Chapter 376 Finally Stable

Chapter 376 Finally Stable

After guarding Zhou Zhi for a day and a night, Zhou Zhi's condition finally stabilized.

Su Xiaolu said to Jin Si and the others: "His condition has stabilized, and he will take a good rest from now on. I will give you the prescription in a while, three times a day, just decoct it and take it."

This dangerous time, Zhou Zhi survived, the toxins in his body returned to a balanced state, and he would not rashly relapse.

After staying up all day and all night, Su Xiaolu was also a little tired.

She wrote the prescription and handed it to Mr. Wu. She yawned and said, "Take me back, please."

She was tired and hungry, and she didn't want to walk back by herself.

"Miss Su has been exhausted for so long, why don't you eat something to rest before going back, the food has already been prepared, it's all your favorite food."

Jin Si said respectfully.

Su Xiaolu thought for a while and nodded: "Is it really all my favorite food?"

Jin Si nodded. When Su Xiaolu was not serious, she was just a cute and beautiful little girl. Her eyes were very lively, and she was very attractive at first glance.

Su Xiaolu agreed and said, "That's fine."

Just happened to be very hungry.

Going to eat, she really likes to eat.

After eating, Jin Si sent Su Xiaolu back.

Su Xiaolu knocked on the door, Su Xiaoling came to open the door, seeing Su Xiaolu, immediately asked with concern: "How is Xiaolu, are you okay?"

Su Xiaolu was a little sleepy, so she yawned and said, "Sister, I'm fine, but I'm a little sleepy. I've already eaten, and I'm going back to sleep."

After hearing the sound, Su Sanlang, Mrs. Zhao and the others who drove out were relieved to see that Su Xiaolu was well.

"Take a good rest when you are tired."

Zhao said distressedly that she wished she could take Su Xiaolu's place in suffering, but she didn't know medical skills, so she could only hope that Su Xiaolu would be safe and happy.

Su Xiaolu went back to the room, she was really a bit coquettish, she couldn't bear a little fatigue, otherwise with her inner strength, it would be no problem to stay up for three days and three nights.

Su Chong walked up to Su Xiaolu, grabbed her hand, and lost some internal strength to her.

Su Xiaolu smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, brother."

Su Chong pampered Su Xiaolu's hair and said, "Go to sleep."

Su Xiaolu nodded and went back to her room to sleep.

Su Xiaoling asked her to lie on her stomach, gently massaged her, and Su Xiaolu soon fell asleep.

Mrs. Zhao brought hot water, and she said with a gentle smile, "You spoiled her when you were young, but now that you're so big, it's still the same."

Since childhood, Su Xiaoling has loved Su Xiaolu very much. There has never been any disagreement between the sisters. Su Xiaoling has almost become Su Xiaolu's second mother.

Many times, Mrs. Zhao felt that Su Xiaoling spoiled Su Xiaolu too much.

Things like rubbing Su Xiaolu's shoulders and back almost every day.

Su Xiaoling smiled softly and said: "She is my only younger sister, so if you don't spoil her, spoil anyone."

She will never forget her promise to treat Su Xiaolu well all her life.

Mrs. Zhao wrung out the handkerchief, and came over to wipe Su Xiaolu's hands and face, so that she could sleep more comfortably.

Looking at Su Xiaolu's small face, Zhao sighed: "I don't know when I will be as fleshy as before. Although it is better to be thinner, but looking at it, I feel distressed in my heart."

Since last year, the baby fat on Su Xiaolu's body has disappeared, and the little flesh on her stomach has disappeared.

There is no more chubby feeling on the face.

Su Xiaoling smiled slightly and said, "I will make delicious food for Xiao Lu every day."

Mrs. Zhao gently smoothed Su Xiaoling's hair and said: "Xiao Lu is a big girl after all, she has a twitch, and it's normal to lose her childhood luster, so don't work too hard."

Su Xiaoling lowered her head slightly, she nodded in response: "Thank you mother for your concern, I know it well."

Mrs. Zhao took Su Xiaoling's hand and patted it lightly, saying: "Xiaoling, you have been sensible and intelligent since you were a child. For so many years, mother has always wanted to say thank you to you. I am really blessed in my previous life. You are the only children in this life."

Su Xiaoling smiled softly and said, "It is also my blessing to be my mother's daughter."

Mrs. Zhao smiled and said softly: "Okay, it's getting late, you should go to bed early too."

Su Xiaoling nodded.

Mrs. Zhao took the water basin and went out.

Su Xiaoling also closed the door and went to bed and fell asleep. As soon as she fell asleep, Su Xiaolu leaned over like a kitten. Su Xiaoling patted Su Xiaolu's back pamperingly as always, and fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Su Xiaolu was full of energy.

When eating in the morning, Su Sanlang said: "Your mother and I are going to Jinghong Tower in a while, and we probably won't be back at noon."

They are going to go out today, thinking about the children, so tell the children.

Su Xiaolu said: "Father, mother, I'll go with you, anyway, I'm fine at home."

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi were alone, so she was really worried.

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi nodded: "Xiaolu is going, that's fine, let's go together."

Su Xiaolu is clever, and it's good to have her by her side to give advice.

Su Chong and the others are going to prepare for the exam in March. During this time, they have to communicate with talents from all over the capital, and they are also busy.

They don't have time to accompany Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao, and they are relieved to be accompanied by Su Xiaolu.

So after dinner, Su Xiaolu went out with Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao.

Su Xiaoling went out to buy vegetables.

She was familiar with the way, thinking that the dishes in the morning should be fresher, so she also went out after dinner.

Su Xiaolu likes to eat, Su Chong, Suhua, Zhou Heng likes to eat, she was carrying a pannier, and it didn't take long before she was half-filled.

Passing by the medicine hall, Su Xiaoling went in to buy medicinal materials.

All she bought were common qi-invigorating medicinal materials, and she went home after buying them.

On the way home, Su Xiaoling felt that she was being followed.

She frowned, and reached out to touch the hairpin on her head.

This is the hairpin given to her by Guiyou. It has poisonous needles inside. She has carried it with her for so many years, and she feels at ease even if she doesn't need it. Now that she realizes that she is being followed, Su Xiaoling also touches the hairpin.

She quickened her pace, originally thinking of throwing off the follower, but unexpectedly the man chased after him, patted Su Xiaoling on the shoulder and called her to stop.

"Girl, girl, wait."

Su Xiaolu looked at this strange middle-aged man warily.

He looked gentle and didn't look bad, Su Xiaoling suppressed his anxiety and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Miss, please forgive me. The girl looks very much like an old friend of mine. May I ask where the girl is from? Your mother's surname is Yan? Or does the girl know anyone with the surname Yan?"

Sun Yangxin asked urgently, he looked at Su Xiaoling and tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, it was really too similar.

Su Xiaoling looked at Sun Yangxin, and replied politely: "Sir, I must have made a mistake. My ancestral home belongs to Furongzhou. My mother's surname is Zhao. I don't know anyone with the surname Yan."

As Su Xiaoling was speaking, she also saw clearly that after hearing her answer, the man's expression became lonely, and there seemed to be pain between his brows, but this had nothing to do with her. Su Xiaoling left after speaking, and the man did not follow Come, Su Xiaoling breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the person really just admitted the wrong person.

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