Chapter 412 Cutting off the leading edge 2

Yan Qingyun said hurriedly, "please come in quickly."

Yan Qingyun was about to walk out, but he suddenly stopped, turned his head and said coldly to Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen: "The matter of arranging your mother will be discussed later, if you dare to act recklessly, don't blame me for not recognizing you This son and daughter."

After finishing speaking, Yan Qingyun walked out quickly.

The one-eyed man, the woman surnamed Zhao is Su Sanlang and Zhao.

Yan Qingyun came outside the gate of the mansion, saw Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang, and hurried forward: "Mianmian, Sanlang, you are here."

"Master Yan, this time..."

Mrs. Zhao looked at Yan Qingyun, and before she could finish speaking, Yan Qingyun interrupted her.

"Go in and say this is your home."

Yan Qingyun looked at Mrs. Zhao kindly and said, in his eyes was the expectant look of an old father.

Mrs. Zhao nodded.

Yan Qingyun smiled: "Your yard has been repaired, and you can come back with your children anytime you want."

Yan Qingyun knew that Mrs. Zhao would not come back to live. He could see clearly that what he could do was to try his best to make friends.

Mrs. Zhao nodded.

In the entire Yan Mansion, there was only one yard with white sails hanging.

When he came to the main courtyard, Yan Qingyun winked at Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen, and then he said to Mrs. Zhao: "This is Zhiyuan and Zhenzhen, your brother and sister."

Mrs. Zhao looked at Yan Zhenzhen and Yan Zhiyuan, and she nodded slightly as a greeting.

She only felt that this Nuoda's Yan Mansion was very strange, without any sense of familiarity.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Yan Qingyun and said, "Master Yan, I am here this time to tell you about my affairs."

Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen immediately became nervous.

Yan Qingyun looked at Zhao's gentle nod and said, "Say it."

Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Sanlang, and then looked at Yan Qingyun and said seriously: "Master Yan, the purpose of my visit this time is to make it clear, to end and let go of the past, you all say that I am Yan Mian, I am But I don’t remember it, but that day we recognized our relatives with a drop of blood, and the fusion of blood and water between you and me proved our father-daughter relationship, so I am your daughter Yan Mian.”

"During this period of time, I was also very painful because of it, but after I figured it out, I decided to let go of the past. The former Yan Mian, let her die at the age of seventeen. From now on, I will only be Zhao Shi. I hope that this matter will pass away, and now that she has passed away, and the debt has been wiped out, I don't want to pursue it anymore."

"My life is very good now, I don't want it to change in any way, so I hope that my life will remain the same, and I also have things to do. If you are happy, I will come to visit every year during the holidays. This is what I am today what you want to say."

After Mrs. Zhao finished speaking seriously, she and Su Sanlang knelt down and kowtowed to Yan Qingyun three times.

Yan Qingyun hurriedly stepped forward to help them up, he sighed softly and said: "It's because I didn't do well enough for my father. This is what you want. How can I not agree with my father? When I have time in the future, I will often bring the children back to see me." Bar."

Zhao's eyes were red, she nodded: "Okay."

Yan Qingyun patted Su Sanlang on the shoulder and said: "Sanlang, treat my daughter well, and I solemnly hand her over to you now. I didn't know it before, but in the future, if you treat her badly, I won't let her go." over you."

Su Sanlang nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I will definitely treat her well."

Yan Qingyun smiled gently and nodded.

"Mian'er, thank you for my father on behalf of Mrs. Qi, she did such a vicious thing to you, you can let her go and keep her face, thank you for my father."

Yan Qingyun looked at Mrs. Zhao and said gratefully.

Yan Qingyun looked at Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen again and said, "Zhiyuan, Zhenzhen, you should also thank your eldest sister."

Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen pursed their lips, and bowed their heads towards Mrs. Zhao to express their gratitude: "Thank you for your generosity."

"Then let's go back first. Saburo and I have to go to Qi's house, so it's inconvenient to stay longer."

All that should be said has been said, and Mrs. Zhao didn't think about staying any longer.

After speaking, Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang were ready to leave.

Yan Qingyun glared at Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen, and hurriedly sent Zhao Shi and Su Sanlang out.

His eyes were red, and when he arrived at the gate of the mansion, he choked up slightly and said, "Mian'er, come back often."

Mrs. Zhao nodded, feeling sore in her heart, she would come back to have a look at the holidays in the future, and treat it as a family relationship.

Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen didn't care about her being alienated from her, they had their lives, and she had hers.

After Yan Qingyun passed away, she would not come back.

Su Sanlang held Zhao Shi's hand tightly and said softly, "Mother, I will always be by your side."

Mrs. Zhao nodded: "Let's go to Qi's house."

The Qi family, thinking of Qi Xingfeng and Qi Xingzhi, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao's mouth.

From the bottom of my heart, the Qi family feels a little more friendly to her.

Su Sanlang smiled slightly, and the two headed towards Qi's house.

Yan Qingyun turned back to the main courtyard, his expression returned to indifference.

After entering the door, he said to Yan Zhiyuan: "Your mother can be buried now. She is a sinner, so she can only be sent away in private."

Yan Zhiyuan laughed coldly: "My son knows."

Yan Qingyun frowned. Looking at Yan Zhiyuan's indifferent expression, he understood that there was a rift between father and son.

Yan Zhenzhen also looked at Yan Qingyun disappointedly and said: "Dad

, Mother didn't have to die originally. "

Yan Qingyun's eyebrows were gloomy, he was angry, and roared through gritted teeth: "Is it my fault?"

"Didn't I give her a chance? Didn't I let her find out? Her dead end was originally made by herself, and I didn't push her to die. Now you hate me and blame me! It's so ridiculous, get out, get out of me Never want to see you again."

Yan Qingyun was furious. Such a son and daughter really pissed him off.

Yan Qingyun yelled angrily, Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen didn't say anything, they got up and retreated silently.

The two siblings really hated Yan Qingyun's indifference and ruthlessness. In their opinion, his mother was not sensible enough, so why couldn't father help her?

Maybe with his help, everything would be different.

Now my mother committed suicide by leaving a confession, and she can't even handle the funeral properly, so she can only be buried in private. How decent is that?

After leaving the main courtyard, Yan Zhenzhen said to Yan Zhiyuan: "Brother, my mother is so aggrieved, if you have a way, you must vent your anger on my mother's behalf, and if I have the opportunity, I will also vent my anger on my mother's behalf. "

Yan Zhiyuan nodded solemnly: "Well, I will write it down."

He will not act recklessly, he will lie dormant and wait for the opportunity, and one day, he will utter such a bad breath.

Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang found the General's Mansion, and after only explaining their purpose, the young general smiled and said, "Please, my general said, you don't need to report when you come back, just go in, the mansion is waiting for you at any time."

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