Chapter 375 Zhou Zhi's Poison 2

Chapter 375 Zhou Zhi's Poison 2

Zhou Zhi's body has a toxin attack, and his rapid pulse is not good for him, so he has to sleep on an ice bed.

As soon as Su Xiaolu spoke, Jin Si immediately went down to make arrangements.

Mr. Wu said, "Miss Su, once he sleeps on the ice bed, another kind of cold poison will be triggered."

At that time, I'm afraid that Zhou Zhi's high fever has not subsided, and he will be gradually turned into ice cubes from the inside out by the attack of cold poison.

Su Xiaolu said lightly: "I know he has cold poison, I will seal the poison to prevent the cold poison from taking effect."

There are so many toxins on Zhou Zhi's body, she has checked his pulse, so she knows it naturally.

Seeing that Su Xiaolu knew it, Mr. Wu didn't say anything more.

When the ice bed was ready, Zhou Zhi was transferred to the freezing ice bed, and Zhou Zhi shivered immediately.

Zhou Zhi's condition was not good, Jin Si and the others immediately became nervous.

Mr. Wu frowned, on the ice bed, the Gu worms couldn't stand the cold, and slowly squirmed away from Zhou Zhi's heart.

Su Xiaolu took several silver needles in his hand, and quickly inserted the needles. When the fat Gu worm retreated, Zhou Zhi's chest was already covered with silver needles.

She grabbed the Gu worm, Mr. Wu hastily stretched out his hand to catch it.

Su Xiaolu took the knife, grabbed Zhou Zhi's hand and cut his wrist open.

After the wrists of both hands were cut open, brown blood slowly flowed out.

Su Xiaolu took the life-saving medicine from the medicine box, squeezed Zhou Zhi's mouth open, stuffed the pill in, and gave Zhou Zhi a mouthful of spiritual spring water.

After doing all this, she didn't speak, but put her hand on Zhou Zhi's pulse.

After waiting like this for two hours, the brown blood turned red before Su Xiaolu bandaged Zhou Zhi's wound.

Zhou Zhi's eyelids moved and he woke up. He saw Su Xiaolu and said softly, "Xiaolu."

Su Xiaolu glanced at Zhou Zhi, but said nothing.

Zhou Zhi curled his lips and said, "Thank you for saving me."

"Did you not take your medicine on time?"

Su Xiaolu asked indifferently, Zhou Zhi was still fine when she left last year, and his condition was considered stable, as long as he took his medicine on time, it would be fine, but now it has deteriorated like this.

"I ate."

Zhou Zhi said weakly.

"Miss Su, the master is poisoned."

Jin Si said.

Su Xiaolu looked at Jin Si and had some doubts, Zhou Zhi is so powerful now, would he still be poisoned?

Jin Siyu explained, he said: "Miss Su, it's Gong"

"Jin Si, I'm fine, you guys step back."

Zhou Zhi interrupted Jin Si to continue, and he asked everyone to retreat.

Jin Si swallowed his words back, cupped his hands to Su Xiaolu, and said respectfully: "Miss Su, please take care of me, master, if you need anything, just ask, we will wait outside."

With Su Xiaolu around, Zhou Zhi doesn't have to worry about them.

After the people retreated, Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu and said, "The poison in me was inflicted by my mother."

Zhou Zhi's gaze was very calm, Su Xiaolu glanced at him, and after a few months, she seemed unable to understand him again.

"Your mother doesn't like you, don't you always know? Why do you still trust her? "

Su Xiaolu didn't understand, since there is no good relationship between mother and child, they must be wary of each other, knowing this is the case, why not be more cautious.

Zhou Zhi smiled and said, "I said that I long for a little maternal love from her, do you believe me?"

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu, his expression remained unchanged, his calm appearance made it hard to tell the truth from the fake.

Su Xiaolu looked at him and said, "I believe it."

In the final analysis, Zhou Zhi is just a boy under sixteen, no matter how much city and scheming he is, he is just an ordinary person, the human heart is very strange, sometimes, even if he knows that there is no hope at all, even if he is wounded. Baikong can't help but have a glimmer of hope, longing for a miracle to happen.

Some people are indifferent and suspicious, but it doesn't mean that they don't have desires in their hearts.

It is reasonable for Zhou Zhi to yearn for maternal love.

"She never believed me."

After Zhou Zhi said this, he curled his lips into a smile.

Su Xiaolu looked at his sickly and weak appearance, and somehow felt that he was very pitiful.

She changed the subject and said, "You are weak, take a good rest first."

It took her so much poisonous blood to stabilize the situation, and asking Zhou Zhi to say these sad things at this time, isn't it adding salt to the wound.

Zhou Zhi was also obedient, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Su Xiaolu was about to check Zhou Zhi's legs, when Zhou Zhi grabbed his hand.

Su Xiaolu explained: "Your pulse is weak, your legs are old diseases, let me take a look."

Zhou Zhi shook his head: "They don't matter, don't worry about them, don't look at them."

This is abolished, good or bad, he doesn't care, so he also hopes that Su Xiaolu will not look at them.

Su Xiaolu withdrew her hand, she said lightly: "That's fine, I won't watch it, don't get excited, go to sleep."

Su Xiaolu withdrew her hand, and continued to put her hand on Zhou Zhi's pulse to feel his pulse.

Zhou Zhi closed his eyes, and the chaotic breath gradually calmed down.

This night, Su Xiaolu kept guarding Zhou Zhi, waiting for his high fever to subside, and then took the needle.

Ask Jin Si and the others to transfer Zhou Zhi back to the room.

Zhou Zhi has been sleeping deeply.

Su Xiaolu yawned.

Mr. Wu is distressed

Su Xiaolu worked hard, he said: "Miss Su, he is fine now, you go to rest, I will guard here."

Su Xiaolu waved his hand and said, "No, I have to keep my pulse checked all the time to make sure I won't get high fever again. After another six hours, if the condition doesn't recur, then it will be completely stable. Now is very important, I can't leave."

Zhou Zhi's situation is dangerous, and the suppressed toxin, once it recurs, is very likely to die in just a quarter of an hour. It is not easy for Mr. Wu to stabilize his situation. If it happens again, she doesn't even know he can Can't hold on.

So she won't leave now, and finally pulled back from the gate of hell.

After Su Xiaolu said this, Mr. Wu stopped asking and just waited quietly.

After the high fever, Zhou Zhi began to sweat.

Sweat quickly soaked the bedding.

He seemed to be in a nightmare, his fists were clenched tightly.

"Trust me"

In the nightmare, he whispered lightly.

Jin Si and the others who were guarding the bed were all worried and distressed.

Su Xiaolu saw that they had such a relationship with Zhou Zhi, and thought to herself, the people around Zhou Zhi were loyal.

"The empress has never believed in the master, but the master has always believed in her, so every time the empress poisons, the master will eat it."

Jin Si was aggrieved for Zhou Zhi.

The people around Zhou Zhi felt unwilling for Zhou Zhi.

Mr. Wu sighed.

Su Xiaolu didn't understand for a moment, she had seen the most cruel to children in her two lifetimes, it was not Mr. Su and Mrs. Wang, but now they seem to be incomparable to the queen.

If what Zhou Zhi said is true, then his biological mother, the queen, has been wanting his life all the time, how cruel is it to do this every time.

She doesn't know Zhou Zhi, nor the queen, so she doesn't comment. She wants to save Zhou Zhi, so she does everything to save his life, that's all.

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