Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 48 Decision

Su Sanlang had something on his mind, and Mrs. Zhao noticed it right away. Thinking about the two people that old man Wu went to treat, Mrs. Zhao knew what Su Sanlang was planning at once.

When cooking dinner at night, Mrs. Zhao shed tears, and she said to Su Sanlang, "Daddy, I won't let you go."

Seeing Zhao's tears, Su Sanlang smiled at her and said: "Baby girl, if I'm lucky, we don't have to leave, we can build a house, we can buy land."

When Su Sanlang said that, not only did Zhao not stop crying, but the tears fell even more fiercely, she said: "Daddy, but that's a tiger, not a chicken or a rabbit."

How lucky it is to exchange for the stability of the family.

How can they do something that even the Orion can't do, it's more likely to lose their lives.

Su Sanlang looked at Mrs. Zhao and said, "My dear, just let me go. I promise, I will definitely come back."

Mrs. Zhao resolutely refused. Seeing that Su Sanlang was determined to fight, Dr. Zhao gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then I will go with you."

If they live, they will live together as husband and wife, if they die, they will die together.

Zhao's resoluteness made Su Sanlang's heart ache, and he choked up and said, "Mother, I can't let you go."

Zhao's tears kept flowing, and she also choked up and said: "Daddy, how can I let you go? It doesn't matter if we leave here, even if we go begging, as long as we are with you, if you go alone , I can't do it."

Anyway, there is no way out, even if she is going to die, she has to accompany Su Sanlang.

Su Sanlang lowered his head and didn't speak any more.

Mrs. Zhao thought he had given up on this idea.

After dinner in the evening, Su Sanlang and old man Wu went to change the dressing for Zhou Anding and his son.

After changing the medicine, the children were all asleep.

Su Sanlang gently touched the faces of the three children, and finally lay down next to Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao was still awake, knowing that Su Sanlang came back, she turned around and leaned against Su Sanlang's shoulder.

Su Sanlang sighed and said, "Mother, it's getting colder."

He's almost recovered, and it's time to leave, there's no reason to stay at Old Man Wu's house.

But the sky and the earth are big, and there is no shelter for their family. It is so cold, where can they go if they leave Nanshan Village?

Mrs. Zhao wept silently, and said in a low voice: "Daddy, I will go wherever you go. In this life, I believe that you will follow you too. Don't even think about abandoning me."

Su Sanlang sighed heavily.

He embraced Mrs. Zhao, during this time, Mrs. Zhao lost weight again, her body was always cold, and there was not much milk, the two husband and wife hugged each other tightly, Su Sanlang hoped that Mrs. Zhao would be warmer.

As for Mrs. Zhao, relying on Su Sanlang makes her feel at ease. She is afraid that Su Sanlang will sneak into the mountain, so she dare not let go.

It snowed at night, and when we got up the next day, there was a thick layer of snow on the ground.

The children all rubbed their hands and breathed out. They were cold, but they still worked hard.

After feeding the chickens and ducks, Su Sanmei came back to help take Su Xiaolu. She sat in the house with Su Xiaolu in her arms, and said to Su Xiaolu, wiping her tears, "Fourth sister, I'm so afraid that there will be no father and mother. What should we do?" .”

Su Xiaolu still can't speak, she can't do anything to help, she can only cry and ask Su Sanmei to carry her to the water tank to play, and take the opportunity to pour spiritual spring water into the water tank.

She doesn't have a family now, and she doesn't know what to do.

She knew both Su Sanlang's thoughts and Zhao's thoughts, but she was powerless to stop her. She could only keep everything in her heart and pray that Su Sanlang would be safe no matter what he did.

Su Sanmei hugged Su Xiaolu, talked for a while, then wiped away her tears as if nothing happened.

Su Chong and Su Hua still helped Old Man Wu with his work, and sometimes they would go to Su Sanmei to kiss Su Xiaolu.

Perhaps because they felt too many heavy things, the two elder brothers became more quiet and well-behaved. Their eyes were still clear and ignorant, but they seldom smiled.

On November 18th, Zhou Anding and his son had been taken back by their family members, and gradually no one talked about the tiger.

Su Sanlang's health has recovered, he didn't say he wanted to leave, and old man Wu didn't rush.

Old man Wu has no time to take care of Su Sanlang's family. Su Sanlang's family is very quiet and not noisy. Su Chong and Suhua are obedient and can work. Zhao's laundry and cooking are good. It doesn't matter if the family goes or not.

But he knows very well that it is hard to be a good person, and it is impossible for him to stay together. Therefore, it is up to Su Sanlang and his family whether they will leave or not. , If you really want to catch up, it will be after this winter.

He thought that Su Sanlang knew that tigers were not easy to fight, so he should have no idea, but the accident happened on November 19th.

Early this morning, old man Wu got up and saw that only Su Sanmei was busy in the kitchen. She put the little girl on the stove stool and worked while wiping away tears. , your elder brother and second brother are still awake?"

Third Sister Su looked at Old Man Wu with tears in her eyes, and said with a choked voice, "Grandpa Wu, father, mother and elder brother have gone into the mountains to fight tigers, woo, leave me and Fourth Sister..."

Su Sanmei burst into tears, but old man Wu was shocked.

It took a while for old man Wu to come back to his senses, and he said annoyedly: "You really are not afraid of death, and I didn't drive you away!"

Old man Wu was furious, but he looked at Su Sanmei who was wiping away tears

, he said angrily: "Don't cry, take this little girl with you, I'll go out and see if I can get your parents back."

Old man Wu really didn't expect that Su Sanlang would take his wife and son with him. Isn't this just nonsense, isn't this just going to die?

Old man Wu didn't know when they left, after all he drank every night and slept soundly.

He thought that he didn't chase people away, Su Sanlang should know that as long as he has a thick skin, he can not leave.

Old man Wu didn't know how to say that Su Sanlang was stubborn, but everything happened, so it was useless to say it.

As soon as old man Wu left, Sanmei Su cried out.

Su Xiaolu also wanted to cry, but she held back and only prayed for Su Sanlang and the others from the bottom of her heart.

It was late last night, Su Sanlang got up quietly and prepared to leave quietly, but before he got out of bed, Mrs. Zhao said in a crying voice: "Daddy, you don't want to leave me."

Su Sanlang also cried and said: "Baby girl, let me go. If I can't come back, you can ask Dr. Wu to see if he is willing to take you and the children in. If he is willing to take you in, even one, then Just keep one, and you leave with the child, don't be afraid when you get there, I'll be waiting to pick you up."

Zhao cried and said: "I don't, let's go together, even if it's just to be a bait, let me go, if you don't let me go, I can't let you go alone."

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