Chapter 397 Give up directly 2

Yan Qingyun looked at Qi Bo, with a trace of disgust in his eyes, he kicked Qi Bo away with his foot, and said disgustedly: "You deserve what you have today."

Qi Bo betrayed his master under Qi Xinyue's lure, and even helped Qi Xinyue harm Yan Mian. Now that the assassination failed and the fire burned himself, it would be too late to regret and beg for mercy.

He even gave up on Qi Xinyue, how could he save a slave.

Qi Bo was getting old, and after going through this twists and turns again, he passed out after being kicked away.

Yan Qingyun didn't even look at it.

Qi Xinyue looked at Yan Qingyun in despair, swallowed her throat and said: "Master, I have worked so hard for this family after so many years of love, are you really not going to save me? Could it be that you have no affection for me in the past forty years?" huh?"

How could he give up on her so easily, how could he say something like letting her kill herself so easily, how could... say so easily.

"Madam, I thought you were a wise man."

Yan Qingyun seemed to have heard extremely ridiculous words. He looked at Qi Xinyue, narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Isn't it too late for Madam to propose to me now? If Xinyu hadn't passed away in childbirth, you thought you Can come in my house"

"Mianmian regarded you as her own mother since she was a child. When her mother passed away, she had no memory. How did you treat her? You can't even tolerate a child who was raised by your side and kept calling your mother. You talk to me about your relationship. It's just a matter of interests, and if you have any feelings, you just can't accept your own failure, don't use feelings to cover up your purpose of making me sick."

Where did the relationship between him and her come from? He knew that she had a heart like a snake and a scorpion. Didn't she understand that he was indifferent?

Talking about feelings at this stage is simply the most ridiculous joke in the world.

Qi Xinyue clenched her teeth, desperately restraining her trembling body.

She thought that his concealment after he found out back then was intentional, but she didn't think that some of it was for profit.

Even though she is poisonous, she loves him.

"Okay, you can think about it yourself, there's nothing wrong, don't come to me."

Yan Qingyun didn't want to take another look, so he flicked his sleeves and went out.

If Qi Xinyue didn't succeed, he had to make plans for himself, and he couldn't be dragged down by Qi Xinyue.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Yan Qingyun ordered his servants to come early, and he would go out after eating.

After eating breakfast, Yan Qingyun left the gate and went straight to the General's Mansion.

If Qi Xinyue messed up, he had to come early.

In the general's mansion.

Qi Xingzhi and Qi Xingfeng told their parents all the things.

Father Qi was shocked: "When did this happen? Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Qi's mother asked worriedly: "Then your aunt's family is all right, are the children all right?"

Qi Xingfeng replied: "My aunt's family is fine, fortunately they have practiced martial arts."

Qi's father frowned and said, "You said that the Yan family's attitude was indifferent, and they suspected that the assassination was done by them, and that even your aunt who was pregnant was behind the disappearance. This reminds me of one thing."

"Your second aunt's daughter, Yan Zhenzhen, is two years younger than Mianmian. Once when Mianmian came back, she would come back with her. I remember one time, my elder brother made a wooden pigeon for Mianmian. Not long after that The wooden pigeon was in the hands of Yan Zhenzhen. I asked her if she was stealing something from Mianmian, and she said no, Mianmian didn't like wooden pigeons. She called Mianmian and said in front of everyone that Mianmian was low Start by saying you don't like it."

"None of us took this matter to heart at the time. I also occasionally think about it in the past few years. It feels a bit strange, but it has been too many years, and I have no way to study it. It's just that I just heard you talk about it. Think about it."

Qi's father sighed after finishing speaking. The Qi family has practiced martial arts for generations, and everyone is not twitchy, and no one thinks too much, thinking that if they don't like it, they don't like it.

When he returned home from the injury and was unable to practice martial arts, his heart calmed down, and when he recalled the past, he would feel a little strange, because there was no way to study it, so he had no chance to prove anything. He heard what his two sons said today, and he remembered it all at once. up.

"Actually, Mianmian was lost at the time, and your great-grandfather suspected that someone was plotting, but nothing was found. Later, he had to run an errand, so he didn't investigate any more. The main reason was that your great-uncle would not tolerate it." A child, you just found him now, and then someone went to assassinate him, which is really unreasonable, but father can't figure it out, Yan Mian is also his daughter, why would he want to be cruel."

Qi's father felt that it was too complicated, and with his temperament, it was difficult to figure it out.

After all, no matter what the truth is, it is inseparable from the close relatives. The truth is bloody and painful.

Qi's mother remained silent, because she hadn't married when Yan Mian was lost, so she didn't understand many things.

Qi Xingzhi said: "Father, mother, do you want to tell great-grandfather about this?"

Qi Xingfeng immediately said: "I must tell you, only my grandfather can let Yan Qingyun know how powerful he is!"

But Qi's father shook his head and said: "I can't tell your great-grandfather about this for the time being. He is not in good health. If you worry too much, his health will not be able to hold on. I will bring your aunt back to see him. You also have to ask a doctor to watch over it, in case your great-grandfather faints."

They have a family, and the two generations have not given birth to a daughter.

Old General Qi really loves and cares about the only daughter left behind by his only daughter, and misses her.

After more than twenty years, knowing the good news all of a sudden, getting emotional is also a dangerous thing.

"Father is right. Great-grandfather's body has been worse since he was injured last year. The imperial doctors said that if he hadn't met a miracle doctor to save his life, great-grandfather's old life would have been lost. We really can't tell great-grandfather about this."

Qi Xingzhi frowned and said.

Qi Xingfeng became a little anxious: "Then we must come up with a good way."

Qi Xingfeng is anxious, so he is easy to get emotional. He is not suitable for using his brain, because he can't calm down at all. Hearing the current situation, he is really anxious to death. What should he do?

"Boss, don't worry, you, you are too impetuous, you don't have any scheming, and you will suffer here. How many times, you don't know how long you will remember."

Qi's mother looked at her son very anxiously, fearing that he would be overwhelmed, so she stretched out her hand to comfort Qi Xingfeng's back twice, and said gently.

Qi Xingzhi's eyes lit up, and he said, "I have a way."

"What way, tell me quickly."

Qi Xingfeng couldn't wait to listen quietly, and interrupted anxiously.

Qi Xingzhi smiled and said: "This method has to be done by the eldest brother."

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