Chapter 348

Chapter 348

The two families talked and laughed and returned home.

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi looked at each other, their eyes were gentle, and their hearts were warm and peaceful.

After a day of fun, the days returned to calm.

During the day, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao both went to the store, while Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Qian made sauerkraut and kimchi at home.

Su Chong, Su Hua, Zhou Heng went out early and returned late to study, Chen Shimeng learned it, and went to school every day.

Su Xiaolu began to practice sword crazily. Through Furongzhou and her party, she knew that her skills were not invincible. The world is so big and there are so many masters, so naturally the higher the martial arts, the better.

She is already eleven years old, and after the next year, her two older brothers, Chunwei, will also go to Beijing to detoxify Zhou Heng for the first time. After she detoxifies Zhou Heng, she should go to the rivers and lakes.

At that time, the dust of Chunwei was almost settled.

In the past few years, the old man didn't come to her, and if he didn't come to her as an apprentice, then she would go to the master.

On the first day of December, news came from the Sun's residence that Su Hua and Sun Baoqian were very compatible, and they were engaged on the 22nd of December.

After the news was finalized, Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao began to prepare.

At night, Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang said: "Father, our family still has more than seven hundred taels of silver. How much do you think is appropriate?"

This is after buying this house, and after moving to the town for more than a year plus what was left before, all the belongings are here.

Some of the money must be kept, Su Xiaoling and Su Chong are still at home.

If it is divided into three parts, there are only a little over two hundred taels that can be hired.

Su Sanlang took Zhao's hand and patted it lightly, saying: "My dear, don't worry, the Sun family knows what's going on in our family, let's take two hundred and eighty taels of employment, and leave the rest to Brother Chong and Xiao Ling, Xiao Lu is still young, and we can save for a few more years."

They were not rich and powerful in the first place, if the Sun family cared about this, then the marriage would not be finalized.

Zhao Shi listened, and the anxiety in her heart eased.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Mrs. Zhao got up to open the door, it was Su Xiaoling.


Su Xiaoling yelled with a slight smile, and then entered the room.

Su Xiaoling was holding a box.

Su Xiaoling walked up to Su Sanlang, and when Mrs. Zhao came over, she handed the box to Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang, and she said, "Father, mother, this is what you have saved in the past few years, and you are using it for your second brother. Let's marry Sun Baoqian."

Every year, tens of thousands of taels of silver bills are distributed to her for the scar medicine. This is after controlling the amount of ointment. Over the past few years, she has accumulated 80,000 taels of silver bills in her hands. Now she takes out these silver bills , for Su Huaneng's beautiful engagement.

There was some distress in Zhao's eyes, and she pushed the box back to Su Xiaoling. Zhao said, "Xiaoling, just hold it carefully, parents don't want it."

Su Sanlang also said: "Your mother is right, this is what you have worked so hard for, and your parents can't and won't want it. Your second brother married a wife, and I have plans with your mother."

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi resolutely don't want this money.

Mrs. Zhao closed the box and put it back into Su Xiaoling's palm. Mrs. Zhao said softly, "Silly girl, you should keep this money well. You will have the confidence to marry in the future. Mother doesn't know what kind of money you will marry in the future." People, but with this money, I can marry anyone, so my mother can rest assured."

Su Xiaoling wanted to say more, but Mrs. Zhao dragged her out of the house.

Mrs. Zhao said gently: "My parents understand what you want, but they won't want it, so you just keep it."

Su Xiaoling pursed her lips, Mrs. Zhao sent her out, and gently smoothed Su Xiaoling's hair: "Go back and rest."

Su Xiaoling nodded.

She went back to the room, looked at Su Xiaolu who was already asleep, and sighed softly.

Su Xiaolu has practiced sword hard recently, her arms are swollen every day.

At night, she always hums subconsciously. Su Xiaoling sleeps lightly, and every time she massages Su Xiaolu to make her sleep better.

Su Xiaolu originally had some baby fat, but after returning from Furong Island, her chin became pointed, and she never made up for it. She was like a new branch plucked out in spring, she twitched.

Su Xiaoling gently squeezed Su Xiaolu's arm, she whispered softly: "My parents don't want this money either, I don't even know how to repay this family."

What responded to Su Xiaoling was Su Xiaolu's shallow snore.


Time passed quickly, day by day, and soon came the day when Su Hua and Sun Baoqian got engaged.

It can be said to be very lively.

The entire Yangjiao Town was a sensation, and everyone was discussing this marriage.

Some people say that Su Hua is really lucky.

Some people also said that the Sun family took a fancy to Su Hua's talent and learning.

No matter what others say, Su Hua and Sun Baoqian are engaged.

Both Su Sanlang and Zhao's eyes were flushed.

Chen Hu and Qian Shi stood beside Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi, helping to greet the guests.

Su Xiaozhi also came, she had mixed feelings and didn't know what to say.

The Cao family brought Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang along, and Hu Shuangshuang was going to get married in a few years, so he didn't come because it was inconvenient to go out.

Mrs. Cao sincerely congratulated Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao, and then took her two grandsons to sit down.

Seeing Su Xiaozhi depressed, Cao frowned and said coldly: "Xiaozhi, if you don't want to eat this meal, you can either go shopping or go back."

Su Xiaozhi is a little unwilling

: "Mom, I did this for Xiaoshou and Xiaoyang, not for myself."

Cao frowned: "Xiaozhi, you are getting more and more confused. I don't bother to talk to you anymore. You don't need to worry about Xiaoshou Xiaoyang's affairs. If you still behave like this, then you can go back."

Mrs. Cao has given up on Su Xiaozhi, and Su Xiaozhi never listens to what she says.

But what Wang said, Su Xiaozhi believed more and more.

How could Su Sanlang feel sorry for them, but under Wang's preaching, Su Xiaozhi felt that what Su Sanlang did was wrong and not enough!

A while ago, the Su family all developed abscesses inexplicably. Mr. Su took Wang and his two sons to separate the family, and Wang was also settled down. It may be that abscesses are tormenting people, and she has no time to find Su Xiaozhi.

The Wang family is at ease, but Su Xiaozhi is becoming more and more restless. The current Su Xiaozhi looks more and more like the Wang family.

Cao couldn't say anything, and she didn't want to say it anymore. Many things were said directly.

Su Xiaozhi was aggrieved at first and wanted to argue, but seeing Cao's serious expression, she swallowed the words on her lips and smiled.

Although it's not good-looking, it's better than being cold-faced, and Cao Shi doesn't care about her anymore.

After eating, just go back early.

The engagement went well.

Both are happy.

After eating, Mrs. Cao took Su Xiaozhi and her two grandchildren back home. After leaving the city gate, Su Xiaozhi sighed suddenly: "It would be great if Xiaoshou could marry Miss Qianjin in the future."

Cao frowned and looked at Su Xiaozhi.

Hu Changshou said calmly: "Mother, I don't want to marry a daughter of a thousand golds. I don't have any special skills, nor do I have the talent and learning like Second Brother Su. What should I get for a miss? I just want to marry an ordinary woman who treats me sincerely." Just treat my loved ones."

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