, Su Xiaolu knocked down the hilt of Jin Jiu's sword to win.

Jin Jiugong cupped his hands: "Miss Su, I lost."

Jin Jiu stepped down and exchanged for Jin Qilai.

Jin Jiu retreated to Zhou Zhi's side. He looked at Su Xiaolu who was fighting with Jin Qi and said, "Master, Miss Su's swordsmanship is weird and changeable. I can't see the way, but I feel vaguely familiar, but Su The girl's skills are really profound, she is really a genius at her age."

Zhou Zhi gently raised his hand: "Her swordsmanship is similar to that of Senior Guiyou, the No. 1 sword in the world. If I read correctly, she should be from Guiyou."

Jin Jiu was puzzled: "Senior Guiyou and senior doctor Wu are not at odds?"

Su Xiaolu was the apprentice of both of them at the same time, which was a conflict.

Zhou Zhi smiled lightly: "It's just a legend, and it can't convince the public at all. How many people can know what it is?"

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