Transmigrated As A Delicate Bundle Of Luck For A Farming Family

Chapter 363 The Yan Family Came to Propose Marriage

Chapter 363 The Yan Family Came to Propose Marriage

Chapter 363 The Yan Family Came to Propose Marriage

Lin Pingsheng looked at the three handsome young men, and he waved his hands: "Okay, you go back, I wish you all wishes come true, and your future is bright."

"Just do what you want, don't ask whether the result is good or bad, just ask whether your heart is what you want."

After Lin Pingsheng finished speaking, he turned his back, and after he left and came back, he would know whether Su Chong passed the test.

Both Su Chong, Suhua and Zhou Heng saluted Lin Pingsheng, and then said in unison: "Master, the apprentice has returned."

The three looked at Lin Pingsheng, but Lin Pingsheng just waved his hands without saying a word.

Su Chong and the others also turned around and went back.

As soon as he went out, he saw Mrs. Chen standing by the door. Seeing them, Mrs. Chen smiled slightly.

The three of Su Chong bowed their hands to Chen Shi and didn't say much.

Chen Shi looked at the backs of the three of them, she sighed softly, and then walked towards the main hall.

Lin Pingsheng was getting old, so Xu raised Su Chong and the others as his own sons. Now that they have completed their studies, it may be difficult to see each other in the future. Lin Pingsheng was reluctant to part with him. He wiped his eye sockets and sighed softly.

Mrs. Chen stood quietly by the door, and when Lin Pingsheng recovered, she said, "Master, it's late at night, Yehan, go back and rest early."

Lin Pingsheng turned around, feeling a little embarrassed. When did Madam come, there was no sound at all.

Looking at Chen's gentle face, Lin Pingsheng went over and took her hand and said, "Ma'am, it's fortunate that you are with me."

Chen Shi smiled: "Naturally."

She is his wife, whoever is not with him.

Lin Pingsheng sighed softly: "It would be great if Su Chong could pass this test."

If he has passed this test, he will try his best to match this relative. In the whole life of a person, whether it is a close friend, a child, or a close relative, they will all leave in the end, and the ones who stay with them day and night are husband and wife.

He really didn't want his only daughter to be so lonely and old.

Chen's soft voice echoed: "I think so too."

Both husband and wife want to, but everything is fate, and it has long been determined.


The three of Su Chong were walking on the quiet street. It was late at night and every family was asleep.

Zhou Heng suddenly said: "Achong Ahua, I will separate from you when I arrive in Beijing. Where are my uncles and aunts, I thought about it and decided not to tell them. Some things are better if they don't know. Let me go home."

He was too clear about how Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi treated him.

If they knew that he was in danger, Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi would probably worry about him.

So they don't know what's best, let them think that he has gone home, even if they don't see each other again in the future, let them think that he is indifferent than worrying about him.


Su Hua agreed.

Su Chong stretched out his hand, intending to touch Zhou Heng's head, but finally stopped, patted Zhou Heng's shoulder instead and said, "Brother Heng, if you really encounter difficulties, tell us quietly, even if you can't help you openly, you can help him secretly." It’s good for a while, we grow up together, you are my third brother.”

Su Hua also smiled, put his hand on Zhou Heng's shoulder and said, "Brother is right. If you lose contact, just save yourself enough. You don't have to take it seriously."

One of the two brothers held Zhou Heng's left shoulder, and the other held Zhou Heng's right shoulder. The friendship of nearly ten years can't be said to disappear.

Zhou Heng was deeply moved. He swallowed his throat and swallowed all the choked sobs. He smiled and nodded: "Well, I know."

All three of them smiled, their eyes full of pride and complacency, shining like stars.

Back home, each went back to their rooms to rest.

On the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, the whole family prepares some dry food at home, white cakes made from fermented white flour.

This kind of dry food can be stored for a long time and is suitable for traveling.

Sun Fu called Su Hua over.

Su Hua didn't come back until noon.

Lin Pingsheng still has contacts in Beijing, as does the Sun family, and Su Hua is the son-in-law appointed by their mansion. This time in Chunwei, the contacts will definitely be used by Su Hua.

Su Xiaolu prepared a lot of medicinal materials in case of emergencies.

In the afternoon, the sound of gongs and drums suddenly sounded outside.

The sound seemed to be coming this way.

Mrs. Zhao was a little puzzled: "Daddy, which family is having a happy event today? Why have you never heard of it?"

They have lived in the town for so long, and they have a good relationship with the neighbors. They will go to walk around whenever there is a good thing. The sound of gongs and drums outside is getting closer and closer, and that is their alley.

Mrs. Zhao knows all the people living in this alley, and they get along well, but she hasn't heard of any good things recently.

Su Sanlang also said with some doubts: "I don't know, and I haven't heard any news?"

"I'm going out to have a look. I'm afraid I've been too busy recently and missed the news. I'll go and see who's house is, and whether it's time to walk around in the neighborhood."

Anyway, the dry food was almost ready, so Mrs. Zhao wiped her hands on the apron after speaking, and went out.

Su Xiaoling smiled and said: "Father, it's fine if we are here, you should go and have a look too."

Su Sanlang thought for a while, then nodded, and then followed him out.

Su Xiaolu was boiling medicine in a corner of the yard, holding a small fan and fanning it slowly.

Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang came out, and stopped outside the house when they heard the sound of blowing gongs and drums. Both husband and wife were puzzled, and then there was a knock on the door, accompanied by

Xi Po's unique voice: "Is the Su family at home, please open the door to see and accept the gift."

Both Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi were stunned.

Su Xiaolu was stunned when he heard that, what's going on.

Mrs. Zhao went to open the door with doubts. As soon as she opened the door, the sound of gongs and drums sounded immediately.

There was a burst of joy and joy, and Xi Po also smiled and said, "Congratulations, Congratulations."

As for the neighbors on the left and right, they all heard the voice and looked out.

Even when Qian Shi and Chen Hu came out, they both looked puzzled.

Zhao frowned, she stretched out her hand to signal for everyone to stop.

Su Sanlang also came over.

Xi Po smiled and stretched out her hand to press it, and the sound of blowing gongs and drums stopped. Xi Po smiled and saluted Su Sanlang, and then said: "Master Su, Mrs. Su, today the magpie is chirping, a happy event comes from heaven." The Su family was originally intended by the Yan family to hire a daughter from the Su family, and when the two become a couple, the Su and Yan families will form Qin and Jin."

"This is twenty dans of betrothal gifts. Please count them, Mrs. and Mrs. Su's family."

Xi Po smiled and presented the gift list.

Su Sanlang's face turned cold, and he immediately shouted angrily: "Shut up, where are you going back and forth, I don't know any Yan family man, let alone marry my daughter to him! Hurry up and carry all your things away, or you will die." Blame me for being rude to you."

After reacting, Mrs. Zhao was also very angry. She saw Mrs. Zhang, and Mrs. Zhao asked, "Mr. Zhang, what do you mean? I haven't communicated with you. Why did you do such a thing?"

Since the last time we met, Mrs. Zhao didn't intend to continue talking with the Yan family, and after that day, she didn't contact Mrs. Zhang again. Normally, in such a situation, everyone knew that there was no point and would just let it go.

?? ps: There is only one update today, don't wait.



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