Chapter 326

Chapter 326

He never believed in rumors.

Looking at Su Xiaolu's swordsmanship, Jin Jiu was still very puzzled: "Senior Guiyou's swordsmanship is famous for its fierceness, but Miss Su's swordsmanship can be soft or tough. Although there are some similarities in some places, they are generally not the same at all. different."

Jin Jiu had doubts. The more he looked at Su Xiaolu's swordsmanship, the more he felt that she could not be a returning apprentice.

Zhou Zhi smiled lightly: "Wrong, Senior Guiyou only has his own understanding in the way of swordsmanship. If he is teaching apprentices, he should also lay a good foundation to lead the way. Everyone has different understandings in the way of swordsmanship. Natural swordsmanship It's not the same, look at her, although the sword technique changes according to the strategy, the foundation remains the same."

Zhou Zhi observed, seeing Su Xiaolu draw and withdraw his sword so many times, he was already sure that she was Guiyou's apprentice.

Jin Jiu looked at Su Xiaolu's figure, and after careful observation, he found that what Zhou Zhi said was right.

He said respectfully: "Master, you are too powerful."

Zhou Zhi smiled and said nothing.

He has read all kinds of books in the world, whether it is in the court or in the rivers and lakes, he knows something. As long as he understands the nature, if he encounters it, he can quickly guess it.

He guessed Su Xiaolu's identity through these understandings, and the facts proved that he was right.

Su Xiaolu and Jin Qi fought to a tie, both of them enjoyed themselves, and they both bowed their hands after stepping back.

Su Xiaolu threw the sword to Jin Qi and said, "Come again next time."

Jin Qi forehead: "Okay, as long as you are free, I will be waiting for you at any time."

Su Xiaolu returned to Zhou Zhi's side and said, "The people around you are really good at martial arts, I've benefited from it."

The guards around Zhou Zhi were not very old, most of them were around seventeen to twenty-four, but they all had profound skills and should not be underestimated.

They are actually martial arts geniuses.

If she doesn't have the space, her aptitude is not as good as theirs.

Zhou Zhi smiled: "In your spare time, you can let them accompany you to fight and learn from each other, and they will also benefit from it."

Competing with each other is a matter of mutual benefit.

Su Xiaolu nodded, she wiped her sweat casually, walked behind Zhou Zhi and pushed his wooden wheelchair, and said, "It's almost time, I'll push you back to your room for acupuncture, you can go to bed after acupuncture, it's just right .”

Zhou Zhi nodded.

Su Xiaolu pushed Zhou Zhi back to the room, tidied up and started giving Zhou Zhi an injection.

She asked Zhou Zhi to lie down and unbuttoned his clothes.

Zhou Zhi paused, and then slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Zhou Zhi was on the thin side, and his breathing was calm.

Su Xiaolu slowly dropped the silver needles one by one, she didn't notice that Zhou Zhi's ear tips and neck gradually turned red.

Su Xiaolu said: "This is the fire-burning acupuncture method. After a quarter of an hour, you will feel a burning sensation all over your body. Once you feel this feeling, tell me immediately that the fire-burning method cannot be stopped for a long time, or it will burn you."

The fire-burning acupuncture method can allow Zhou Zhi's body to better absorb the medicinal properties of the medicinal diet.

Zhou Zhi responded, "Okay."

Su Xiaolu packed up the needle bag and went to wash her hands.

Zhou Zhi stared at her figure, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Su Xiaolu washed her hands and came over, seeing that Zhou Zhi's neck was a little red, she frowned: "Why is your neck so red, does it hurt?"

This shouldn't be, her stitches can't be wrong.

Zhou Zhi coughed lightly, and he said, "It's okay, this is a change in my body itself, and I don't feel any burning sensation yet."

Su Xiaolu is still young and doesn't know anything, so she doesn't know anything.

Su Xiaolu grabbed Zhou Zhi's hand to check his pulse, and she was relieved only after making sure that the pulse was correct.

She said to Zhou Zhi again: "If you feel any discomfort, just say so, and I will help you adjust in time."

Zhou Zhi nodded obediently.

After a while, Zhou Zhi said, "Xiaolu, I feel a burning sensation, it spread from my heart to my whole body, as if it was on fire."

Su Xiaolu immediately began to take out the needles. She was very fast, and within a few breaths, she took off all the silver needles on Zhou Zhi's chest, and then said while packing up the silver needles: "The method of burning needles is like this. The needle is about to be removed, and if it is taken late, you will be burned."

Perhaps the acupuncture method has worked, and Zhou Zhi's skin is a little red.

Su Xiaolu felt his pulse again, Zhou Zhi's body felt like he had a high fever.

This is normal, but it varies from person to person. Some people may find it uncomfortable. Su Xiaolu thought for a while and said: "After the fire acupuncture method, your body temperature will be higher. If you feel uncomfortable, you can take a bath. If you can bear it, then you don’t need to take a bath, the fire acupuncture method will keep your body warm all night, and if you don’t reject it, it will allow you to sleep well.”

Zhou Zhi smiled gently and said, "Thank you Xiaolu, I like this warm feeling very much, I wish you sweet dreams."

After Su Xiaolu packed her things, she said with a smile, "You have a dream too."

After finishing speaking, Su Xiaolu went out and went back to her room.

Back in the room, I handled the silver needle carefully and then fell asleep. I haven't practiced sword for a long time. After falling asleep, my consciousness sank into the space, and the spiritual energy lingered to nourish her.

The night was getting dark.

On the other hand, Zhou Zhi also slept soundly, this was the only night that he didn't wake up in the middle of the day.

As soon as dawn dawned, Jin Wu, who was watching the night, had a look of joy on his face.

Mr. Wu came to ask for his pulse, he took Zhou Zhi's pulse, God

The color is thoughtful.

He looked at Zhou Zhi many times.

Zhou Zhi was a little helpless: "Mr. Wu, why do you look at me like this today, there is something on my face?"

Mr. Wu withdrew his hand, and he said in surprise: "Master, if you are in this state every day, I will wake up laughing from my dreams."

Zhou Zhi smiled softly: "I will do it later."

Mr. Wu smiled: "That's great, I can sleep soundly in the future, I'm going to see the miracle doctor right now, I have to ask her for advice."

Zhou Zhi's status and changes let Mr. Wu know the gap between doctors and doctors.

It just so happens that Su Xiaolu is in the mansion right now, so he can learn a little bit.

Zhou Zhi nodded.

Mr. Wu got up and retreated. As soon as he went out, he couldn't wait to ask Jin Qi: "Tell me quickly, where the miracle doctor lives. I want to move there to live with her."

Jin Qi coughed: "Mr. Wu, don't worry, I'll take you there."

So just as Su Xiaolu got up, when he opened the door, he saw a middle-aged uncle standing outside the door. The middle-aged uncle bowed deeply when he saw her, and then said shyly, "Hello Miss Su, my name is Wu Ming, and I love to study drugs." technique, I hope I can get some pointers from you."

Such a polite uncle, Su Xiaolu just thought it was really cute, she smiled and said: "It's all right, you are also the second prince's person, it would be great if you have medical skills."

Mr. Wu was very happy, and he greeted politely: "Then, I will disturb the girl with a cheeky face."

Su Xiaolu nodded, she went to boil the water, and mixed a bowl of medicinal paste for Zhou Zhi. Mr. Wu scooped a little up with a spoon, smelled it, tasted it, and said with a complicated expression, "This is so mysterious."

It is unimaginable that something that looks like poison has the most perfect ratio of medicinal properties.

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