Chapter 396

"You said that they have a master of martial arts, Qi Xingfeng, who also ran there in the middle of the night. The second prince's guards guarded the city and the guards just happened to be patrolling by. How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Qi Xinyue's head was dizzy, she didn't want to believe such a result.

That's not a family of ordinary people, how could there be a master of martial arts?

How come Qi Xingfeng happened to run there, and why even the Imperial Army happened to pass by.

She has raised all the killers for so many years, and she paid for all forty of them, but she didn't even see half of the heads of the Su family. This is simply absurd.

Qi Bo knelt on the ground, his old voice trembling: "Madam, you should think of a way, the imperial army has captured a few alive, they don't even have a chance to commit suicide, what should we do about this matter."

Those who have been arrested will confess to them in a short time. What they have done cannot be concealed.

Clan self-mutilation, wicked slaves betrayed their master, and mutilated sisters' leftover pearls. If these crimes are charged, neither he nor Qi Xinyue can escape.

Qi Bo bumped his head on the ground anxiously, and said tremblingly: "Madam, you should find a way quickly, and go and beg the elder and master."

Qi Bo kept hitting the ground and kowtowed, tears pouring down his face, he is a servant of the Qi family, if he betrays the master, the whole family will die, his little great-grandson is only three years old.

Qi Xinyue looked gloomy, and her body trembled. Qi Bo was afraid, but she was not afraid.

When the Dongchuang incident was revealed, her life would come to an end.

The old man of the Qi family was a well-known favored daughter. Once Qi Xinyu died, this love was transferred to Yan Mian. If he knew that Yan Mian's disappearance was caused by her, even if he wanted to kill her, he would feel incomprehensible. .

His children and grandchildren may be affected.

Qi Xinyue swallowed, and all the vigor disappeared from her body. She fell to the ground, as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

She muttered to herself: "Why did it fail? God's will, is God's will really favor her like this?"

Originally, she didn't believe in God's will, but the forty killers failed to kill seven ordinary people, and they caused so much trouble, which made it impossible for her not to believe in God's will.

"I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled, I will go to the master, he will definitely help me, he must have a way."

Qi Xinyue roared angrily, she had been at ease all her life, she never thought that Lin Lao would fall into such a big fall.

God's will, fuck his goddamn God's will, if God's will, how could she have succeeded back then!

There is no God's will. These things are better than man-made, and man is better than nature.

Qi Xinyue stood up holding the table, and then walked outside.

Qi Bo could only watch helplessly, hoping that Qi Xinyue would find a way to settle the matter.

"There must be a way. The old man and his wife have been married for forty years. The old man will definitely find a way to save them."

Qi Bo panicked to himself.

As for Qi Xinyue, after leaving the main courtyard, she went to the side courtyard.

Because of her anger, her majestic appearance was a little messed up, and she looked very hostile.

The servant girl serving my aunt stepped forward to stop her, and said weakly: "Madam, the master and my aunt have already rested, please allow your servant to report."

Before the servant girl could finish speaking, Qi Xinyue raised her hand and slapped her across the face. She sternly said, "Get off, what kind of person are you to stop me?"

The servant girl didn't have time to cover her painful cheeks, so she knelt down and begged for mercy: "I know my mistake, please forgive me, Da Furen."

Qi Xinyue went straight to the back room. She made such a big noise that Yan Qingyun had already been woken up.

The aunt with low eyebrows and obedient eyes didn't say a word, and immediately helped Yan Qingyun get dressed.

When Qi Xinyue rushed in, Auntie knelt down to pay her respects.

Qi Xinyue glared at Auntie resentfully, before she could speak, Yan Qingyun blamed her first, he looked at Qi Xinyue coldly and said: "Look at you, how can you still have the majesty of being a housewife? It’s almost like a lost dog.”

Yan Qingyun's straightforward gouging out made Qi Xinyue's heart cold, she lowered her head, her voice choked up: "Master."

"Go back and talk."

Yan Qingyun knew from Qi Xinyue's expression that she must have screwed up.

Yan Qingyun endured the displeasure in his heart, and did not attack immediately, it was his kindness to Qi Xinyue.

Yan Qingyun strode out, without waiting for Qi Xinyue.

Qi Xinyue gritted her teeth and followed her out.

When he returned to the main courtyard, looking at Qi Bo who was still kneeling on the ground, Yan Qingyun had no good face.

To him, it's all useless.

Qi Xinyue looked at the indifferent Yan Qingyun, she gritted her teeth, knelt down with a plop and said, "Master, we have been married for forty years, please save this concubine for the sake of the child."

Yan Qingyun looked at Qi Xinyue who was kneeling on the ground, she didn't have the majesty of being a housewife, her old face was full of ashes, and she was even more embarrassed than a bereaved dog.

Yan Qingyun remained unmoved, and he said coldly: "I said before that you have to deal with it cleanly. You can't even handle this matter well. What can I do? The winner becomes the king and the loser is the bandit. You It should be very clear that you bribed the bandits to take Yan Mian away and broke my marriage with the Sun family, I will pursue this matter."

"I didn't pursue it at the beginning, what do you think is the reason?"

Yan Qingyun looked at the old wife kneeling in front of him, not moved at all, but brought up the old things indifferently, so as to let Qi Xinyue understand that he didn't pursue the matter back then, and now that it's Qi Xinyue's turn to lose, he won't either shot.

Qi Xinyue heard it, she looked at

Yan Qingyun choked up and said: "Master, but I am Zhiyuan's mother, and Zhenzhen, just for the sake of my children, will the master not save me?"

Yan Qingyun looked at Qi Xinyue coldly, and said ruthlessly: "Who said that Zhiyuan and Zhenzhen will be hurt, what did what you did have anything to do with them? Well, you came up with a vicious idea to bribe the bandits to take Mianmian away, now that you know about Mianmian's return, you are afraid that she will tell you about the vicious things you did to her, and you called a killer to assassinate her but failed."

"From the beginning to the end, this is all about you alone. It has nothing to do with my Yan family or my son and daughter. You are originally from the Qi family clan. If you make mistakes, it is because your Qi family is not strict in discipline."

After Yan Qingyun finished speaking indifferently, he looked at Qi Xinyue's ashamed face.

He sneered and said again: "If you are smart, you can kill yourself with a glass of poisoned wine. In this way, I can still ensure that you are buried intact. For the sake of husband and wife for forty years, this is my last chance for you to be decent. There are still two days left, think about it carefully."

Hearing these words, Qi Xinyue's heart was ashamed, and she could no longer have a glimmer of hope.

Qi Bo listened, kowtowed and begged bitterly: "My lord, you can't give up on the lady, please save the lady."

Qi Bo cried and knelt and crawled to Yan Qingyun's side, tremblingly grabbing Yan Qingyun's robe.

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