Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 349 How Good Was Chen Hu Back then?

Chapter 349 How Good Was Chen Hu Back then?

Chapter 349 How Good Was Chen Hu Back then?

Mrs. Cao nodded gratifiedly, and said in agreement: "That's right, riches and honors are destined, and there will be what we should have. Let's be down-to-earth people, and God will not treat you badly. What kind of pot goes with what kind of lid? Ordinary There is nothing wrong with being a good girl, as long as you know the cold, the hot, the caring.”

As Cao said, she gently patted Hu Changyang's head and asked, "Brother Yang, are you right?"

Hu Changyang nodded: "Grandma is right, I will be like my elder brother in the future, be a down-to-earth person, work hard to be a person and do things, and never aim too high."

After Hu Changyang finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull Su Xiaozhi's hand. He raised his head and said to Su Xiaozhi: "Mother, don't worry, my brother and I will be fine in the future, and you will have a good life."

Cao looked at her little grandson in relief, and she glanced at Su Xiaozhi. It would be great if Su Xiaozhi could understand this truth.

Hu Changshou also said, "Mother, don't worry."

Su Xiaozhi gave birth to them and paid a lot for them. Although many of their ideas are in conflict with Su Xiaozhi, in her heart, Su Xiaozhi is still the mother they should respect and be filial to.

Su Xiaozhi couldn't help herself, she sighed and said, "If your uncle and cousin are willing, then you don't have to work so hard."

When Cao Shi heard that Su Xiaozhi still said that, she sighed slightly and shook her head.

Su Xiaozhi still doesn't understand, she didn't think about Su Sanlang's family, how could Su Sanlang continue as before.

Cao reached out her hand to touch the hair of the two grandsons, and she said seriously: "Shouer, brother Yang, you must work hard for what kind of good life you want to live, and always remember that others can live a better life." A good life is also achieved through hardships and hardships, we must also be down-to-earth, and we can never imagine that we can sit back and enjoy the benefits.”

"People, you must hold the real ability in your own hands, and don't rely on others. Only when you are self-reliant and self-reliant, can you stand upright and not be afraid of other people's eyes."

Mrs. Cao finished speaking slowly, and gently stroked the backs of the two grandsons.

Both Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang nodded heavily.

Cao Shi did not avoid Su Xiaozhi, she gave Su Xiaozhi a meaningful look after she finished speaking.

Su Xiaozhi became more and more dissatisfied, so she forgot how Su Sanlang helped her back then.

Forgot the precious friendship back then, Su Xiaozhi's eyes can only see Chen Hu's family and Su Sanlang's family walking side by side, but they did not bring her to share the glory, so Su Xiaozhi is not reconciled.

Under the influence of Wang Shi, Su Xiaozhi has lost herself.

Even if she said that, Su Xiaozhi didn't feel ashamed, her eyes were still unconvinced and unbalanced, but due to her identity, she didn't have too many disputes after all.

Cao lowered her eyes and thought deeply. She looked at Hu Changshou lovingly. After two years, Hu Changshou would be able to marry a wife. She had to choose carefully.

Su Xiaozhi really has no hope, she just needs to live an honest and responsible life, and the sovereignty of the family cannot be handed over to her, so this eldest grandson's daughter-in-law must be chosen well, she must be strong and kind, and have a bottom line .

When the family returned home, Mrs. Cao saw Wang's figure from a distance. She frowned and glanced at Su Xiaozhi.

Su Xiaozhi knew she was wrong, so she trotted over and asked Wang in a low voice, "Mother, why are you here?"

Mrs. Wang glanced at Su Xiaozhi angrily, and said coldly, "I'm your mother, can I come to see if you can come?"

Su Xiaozhi explained weakly: "No, no."

Seeing Su Xiaozhi's low-browed and compliant expression, Wang's face was not in a good mood, and she asked directly: "Let me ask you, how did Chen Hu's feet and the scars on Qian's face healed back then, and where did you find them?" doctor?"

Ever since she was suddenly infected with the weird abscess, Wang felt extremely painful every day. The abscess was also weird, and it was so itchy that she couldn't scratch it. Once scratched, the abscess would spread.

Whether it's strange or not, it's just her family, the old man, two sons, and the others are not grown up. People in the village will take a detour when they see it, saying that they have been punished.

It's too late, it's not good to look at, and it's not life-threatening, which makes her suspicious, but it's useless to find a sorceress to dance, it's almost the Chinese New Year, and I'm very anxious, suddenly thinking of the crippled son of the Chen family Only then did Wang realize that Chen Hu's legs were healed, even the scar on Qian's face was gone.

If they can find a doctor who treats Chen Hu's family, their little problem should be cured.

Chen Hu's family didn't even look at them, that's why Wang wanted to find Su Xiaozhi.

Su Xiaozhi felt a little embarrassed when she heard what Wang said. She said in a difficult way: "Mother, I, I... guess it should be Xiaolu."

Su Xiaozhi remembered Su Xiaolu's medical skills, she made a bold guess, and seeing that Mrs. Wang didn't believe it, she quickly said: "When I came here, Chen Hu was almost healed, and the scar on Mrs. Qian's face was not obvious. And when Daniel was back then, it was Xiaolu who gave him an injection to wake Daniel up."

Wang frowned and thought about it, she didn't really believe what Su Xiaozhi said, but then she thought about it, the doctor in the village back then was also good at medicine, the old man was close to Su Sanlang's family, and it was possible that he took a dead girl as his apprentice.

Thinking of this, Wang suddenly gritted her teeth and spat: "Damn girl, you really have a bad conscience and don't learn well."

Why can't other people be infected with abscesses, but the ones who went to that house were infected, and there was no abnormality in going there every day before, but when that rotten girl came back, they all developed abscesses.

What kind of retribution and punishment are bullshit, this point

Obviously the wicked are at work!

Wang gritted her teeth with a vicious look on her face, Su Xiaozhi bowed her head weakly and dared not speak much.

Mrs. Wang glanced at Su Xiaozhi coldly and said, "You find an excuse, pretend you have abscess, and let that damn girl come to see you."

Wang's anger couldn't be dissipated, although she hated her to death, she couldn't do anything about Su Xiaolu.

She just wants to get rid of this strange poison quickly, and now that the family is divided, and with the food handed in by her two sons, her life is not bad, she just wants to retire in peace.

In the future, I don't care about Su Sanlang, Su Dalang, Su Erlang, I don't care!

Su Xiaozhi didn't know what to do.

Mrs. Cao approached with her two grandsons. Seeing Su Xiaozhi's helpless look, Mrs. Cao hated iron and steel, she couldn't help but said to Wang in a cold voice: "Old Su's, no matter how uneasy you are Kindness, but don’t blame me for being rude. Who is Su Xiaozhi? Would she still be here if she has the ability? I don’t know what’s going on with your family and Su Sanlang’s family? You don’t want to have a peaceful life, but my family still thinks about it Happy birthday."

Mrs. Cao is not polite at all, Su Sanlang is not even accepting food from the Su family now, it is related to the freezing point, their family can still have this life now, it is because of Su Sanlang's mercy.

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