Chapter 350

Chapter 350

Su Sanlang is soft-hearted, but it doesn't mean they can do whatever they want, Su Xiaozhi has already crossed the line too much, today Su Xiaozhi agreed, even if Su Sanlang was soft-hearted, she would not have the face to continue to occupy this seat.

She always educates her two grandsons to have integrity, dignity and gratitude, but every time Su Xiaozhi does something, it is a heartless thing to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

If she just sits idly by every time, then what is the difference between her and Su Xiaozhi.

No matter how much she taught, she couldn't compare to what her two grandsons saw.

Wang Shi looked at Cao Shi and frowned. She wanted to argue with Cao Shi, but found it unreasonable.

Cao's is not Su Xiaozhi's obedient.

"Old Su's family, you are not welcome in my family, please leave immediately, otherwise don't let me go all out and beat you away with a broom."

Cao Shi pointed coldly.

Wang was so angry.

Like a quail, Su Xiaozhi lowered her head and said nothing.

Su Xiaozhi didn't have any opinions. She was afraid of Wang Shi and Cao Shi at the same time, so she didn't even dare to raise her head at this time.

Looking at the two children of Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang, Wang's heart immediately chilled as she wanted to break through with the two grandchildren.

Both Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang looked at her with cold faces.

Just like little wolf cubs, it's no wonder they have good intentions.

Wang Shi gritted her teeth, turned around and left angrily, and only dared to say 'pooh' when she was far away.

Because once before, she came to Su Xiaozhi to ask for money, but she was cleaned up by Mrs. Cao. When she went out, she was disgusted and spurned. Mrs. Cao grabbed her hair and beat her on the spot. Since then, even if she wanted to spit, she walked away Only to vomit.

Mrs. Cao is not a vegetarian.

Seeing Mrs. Wang vomit, Mrs. Cao also said to Su Xiaozhi in a cold voice: "You are all from my Cao family. If this happens again, I will help you too. Go home and be your filial daughter." go."

With Wang's greedy temperament, if Su Xiaozhi goes back, she will be married off in two months.

Su Xiaozhi's face changed drastically immediately, and she shook her head timidly to admit her mistake: "Mother, I was wrong, don't drive me back, I was born as a member of the Cao family, and died as a ghost of the Cao family."

Mrs. Cao didn't have time to control Su Xiaozhi, and she didn't give Su Xiaozhi a good face, so Su Xiaozhi would be able to settle down a bit in the next period of time.

Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang did not speak.

Hu Shuangshuang opened the door from the room, and she said gently: "Grandma, big brother and second brother, you are back."

"Mom, you are back."

Hu Shuangshuang finally looked at Su Xiaozhi and said.

Su Xiaozhi's expression was gloomy, and she went back to the room. She felt very uncomfortable. She knew that this family didn't treat her like a family member anymore.

Mrs. Cao and the three children looked at Su Xiaozhi and sighed softly, "Your mother, I can't figure it out."

Hu Shuangshuang smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, grandma, we all understand, in fact, that person has already come, and I ignored her knocking on the door, because she thought there was no one at home."

When Wang came to knock on the door, Hu Shuangshuang had heard it a long time ago. She didn't want to answer, so she didn't make a sound and ignored it.

Cao Shi nodded: "Just ignore it."

Mrs. Cao said to Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang seriously: "Shouer, brother Yang, don't think that I am cruel, and I don't want to be so cruel to your mother, but she is confused, and I can't be cruel if I am not, you understand."

Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang nodded.

Hu Changshou said in a low voice: "Grandma, we don't blame you, we understand, even if it was Xiaolu's handwriting, they deserve it, who made them curse Big Brother Su and Second Brother Su every day during that time that they couldn't come back, mother We forgot, but we still remember."

Su Xiaozhi has always chosen to ignore these things, in her opinion, this is not a big deal, Su Sanlang should be more magnanimous.

Su Xiaozhi's thinking is exactly the same as Wang's.

Just because they think like this doesn't mean everyone thinks like that.

Seeing that the three grandchildren were sensible, Mrs. Cao breathed a sigh of relief, and said gently, "Wash up and rest."


Mrs. Wang returned home angrily, and began venting to Mr. Su as soon as he entered the door: "Old man, I know what happened to our abscess. It's all done by those who have no conscience."

Mrs. Wang talked to Mr. Su wholeheartedly, and the more she talked, the more angry she became.

All kinds of cursing words continued to surge out.

Excited, she felt her seventies throbbing, and the abscesses on her body broke out in bursts of itching, which made her stop cursing and started scratching.

This abscess is extremely itchy, but scabs also form quickly. Every time I scratch the itch, the scabs will be torn apart, and the scabs will be torn apart, which is painful and itchy.

Very tormenting, but not hurting the body at all.

Wang only scratched two places, and shed tears of pain: "Damn girl, she should have been drowned when she was born, so she is more capable now!"

Grandpa Su looked at Wang's distorted face. The abscess had burst, and the smell of blood and pus was not pleasant.

Calm down, but it can also suppress the itching.

Old Man Su said calmly: "Stop swearing a few words, the more you swear, the more abscesses you will get. Do you have any proof that you said it was poisoned by others? If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense."

Mr. Su thought about it a lot. He felt that the abscess on his body had healed up a lot.

This abscess does not pass on to others, it will only appear on its own body, and if it cannot be scratched, it will not grow everywhere. When it heals on its own and the scab falls off, it will be fine.


He was the first to discover it, but as he said, both Wang and Su Dalang and Su Erlang couldn't do it, so it was slow to get better.

My heart is always cursing, my mood fluctuates greatly, and I can't suppress the extremely itchy feeling.

Wang wiped away her tears and said: "Why are you talking nonsense, even the poisonous hands of that dead girl, they are all dead things that deserve to be killed by God."

Wang's heart was full of hatred, and the itch was unbearable.

She kept scratching the itch, and Mr. Su couldn't help it anymore, he lost his temper: "If you want to cry, get out and cry, don't poke your eyes in front of me."

Mrs. Wang was afraid that Mr. Su would get angry, so she would not go out, so she sobbed and stopped cursing.

The itching was unbearable, so I had to boil water and scald it with a hot towel.

Burning it can relieve the itching, but the abscess with broken skin hurts after being burned.

This abscess is such a torture, it makes good people feel extremely painful.

As the Chinese New Year approached, Mr. Su was already well.

Both Wang Shi and Su Dalang and Su Erlang are still not healed, and their whole bodies are almost depleted.

The medicine didn't work either, and they lived in torture every day.

Old man Su quietly went to the town, and cheekily knocked on Su Sanlang's door again.

It was Su Xiaolu who opened the door. Seeing Su Xiaolu, old man Su lowered his head and said softly, "Girl Xiaolu, if you don't remember villains, please let them go."

Su Xiaolu looked at old man Su and knew why he came. She saw that old man Su had recovered, but she was a little surprised. It seems that old man Su knew the way to heal himself.

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