Chapter 398

"What is it, don't keep it up, just say it quickly."

Qi Xingfeng was dying of anxiety.

Qi Xingzhi then said slowly: "It's very simple, let's go to Yan's house and tell them that someone wanted to assassinate my aunt last night. For the safety of my aunt, I want him to do a blood test right away."

"What if he doesn't agree? Yesterday he said that this matter is very important and needs to be investigated. If he disagrees, we can still force him to go to you. This is not a good idea at all."

When Qi Xingfeng heard that it was such a method, he immediately felt that it was useless.

Qi Xingzhi smiled and said, "Brother, you are really right."

Qi Xingfeng looked puzzled, he couldn't understand what Qi Xingzhi was saying more and more.

Qi's father and Qi's mother both looked at Qi Xingzhi, and Qi's father thought deeply and said, "Second, do you want your elder brother to force your uncle to do a blood test? Is this rude?"

But Qi's mother smiled and said: "My lord is confused. We are rude and unreasonable military generals. How can we have so many rules and etiquette? Even in the court, the emperor is often angry with you reckless people, let alone other people. "

"Our style of work is notoriously short-tempered, and it is inevitable that we will get angry when we are emotional. What's more, he is still out of filial piety. He is not patient. He lost his temper in order to be filial to his great-grandfather. What's wrong with that? Besides, It’s not about hurting people, it’s just asking him to pass by because he didn’t know how to feel sorry for people and didn’t take good care of them, this little thing is nothing, it’s a big deal, let the child take the blame afterwards.”

After Qi's mother finished speaking, she patted Qi Xingfeng on the shoulder.

Qi Xingfeng showed a smile: "Mother is right, after the big deal, I will go and ask for a crime, and let my uncle beat me twice to calm down."

He has rough skin and thick flesh, so he is not afraid of being hit twice.

"Yes, yes, then do it."

Father Qi also laughed.

"It's not too late, let's go now."

Qi Xingfeng couldn't wait.

The family was about to leave when a servant came from outside to report.

"Master, madam, Mr. Yan wants to see the old general, and he is already waiting in the main hall."

The servants came to report, because General Qi was not in good health, anyone who wanted to visit had to be notified.

Qi's father and Qi's mother looked at each other, and Qi's father muttered depressingly: "What is he doing here at this time?"

"I think it's good that he came, and it saves us from looking for him. He came at the right time, so that he didn't have a chance to speak. Now, let's drag him over for a blood test."

Mother Qi smiled and said.

Qi's father understood and nodded, but it was true that they were going to look for him, but now that he came to their door, it saved them a special trip to Yan's house.

"Brother, it's up to you next time. Make him dumb and don't give him a chance to speak."

Qi Xingzhi coughed lightly and said that Yan Qingyun would not be able to speak after pressing the Ya acupoint, so they have the final say on what to say.

Qi Xingfeng smiled: "No problem, leave it to me."

"Go, let's go then."

Father Qi also smiled.

The family went to the main hall together, and Qi's father immediately went towards Yan Qingyun enthusiastically: "Uncle, what wind brought you here, let my nephew guess."

Qi Xingfeng also ran in in a hurry, shouting loudly: "Grandpa, you are here, great, great, have you checked it out?"

Qi Xingfeng was very emotional, so he gave Yan Qingyun a bear hug, and tapped Yan Qingyun's Ya acupoint.

Qi's father also said with a smile: "Uncle, you must have made up your mind when you come today. You should go and do a blood test. After all, your father and daughter haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, so you must do a blood test." It’s just a kiss, it happens that we have to go there too, it’s better to hit the sun than to choose a date, so let’s go there now.”

"It just so happens that we just found out about it, so it's not too late, we'll go there with you right away."

Qi's mother also said with a smile that her men and children are straightforward and simple-minded, and it is rare for them to be so black-bellied.

"Then what are you waiting for, uncle, let's go."

Qi Xingfeng smiled, took Yan Qingyun's arm, and dragged him away without any explanation.

Qi's father tacitly took Yan Qingyun's other arm from the other side, and the father and son drove Yan Qingyun away.

Mother Qi and Qi Xingzhi took a step behind, and they both smiled quietly.

Yan Qingyun only felt that the upper and lower teeth seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and he couldn't even open his mouth, and he couldn't speak. He was not a fool, so he didn't understand that he had followed their way.

But the Qi family members were very smiling and enthusiastic, and he didn't have a chance to speak. He let the Qi family say everything, and he was almost dragged by the driver even when he walked, so he had no right.

His face turned red, and he wanted to speak anxiously.

But the Qi family was as blind as Qi Qi, they couldn't see his flushed face, and talked to him excitedly.

Yan Qingyun was annoyed and couldn't break out, he was really pissed off, he deeply suspected that the Qi family was plotting all this just now, and he came to the door because he cast himself into a trap to satisfy their wishes.

Qi Xingfeng was just like those hundreds of ducks, croaking non-stop.

Father Qi even talked about things.

Obviously the whole family was talking to him, but no one cared whether he could answer or not.

Yan Qingyun was so aggrieved that he couldn't speak, and swallowed Coptis chinensis dumb.

There is nothing in this world better than

This is even more uncomfortable.

The carriage rushed towards the Su family.

As soon as he arrived, Qi Xingzhi got out of the carriage and knocked on the door.

As soon as Su Xiaolu opened the door, Qi Xingzhi lowered his voice and said to Su Xiaolu: "Xiaolu, it's urgent, I don't have time to explain it to you, let my aunt prepare it, and do a blood test right away."

"My elder brother ordered my uncle's Ya acupoint, and we didn't give him a chance to talk. For the rest, after the blood test, I will definitely explain it to you in person."

Qi Xingzhi said in a hurry.

Su Xiaolu looked at a few people getting off from the carriage outside, she looked at Qi Xingzhi and nodded: "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

According to medical records, there is indeed a saying of blood test.

But it's not just a blood test, but also through appearance and bone phase.

And people of blood can indeed blend with blood and water.

Su Xiaolu went to the kitchen and briefly talked to Mrs. Zhao.

Zhao frowned, and finally nodded.

Su Xiaolu took two bowls and filled them with water.

Su Chong Suhua moved the table to the yard.

As soon as the Qi family came in, Qi Xingfeng pulled Yan Qingyun's hand with a smile and said, "Uncle, let me help you with this little matter."

Su Xiaolu handed over a needle.

As soon as Yan Qingyun entered the room, his eyes fell on Mrs. Zhao, and he smiled slightly with the corners of his mouth pulled to show his peace. Qi Xingfeng pricked his thumb, causing him to gasp in pain.

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